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Everything posted by djh269

  1. Just wrote this on a YouTube video: Hello everyone, I'm djh269 from lucasforums and deadlystream. I don't know if anyone's mentioned this or contacted the user who uploaded these videos, but whilst the Kotor Graphic Modification has been neatly arranged, tweaked and placed within one folder, it is still a bunch of stolen mods placed within a folder and tweaked. You can't begin to comprehend just how long some of these mods take to make, and the sheer amount of effort that...

    1. djh269


      Last night I downloaded it and split it into categories and have nearly everything listed except certain planetary skin changes which aren't Jorak ulns skins... I'm hoping he'll change the description of all his videos so more people can see

    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Thanks for trying to right that wrong. The modder's wrong, not the video maker. (I hold the video maker blameless.)

    3. djh269


      He was very understanding, maybe I was a tad strong. He has changed some of his tutorial videos and his let's play videos. When I find out all the mods in the stolen work I'll ask him to put up links.

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  2. I'm trying different things with my textures more and more, for example the shiny orange icon for the re-skinned Jamoh Hogra's armor in my first post, I'll add optional shiny icons to the sith apprentice mods (I'm using this tutorial: I used when I did the armor because I can't remember for the life of me how to do it lol. I've settled on using this icon For my black and grey armor found here: And I'm going to work on using alpha channels to add some shiny layers to it. I really am a noob at skinning I should of definitely payed more attention in IT class! Scripting would be impossible for me without the great tutorials around for assistance, everything I've covered off in my first post and more was through the aid of lucasforums, deadlystream and a few other sites. I can remember seeing a browner variation of your armor you've posted above, is that the same skin?
  3. That's an amazing armour/helmet variation! I have to say your work is god-like compared to mine haha I'm still learning the ropes on making things go together properly, for some some reason I can never get the back right on that skin but I reckon I'll mainly cover it in red. I do have an unhealthy obsession with the Bandon model as you can probably see, and you've just fuelled it even more lol!
  4. Touching upon your idea Rinku, I loved collecting the 'trophy lightsabers' from sherruk in the wotor mod! Having him keep his trophy sabers from his kills is so general grievous! or vice versa according to the dates of AOTC and kotor 1 lol.
  5. Hey guys, I've been taking a little break from my work on the korriban/kashyyk story mod and decided to work on a sith apprentice overhaul, I was playing through Kotor again with Kainzorus Prime's NPC overhaul (a must have for anyone) and I came to the conclusion that they (the sith apprentices) should be more diverse, and not all bald... So, I asked Seikan if I could use his sith trooper helmet found here: And he said yes! So, here's a few sith apprentice reskins and helmets: Sith governor on Taris: Sith master from the 3 sith group encounter on Tatooine: Sith master from the 3 sith group encounter on Kashyyk: Sith governor on Manaan: Sith master on the Leviathan in the hangar: Sith master 01 standing next to saul: Sith master 02 standing next to saul: Sith master on the Unknown world: Sith master you see talking to Malak on the star forge (may take some scripting to do): Random red and black robe and mask: I will make create the mod in a way that lets you choose whether you start off with them wearing the masks or change their dialogues so that they equip it when they attack, or to not have the masks on their utc files at all. I will also skins some heads for them and may create some reskinned vacuum masks to accompany them as well. I will also work on some of the skins as well as some are pretty bright and need general tweaking. Djh269
  6. I'd love to know this also, and the GUI reskin
  7. This has made my day, I love lists! I wish you the best of luck that's a lot of mods haha. Let us all know how you get on
  8. I have some large mod builds if you want them? I've tested them out and they work fine. I've made the mistake of having too many mods before, I'd like to know the limit of space you can use. Edit: I have builds for both games.
  9. djh269


    Has anybody got the learning of the ways of the force mod by Darth333? Many thanks
  10. The chest can be found in the first module you enter through when you leave dreshdae on korriban, I believe it's the 1st or 2nd department to the right
  11. Hey guys, I was wondering, when fighting with a double bladed melee/lightsaber the damage carries across as if it's two weapon damages and attack modifiers. However range attacks do not with rifles and carbines etc, is there a way to carry the damage across like with melee/lightsabers or is that not possible? Cheers!
  12. Tk102 made a K1 flamethrower mod, can't find it anywhere though
  13. I have asked this before for the wrist launcher, I'm sure if someone replaced the flame model with that of a rocket model and made the script in a way that made an explosion it might be able to be done haha. On the flamethrower are you talking of one activated like an armband or a gun that shoots Flames?
  14. Hello, I recently played a few missions on TSL and decided to add this mod. Unfortunately I've encountered an error whilst trying to use this mod,the dialogue seems broken: And I can't seem to be able to turn Hanharr into a jedi, so I read the replies above and found that the a_makejedi.ncs wasn't in my workshop folder so I tried compiling the .nss file from the mod folder and got this message: Any assistance would be great!
  15. Hello again, Thanks for the brilliant advice! So, I can garner from the above that: if I wanted to kill two bounties in two different modules, but the only way of accessing the second module and seeing the second bounty was by killing the first, i'd have to create this scenario by placing this script below onto his OnDeath script tab within his UTC that checks the plot advancement and for the OnEnter of the second module to then be able to check for said advancement? Sorry if this seems like a strange way of looking at things haha. I've been messing around with script generators and they are really fun to work with! I'm using: lilac souls nwn script generator-v23 + Kotor script generator 2.1b by Jmac7142 I've been been contemplating just how to implement the main mission, and I've decided to create a treasure room of sorts that will be filled with empty placeables to better explain them being stolen from Korriban, nothing too major but I can't think of any artefacts. I played through TSL's Korriban dialogue with Kreia to get a better idea and she does talk about gravediggers stealing artifacts and about a Tulak Hord holocron that may or may not of been discovered, which I hope to place within the mod. But can anyone think of any sith lords/sith lords items or even any cool sith artefacts, as I don't really want to be Cliche and have a full item set of each of the sith lords that were situated in Korriban (ajunta pall, naga sadow etc) However, I have settled on the following (I don't know if they are real artefacts or not just made them up lol): Naga Sadows crystal of despair Tulak Hords beast spawner Ajunta Palls medallion Naga Sadows poison device Marka Ragnos tome Ancient Sith battle armor Ancient Sith battle mask Many thanks again!
  16. I found a tutorial on Lucasforums for adding journal entries found here:, and at the bottom it says this: So, when would I be required to use SetGlobalNumber(" "); ? I will mess around with the z coordinates. Thanks for the advice!
  17. Hey guys, I'm installing both Brotherhood of Shadows and K1R alongside my mod and will make them all run smoothly, it also has Call of Aid in mind because I'm using the Deesra dialogue rather than Vandars dialogue. I've done some more side quests scripting and started on having the whole thing planted in the vanilla storyline. And, I have a few questions: - With adding Journal Entries, when will I need to "track" the quest? - Also, has anybody ever added fires to a module before? I've created them via scripting (They're placeables) and they're floating in mid-air haha! Does anybody have a solution? Cheers, Djh269
  18. I like them all! I was looking forward to 4-6 from your list but your aural amplifiers and tetas headband look really nice!
  19. After seeing your work with the Canderous item reskins I'm excited for this project!
  20. Hello Golselect, I suggest Canderis brilliant tutorial found here: I hope this helps! ????
  21. Are they all compatible? May sound stupid but didn't think Wotor was compatible with K1R
  22. Hello Fairstrides, Wow, that really means a lot! Thank you! You may remember (I'd take my hat off if you do ) this post a while back: Basically, the silver armour (4th picture) along the items pictures is that armour haha! BUT... I had to do it with an appearance to be able to get it to run faster and it works! I know Sithspecter was curious about it but I changed these fields in the appearance.2da: moverate = FAST (instead of NORM) drivemaxspeed = 20.0 (instead of 5.4) It would be nice but I can only use that appearance, and that isn't really what I wanted, and I believe the script worked even without the armour :/ Btw, this will be one of many gadgets / artifacts I'll implement in this mod as there's some really neat ideas for gadgets that I want to try and put into it, they'll mainly be Da'jaaraks (the big boss) stolen sith artefacts Many thanks again, and happy New Year everyone!!!!!!! Djh269
  23. Hey guys, I have decided I wish to create some mods (finally) and I've settled on solely working on a cheeky little storyline mod I hope you'll be interested in. It uses the uncut Kashyyk Module found in the K1 Lost Modules pack. It basically involves a rogue Sith that wants to start his own cult/army, he also happens to of stole a lot of artifacts the Sith Embassy (is that what it's called haha?) on Korriban. I made this thread to motivate me that little bit more and to receive criticisms/feedback on what I'm doing, and also ask for a little help along the way. I've been able to: - implement triggers via KGFF (not done mines yet though) - change the module name - change where you spawn when you enter the module - implement placeables - implement creatures + make them walk around randomly (some will spawn every time you enter the module like certain creatures throughout the game, I may change this though) - started on some side missions to the main plot What I haven't been able to do: - implement a door (a force field to be exact) via KGFF, basically been messing around with the orientations but got distracted haha - implement a mini map - able to make the fight between the boss and the player a really cool battle via his heartbeat script (inspiration comes from this thread:, been messing around with this but to no avail as of yet: nCurrentHP=GetCurrentHitPoints - decide what skins to use for the various characters So, I've been working on this for a couple of weeks, and in my defence I'm really not that artistic and never believe things look right so I've spent most of my time skinning and coming up with a few choices of what to have. My biggest issue is the main bosses armor at the minute, what do you like best (I know the back needs a lot of improvement): Trouser edit- No Trouser edit- My inspiration was found here: Also, here are a few items and a few choices for the minions armors and also a cheeky video of how I want the boss fight to start (done in taris but i can change that): Item ideas- Minion armor variations: Random twilek head that may or may not use for the boss- Last but not least, here's the video I wish to use to make the entrance for my boss, or something along these lines: Many thanks everyone, sorry for the lengthy post but I'm getting excited haha. I expect people to be as critical as humanly possible, if you want to vent fury with lengthy words than here's a place to do it Djh269