Fallen Guardian

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Everything posted by Fallen Guardian

  1. Well the ithorians could have new dialogue written, since they don't use human VO's. Although, Czerka seems to be suck with that.
  2. Well that makes sense but when you go back with the droid Chodo is perfectly fine with seeing you, as if he's already talked to you. Wouldn't Chodo be suspicious?
  3. So I was running through TSL again and I was wondering what would happen if I were to start off helping Czerka, agree to give them the intelligence droid, but then give it to the ithorians. That worked fine, up until I got to the docking bay. I used the credentials Lorso gave me to get in, rather than lying, and then went into the bay. Funny thing was, everyone expected me to be there. The scene played out as if I had already talked to Chodo and agreed to help him although I never had. Perhaps in TSLRCM 1.8 it could be changed so the ithorians wonder why you are there, rather than just act as if you'd been working with them all along.
  4. Bioware and others continue to disappoint me with the way they keep on canonizing things that would be best left untouched. It should be an option during install SH, but otherwise, leave it at that. Don't force people to go by a name.
  5. Not to say that I never get a break from school, but things have definitely escalated from last year to this one. Between School, family, sports, video games, and modding projects of my own, things have gotten a bit hectic. And as to my account being deleted I think it was some server malfunction.