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Everything posted by Sithspecter

  1. KotOR is fun while flying too!

  2. KotOR is fun while flying too!

  3. KotOR modding is like a constant uphill battle.

    1. VarsityPuppet


      I love it when things that worked before completely stop working.

  4. Yes. I've compiled an entire reskinned area in one .mod file. Nothing in override.
  5. The real take-away from this is what Fair Strides said. Multiple custom modules. A reskinned area can have dozens, if not hundreds, of files that normally go in the override folder. Any .vis, .lyt, .tga, .mdl, .mdx, .wok or .txi files used for the area model can be included. If you've got a mod like Brotherhood of Shadow installed with numerous custom modules, there are potentially thousands of files in the override folder that could be simplified by including them in the .mod file. Trying to dig through that override is a nightmare. This is really just me trying to encourage people to start putting their module assets in the individual .mod files as opposed to duming the whole lot in the override folder, where it creates clutter.
  6. Probably not, though I haven't tested it out.
  7. What other assets would you do that with? To me it seems like this would be best suited for mods with new modules. Maybe you could do an ERF and that would be different.
  8. Mostly just assets for creating new areas. Not like putting every single mod in a .mod file.
  9. I suppose that conflicting files would work alright to some extent, but I haven't tested that out much. 2DA files and the like would still need to go in the override folder.
  10. I recently discovered that when creating a new area or reskinning an old one, you can put all the model, texture, lightmap, vis, and lyt files in the .mod file. It will still run fine in the game with no negative effects. What this does is make mods far easier to install and more importantly, uninstall. No more cluttered override with dozens of models and hundreds of lightmaps for each module. Just a simple, packed file.
  11. The Holo-Roster is unspeakably awesome.
  12. I thought this series was excellent! I watched the whole thing. I hope that you will do more videos over KotOR and its mods.
  13. I'm extending this contest until the last day of summer, which is September 21st. This will be a solid deadline.
  14. Good textures save poor models better than good models save poor textures.

    1. Malkior


      So true.. If you can see the geometry of your model, then you should texture it better IMHO..

  15. In my experience, you usually get the XP, it just doesn't give you a message that you did. Mouse over your character icon while you disarm the mine, and check to see the if the XP changes when you're done. If you've already done that, I'm not sure what's going on.
  16. That's true. For some reason I didn't quite make the connection that it was Atton we were talking about. My previous suggestion would work for just a random NPC.
  17. That would definitely be possible. There are several ways that you could go about it. The easiest that I can think of is creating a new appearance and then adding "darkside transitions" which are simply the beard growth. Then at the plot points that you mentioned, inject a script that adds darkside points to that character.
  18. Very nice LDR! And excellent observation FS.
  19. Well let's see some screenshots! I think some extra credit should be extended to you for finishing by the stated deadline.
  20. There is cool stuff going on in this thread.