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Files posted by JumpStationZ

  1. Redhawke's Bastila Clothes for PC

    Author : RedHawke 10/08/04 Version 1.0
    This is a really simple mod adjustment to make the Female PC's able to wear Bastila's style of clothing, there is one default texture for each class, though all three textures are available to the 3 classes. The default Soldier gets the unused (Darker Brown Cloth) Bastila Texture, the default Scout gets the standard (Tan Cloth) Bastila Texture, and the default Scoundrel gets a New (Red Cloth) Bastila Texture.
    This mod is also fully compatable with all of My Mods. And this mod should be compatable with just about everyone else's mods as well, except those that alter the Female PC's clothing or clothing models.
    And you don't have to edit any appearance.2da files for it to work too!
    A .kmm file is included to use with Cchargin's KMM or KOTOR Mod Manager program.
    I hope you all enjoy the Mod!
    This Mod Does:
    Changes the Female Soldiers Default Clothing to the unused (Darker Brown Cloth) Bastila Clothing. Clothes variant 2 is the New (Red Cloth) Bastila Clothing, Clothes variant 3 is the standard (Tan Cloth) Bastila Clothing.
    Changes the Female Scouts Default Clothing to the standard (Tan Cloth) Bastila Clothing. Clothes variant 2 is the unused (Darker Brown Cloth) Bastila Clothing, Clothes variant 3 is the New (Red Cloth) Bastila Clothing.
    Changes the Female Scoundrels Default Clothing to a New (Red Cloth) Bastila Clothing. Clothes variant 2 is the standard (Tan Cloth) Bastila Clothing, Clothes variant 3 is the unused (Darker Brown Cloth) Bastila Clothing.
    The 3 clothes variants as well as some New Upgradeable Armored Clothing also in the 3 Clothes Color variants can be found in the Taris Apartment Footlocker after you use the Workbench the First time. So you can use whichever texture on whichever Female PC you want.
    I also added in a Clothing and Armored Clothing using variant 4 and variant 5 in case you want to do add svösh's good/evil Bastila's Clothing to your PC, if you don't they should appear as the default Bastila clothes texture according to your class if you wear them as listed above.
    Installation Instructions:
    Just extract these files to your KOTOR override, or activate it with KMM. 
    No appearance.2da editing necissary so no 2da file conflicts.
    Uninstallation Instructions:
    Simply delete these files from your override directory, or Deactivate it with KMM.
    Adding in svösh's Good/Evil Bastila Clothes:
    If you know a little about modding KOTOR, copying files, and using KT to edit appearance.2da you could now use svösh's awesome Good/Evil Bastila Clothes on your Female PC. 
    1) First step is by copying the 2 good/evil textures svösh made P_BastilaBB02.tga and P_BastilaBB03.tga, 3 times each. 
    2) Second step, is renaming the three copies of the Good Bastila texture P_BastilaBB02.tga to PFBBL04.tga and PFBBM04.tga and PFBBS04.tga, this has now added the Good Bastila texture in as the fourth clothing variant, 
    3) Third step, is then to rename the three copies of the Evil Bastila texture P_BastilaBB03.tga to PFBBL05.tga and PFBBM05.tga and PFBBS05.tga, this has now added the Evil Bastila texture in as the fifth clothing variant. 
    4) Fourth step, you will have to edit appearance.2da or else the metallic parts won't shine and will be see through, open up your override's appearance.2da and change all of the female PC lines 91-135, you want to change only the envmap cell to "CM_Baremetal", without quotes in all of the Female PC lines 91-135. Click on a line you didn't edit, and save the appearance.2da to your override.
    5) Fifth step, is to copy the 6 .tga files to your KOTOR override.
    6) Sixth step, is to go back into the game, and put on the Armored Clothes IV or Armored Clothes V and svösh's Good/Evil Bastila's Clothes chould be yours to wear. ;^) You could also put on the clothing variant 4 and clothing variant 5 you get in the Taris Footlocker as well, that's why I included them.
    New Item Cheat Codes:
    g3_a_clothes01 - Armored Clothing I (Uses Default Texture)
    g3_a_clothes02 - Armored Clothing II (Uses Second Texture)
    g3_a_clothes03 - Armored Clothing III (Uses Third Texture)
    g3_a_clothes04 - Armored Clothing IV (Uses Fourth Texture, If Present)
    g3_a_clothes05 - Armored Clothing V (Uses Fifth Texture, If Present)
    A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.
    And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program!
    Also a very appreciative nod to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.
    And have fun with the new Female Bastila style PC clothing! ;^)


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  2. Redhawke's Workbench on Star Forge

    Author : RedHawke 08/25/04 V1.1
    This simple mod spawns a Workbench, on the star forge in the area where you have to fight the Droids just before you go to face Darth Malak.
    I hated that there was no place on the Star Forge to use some last minute crystals and stuff for the fight with Malak, so I fixed it.
    This mod is also fully compatable with all of My Mods and just about everyone else's mods as well.
    I hope you all enjoy the Mod!
    Installation Instructions:
    Just extract everything to your KOTOR override and start a new game, or you can add it in before going in to the Star Forge. 
    If you have my Elder Rodian Merchant mod installed it will ask you to overwrite 2 of the files from that one this is OK as they are the same 2 Workbench files from that mod.
    Or a .kmm file is included to use with Cchargin's KMM or KOTOR Mod Manager program.
    Uninstallation Instructions:
    Simply delete all these files from your override directory, or Deactivate it with KMM.
    This Mod Does:
    Adds a new spawning Workbench for your use in the Star Forge just before the final confrentation with Darth Malak! It spawns right by the door where you meet malak and he kills the 2 Jedi, after you defeat the droids you can then go over and upgrade away!
    A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.  
    And A Big...Big Thanks to TK102 for without his many utilities this mod would have not been possible!
    And Another Big...Big Thanks to Darth333 for her help, without which this mod would have not been possible!
    And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program!
    Also Thanks to Ferrek for finding a bug in version 1.0!
    Also a very appreciative nod to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.


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  3. Redhawke's Rodian Elder Merchant

    Author : RedHawke 08/23/04 V1.0
    This simple mod spawns a freindly stranded Rodian Merchant, as well as a Workbench, on entry to the Elder encampment on the Unknown world, you will find him on the other side by all the Metalboxes and Plastic Cylenders.
    I hated that there was no place on the unknown world to sell the items you could not use and also have some killer items to buy, so here he is.
    This mod is also fully compatable with all of My Mods and just about everyone else's mods as well.
    I hope you all enjoy the Mod!
    Installation Instructions:
    Just extract everything to your KOTOR override and start a new game, or you can add it in before going in to the Elder Encampment Area on the unknown world (Where you talk to the Elders for the first time).
    Or a .kmm file is included to use with Cchargin's KMM or KOTOR Mod Manager program.
    Uninstallation Instructions:
    Simply delete all these files from your override directory, or Deactivate it with KMM.
    This Mod Does:
    Adds a new spawning NPC and a Workbench for your use in the Elder encampment upon first entry, Gviian Sluupor an Elder Rodian Merchant is near all the Metalboxes and Plastic Cylenders, Talk with Him and see!
    A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.  
    And A Big...Big Thanks to TK102 for without his many utilities this mod would have not been possible!
    And Another Big...Big Thanks to Darth333 for her help, without which this mod would have not been possible!
    And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program!
    Also a very appreciative nod to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.
    And lastly, Enjoy!


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  4. Redhawke's Canderous Dark Jedi Mod

    Author : RedHawke 12/20/05 v1.1 (10/01/04 V1.0)
    New In V1.1: Made the mod able to use the TSL Patcher Program, yes it does work on KotOR I, for complete compatability.
    This mod allows Canderous Ordo to become a Dark Jedi Guardian, through an old Mandalorian freind Kyron Ordo, he trains him on Dantooine. 
    This mod gives Canderous Ordo a Jedi class, as well as giving you some special Jedi Robes for him, and His Red Lightsaber(s). I didn't let people choose his Jedi class, like in my other 2 Make Jedi Mods because Canderous is a warrior, and as such, the only Jedi class that suits him is the Guardian.
    It is STRONGLY SUGGESTED to have my Revan The White/Star Forge Booster Pack installed as well as the Crimson Sith Templar Item Pack to make full use of this mod, and its textures. (See the screenshots)
    I hope you all enjoy the Mod!
    This Mod Does:
    Adds a new spawning NPC on Dantooine near where you see the Mandalorian shoot the Farmer (Where he says "Hmm... Wife and Children... sounds like a good idea." and then the Mandalorian and Duros attack you.), Kyron Ordo a Sith trained Mandalorian Dark Jedi will appear near a tree somewhere near, look around and Talk with Him and see! (If you don't have Canderous with you he won't have much to say, until you add Canderous in!)
    Follow the Dialogue and you can get a Dark Jedi Guardian Canderous. You get another Jedi in your party and you don't have to edit a thing.
    Warning: Like my Make Mission a Jedi Mod, and my Make Carth a Jedi Mod the dialogue will not allow you an exit once you talk to the NPC Canderous is going to become a Dark Jedi. Also be sure to have a level up saved for Canderous before talking to Kyron Ordo as the game can have problems with clicking on the Force Powers tab while running around a 0 level Jedi, wait until Canderous levels up then talk to Kyron.
    Adds a new item to the game... Fallen One's Robes... they have custom textures, they make Canderous look like one of the Sith Masters, and are given to Canderous by Kyron.
    Robe Giveitem Cheat Code: rh_darkonesrobe - Fallen One's Robes (Makes Canderous Appear as a Armored Sith Master)
    Canderous' Appearance: 
    Alters Canderous when wearing Robes in the Star Forge Robe Class to appear as a Sith Master/Darth Bandon does, if he wears Darth Revan's Robes his armor will appear as Darth Bandons, if he wears the Star Forge Robe, he will appear with a custom LS Armored Robe texture, if he wears my Revan The White Robe he will have a custom white armored robe texture, and if he wears my Crimson Sith Templar Robes he will appear with a custom crimson armored robe texture, and when he wears the Fallen One's Robes he will appear as the armored Sith Master does.
    Installation Instructions:
    Extract the contents of the zip to a temporary folder, run the Patcher EXE follow the instructions, and you should be good to go.
    NOTE: If you have the previous version installed and working you will not need to install this version, this is only updating the mod to use the Patcher Program for compatability.
    Though there is an incompatability with JediGabe's Dark Jedi Canderous mod simply because my mod will give Canderous a Jedi Guardian multi-class, I don't know what would happen if Canderous were allready a Jedi if you were using JediGabe's mod as well, it could crash your game.
    Appearance.2da Editing Instructions For Carth:
    If you have my Jedi Carth Mod and also want Carth to have this Armored Sith Master Robe ability...
    Open up your KOTOR override's appearance.2da with Fred Tetra's KOTOR Tool. When the KT Program starts it is in the Tools menu, open 2da file editor. Navigate to your KOTOR Override and open up the appearance.2da.
    Line 6 is Carth's line change the modelj and texj fields to "N_DarthCand", without quotes, and then scroll over to the envmap cell and change it from DEFAULT to "CM_Baremetal", without quotes, click on another cell, then save it to your KOTOR override and you are done.
    Uninstallation Instructions:
    Simply delete all these files from your override directory, or Deactivate it with KMM. 
    A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.  
    And A Big...Big Thanks to TK102 for without his many utilities this mod would have not been possible!
    And Another Big...Big Thanks to Darth333 for her help, without which this mod would have not been possible!
    And a big thanks to JediGabe who's original Dark Jedi Canderous Mod inspired the look of this one.
    And to stoffe-mkb- for the Patcher program...
    And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program!
    Also a very appreciative nod to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.
    Any questions and comments can be directed to this board, in the 'Make Canderous A Jedi Mod Released' thread, here;
    And lastly, Enjoy!


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  5. Redhawke's Make Carth Jedi

    Author : RedHawke 09/17/04 V1.0
    This mod allows Carth Onasi to become a Jedi, through an old Quarren Jedi freind Vor Zarann, he trains him on Dantooine.
    This mod allows the player to pick which Jedi class they wish Carth Onasi to have, as well as giving you some special Jedi Robes, that are upgradeable, for him and His Lightsaber(s). 
    This mod is also fully compatable with all of My Mods and just about everyone else's mods as well.
    I hope you all enjoy the Mod!
    Installation Instructions:
    Just extract everything to your KOTOR override and start a new game, or you can add it in before going in to the Dantooine Courtyard Area (Where you talk to Nemo).
    Or a .kmm file is included to use with Cchargin's KMM or KOTOR Mod Manager program.
    Uninstallation Instructions:
    Simply delete all these files from your override directory, or Deactivate it with KMM.
    This Mod Does:
    Adds a new spawning NPC on Dantooine when you first talk to Gar and his wife Rilka (Where he says "Greetings Freind!"), Vor Zarann a Quarren Jedi will appear near the wandering Duros named Kni, Talk with Him and see! (If you don't have Carth with you he won't have much to say, until you add Carth in!)
    Follow the Dialogue and you can get Carth Onasi a Jedi Class of your choice. You get another Jedi in your party and you don't have to edit a thing.
    Warning: Like my Make Mission a Jedi Mod, there is no Dialogue Exit so once you talk to Vor Zarann, Carth is going to become a Jedi. Also be sure to have a level up saved for Carth before talking to Vor Zarann as the game can have problems with clicking on the Force Powers tab while running around a 0 level Jedi, wait until Carth levels up then talk to Vor Zarann.
    Adds a new item to the game... Sin-Jinn Onasi's Robes... they are upgradeable, have custom textures, and are given to Carth by Vor Zarann.
    Robe Giveitem Cheat Code: rh_carth_robe - Sin-Jinn Onasi's Robes (Upgradeable, Custom Texture)
    A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.  
    And A Big...Big Thanks to TK102 for without his many utilities this mod would have not been possible!
    And Another Big...Big Thanks to Darth333 for her help, without which this mod would have not been possible!
    And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program!
    Also a very appreciative nod to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.
    And lastly, Enjoy!


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  6. Redhawke's Mission Clothes Mod

    Author : RedHawke 08/31/04 Version 1.0
    This is a reskin to alter the standard clothes of everyones favorite Twilek Street urchin, Mission Vao, I hope you enjoy the new Mission clothes.
    This mod is also fully compatable with all of My Mods, except the Caucasian Mission Mod, and that has a like clothes texture to this mods in that one. And this mod should be compatable with just about everyone else's mods as well.
    A .kmm file is included to use with Cchargin's KMM or KOTOR Mod Manager program.
    I hope you all enjoy the Mod!
    Installation Instructions:
    Just extract the one .tga to your KOTOR override, or activate it with KMM.
    Uninstallation Instructions:
    Simply delete all this .tga files from your override directory, or Deactivate it with KMM.
    This Mod Does:
    Changes Mission Vao's Clothes, Her Clothes also have a little additional bare midriff section so she has a little Britney Spears thing going on, and she has benn give some cut-off "Daisy Duke" style shorts.
    The standard black/gray clothing was so plain, I thought this looked better.
    A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.
    And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program!
    Also a very appreciative nod to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.
    And have fun with the new Mission clothes! ;^)


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  7. Redhawke's Mission Jedi Booster Pack

    This mod enhances my Make Mission A Jedi Mod, it modifies the scripts giving you some Special Jedi Robes for her (Vao's Robes) and Her Lightsaber(s). Vao's Robes are similar to the Dathomir Scorceress Robe created by Numark79 except this robe is based off of one of my Gray Dark Jedi Robes, Its main parts tinted black and then the areas of exposed skin were added. This mod is also fully compatable with all of My Mods and just about everyone else's mods as well. This Booster Pack comes in two variants one is for the standard Blue Mission the other is for my Caucasian Mission, the seperate download links are above for either one. The Caucasian Vao's Robes also are useable by Caucasian Female Scoundrel PC's.
    Vao's Robe Stats: +2 to Strength, Dexterity, and Wisdom, Regeneration of 2, Regeneration Force Points of 3, Feat Required: Scoundrels Luck.
    I hope you all enjoy the Mod!
    Installation Instructions:
    Just extract everything to your KOTOR override and start a new game, or you can add it in before going in to the Dantooine Courtyard Area (Where you talk to Nemo). It will ask you to overwrite some files from the Make Mission A Jedi Mod and this is OK.
    Or a .kmm file is included to use with Cchargin's KMM or KOTOR Mod Manager program.
    Uninstallation Instructions:
    Simply delete all these files from your override directory, or Deactivate it with KMM.

    Any mod that has the following files:

    This Mod Does:
    Adds a new item to the game... Vao's Robes... they are given to Mission by her cousin Ariiaj Vao, they are similar to the Dathomir Scorceress Robe created by Numark79 except this robe is based off of one of my Gray Dark Jedi Robes, Tinted Black and then the areas of exposed skin were added.
    Robe Giveitem Cheat Code: mission_robe69
    A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.  
    And A Big...Big Thanks to Numark79 for without his Dathomir Scorceress Robe Texture, showing me where to put fleshtones for mine this mod would have not been possible!
    And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program!
    Also a very appreciative nod to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.
    And lastly, Enjoy!


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  8. Redhawke's Caucasian Mission

    Author : RedHawke 08/30/04 Version 1.2
    This is a reskin to turn everyones favorite Twilek Street urchin, Mission Vao into a nice Caucasian skin tone, so I modified her skins accordingly, I hope you enjoy the new Mission Vao.
    This mod is also fully compatable with all of My Mods and just about everyone else's mods as well.
    A .kmm file is included to use with Cchargin's KMM or KOTOR Mod Manager program.
    I hope you all enjoy the Mod!
    Installation Instructions:
    Just extract everything to your KOTOR override, or activate it with KMM.
    Uninstallation Instructions:
    Simply delete all these .tga files from your override directory, or Deactivate it with KMM.
    This Mod Does:
    Changes Mission Vao into a Caucasian Twilek. Her Head, Underwear, Clothes, Portrait, and Party Selection Screen Image textures have all been altered, Missions head tails skins are located in her clothes texture and not her head... so be careful giving her clothes from another mod it will mess up her head tails... Bioware did some wierd things with the textures.
    Her Clothes also have a little additional bare midriff section so she has a little Britney Spears thing going on. The standard black under shirt was so plain, I thought it looked better.
    Version 1.1: Lowered Missions Navel on the Clothes Texture.
    New In Version 1.2: Altered The Clothes Texture and Gave Mission some Cut-Off Shorts or "Daisy Dukes" for those that remember the 80's. The original 1.1 Mission clothes texture is in a subfolder so you can use whichever one you want.
    A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.
    And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program!
    Also a very appreciative nod to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.
    And have fun with the new Mission Vao! ;^)


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  9. Redhawke's Bargawin Glazed Armor

    Author : RedHawke 09/15/04 Version 1.0
    This is a new suit of Heavy Armor with some very good bonuses, and energy attack absorbtion capabilities. Plus a new Enhanced Sith Tremor Vibroblade.
    This Armor and Blade combo-pack was inspired by Achillies Melee Canderous Mod.
    This is fully compatable with all my other Item Packs and Mods.
    Also includes a .KMM file for installation by Cchargins Kotor Mod Manager program, if you have it.
    Installation Instructions:
    Unzip all of the files in the .zip, except this readme into your KOTOR override directory before you go into the Black Vulkar base past the Rancor the first time, and or start a new game. And Enjoy! ;^)
    If you are prompted to overwrite metalbox069.utp it is ok as this one is identical to the one in my other mods and won't hurt anything to overwrite it.
    Uninstallation Instructions:
    Simply delete these files from your override directory, or deactivate it with KMM.
    This Armor And Blade Package Contains:
    The items are found in a spawning Metal Box in the Black Vulkar Security Office with the cowardly Twilek.
    Bargawin Glazed Armor (Class 9 Armor)
    Defense Bonus:        +1 (+6 Fully Upgraded)
    Immunities:        Mind-Affecting, Critical Hits
    Attribute Bonus:    +2 Strength, (With Upgrade +4 Strength)
    Damage Immunity:    Energy 90%, Electrical 90%, (With Upgrades Energy 100%, Electrical 100%)
    Saving Throws:        +2 To All
    This armor created by the Bargawins has only one real purpose, to take out opponents armed with energy weapons, the armors glazing reduces the damage of electrical and energy attacks. These suits of armor are known around the galaxy as Jedi-Killer armor. These suits were all thought destroyed during the war with Exar-Kun, but a rare few survived.
    Sith Modular Tremor Sword
    Enhancement Bonus:    +2 (To a Maximum With Upgrades, +8)
    Damage Bonus:        +1D10 Sonic, (With Energy Projector Upgrade, +1D10 Energy)
    Other Attributes:    Keen (With Vibration Cell and Durasteel Alloy) 
                Massive Criticals +2D6 (With Energy Projector)
    Traced to the Bladeborn, a Sith offshoot dedicated to sword mastery, these cortosis-laced weapons were given to "masterblades" who survived no less than ten lightsaber-wielding warriors in combat. This improved version of the blade is modular and can increase its power by installing upgrades.
    Giveitem Item Cheat Console Codes:
    rh_bga_9001      - Bargawin Glazed Armor (Class 9 Armor)
    g1_w_vbroswrd03  - Sith Modular Tremor Sword
    A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.  
    And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program!
    And an appreciative nod to Achillies for his Melee Canderous mod which was this armor and vibroblades original inspiration came from.
    Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.


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  10. Redhawke's Antegan Safety Light Armor

    Author : RedHawke 09/15/04 Version 1.0
    Mod:  Antegan Safety Light Armor
    This is a new suit of Light Armor with some good bonuses, and medical capabilities. 
    This is fully compatable with all my other Item Packs and Mods.
    Also includes a .KMM file for installation by Cchargins Kotor Mod Manager program, if you have it.
    Installation Instructions:
    Unzip all of the files in the .zip, except this readme into your KOTOR override directory before you go into lower Taris for the first time, and or start a new game. And Enjoy! ;^)
    Uninstallation Instructions:
    Simply delete these files from your override directory, or deactivate it with KMM.
    This Armor Package Contains:
    Antegan Safety Armor (Class 5 Armor)
    Defense Bonus:        +3 (+6 Fully Upgraded)
    Immunities:        Mind-Affecting, (With Upgrade) Critical Hits
    Attribute Bonus:    +1 Dexterity, (With Upgrade +2 Dexterity)
    Skill Bonus:        +4 Treat Injury
    Regeneration (HP):    2
    History/Notes:        Found on Twilek Corpse in Lower Taris.
    A relatively new type of armor, from relatively new makers, this suit mimics the major muscle movements of the wearer with mechanical impulses, resulting in faster reaction times, as well as including a built in medical unit that increases the wearers recovery rate. The Antegans are relatively new to the military trade but if these armors are an example of what they can produce they will become a force to be reconed with.
    Giveitem Item Cheat Console Codes:
    rh_asa_5001   - Antegan Safety Armor (Class 5 Armor)
    A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.  
    And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program!
    Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.


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  11. Redhawke's Blasters/Armor/Droid/Misc. Item Pack

    Author : RedHawke 05/22/04
    Mod: Blasters/Armor/Droid/Misc. Item Pack
    These are a collection of custom non-jedi and droid items I created or are improved original KOTOR items that were re-entered into the game. These items can be found in game normally or gotten by using the 'giveitem' cheat with the cheat console, the giveitem codes are listed at the bottom of the readme. 
    A small Warning, some of these items are powerful, I tried not to be too outragous, but everyone has a different opinion of what a powerful or outragous item is. 
    This is fully compatable with my Revan/Sith/Bastila Item Pack.
    Installation Instructions:
    Unzip all of the files in the .zip, except this readme into your KOTOR override directory and start a new game. And Enjoy! ;^)
    Uninstallation Instructions:
    Simply delete these files from your override directory.

    If you have any mod that edits the following files, then you may have incompatibility issues:
    p_bastila.utc ; p_cand.utc ; p_carth.utc
    p_hk47.utc ; p_jolee.utc ; p_juhani.uti
    p_mission.utc ; p_t3m4.utc ; p_zaalbar.utc
    tar02_bountyh023.utc ; tar02_bountyh022.utc ; rsldcrps002.utp
    Take especial note of the "p_xxx.utc" because they are PARTY MEMBER files.
    Other files will listed within the mod will also cause issues, but those are more apparent as .uti's (items) 
    and are clear from the description to be modified by Redhawke's Item Pack 2a (this mod).
    This Item Package Contains:
    Carth's Combat Armor    (Exellent Bonuses, On Carth)
    Ordo's Battle Armor     (Exellent Bonuses, On Canderous)
    Prototype Battle Armor  (Exellent Bonuses, Found on Republic Soldier Corpse on Endar Spire)
    Bargawin Shadow Armor   (Replaces them ingame, on Mission, bought on Yavin)
    Prototype Modular Armor (Exellent Bonuses, Found on Republic Soldier Corpse on Endar Spire)
    Misc Equipment
    Advanced Combat Sensor (Powerful, Found on Republic Soldier Corpse on Endar Spire, and other characters/places)
    Advanced Agent Belt    (Powerful, Found on Republic Soldier Corpse on Endar Spire, and other characters/places)
    Advanced Stabilizer Gloves (Improved, Found on Republic Soldier Corpse on Endar Spire, and other Characters/places)
    Sith Power Gauntlets   (Improved, Found on Republic Soldier Corpse on Endar Spire, and other characters/places)
    Vibro Weapons
    Improved the Prototype Vibroblade found on the Red Sith Soldier on the Endar Spire, Carth has one as well.
    Improved Mission's Vibroblade that comes with Mission
    Enhanced the Bargawin Assault Blade, bought on Yavin Station, Canderous has one as well.
    Carth's Heavy Pistol    (Hand Cannon, 2 Come with Carth instead of his standard wimpy little blasters)
    Prototype Heavy Pistol  (Hand Cannon, 2 Found on Republic Soldier Corpse on Endar Spire, and other characters/places)
    Cassius Fett's Pistol   (Hand Cannon, Found on Selven if you have installed my Revan/Sith/Bastilla's Item Pack, otherwise I believe it can be bought on Korriban)
    Prototype Assault Rifle (Heavy Rifle, Found on Republic Soldier Corpse on Endar Spire, and on HK)
    Prototype Repeating Blaster       (Artillery, Found on Republic Soldier Corpse on Endar Spire)
    Improved the Bargawin Assault Gun (Artillery, Bought on Yavin Station I believe)
    Prototype Heavy Repeating Blaster (Also Artillery, Found on Republic Soldier Corpse on Endar Spire)
    Improved Ordo's Heavy Repeating Blaster    (Artillery, comes with Canderous)
    Improved the Bargawin Heavy Repeat Blaster (Also Artillery, and also Bought on Yavin Station I Believe)
    Improved Zaalbar's Bowcaster      (Heavy Rifle, found in locked strongbox in sewers near where Zalbar is located)
    Droid Equipment
    Improved the Composite Heavy Plating  (Level 1 Upgrade, Comes with both droids, and is bought on Yavin)
    Improved the Advanced Droid Interface (Level 1 Upgrade, 2 Come with each droid, and I believe is bought on Yavin)
    Bargawin Droid Shield                 (Comes with both droids now)
    Bargawin Flame Thrower                (Now Level 1 Upgrade, comes with HK)
    Bargawin Stun Ray                     (Now Level 1 Upgrade, comes on T3)
    Bargawin Shield Disruptor             (Now Level 1 Upgrade, comes on T3)
    New Bargawin Carbonite Projector      (Level 1 Upgrade, comes with HK) Unlimited charges
    New Bargawin Gravity Generator        (Level 1 Upgrade, comes with HK) Unlimited charges
    Assassin Targeting Computer           (Level 1 Upgrade, Comes with HK)
    Astromech Combat Sensor               (Level 1 Upgrade, Comes with T3)
    A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.  
    Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.


       (0 reviews)



  12. Redhawke's Revan/Sith/Bastila Item Pack

    Author : RedHawke 12/20/05 V1.3
    Mod:  Revan/Sith/Bastila Item Pack
    New In V1.3: Made the mod able to use the TSL Patcher Program, yes it does work on KotOR I, for complete compatability.
    Install order for my 3 Item Packs is:
    1. The Revan/Sith/Bastila Item Pack (This Mod, updated to Use Patcher)
    2. The Blasters/Armor/Droid Item Pack (Patcher not necessary no 2da files)
    3. The Revan The White/Star Forge Booster Pack (has tslpatcher)
    New In V1.2: Includes the patch For the Star Forge Bug...
    The Patch Does:
    This adds the items From my Revan/Sith/Bastila Item Pack originally dropped by the fighting Jedi and Sith on the Endar Spire to appear in a new Footlocker in the Endar Spire room where you have to Slice the Computer or Repair the Driod to help you kill the Sith in the next room, before you meet Carth and get to the escape pod.
    These are a collection of custom items I created or are modified original KOTOR items that were re-entered into the game. These items can be found in game normally or gotten by using the 'giveitem' cheat with the cheat console, the giveitem codes are listed at the bottom of the readme. 
    A small Warning, some of these items are very powerful, I tried not too be outragous, but everyone has a different opinion of what a powerful or outragous item is.
    Installation Instructions:
    Extract the contents of the zip to a temporary folder, run the Patcher EXE follow the instructions, and you should be good to go.
    NOTE: If you have the previous version installed and working you will not need to install this version, this is only updating the mod to use the Patcher Program for compatability.
    Uninstallation Instructions:
    Simply delete these files from your override directory.
    This Item Package Contains:
    Bastila's Focus Lightsaber Color Crystal (Allows for the creation of the Bastila lightsabers like the single one she wields in the cutscenes, Is also needed to allow for Bastila's Lightsaber to be upgradeable, crystal is found on Brejiks corpse, Bastila's use only, Battle Meditation needed to equip)
    Bastila's Double Saber (Yellow Blade, Good Initial Bonuses, Upgradeable, and found on Brejiks corpse)
    Bastila's Lightsaber (Yellow Blade, Good Initial Bonuses, Upgradeable, created when Bastila's Focus is used)
    Bastila's Short Saber (Yellow Blade, Good Initial Bonuses, Upgradeable, created when Bastila's Focus is used)
    Sith Lightsaber Color Crystal (Allows for the creation of the Sith Lightsabers below, found on Nemo's corpse on Dantooine, and in various other places)
    Sith Double Lightsaber (Red Blade, Good Initial Bonuses, Upgradeable)
    Sith Lightaber         (Red Blade, Good Initial Bonuses, Upgradeable)
    Sith Short Lightsaber  (Red Blade, Good Initial Bonuses, Upgradeable)
    Sith Implant (Powerful Level 1 Implant)
    Sith Neural Band (Powerful Headgear)
    Sith Gauntlets (Again Powerful)
    Advanced Sith Shield (Unlimited Use Sith Energy Shield)
    Sith Computer Bracer (Increases Skills, and other useful things)
    Sith Utility Belt (Once again Powerful)     
    These Sith Items are all found on Nemo's corpse on Dantooine.
    Improved the Sith Lightsaber found on Korriban, it now uses the same cool model as Darth Malak's and has good bonuses, it is not upgradeable.
    Improved the Sith Mask found on Korriban as well, try it and see.
    Improved Darth Malak's Lightsaber, Exellent Bonuses, allows Malak to deal out even more damage when you face him.
    Improved Marka Ragnos Gauntlets found on Korriban.
    Revans Core Lightsaber Color Crystal (Allows for the creation of the Darth Revan's Lightsabers below, found on Nemo's corpse on Dantooine)
    Darth Revan's Lightsaber (Red Blade, Uses Malak's Saber Model, Good Initial Bonuses, Upgradeable, based in part on the Heart of the Guardian)
    Darth Revan's Double Lightsaber (Red Blade, Good Initial Bonuses, Upgradeable, based in part on the Heart of the Guardian)
    Darth Revan's Short Lightsaber (Red Blade, Good Initial Bonuses, Upgradeable, based in part on the Heart of the Guardian)
    Darth Revan's Implant (Very Powerful Level 1 Implant)
    Darth Revan's Gauntlets (Again Very Powerful)
    Darth Revan's Shield Bracer (Unlimited use Heavy Energy Shield)
    Darth Revan's Computer Bracer (Again Very Powerful Bracer, Drastically Improves Skills)
    Darth Revan's Utility Belt (Again Very Powerful)
    Darth Revan's Robes I (Identical to Darth Revan's Robes except it has the discuise property so you become the Darth Revan from the cutscenes)
    Darth Revan's Robes (And once again Very Powerful, no darkside restriction, good guys/gals can wear black too!)
    These Darth Revan Items are all found on Nemo's corpse on Dantooine, read Nemo's Datapad to find out why.
    Star Forge Robes (Very Powerful, Cloned abilities from Revan's Robes, no lightside restriction, found on the Star Forge)
    All Jedi and Dark Jedi Master Robes have been improved, with good bonuses, found throughout the game.
    Further improved Qel-Droma's Robes found on Korriban.
    Dark One's Robes, black color, exellent bonuses, found in Marka Ragnos tomb, and are worn by evil Bastila.
    New in version 1.1
    New Jedi Revan's Lightsaber Color Crystals (Blue, Green, Yellow, and Violet, Allows for the creation of the Jedi Revan's Lightsabers below, 1 crystal of each color Found on Selvens corpse on Taris, a second set is found on Sherruk's corpse on Dantooine, in case you all want matched pairs.) :^)
    New Jedi Revan's Lightsabers (Blue, Green, Yellow, and Violet, these all use Malak's Saber Model, Good Bonuses, Upgradeable)
    New Jedi Revan's Double Lightsabers (Blue, Green, Yellow, and Violet, Good Bonuses, Upgradeable)
    New Jedi Revan's Short Lightsabers (Blue, Green, Yellow, and Violet, Good Bonuses, Upgradeable)
    A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.  
    Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.


       (0 reviews)



  13. Torthane's The Veridian Echo

    The Veridian Echo Mod Read-me

    I. Introduction

    II. Description

    III. Installation Instructions

    IV. FAQ

    V. Credits and Thanks

    VI. Legal Notes

    I. Introduction

    Thank you for downloading The Veridian Echo Mod! I hope it will bring new flavor to Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords.

    This mod has taken me six months to make and is still not finished. I am releasing this working but unfinished version with a promise to make a patch for it in the near future. Please forgive the rough edges and enjoy!

    II. Description

    So, what the heck is The Veridian Echo Mod? The VE mod is an attempt to re-balance the game play in KOTOR II to make it faster paced and more challenging while placing a higher concentration on advanced tactics and teamwork. In addition to the game play changes I have also worked a good deal on reskinning most of your party members. Some of the changes are subtle while others stand out, but I hope that they are an improvement over the original party member skins. There are few other small reskins included as well. The mod also includes a completely redone weapon set meaning that all of the games included weapons have been modified to deal more damage. The weapon boost effects both your enemies and your weapons making the fights more intense and more oriented around dealing damage before your opponent does. The bosses in the game have been given boosts too and are much more formidable opponents now. The GUI has been cleaned up to make it a little less in your face. Combat sounds have also been given a makeover. The mod also comes with several new items and weapons.

    III. Installation Instructions

    Installation is completed in four steps:

    1. I highly suggest you empty your 'override' folder of all files. If the 'override' folder is not empty I cannot guarantee the VE Mod will work. I apologize that this mod does not use the TSL Patcher tool; some of the .2da files have so many lines changed that it would take me many hours to input all of the data. Perhaps later when I have freer time, I will remedy this problem.

    2. Extract the files inside the mod's 'override' folder into the game's 'override' folder.

    3. If you wish to install any of the extra skins or game play modifiers do that now. Other mods can be installed over the VE Mod now too if you wish. Please note though that no third-party mods or tweaks are guaranteed to work with the VE Mod.

    4. Run KOTOR II and start a new game. Enjoy!

    IV. FAQ

    Q. Can I load a game in progress and still have the changes provided by the VE Mod? 

    A. Some of the changes will be present such as skin changes and general game play changes. Some other changes will not take effect though such as any weapons you had when you loaded your game will not be boosted, party members will not have their custom equipment if you had already recruited them, and other changes.

    Q. The game crashed. What do I do? 

    A. As stated above this release has not been fully tested and there may be many bugs that I missed. So

    if you run into a problem, email me at Torthane@gmail.com and I will try to help you out.

    Q. I keep getting my butt kicked in game. What can I do? 

    A. First check the difficulty level and turn it down if it isn't already. Next rethink your strategy, set up traps with mines, take advantage of Atton's sneak attack ability, use blasters and keep your distance, or use force powers like revive. If that doesn't work use weapons or force powers that stun your opponent and don't sacrifice damage for defense. If even that doesn't work then I can't help you anymore. Sorry!

    Q. The game is too easy. Can I make it more difficult? 

    A. Try playing on hard or install the realistic combat folder. If that isn't tough enough try the masochistic combat folder. If that doesn't work for you, go join the army, normal life isn't enough of a challenge.

    Q. A lot of the portraits are the same. 

    A. I know. I didn't have time to finish them all. The patch will have the rest.

    Q. How do I uninstall the VE Mod? 

    A. Delete its files from the 'override' folder.

    Q. Why don't the Asian and Black female PCs have the new undies? 

    A. Because I didn't have time to reskin them yet. The patch will include some.

    Q. Can I have my Female PC wear Visas’ or the Handmaiden's undies? 

    A. As long as your female PC is Caucasian then go to the 'extra choices' folder and follow the instructions.

    Q. Can I have my male PC wear Visas’ or the Handmaiden's undies? 

    A. As long as.......NO!

    Q. The realistic combat is not realistic. 

    A. I didn't have time to test it so you get what you get. The idea is that it is more realistic than normal. I.e.; stuff does more damage.

    Q. Atton has a line down the middle of his face. What's the deal? 

    A. The line is due to a strange mapping error that I have tried to fix forever, but have

    found no solution. I apologize for the line and assure you that I am still trying to fix it.

    Q. I have a suggestion for the future releases of the VE Mod. Do you want to hear? 

    A. Sure, email your suggestion to [See read-me in game folder for contact information] and I'll try to look it over.

    Q. Can I use some of the files in this mod for another mod? 

    A. Please read section VI.

    Q. Why are some of the item pictures missing? 

    A. Once again I didn't have time to finish them. The patch will fix this.

    Q. Visas’ undies are too skimpy. Can I fix this? 

    A. Don't tell her to take off her clothes.

    Q. Why so much about underclothes? 

    A. Who's asking the questions?

    Q. Why isn't the mod perfect? 

    A. Guess.

    V. Credits and Thanks.

    Torthane [See read-me in game folder for contact information] - All of the mod files except for the ones mentioned below.

    Shem - This mod makes use of some of his excellent saber and force power sounds from his ultimate sound mod.

    EmteeMoe - For his modified Mira wire mesh.

    Xcom - For his enhanced grenades script.

    Justin R. Durban (www.edgen.com) - For his dark side and light side music.

    Achilles - For giving me inspiration to make the re-balance portion of this mod.

    NemaSenumi - For her excellent Disciple reskin found in the 'extra choices' folder.

    NemaSenumi - For beta testing the mod for me!

    A huge thanks goes out to all the people at Holowan Laboratories who helped, encouraged, and showed interest all throughout the development of this mod! Thank you, Fred Tetra for the KOTOR tool! And of course, thank you! Yes, you! Thank you for downloading this mod!

    VI. Legal Notes

    This mod is not supported in any way by Lucasarts, Bioware, or Obsidian Entertainment.

    You may freely alter or modify these files for your own personal use. 

    If you wish to use any or all of these files, modified or not, for a public mod please contact me just to double check, and please include me in the credits.

    If you wish to use NemaSenumi's Disciple reskin, please try to contact her at www.lucasforums.com. Or contact me and I will email her.



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  14. Oddball_E8's New Sounds

    Part of the...

    New Sounds by Oddball_E8




    This mod just changes the default blaster sounds and some of the grenade sounds.

    Creators Notes:


    I wanted a more "umpfy" sound to the blasters since I thought the original sounds were a bit bland, so I mixed the original sounds with some sounds I have used in other sound mods for games with "real" guns.

    I also replaced some of the grenade sounds for the same reason, but here I didn’t mix them with anything, I just used the sounds from my Combat Mission mod.

    I will make some more sounds, mainly the "bounce" sounds of grenades and also the impact sounds from blasters since I want these to have an "explosion" feel to them... not too much, but a little.

    Files Modified:


    cb_gr_fragment.wav      -not mixed
    cb_gr_plasma.wav          -not mixed

    cb_gr_stun.wav                -not mixed

    cb_gr_thermal.wav        -not mixed

    cb_sh_blast1.wav            -mixed with original

    cb_sh_hvybl1.wav           -mixed with original

    cb_sh_medbl1.wav         -mixed with original

    cb_sh_pwrblast1.wav    -mixed with original



    Any and all feedback can be sent to the author at [See read me for contact information]
    cb_sh_pwrblast2.wav    -mixed with original


       (0 reviews)



  15. Oddball_E8's "Evil" sounds

    Evil Sounds by Oddball_E8



    This mod replaces some of the death sounds with more gruesome sounds.


    Creators Notes:

    What can I say? I was feeling a bit evil...

    (All the files are male only voices since I have no screams that sound female)


    Files Modified:

    n_darkjedim_dead.wav -dark jedi
    n_fatcomm_dead.wav  - I don’t have a clue who uses this file... but modded it anyway

    n_hsmuggler_dead.wav - same here... but I assume it’s a smuggler?

    n_repsold_dead.wav     - Republic soldier

    n_sithcomm_dead.wav - Sith commander (not the guy in red armor)

    n_sthapprnm_dead.wav - Sith apprentice



    Any and all feedback can be sent to the author at [See read me for contact information]
    cb_sh_pwrblast2.wav    -mixed with original


       (1 review)



  16. JdNoa's AniCam (Beta 3)

    Part of the...

    Author: JdNoa - [contact info in read-me]
    Notes on dlg fields compiled from observations by Tupac Amaru, Dashus, and JdNoa.
    Tupac Amaru did most of the testing for this.  Thanks!
    Thanks also to tk102 for updating DlgEditor for us & Darth333 for passing it along quickly.  It made testing *much* less painful. 
    Thanks to several people for their notes/code about the mdl format: Torlack for notes on binary mdl and for NWNMdlComp, sorcerer for notes on ascii mdl, and cchargin for MDLOps.

    Beta 3 - Dec 1 2005
    History: beta 3 should fix the bug where cubic interpolation treats angles as numbers and so interpolates the wrong way across the 360 degree mark.
    AniCam is an internal tool used by TSLRP (The Sith Lords Restoration Project).  It is being released to the public "as is".  There is no warranty, implicit or explicit, of any kind.
    AniCam is an animated camera editor for KotOR 2.
    Animated cameras are just models in a specific format.  AniCam lets you open & edit existing camera models or create your own.  You can then use the animated camera model in a .dlg.

        JRE 1.5 or newer.  (Developed with
        AniCam will not run with JRE 1.4.
    Simply extract this zip to your preferred install location and run the jar file, AniCam.jar.

    Delete the files that came in the .zip, plus the configuration file anicam.conf (if it was created).

    1. How to use AniCam:
    --- 1a. Basics:
    Fill in your desired camera name and the length in seconds of the camera shot.
    Add entries for your camera.  An entry needs the time in seconds, position as x,y,z, and orientation as h,p,r.  (heading, pitch, roll).
    To add an entry, select "insert row" from the Edit menu or type ctrl-i.
    Orientation is done in degrees.  Straight ahead is (0,90,0).  Left is (90,90,0).  Right is (-90,90,0).  And so on.
    If you're getting position from WhereAmI, keep in mind that the Z location given is lower than what you see (I think it's the location of your feet).  You probably want to add 3 or 4 to get a shot at eye level.
    When you have all of your entries, select save from the file menu.  The files cameraname.mdl and cameraname.mdx (which is an empty file) will be created.  These can go in your override folder.
    To use the new model, set the camera model field in a dialog, then in the dialog entry/entries that will have the camera shot, set the CameraID to -1, use CameraAngle 4, and set CameraAnimation to a useful number (probably 1200 or 1000: see part 2 for details).
    An example:
    Entry  Time    x       y       z        h     p      r
    1          0.0    -70      20    3.5     0    90    0
    2          3.5    -70      30    3.5   70    90    0
    3          4.5    -70   31.5    3.5   50    45    0
    4          6.5    -72   31.5    3.0   30     0     0
    with animation length 7.5.
    This will (1) start looking straight ahead,
    (1)->(2) move along the y axis and rotate left,
    (2)->(3) rotate right and down while moving a little more along the y axis,
    (3)->(4) rotate right and point straight down while moving a little along the x axis,
    then (4) hold position for 1 second.

    -- 1b. Interpolation:
    If interpolation is selected, then when you save, extra intermediate entries will be generated to smooth out changes in position and orientation.  So, if your entries have the camera going straight forward, and then moving left, instead of an abrupt transition from forward to left, the camera will move in a curve.
    If interpolation is not selected, what you entered is what you get.  Sudden changes in direction will be abrupt.

    -- 1c. Importing:
    You can import from a binary model, an ascii model, or xml.
    For both binary and ascii models, I'm only looking for the data found in the standard animated camera models.  This means that there is a single node, called camerahook, with animations called CUT###W (where ### is a number, usually 001), which has positions and orientations.  The import routines can't handle anything else - no mesh nodes, no emitters, etc.
    (Note that, if you're looking at the original camera models, importing 003EBOcam.mdl will fail because they misspelled "camerahook" - the camera won't work in-game, either.)
    The XML import is *very* limited and has pretty much no error checking.  It was set up to import data from Excel.  If you enter your time, position, and orientation in Excel - like on the main screen for AniCam, but without the "entry" field - and then save as XML, you should be able to import into AniCam.

    2. Indices, Multiple Animations, and your Dialog
    -- 2a. Multiple Animations and their Indices
    One camera model can have multiple animations.  As a .dlg file can only have one associated camera model, this lets you do multiple animated camera shots in one dialog.  (An example: kreiatch.dlg in 301NAR uses 2 of the 3 animations from 301narcam).
    Each animation has a name of the form CUT###W, where ### is a 3-digit number.  The number should be 001 or greater.  If there is only one animation, usually the single animation is called CUT001W.  This is not required (101percam uses CUT002W).
    When you add an animation to your camera model, the ### is what you're putting in the "New Index" box - so if you enter 5 and click New Animation, you'll get a new animation called CUT005W.

    -- 2b. Some general notes on using animated shots
    1. Once you start an animated camera shot running, it *keeps* running, in real-time, even if you've switched to static shots.  If you do 'start animation'->static shot->'continue animation', the second animated shot will probably be at a different position/orientation if the user clicked to skip one of the earlier nodes in your dialog, or if they had to choose a response.
    2. Only one animation will run at a time.  If you 'start animation' with CUT001W, then 'start animation' with CUT002W, then 'start animation' CUT001W again, the final call will start back at the beginning of CUT001W's camera shot... it won't pick up where it left off the first time.  And if you do 'start animation' CUT001W -> 'start animation' cut002W -> 'continue animation' cut001W, the 'continue animation' will continue with cut002w, not cut001w.  Once you start a given animation running, it's the only one you can use until you start another one.

    -- 2c. Your .dlg file:
    Useful fields are Camera Model in your dlg header, and CameraID, CameraAngle, CameraAnimation, Delay, and WaitFlags in your entries.

    -- 2c.1 Camera Model
    In the dialog header ("General Properties" in DLGEditor), set the Camera Model to your new camera's name.  

    -- 2c.2 CameraID and CameraAngle
    Every node that is animated uses CameraID -1 and CameraAngle 4.
    (Although all the Obsidian .dlg's use CameraAngle 4, other CameraAngle values will also work.)

    -- 2c.3 CameraAnimation
    You also need a CameraAnimation field in each entry using an animated camera shot.
    CameraAnimation is where you specify which animation to use if you have multiple animations.
    'start animation' is 1200, 1201, etc.
    To start CUT001W running, use CameraAnimation 1200.  To start CUT002W, CameraAnimation 1201.  And so on.
    'continue animation' is 1000.  Or 1001, 1002, but...
    ...in the official .dlg's, at the very least, 1000, 1001, 1002, and 1401 are used - but testing doesn't show any difference in using them.  If you start with 1200, then call 1001, it's not going to jump to the other animation.  If anybody sees a difference between these, please let me know!

    -- 2c.3a Start/Continue and the end of the animation
    Your animated shot is 20 seconds long, but you gave the user a choice of responses in between animated shots, and they took 30 seconds to pick a line.  What do animated .dlg entries do after the end of the animation?
    If the entry is set to 'continue animation', it will hold the last position/orientation from the animation.
    If the entry is set to 'start animation', it will re-start the animation.  You could probably do some looping with this.
    If you reach a 'start animation' entry and the current animation hasn't finished, the behaviour depends on which animation you specify.  If it's the same one that's already running, it won't restart - it'll continue, acting like a 'continue animation' entry.

    -- 2c.4 WaitFlags
    If you set WaitFlags to 1 and use 'start animation', the entire camera shot (or the remaining portion) will be used in one entry.  This won't work if you use 'continue animation'.
    If you leave WaitFlags at 0, the camera shot will run for as long as the entry does, so you can either have VO or set the Delay field.
    (WaitFlags = 3 is used in kreiatch.dlg, but I've seen no difference between WaitFlags=3 and WaitFlags=0 in my testing).
    Setting WaitFlags doesn't block the user from skipping the entry.

    -- 2c.5 Delay
    If WaitFlags is not 1, the animated shot in your entry will last as long as the VO lasts, or for the length of your Delay field if it's set.  If there's no VO, like the long animated shot of the ruined Dantooine enclave, then you'll want to set Delay to specify how long your camera shot lasts.  Delay is set in seconds.  Note that if you set Delay=0, it seems to override your VO length, so it may skip lines.  If you're not using Delay it should be -1, not 0.

    -- 2c.6 CamVidEffect doesn't work
    CamVidEffect will *not* be applied to animated camera shots, but you can use a script to turn video effects on and off.  Check out the first two nodes in intro.dlg in 001EBO: they call a_video_effect to turn T3M4's freelook on and off.  (Notice that the developers tried to use CamVidEffect!)  The a_video_effect script simply calls EnableVideoEffect(VIDEO_EFFECT_FREELOOK_T3M4) or DisableVideoEffect().  Don't forget to disable your video effect, or it will stay on forever.

    3. Some examples from the original files:
    These are a few places where camera models are used in different ways:
    kreia_kr.dlg in 701KOR has a camera shot that spans several entries.  Under "{Intro to 701KOR...", it starts at "{Animated camera begins}" and ends at "{Angry at end...".
    kreiatch.dlg in 301NAR has an animated camera that plays intermittently.  It has animated angles followed by static angles followed by animated angles.  It also uses two different animations, CUT001W and CUT003W.
    enc_ruin.dlg in 605DAN consists of one long animated shot.


       (0 reviews)



  17. ORSAN's Jango Fett Chest Armor

    Part of the...

    Jango Fett Chest Armor

    Adds Jango Fett chest armor to KOtOR.
    Drop items into Override folder.
    How to acquire item in game:
    Use console command "giveitem jango_fett" to grant the chest armor to the player.



       (0 reviews)



  18. ORSAN's Boba Fett Chest Armor

    Part of the...

    Boba Fett Chest Armor
    Adds Boba Fett chest armor to KOtOR.
    Drop items into Override folder.
    How to acquire item in game:
    Allows the user to complete the Override folder.
    Use console command "giveitem boba_fett" to grant the item to the player.


       (0 reviews)



  19. ORSAN's Boba Fett Helmet

    Part of the...

    Adds Boba Fett helmet to KotOR.
    Drop items into Override folder.
    How to acquire item in game:
    Use console command "giveitem g_i_mask25" to grant the item to the player.


       (0 reviews)



  20. Dragoon ZERO's Vaklu as PC

    Part of the...

    Read-me follows in it's entirety.
    Adds Vaklu as a PC choice


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  21. Darkkender's Lightsaber Crystal Expansion

    Part of the...

    Mod: Lightsaber Crystal Expansion Read-me


    Jetstorm: New saber icons and colors

    Maverick187: New Single and Double saber hilts

    Darkkender: Mod assembly and in game placement.


    OK, this mod provides updated and improved textures of the Yellow, Orange, Gold, & Silver sabers and adds 10 new lightsaber colors all together.




    Sky Blue







    And an Updated version of Darkkender's Guardian Saber with new hilts as well.

    Once you enter the Ebon Hawk for the first time, go to the storage compartment. There you will find a workbench labeled Darkkender's Workbench.


    Darkkender's Painted Droid Armor Mod

    Maverick & Redhawk's Prestige Pack

    Shadow Blazes Saber Pack and Odyssey saber

    Envida's Ebon Hawk Storage compartments mod

    X-com's saber mod

    Darkkender's Guardian Saber Mod

    There may be mods with incompatibilities. However at the time of this release, I cannot recall which mods. However, any mod compatible with the Painted Droid armor mod remains compatible.

    Consider this the read-me as after uploading this I realized the read-me is blank.

    Just extract install to override folder as standard.


       (0 reviews)



  22. Darkkender's Tomb of Jesset Dal'Kest (and patch)

    Part of the...

    Mod Name:  Tomb of Jesset Dal'Kest

    Author:    Darkkender

    Supporting Mods & Authors:

    Chainz.2da & his Segan Wyndh Sabers & Jedi Armor,

    Maverick187 & his White Double Saber,

    Mono Giganto & his DL44 & E15 weapons.

    Installation:        This Mod includes a KMM, if you use this system.  Otherwise, just add everything to override folder.  If you have the mods mentioned above, just go ahead and override everything.  The one exception to the override everything policy is the 2da files I tried to make everything as compatible as possible with most everything - except the Holowan Plugin and AIOFPM as time constraints kept me from that.

    What this mod includes:              

    This mod expands on Chainz.2da's Segan Wyndh Jedi Armor adding 7 new armor types, it also expands on his Segan Wyndth Sabers adding 2 new sabers for that mod.  Also included is my creature grenade mod and the Guardian of the Force lightsabers. If you have my recruit Darkkender mod installed, just overwrite all the files in there when prompted as all of the above by me are either compatible with or updates to some of the listed equipment.

    This Mod features 2 new areas available on Korriban.  If you team up with Lashowe to kill the Tukata Queen in the Valley of the Dark Lords, a Rune covered pillar will appear behind her at the cliff’s edge.  Proceed to the activate the pillar and - oh my – you’re in the Tomb of Jesset Dal'Kest!

    2da mentions:

    This mod includes 3 2da files baseitems, spells, and upcrystals.  At the time of release upcrystals has been updated from the one Chainz released with his sabers to include Maverick187's white double saber, Darth Nemesis saber, The Guardian of the Force sabers, 2 new Segan sabers White & Guardian, and sketh42's EKUN double saber.


    You should be at least level 16 prior to entering as everything is challenging. (Dry runs took me an estimated hour to complete with all lvl 20 heavily modded characters.)


    Take your time and explore the illusion of the Ebon Hawk before leaving.  If you are using Redhawke's new construction bench, the workbench aboard will be compatible with this mod.

    Special thanks goes out to the following for various reasons told above and untold;





    Fred Tetra


    Mono Giganto



    Darkkender at Holowan Labs PM or look for me on the boards or [See read-me for contact e-mail].

    Note: The patch has its own separate read me, folks.  Read that additional read-me for more information.


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  23. Darkkender's Segan Wyndh Armor Expanded

    Part of the...

    Author: Darkkender

    Contact: [check read-me file for contact information]

    (Please put 'Kotor' somewhere in the subject)

    Mod Name: [TSL] Segan Wyndh Armor Expanded



    This is an expansion upon Chainz.2da's Segan Wyndh armor for KOTOR 2: TSL.  This includes the original Segan Wyndh Armor adapted for TSL with the new armor upgrade system.  It also includes

    the 7 new variants presented in my Tomb of Jesset Dal'Kest mod for KOTOR 1.  You will be able to build the 8 versions of Jedi armor at the workbench as well as an underlay and overlay.  However, the
    Jedi armors themselves do not have all the features of Segan Wyndh's armor - to keep it unique.



    Extract all files into your KOTOR 2 Override directory.  If you don't have an Override directory, all you need to do is make one.

    This mod also makes use of KMM and includes a KMM file.

    If you are asked to overwrite a 2da file the following mods are considered compatible and there 2da files can be overwritten.


    Compatible mods:

    Redhawke's Exile items

    Redhawke's Workbench robes

    Envida's complete mods package

    Darkkender's Lightsaber Workbench and Guardian sabers

    Any other mods that use the following 2da files should be considered incompatible unless stated otherwise in their read-me files.







    There are none known of.


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  24. Darkkender's Patch for the [TSL]Holowan Plugin

    Part of the...

    Patch for the TSL Holowan Plugin v1.05
    Authors:   Darkkender
    This is a Patch for the [TSL]Holowan Plugin v1.03/1.04/1.05
    This patch fixes various bugs that have arisen from the first release.  The bugs are listed below.
      * Spells.2da dominate mind spell was causing foul ups with other force powers.  Removed this power due to this fact.
      * Items were only in the one build menu for the Holowan Items workbench.
      * The exile general uniforms were missing there entries in appearance.2da.
      * The dlt19 rifle was not priced properly.  Replaced with the more up to date versions in the upgrading dl44 mod.
      * Fixed the Uthar & Bandon photo mix-up.
      * Fixed the photo mixup for one of the female heads that was also occurring.
      * Fixed the Lost Jedi Lightsabers so that you can swap out the saber crystals.(this is a temporary fix)
      * Removed the Hoth robes from the dock officers corpse to be more in line with the updated version of the mod.
      * Fixed visas robes so that they can now be upgradeable.
      * Updated GK's Tai Pei selectable PC skin and photo.
      * Fixed a texture glitch with Mav's Katana.
      * Fixed the Disciple's dialogue files.
      * Removed the Sith battle simulation conversation options from the security console dialogues.


       (0 reviews)



  25. Darkkender's TSL Holowan Plugin

    Part of the...

    The TSL Holowan Plugin v1.05
    Authors:   Darkkender
    The TSL Holowan Plugin is a collection of various mods by myself and a variety of different modders from the Holowan Labs.  One of its main purposes was to provide compatibility for other mods out there.  
    Installation Instructions:
    You will find 4 folders within this mod.  Simply copy the contents of 3 of these folders into the folders by the same name within your SWKOTOR2 main directory. (The fourth folder will be discussed in the “Compatibilities” section.  
    Launcher -> launcher folder
    Overwrite the existing files
    (PS: It's OK as I've backed up the originals for you. The originals have a 2 added to their name.)
    StreamSounds -> StreamSounds folder
    If you are prompted to overwrite, you'll be okay as it would be caused by the original mod that used these sounds that has been included in the plugin.
    Override -> Override folder
    You already know the story here - but - please refer to compatibilities before adding these files.
    You will also find a dialog.tlk file within the Holowan Plugin. Prior to overwriting the original, I would recommend making a folder titled “backup” and copying the original into there.  Once you've backed up the original then overwrite it with the one included in the Plugin.
    The "TSL Holowan Plugin" is compatible with "The USM."  Simply install the "USM" mod prior to The "TSL Holowan Plugin" and overwrite all of the files it prompts you too.  Do not install the Plugin first and then overwrite its files with those from other mods.
    Please refer to the "Credits" folder as it includes separate text files for different modders listing which of their mods were used - as well as folders containing the original read-me files of those mods.
    V1.03/v1.04/v1.05 notes:
    I fixed some bugs from the original release archive that hadn't gotten uploaded yet.        
    Special Thanks:
    Fred Tetra -- Wherever you are, you are missed.
    TK102 -- All of your recent tools have been extra handy.
    Cchargin -- What can I say but MDLOPs & KMM.
    Darth333 -- Whereami? Oh there I am.
    Redhawke -- Please correct me if I'm wrong. <Activates Armband>Correction made.</Activates Armband>
    T7Nowhere -- Phenomenal Moderator Powers.
    Prime -- Optimus doesn't hold a candle to you, man.
    Darth Melignous -- For all of your extra work you put into this mod for me.
    Chainz.2da -- Age is but a number it's the wisdom that you gain with that number that determines how old you are.  FYI, That makes me older.
    Cate Kroft -- You better not have left the party at Holowan yet.
    Mono -- Guess what?  Tach butt.
    Achilles -- I think it may be Jedi Counsel Recruit mod for TSL time now man.
    Stoffe -mkb- -- I've really got to get the one up that you finished.
    To anybody else out there, watch out - you may be thanked next.
    Contact Darkkender via PM at the Holowan Labs or at the release thread for this mod if there is a problem.
    ***    Complete Mod Listing    ***
    Robes Mod 1.3
    Lab Bench Implant Mod
    "Disciple, Would You Please SHUT UP!"
    "I prefer my bounty hunters without saddlebags" Mod
    Bao-Dur & Handmaiden Default Clothing Mod
    Twi'lek Female Texture Fixes v1.1
    Hardcore mod--Insane setting
    Mira's Swoop Biker Leather
    force Explosion
    Cate Kroft:
    Mira Upgrade
    Floating Lightsabers Upgrade
    Maia PC
    Vision Revan Upgrade
    Vision Kreia Upgrade
    [TSL] Darksword
    Serpent Sith Gloves
    Devaronian and Weequay Gauntlets
    Beast Gauntlet
    DS 3-Pack
    Chiss Luxa
    Twi'lek Female PC Head
    Khan PC Skin A.K.A "Serpent Sith"
    Monk PC Skin
    Adare PC Head Mod
    Devaronian PC Head Mod
    Twilek PC Head Mod
    Darkkender: (author of this mod):
    TSL Segan Wyndth armor
    TSL Expanded Lightsaber Crystal pack
    Painted Droid Armor Mod
    Guardian Saber mod
    Guardian of the Force Segan hilt
    Guardian of the Force Hilt crafted by Mav
    ** There are also a variety of Darkkender Easter Eggs nested within the mod!
    General Kenobi (Darth Melignous):
    Mira Tattoo Edit
    Atris Hair Color & Face Edit
    Headshop 2
    Headshop 3
    Exile Item PaC
    Melignous Lightsaber
    TSL Male Head Reskin
    TSL Male Head Reskin LH
    Vader's Helmet
    Chrome Vader Fix
    Anakins Episode 3 Hilt v1.0
    Luke Skywalker's ROTJ Hilt v1.0
    Mace Windu's Saber Hilt v1.0
    TSL: Purple Female Twi'lek Selectable PC Head
    New Female Head
    Black Haired PC
    Edited Head model
    Mono Giganto:
    Shadow Blaze:
    stoffe -mkb-:
    Visas Marr’s Robe
    Handmaiden Party Member Option for Female Exiles
    Ice Armor of the Handmaidens
    Atris Reskin
    Total Darkside Kreia Reskin


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