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Mellowtron11 last won the day on November 8 2019

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180 Jedi Grand Master

About Mellowtron11

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    Jedi Knight
  • Birthday November 27

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    In terms of games, I enjoy RPGs, and I absolutely adore the KOTOR series! If you need any Voice over work done, please shoot me a PM!

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  1. All these years of playing KOTOR 1 and  I never knew that you could goad Calo Nord into fighting you in the Taris cantina....


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    2. ebmar



      All these years of playing KOTOR 1 and  I never knew that you could goad Calo Nord into fighting you in the Taris cantina....

      In contrast with you; the very first encounter with Calo is me being a dead meat lol.


      It's in a popular youtube video where bosses can't be defeated (1:20mins in)

      Never saw him as a boss really but, he fights hard on Davik's Estate [not until finding out to beat him was actually just thrown all the grenades we have lol].

    3. Basil Bonehead

      Basil Bonehead

      Just like the sith soldier with the turrets you can fight Calo early but he's artificially difficulty and not intended to be killed. Both he and the sith solider are invincible lol

      funny side story: i remember one time getting the lowercity sith soldier to chase me and fight the hidden beck guard and both of them never took damage. it was jarring to me at the time.

    4. djh269


      And the turrets outside the Tatooine Sand People Enclave, it's the UTIs in the UTCs that have insta-kill properties.