Obi Wan Pere

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File Comments posted by Obi Wan Pere

  1. 53 minutes ago, Sith Holocron said:

    Your video couldn't be embedded so I remade it for you.  Hopefully, that will be acceptable.

    Thanks for the help and the video, it's the first time I try that. So, the page just accept links and cannot reproduce directly an uploaded video file?


    Glad you like it!!

  2. 2 hours ago, Ausanan said:

    Is this mod really not compatible with TSLRCM? It just retextures his body so I don't see why it wouldn't be compatible.

    In my last Playthrough (summer '19) I used it with TSLRCM (v1.8.5) and M4-78 with no problems and I think it was tagged as compatible. Maybe @Malkior forgot update the compatibility tag when updated the page.

    In the changelog says that is the same version was already uploaded.

  3. 4 hours ago, Cytaris said:

    I tried a few of the textures in kotor 2 and it works. For example I have the floor computer terminal in both my kotor games. Everything I tested worked in both games but I didn’t try every single part of your mod. I try to keep both games textures similar for continuity.

    Short answer is this mod works in both games and most of the file names for these objects are the same in both games so you don’t have to change the names.

    Glad to know it works with both KotORs!! Thanks for test!!

    • Like 1

  4. Glad you like it!! Thanks!!

    2 hours ago, Cytaris said:

    Would these work in KOTOR 2?

    I haven't installed TSL now and I can't check it. As it's just image files accompanied with its corresponding .txi files for the animation I think it should work but I cannot asure it. I've seen other graphic MODs that work with both KotORs.

    From here I can just elucubrate about that both games be using the same texture image and use the same file names for the same objects and it'd be a long story. About names you could simply rename them but if are used different texture images, e.g., you could find that the eyes of a NPC are placed in its knees... :eek:

    Anyway, I can asure that I haven't placed an autodestruction device if the KotOR version is not correct, so you always can use these files in K2 and tell us the result. I'm very sorry not be more helpful now. :(

    (Btw, my "humor sense", that has its own life, although for different reasons, also apologizes...)

    • Thanks 1
  5. TSL Restored Content Mod

       255,157    111

    10 hours ago, Cytaris said:

    When I go to fight the HK-50's they won't attack me and i cannot talk to them. I can't talk to the HK-50 on Peragus either. Does anyone know how i can fix this?

    In my last Playthrough I had the same problem and it  was provoked -at least in my case- by a MOD called 'Restored equipment for HK-47 GO-TO - TSL 1.1.0', installed while I was still in Peragus.

    • Light Side Points 1

  6. Hi again @MotleyNerd

    I mentioned "warp" for to check if you are able to "be" in Coruscant planet or you cannot either and the compatibility issue is just travelling there. Even... Coruscant is not related with any quest nor the storyline of TSL so I think there is nothing that could be broken later on (if there aren't more unnoticed incompatibility issues). If you're able to warp there you should be able to play all Coruscant and, if needed, warp again for get out of the planet.

    I'm sorry but I don't know the MOD you're talking about. I've only used (and was the 1st time) High Level Force Powers and I have to say that I loved it.

    (I PM you)

  7. I cannot assure it and by here there are several persons that know a lot more than me about that platform and some compatibility issues but I think you have said the magic word ...Steam.

    13 hours ago, MotleyNerd said:

    Either way, even if it is just this version and method that presents an issue, there hasn't been an official update to this mod for a very long time. It absolutely deserves one, even if it means another mod author has to pick it up.

    I agree, keeping in mind credits and permissions of the original authors if necessary, even it could be worked as a MOD ...of a MOD, an external update file maybe.

    PS: Have you tried "warping" to Coruscant?

  8. @MotleyNerd

    If I'm not wrong the last upgrades of M4-78EP are just translations (it's still 1.5 version) and I haven't used yet the very recently updated version of TSLRCM (1.8.6). I have TSL 4 CD's version and in my last Playthrough I used TSLRCM 1.8.5 and M4-78EP 1.5 with the Coruscant MOD without problems. If is not a pre-condition to install a MOD before start a Playthrough, usually I install the MODs just before reach the area they're related with for avoid possible issues when we install several MODs (or just for have an easy way to return to a stable status of the game if there are evident problems).

    If you're interested in the order which I installed the Coruscant MOD -and related- you can check the 2nd page of this thread:

    Anyway you're right, I love this MOD too and I think that deserves upgrade it, above all if becomes incompatible with other major and popular MODs.

  9. Full Jedi Council

       3,043    26

    Oh, no no no, it's not a criticism to the system, that wasn't the idea that I had in mind when wrote the post, and I don't know if it's a technical matter complex to implement or a desired behaviour. That is not what it's important. It wanted to be a recommendation to the unawared authors for their own interest -and benefit the possible users- and that their work not be skipped for so minor issue. Anyway I already commented about the changed flag after this MOD was updated during my last Playthrough.

    I wouldn't like that my words seems have some intention that are very far to have.

  10. Full Jedi Council

       3,043    26

    13 hours ago, DarthParametric said:

    The compatibility flag got reset the last time the forum backend got updated. So any mod that wasn't manually edited by the author since will say it is incompatible with TSLRCM, regardless of whether that is actually the case or not. The same presumably applies to the K1R compatibility flag for K1 mods.

    If I understand correctly the authors must change manually the compatibility flag when a MOD is updated, so, why they don't do it? (oh, well, it can be a rhetorical question...)

    That works against the authors since the wrong flag can be a handicap for those users which Playthrough is based in TSLRCM and skip interesting work just seeing the non compatibility flag. IMO.

    I'd pray to the authors check their download pages and correct the flag if necessary (or write a visible explanative note if change the flag is some dificult).

  11. 1 hour ago, ebmar said:

    You may want to revise them, @Obi Wan Pere - I'm not the author of any of those mods, more so claim any. Much thanks for considering this. :cheers:

    P.S. you may very well mistaken me with the original author, I'd gather - which makes more sense for them tipping those.

    opss!!! I'm very sorry. I copied the quoted tip from My "Play'MULTI-MOD'through" thread (the author @DeadMan is correct there) but I confused the names in the post of this page. :wacko:

    Edited and corrected.

    Thanks for the warning.


    • Thanks 1

  12. On 2/9/2020 at 8:34 AM, Mugwump said:

    Which one of these two mods should be installed first? Sorry if I sound like a n00b, but... I guess I am! 😶

    It's a personal tastes matter.

    According a tip from @DeadMan: "My mod covers only vibroswords, IRoberts will also change vibroblades and vibro double-blades, so I say use his version. If you like my weapon skins more (look at screenshots) you can mix them - install my mod first, then his but do not overwrite conflicting files."

    In my last Playthrough I did that, I installed first Vibrosword replacement pack 1.0 and after [TSL] Vibroweapons replacement pack retexture 1.0 (without overwrite files).

    Don't worry asking. When I don't know something ...I ask ;)

    • Like 1
  13. Workbench Crystal Attunement

       30,472    13

    On 6/18/2019 at 1:20 PM, chinomaz said:

    any chance this works with SLM or duplisaber?

    I did a trick for make it work with 'Holowan Duplisaber Beta .215b' . Better said, or works one MOD or work the other MOD. The file that conflicts is "workbnch.dlg".

    (copied from another post)


    "As I guessed it (***) cancels the dialog options of 'Holowan Duplisaber Beta .215b' in the workbench. After tune my Crystal I've saved the game, quit and restored the original "workbnch.dlg" in the Override folder. Again in game, the dialog options from H.D.B. are there and I can built hilts again without problems ...and my Crystal is tunned!!

    I've checked it in two ways (using the workbench of the Ebon Hawk with H.D.B. working):

    1- game saved OUTSIDE the EH, quit game, exchange the file, load, enter the EH and check the workbench, the attunement option works. Go outside the Hawk, save again, quit game and exchange again the file, load, enter the Hawk, check and H.D.B works again.

    2- Saving INSIDE the Ebon Hawk, quit game, exchange file, load game, check, TUNE the crystal, save again, quit, exchange again the file, load, check and Holowan Duplisaber works again.

    The trick works even without be needed use a Save made in a different game module where the workbench is located. ;)"

    ( (***) With 'Workbench Crystal Attunement 1.2' installed)

    • Thanks 1

  14. 4 hours ago, N-DReW25 said:

    the map now makes sense.

    That was my prime thought too. Besides I've tried to give sense to the whole content, relating it with the gameplay, not just filling hollows in the screens. If you know the plot of M4-78 and observe carefully the details you'll be able to recognize some situations in the game (although some of the text box are jokes, they're related directly or indirectly with the game).

    Glad to see it likes to you

    (Damn!!! I forgot place the pointing flag saying "YOU ARE HERE")


  15. Dark Robes for Atris

       785    7

    It has a little glitch that shows one (or two) small black square inside the Atris' mouth. It seems a black tooth (that make me think more in the new witch aspect of Atris.

    Anyway, amazing and really nice, I love it!!!!

    (I see that in the screenshot of this page can be seen as well)

    Atris Bug 2.jpg