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Everything posted by valas991

  1. Hi, I'm rather new to KOTOR games. In fact, I just played the games for the 1st time this year. Anyway, on my first playthrough with KOTOR2, I went with mostly DS decisions, thus, in the end, I didnt have enough influence with 3/4 of my crew, so I missed a lot of conversation and the option to turn some of them into jedi. I've read the influence guide and it turns out that if you want to get influence, in many case, you have to act nobly, get LS points, etc. And it kinda sux. So, there is the cargo/supply room in the ebon hawk, that is rather empty. I was thinking it would be interesting to put at least one cage there, where you could put one of your crew members, and torture them. (either with force lightning, or with the built in torture lightnings I guess) How would you get influence from this you may ask? Well, the concept is that with enough torturing, their mind would falter, the exile would technically break their will, thus make them an easy target for manipulation, easy target for influencing them Now, since I'm a newcomer, I have literally no idea if it's even possible, or if it is, with how much work, and with how incompatible it would be with other mods, such as restorec content mod, etc Anyway, just had the idea, thought I'd share. Take care
  2. Well, technically, I think you could take the vanilla textures, and add the eyes to it, manually. I think
  3. Hey, looking forward to this, once released. Normally i'd volunteer to test it as well, but im doing LS playthrough, with plenty of mods :/ Speaking of mods, do you know - at this point- if there are mods that will surely be incompatible with this, once released?
  4. not sure if this caused it, but on kashhyyk, the dark jedi also got a femlae there But it remained friendly, even after uninstalling the mod to check it. So might not be this mod's fault, but i cant think of something else
  5. How about Vorn? How much skill do you need to have in his case?
  6. valas991

    Kill Marlena

    allright one of the options is bugged for me My char is female Lightside (around 65) Most things work fine, but if I say "uh, okay, whats the message" She'll say "oh, i'll be long gone by then" (or something similar) And conversation gets stuck there Myb it bugs out cause char being female?