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About Vergil

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    Jedi Apprentice

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  1. I don't know if I've ever heard of Valve taking down content on the Steam Workshop for being pilfered from someone else like Nexus does. The Workshop really does just seem like an unregulated cesspit sometimes.
  2. I took an extremely strong disliking to him ever since I first played the game and honestly it's just kind of stuck through the years. I don't like his attitude, his forcing himself into your party, and constantly threatening you into doing what he wants. It doesn't help he's extremely rude to characters I actually really like so it's just the combination of terrible attitude, boring design, and being utterly useless compared to the other droid companions.
  3. This is getting extremely pathetic, I can't imagine the level of delusion it would take for anyone to genuinely think this would result in anything but looking even worse.
  4. Just wanted to say I absolutely love this mod and it's my go to portrait mod for KOTOR II excellent work.
  5. After seeing them make a post saying "oh well we actually have this other game we've secretly been developing this whole time stay tuned for that teehee" it's looking like this was basically just a big marketing ploy to garner attention that they had no serious intention of releasing so I can't say I feel as bad for them as I did.
  6. I knew that it was going to end this way and never had much excitement for it but it is a little sad to see people's work go to waste even if it was going to be a disaster at best imo.
  7. Ah an absolute lifesaver man that worked. Playing around with the " K_SWG_BASTILA" also seems to enable me to still have all the conversations with Bastila instead of skipping to the final one. Gonna test to see if it will still naturally progress or if I have to manually up the integer in the save editor each time but either way this is a huge improvement over setting the clock back a few days worth of playtime or just going on without it. Big thanks to you and JCarter426. EDIT: Yup I checked and everything works fine. I followed the same steps as JCarter's guide except instead of setting "K_SWG_BASTILA" to 10 I set it to where I had last left off speaking to her (6 in my case) and I could progress down the conversations as normal.
  8. So basically despite me having played this game multiple times over the years for the first time I managed to lock myself out of the Bastila romance by ending things negatively with her mother. I went along as usual not really paying attention to the fact she was completely silent towards me afterwards until I got done with my third star map. Realizing I was about to lose her and I hadn't completed her little dialog tree I ended up finding out I've totally boned myself because of a choice I made back on Tatooine. I've tried using the save game editor to change how the Bastila's mother quest ended, to remove and restart it and none of it worked but I could be doing something wrong I'm not very experieced with it outside of adjusting dark/lightside alignment. I know theres like a one in a trillion chance I'm gonna find an answer that doesn't involve me going back to a 10 hour old (and two cleared out planets yaaay!) save but I gotta ask.
  9. I'm having an odd issue with these robes. They work just fine for a while but after playing for any extended period of time they'll turn White when I entire a new area and if I try to save or go anywhere else my game will crash and I'll have to restart. I can load up a previous save just fine and they'll work fine for a while but eventually the robes will turn White again and I'll have to do another restart.
  10. Very nice work. I've always wanted an "inbetween" look between the default Robes and the full hood up look.
  11. Hey, any word on whether or not this mod is still being made? Everything looks great so far and it'd be a shame to see it all go to waste but real life does have a way of creeping up on all of us...