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File Comments posted by WildKarrde

  1. 2 hours ago, navigatorv said:

    When I go to extract the file it gives me a warning that says "There are (sic) some data after the end of the payload data" and it's the only mod that's given me that warning so I'm not sure what's going on.

    Very strange, I can confirm that I get the same warning when I extract it with 7-zip.  I don't think it's a serious issue because I was able to extract it with Windows' built-in zip extractor without errors, but just to be safe I've repackaged and re-uploaded it.  Let me know if you still run into issues.

  2. 9 hours ago, StellarExile said:

    Ever think about doing the corpses too?

    You mean the placeable corpses lying around Peragus?  "Peragus Tweak" by VarsityPuppet might do what you're looking for: 


  3. 39 minutes ago, DarthParametric said:

    Are the TSL bodies static or are the poses animated?

    My new bodies use animations for each pose, stored in a single supermodel (mostly so that I didn’t have to manually copy them to each different body model).

    40 minutes ago, DarthParametric said:

    I should probably remap the underwear bodies to remove the mirrored UVs. Looks a bit nasty.

    The mirrored UVs don’t bother me too much (I actually didn’t notice until you pointed it out), but you definitely have a point.  Feel free if you would like to have a go at it.

  4. 10 hours ago, DarthParametric said:

    They are a bit of a mess, but here you go:

    Thank you very much, that made it very easy.  Your scorched textures look very appropriate, I have updated the mod with an option to use them.  Thanks for the recommendation.




  5. 8 hours ago, DarthParametric said:

    You might want to consider adding my "crispy" variant underwear textures (or just the entire models) that I originally made for my Jedi Captives on the Star Forge mod and recently added to my Wounded Soldiers on Taris mod.

    Thanks for the offer, that would certainly suit injuries the miners are supposed to have.  I don't suppose I could get a copy of whatever overlay you used to create the head textures?  My miners' heads are based on pmhc02, pmhc03, pmhc04, and pfha02 from K1, which I don't believe overlap with your the heads in your mods.  Although, maybe I could work something up based on their original dark side textures in a pinch


    8 hours ago, DarthParametric said:

    I also added some new bubble VFX to my room model tanks. You might want to consider stealing those too. Those were just modified VFX from the underwater suit.

    I had actually forgotten until you mentioned that that I already adjusted the emitters to be more similar to the diving suits after I saw the thread where you and Dark Hope were discussing that.  I have updated my mod description to note that.

  6. 2 hours ago, Mearn-Tahl said:

    However, I do have one question. Is this compatible with Restored Content for K1CP?

    I haven't tested it, but I'm not seeing any files that would conflict, so I think they should be fine together.

  7. 9 hours ago, DarthParametric said:

    Fancy. One day I plan to rebake the lightmaps for some of those modules that will necessitate overwriting the same room models (all new LM UVs). We'll have to do a merge patch collaboration if I ever manage to release something.

    Looking forward to that when you release it.  Yes, we’ll definitely have to coordinate on a patch when that happens.

    9 hours ago, DarthParametric said:

    On that Manaan hangar edit, did K1CP not edit/replace that lightblocker mesh? I know I fiddled with it at some point, but that might have only been for my take-off/landing video experiments.

    I don’t think so, it doesn’t look like the Github version of K1CP currently touches m26ad_01a.mdl/mdx.  If you don’t already have a fix for that in progress, you are welcome to borrow the geometry from my version if you want.

  8. 15 hours ago, DarthParametric said:

    You can likely remedy this by breaking the glass mesh out to its own unique texture and adding a blending additive semantic to the TXI data (keeping the mesh alpha). I recall having some similar issues with the wounded soldiers in the kolto tanks on Taris.

    Thanks for the tip.  Unfortunately, that reverses the problem and makes it so that the glass isn't drawn over the Star Map.

    With "blending additive":



    Without "blending additive" (published version):



    I also tried changing the alpha blending in the TPC, with no success.  In my opinion, the disappearing Star Map is less obvious than the disappearing glass, so I'll keep it as-is for now.  Interestingly, the Star Map is the only placeable on the sea floor that this happens to, and I think it's also the only one that uses mesh alpha.  My guess is that the game always renders a character model with mesh alpha before a placeable with mesh alpha.

    8 hours ago, N-DReW25 said:

    1) What happens if I chose that player head? Will it swap to another player head or will we have clones? Is it possible for players/modders to swap out that head for a generic commoner head or would that require some extra backbone to implement (From the perspective of someone who doesn't do custom model mods)?

    If you're using that player head, the merc will instead have the "mullet man" head.  I didn't convert any of the commoner heads to work with the suit, so to use one of them, you would need to process it with the included instructions for adding heads.  Changing to a different player head would be much easier, since you would only need to change the normalhead/backuphead entries for "WK_WaterSuit_NPC_M" in appearance.2da.

    8 hours ago, N-DReW25 said:

    And 2) What happens when the Scubba Merc NPC gets eaten by the Firaxa? Is there a sort of panicked reaction or is there just a blank reaction as the camera zooms in on his face like this:

    I didn't add anything special for his facial expression, but (a) the zoom-in is pretty fast and (b) the bottom of the helmet covers up his mouth, so his lack of reaction isn't very noticeable in-game.

    3 hours ago, Nehua said:

    Any chance for an installation option for scuba suits only? To me, space suit visors still make sense to me to be kept as reflective in order to protect from dangerous space rays. Whereas for scuba suits I imagine you'd want to maximize how much light can go in or out due to the limited light conditions so transparent would be the way to go.

    Sure, that logic makes sense to me.  I have updated the mod with an installation option for just the diving suits.

    • Like 1

  9. 6 hours ago, N-DReW25 said:

    I was just about to mention how I requested this years ago, and then I read the mod page and see the link to my old thread.


    Here is my live reaction to seeing my old idea brought to life!

    Glad to be of service, I hope you like what I’ve come up with!  I came across your request thread and thought, “I could do something with this…”  Maybe a few years late to the party, but I made it in the end.

  10. While you're at it, I also noticed that in the cutscene after the party is freed (lev40_bast400.dlg), if you select the dialog option "Careful, Carth, there's more at stake here than personal revenge," Bastila says her next line ("That's true, Carth....") facing the player rather than Carth.  I believe it's a vanilla issue, but perhaps that could also be fixed in your next update.

  11. Yavin Station Hangar

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    18 hours ago, DarthParametric said:

    The selection icon to open the door before the hangar (accessing the transition trigger in the vanilla module) floats out in the middle of the corridor due to the walkmesh restricting access to it if you move it across the panel cluster on the wall.

    Do you mean this selection icon?



    I sort of deal with it indirectly:  The selection point is now attached to the panel on the other side of the door, since that's the side you now approach from when it's still closed.




  12. Yavin Station Hangar

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    Thank you for catching that, I forgot to include the UTS in the installation package.  I have updated it to fix the sound and also uploaded a separate hotfix for anyone who has previously installed it.  Note that the hotfix needs a save from before visiting the station to fully take effect.

  13. Very cool, I'm looking forward to trying this out!  Any chance of perhaps adding an option to have everyone wear their default basic clothes throughout the interrogation/escape sequences?  Confiscating everyone's weapons and armor makes sense, but it always seemed odd to me that the Sith would leave everyone to shiver in their underwear.

  14. Yavin Station Hangar

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    Thanks for the suggestion, DarthParametric.  I'll take a look at adding an option for a visible forcefield.

    Edit:  I have now added the option in version 1.1.  Thanks for the suggestion and example!

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