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  1. Ah! I understand now! Frankly I expected more than 11 banters. But under the conditions you outlined, it seems the mod is working correctly. I am working on the 4th Star Map right now and I have 9 out of 11 banters procced. I suppose the 2 convos I triggered were just enough to bring me up to the expected number, and since I never took Mission/Zaalbaar out together, those were quite likely to be the ones I would never see outside the Hawk. I guess this is just a case of my misaligned expectations. Thank you for the responses and I apologize for wasting your time.
  2. I was being unclear, sorry. But I meant on Ebon Hawk I only saw the 2 convos between Mission and Zaalbaar and no others. TBH I don't remember if I ever saw convos on Taris. And I have triggered only very few convos outside, so there should be lots for to be heard on the Hawk. On top of the mod build, I only have 1 mod that adds a custom armor, so I promise nothing else would have touched this mod's files. I am a technical person and I have the modding tools set up, I am willing to help debug, since I was really excited about playing with this mod. You can also find me on the kotor discord under the same name if you want faster comms.
  3. Reasonably certain this mod isn't working for me. I just saw 2 convos between Mission and Zaalbar by halfway through the game. Running around with various combos still triggers them - I just got Carth v Jolee asking about the war while walking outside. I'm using the community modbuild.
  4. I don't think this part is not necessary, as holopatcher creates different timestampted directories in the backup folder for each run (at least the most recent version does).
  5. Ok, confusion was resolved before things were installed in the wrong order. I missed the fact that there are additional installers in this mod, seperate from the options in main installer. I assumed #4 / #5 referred to the standalone ComPatch.
  6. #5 asks for PartySwap_EE_ComPatch -> PartySwap compatible option. Such an option does not exist. Nor does it seem to make sense.
  7. Salutations once again. With the new mod build and the recent updates (as recent as 2 days ago at time of post), I'd like to confirm once again. 1. PartySwap 2. This mod - PartySwap Compatible (Handmaiden and Female Exile - Disciple and Male Exile Romance) 3. Extended Enclave 4. EE ComPatch - No M4... (#5 is missing now. Assuming it's no longer necessary.) (Also no N-DReW25's EE Patch) Apologies if this has been addressed already.
  8. To report my experience: The menu fonts look jank regardless of chosen size and editing the `.gui` files does nothing. Also, I couldn't find the gui files of this mod in the game files (possibly because they're only present in the russian version ??). However the dialogue and name fonts work well and some big fonts are better than none at all. 1440p, 16:9
  9. Welp. Since I am a sucker for punishment (and gay romances), I guess we start from the beginning. There is no emotion, there is peace. Thank you for saving me potentially a lot more headaches. To be perfectly clear - one should install either the stand-alone compatch or this mod. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  10. Would I have a bad time if I already installed EE + your compatch before this mod? I was following the mod build for the game, only after finishing did I look into extra mods such as this one.
  11. Compatibility around Extended Enclave is confusing. Consider having EE and Party swap + your very own compatch for these 2, but not N-DReW25's Extended Enclave Patch. Does one need any of the compatches you included in this mod in that case? My current best guess is the following: Main mod (Party swap) -> Extended Enclave patch [lowercase p] (No M4-78EP Installed) -> Extended Enclave patch [lowercase p] (PartySwap Compatible) (skip Extended Enclave patch [lowercase p] (Extended Enclave Patch Installed [uppercase P]) - this name duplication is what makes things hard to parse)
  12. I was doing the modbuild for TSL and happened to examine class saving throws more closely and they seem to be a complete mess. It made me consider creating a simple mod that changed the jedi classes save progressions to something that made more sense - at least to me as a D&D player. I would like some feedback on these proposed changes: I considered extra force powers for the sith PrCs, but that differentiation is already handled by the Guardian/Sentinel/Consular and corresponding PrCs, so I chose feats as a trade-off instead. Edit: There was a mod in the modbuild which called itself a "fix" leading me to assume that the jedi and sith prestige classes were otherwise equivalent. This is not the case. Assassin gets a better Sneak attack progression at the cost of poorer saves, and Marauders get other perks. Only Jedi master/Sith lord are effectively equivalent, but then their saves are also the same. There was design intent behind the way the saves were made in the original game and I feel the mod calling itself a "fix" is misleading and undoes deliberate design choices by Obsidian. Anyway, the previous version of this rework, operating under the assumption of equivalency between jedi/sith, gave the sith bonus feats in exchange for their poorer saves. This has been corrected.
  13. This ended up being a game-breaking bug. When I fought the Kashyyyk star map droids, they killed the hologram with a freeze grenade effect. I had a save to reload, so it was mostly just annoying clicking thru the same dialog, but perhaps this can be fixed by K1CP at some point? Make the hologram invulnerable perhaps?
  14. You misunderstand. No weapon in base K1 deals universal damage. But the normal non-modded disruptors make me think I should also test whether a multi-damage type is blocked by protecting against one of the types it deals, or all of them. Btw, if you wanna see more of this in action check out how broken vanilla K1 forceshields.2da is. (The windows calculator in programmer mode is helpful here.) Base shields protect vs "Light side" instead of electrical (somebody made a mistake by 1 position) and also vs Ion. The community patch fixes that particular oversight. It makes me wonder something. Disruptors do say: But not all. Given their previous damage type of essentially "melee" damage, one could argue Mandalorian shields are meant to block disruptors. Meaning that in a certain sense, the weapon rebalance mod makes them buggy. I however think that the current situation of slightly lower damage, but unblockable by shields gives them a decent niche to fill.
  15. Oh. Indeed. Oops. I guess I was looking at my override rather than the base game(K1). The weapon rebalance mod changes them. Like I already said: Which means 7 is 1+2+4, so bludgeoning+piercing+slashing.