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About Xtracted

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  1. Xtracted

    Kylo Ren for KOTOR 1

    Where do I get it?
  2. There seems to be an outstanding issue for me. When I finish the conversation with the Jedi Masters on Dantooine, before the Jedi Training Cutscene, my game crashes. For the most part, I followed the Reddit build but added the Jedi to Dantooine for my enjoyment. It could either be this or Dantooine Training Lightsabers. EDIT: All sorted thanks to DP!
  3. After playing KotOR I for many years, one texture that has always bugged me was the desk that you can see when entering the Republic Embassy on Manaan. This tends to stand out when you're using Jorak's overhaul. It would be great if this could be somewhat improved, even in the slightest. Here's what I'm talking about:
  4. Noob(ish) question: Is this mod compatible with Robes for Korriban Sith Students / Sith Academy Robes? I know they change the textures for the robes in some way (take Uthar's for example). Thank you in advance.
  5. We all know the K1 Enhancement Pack is unfinished. That being said, I've finally decided to try unpacking it and getting to those core NPC reskins. I'm mainly looking for the unique NPC and swoop gang retextures, but I never really grasped how vast the mod was until I opened it up. It's HUGE! In all honesty, I don't know a thing about KOTOR modding. I merely saw how impressive the mod was and wanted to implement it into a nice reskin. I'm oblivious to UTC, UTI and whatever other file extensions are in that mess. I was hoping to grab a few TGA files and be done with it. I suppose that is why no one cared to attempt it before.
  6. Anyone remember SpaceAlex's K1 Enhancement Pack that remained unfinished? Or any NPC Overhaul? One trend, for me, in these type of mods is that they are always unfinished and add needless content to them. I've always imagined a mod that makes unique NPCs, unique. I'm talking about things like retextured armours or unique faces which drags them away from the common rabble. I don't mean an entire NPC overhaul, which completely changes the NPC structure and changes a lot of faces for simple background NPCs, I just mean uniqueness for the important ones. For example, despite Sunry being an old man, I believe it would be much improved if we could see a medal on his clothing, or perhaps he still dawns his old Republic Officer armour. Maybe unique armours for gangs, like blue for the beks and red for the vulkars. I know these examples I've mentioned are present in the Enhancement Pack, but I'd prefer a working mod that includes it.
  7. I must say, it is a shame that we'll have to wait another 11 months for this. I wouldn't mind using what you have already, Darth, as I'm sure everyone else won't. But who am I to judge? If you believe it would be better suited for the mod's quality to wait another year, then I don't mind.
  8. Unfortunate to see the topic ended here, hello from 2018 and I would have loved to see those new models in game.
  9. Xtracted

    TSLRCM Dialog Overhaul

    I must say I find it ironic you make a mod, correcting the dialogue within TSLRCM and yet you misspell 'Dialogue' as 'Dialog'. Other than that, a pretty solid mod.