Obi Wan Pere

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Everything posted by Obi Wan Pere

  1. Nice!! I was beginning to feel a bit guilty cheating to conserve one of the my favourite crystals...
  2. I cannot assure it but I think it's more related with how each O.S. works with the images in memory when a screenshot is taken, keeping in mind that neither K1 nor K2 weren't native for O.S.'s after WinXP. The advantage I see is that, if you have to paste the image in an app, you have to ALT - TAB or quit the game every time for each screenshot, while now you can take screenshots endless knowing that are archived in the KotOR directory. It's a matter of get used to this system ...and have an app that work with '.tga' format and can convert the file to your desired format files. I usually work with '.bmp' format files I have that dumb problem as well.
  3. I had the same stupid problem, I got used to take screenshots running Win XP with the PrintScreen Key and pasting in the same Paint app of the O.S. Running under Win 7, I got that "black block" you describe. It's that you don't need "paste" the image after take the screenshot. As says @LoneWanderer the image file is placed directly in the main directory of TSL in '.tga' format and you must be sure that the option is set in the "swkotor.ini" file. I don't think it's related with the different versions of TSL.
  4. The CTD talking to the Black Market droid is an old and known problem related with the droid sound voice files. Within the Comments of this link (Page 2) you can find some solutions, even a set of reconverted sound files that seems that work. I hope it helps you.
  5. @Thor110 Oopps!!! I misunderstood the question then. Thanks for the post.
  6. Some time ago I used this tutorial for make my own Loadscreen. It's for KotOR 1 and can't assure it works for TSL but I guess it's the same process. I hope it helps you.
  7. I completely agree and I apologize to all the Community for that post. Just point that the first lack of respect is not mine. Nobody said nothing. And of course nobody was filling the PM channels... I tried to calm down the thing and just found (too much) proud as answer. Anyway this is not the place for discuss that. I Repeat and emphasize my apology. PS: oh, yes, he owes me something, to me and to everybody: respect
  8. No more lessons, "master"? There is a large difference between teach and simply show knowledge, especially when condescension wins over good manners. Maybe someone unable to teach is not worthy to be called "master"
  9. Thanks for the help and the video, it's the first time I try that. So, the page just accept links and cannot reproduce directly an uploaded video file? -------------- Glad you like it!!
  10. View File (KotOR 1) Speeders "Kitt" style INTRODUCTION At first I just wanted improve the aspect of the dashboard of the Bikes and Speeders. Working with the project I saw an ideal place in the image and thought that It'd be funny add a singular feature to the Speeders that recalls one of the most known cars seen in TV. Here it is. NOTE: There is still another image file (the same image that the Swoop in the Ebon Hawk but with a different file name) that I haven't modified yet and I don't know where is found. The ones modified here are the seen for the first time in Taris and Dantooine. (BTW, the "junk" bikes are not modified, it's just ...junk). INSTALLATION Unzip with 7z the downloaded file. Each vehicle has its own folder. Just copy/paste (or drag and drop) the files from the desired folder(s)/vehicle(s) to your 'KotOR\Override' folder. The files of the "After Before" and "Result" folders are not needed, they're only for to show the results. UNINSTALL Simply remove the files from your Override folder. ----------------------------------------------------- BUGS If you don't see David Hasselhoff jumping into a Speeder, nothing to worry about. ------------------------------------------------------ PERMISSIONS It's expressly forbidden upload this MOD or any part at anywhere. If I want to see it over there I can upload it myself. ------------------------------------------------------ THANKS To Deadly Stream (Oh, well... alright, alright... to the Knight Rider as well) ------------------------------------------------------ LEGAL This MOD is provided as-is and is not supported by Bioware, Obsidian, Lucas Arts or Disney. Use this file at your own risk. Neither the author nor the companies mentioned above are responsible for any damage caused to your computer for the usage of this file. Submitter Obi Wan Pere Submitted 04/06/2021 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  11. Version 1.0.1


    INTRODUCTION At first I just wanted improve the aspect of the dashboard of the Bikes and Speeders. Working with the project I saw an ideal place in the image and thought that It'd be funny add a singular feature to the Speeders that recalls one of the most known cars seen in TV. Here it is. NOTE: There is still another image file (the same image that the Swoop in the Ebon Hawk but with a different file name) that I haven't modified yet and I don't know where is found. The ones modified here are the seen for the first time in Taris and Dantooine. (BTW, the "junk" bikes are not modified, it's just ...junk). INSTALLATION Unzip with 7z the downloaded file. Each vehicle has its own folder. Just copy/paste (or drag and drop) the files from the desired folder(s)/vehicle(s) to your 'KotOR\Override' folder. The files of the "After Before" and "Result" folders are not needed, they're only for to show the results. UNINSTALL Simply remove the files from your Override folder. ----------------------------------------------------- BUGS If you don't see David Hasselhoff jumping into a Speeder, nothing to worry about. ------------------------------------------------------ PERMISSIONS It's expressly forbidden upload this MOD or any part at anywhere. If I want to see it over there I can upload it myself. ------------------------------------------------------ THANKS To Deadly Stream (Oh, well... alright, alright... to the Knight Rider as well) ------------------------------------------------------ LEGAL This MOD is provided as-is and is not supported by Bioware, Obsidian, Lucas Arts or Disney. Use this file at your own risk. Neither the author nor the companies mentioned above are responsible for any damage caused to your computer for the usage of this file.
  12. In my last Playthrough (summer '19) I used it with TSLRCM (v1.8.5) and M4-78 with no problems and I think it was tagged as compatible. Maybe @Malkior forgot update the compatibility tag when updated the page. In the changelog says that is the same version was already uploaded.
  13. @DarthParametric There is a problem in the Endar Spire that I cannot identify. With any NPC used, spawned or loaded from the start, the result is the same, almost all screen in black (while is still cloacked) until the NPC is damaged/decloaked. On contrary, with the first attempt in Taris apartment the thing works. It's hard to see but can be seen the "distorsion" while the NPC is still cloacked. I've installed K1 on another computer and the result is the same.
  14. Hi guys I'm trying to add a (mini) quest in K1. I'm following these threads but I don't get to make it works. If I've understood correctly, attaching the Quest to a Dialogue It's not needed activate the Quest via Script but doesn't work. (Or at least doesn't work completely). It's not heared the "Ding" of the warning nor the symbol that has been added a new quest in the upper left corner of the screen but opening the journal the Quest is there but the name and description are "blank". I attach a screenshot of my edited "global.jrl" and the Dialogue, if someone can see any error. In the Dialogue Quest Box/field I've tried with both the number of the Quest Struct and the Quest Tag with the same result.
  15. Glad to know it works with both KotORs!! Thanks for test!!
  16. Ok. I send them you via PM -------------------------- I think I know what happened with the Twilek Jedi aspect. Adding the new Row, really wasn't placed the last of the .2da file. I don't know why but Kotor Tool doesn't let me paste nothing as a new line if before I havent' inserted one (new, empty) ...but doesn't let me insert at the end (as last Row), I've to insert in the space of an existing Row. So the new line inserted it's not the last. It's the penultimate. I thought the number was enough but seems that the order of the lines is important too. I say because I've had to reedit the file for send it but I've let the new Row just below the original one. Ehmmm... just say that I've found Selkath with Lightsabers that I hadn't placed there... Anyway, with the new Row placed the last, the NPC stays with its original aspect.
  17. I'm having a lot of problems. Adding the new Row doesn't work, the NPC appears with the appearance of a Jedi Twilek. The Row label, raised 1, has to be 512 so the total is 513. All that makes me thing if is there a limit of Rows in the 'appearance.2da' as there is a limit in 'Placeables.2da' file. From here and just for test I'm using the original Row for changes. There are 4 columns/fields with the original name: - label - race - modela - texa ('race', 'modela' and 'texa' has the same name, label has a different name) If I just change to the new name the 'label' it doesn't work (NPC appears with its original aspect). If I change 'label' and 'texa' (or 'label' and 'modela', or 'label', 'texa' and 'modela'), same thing, original aspect. If with any combination I change 'race' I get CTD.
  18. @Effix I've made a search in the Source .nss looking for "Holo" if it could exist as Effect "as is" but just found references about Bastila's Holocron. Looking for "Transparency" I've found nothing. I don't know if KotOR uses this Effect (e.g. with Bastila's Holo aspect) or how it's masked/got with other effect(s). My knowledge about scripting is very limited but is possible add an Effect to a NPC via Script. --------------------------- The NPC is wearing its own mask and hood by default. In that case, I still need add a head in the 'head.2da' file? I guess no but I'm not sure. Rewind/remind: - For get the "new" NPC I need add a line in the 'appearence.2da' file. - As I just want to get a new aspect of an existing NPC, 1- I can copy the entire Row of that NPC, 2- Paste the Row as a new one and change the Row Label number (e.g. if the total is 511, set the new Row Label as 512)(I don't know how say in english "add 1 to the total" but the idea is here) 3- And now the doubt, what field(s) have I to change to the new name? just the Label?
  19. Yeah, that is why I said could be related. Thinking about, maybe I have to invert the values given in the tut, where says e.g. 70% of Transparency, in my GIMP version could be 30% of Opacity. I'll try with that. I'm working in a new Module where will appear this NPC and I'd need apply to it the Hologram aspect, so I need retexture it, isn't it? but if I just place the new texture file in the Override folder the NPC always will use the Holo texture along the game. For avoid the NPC use always this texture I created the NPC with its own unique Tag and Template, as a complete new NPC with its own appearence, this is why I thought I have to add the new texture to the appearence.2da file. Maybe I'm wrong. It's the first time I do something like that. (Mmm... I don't know if exists the "Holo" Effect that could be applied via script). -------------- I already had seen this video days ago, before start to try with the GIMP and the Holo texture. I'll check it again. About the backups, sometimes I have to add a number for to have multiple backups of the same file if I'm working on it... The problem is not that, it's if I could broke something in the file unnoticed and keep (and think) that the file is ok and find onward problems without to know where they come from. Tell me I'm too much careful but if I'd have to pilot an airplane, I can make mistakes with the angle of the flaps but I'd preffer to know before that I need extract the landing gear instead landing without it ...just for to learn I was needing it.
  20. Yeah, that's correct. It's mentioned in the text. Maybe I change of idea ...again
  21. Glad you like it!! Thanks!! I haven't installed TSL now and I can't check it. As it's just image files accompanied with its corresponding .txi files for the animation I think it should work but I cannot asure it. I've seen other graphic MODs that work with both KotORs. From here I can just elucubrate about that both games be using the same texture image and use the same file names for the same objects and it'd be a long story. About names you could simply rename them but if are used different texture images, e.g., you could find that the eyes of a NPC are placed in its knees... Anyway, I can asure that I haven't placed an autodestruction device if the KotOR version is not correct, so you always can use these files in K2 and tell us the result. I'm very sorry not be more helpful now. (Btw, my "humor sense", that has its own life, although for different reasons, also apologizes...)
  22. View File Animated Placeables Pack (KotOR 1) INTRODUCTION Working in another MOD i realized the little attention paid at small and most of times unnoticed things that I think could have a bit more life in the KotOR universe. So simple as improve lights and buttons of panels and such and animate them. The pack is not complete yet and do not cover all the things you can find along KotOR. That means that in the future I could make bigger the pack adding new elements or new improvements. ------------------------------------------------------- NOTE ABOUT THIS MOD If we think in any current estandar graphics anyone can think that the new aspect could be extracted from "Doom" (the First, not the Second ) but keeping in mind that the work is made with the Paint app of the WinXP and if we compare it with the originals ones... well, it's not so bad. ------------------------------------------------------- The elements included are: MISCELLANY - Computer Panel (on floor)(Improved over 0.9.0 version) with four versions, BLUE, ORANGE/BROWN, GREEN and RED (sadly only can be used one at the time) - (NEW) Animated Panel when a Computer is used, making it similar to the on floor Computer Panel Placeable. - Computer Panel (wall)(Improved over 0.9.0 version) The Wall Computer Panel shares its texture with the Power Conduits and with the Info Panels. That's why I haven't modified it too much for not find weird lights or weird buttons in weird places of the three Placeables, but now you have three animated elements for the price of one. - Desk - Workbenches - Orange (Improved over 0.9.0 version) - (NEW) Blue - Foot locker (Now animated) - Locker (Now animated) ENDAR SPIRE - Broken Door (Improved over 0.9.0 version) - (NEW) Normal Door - (NEW) Buton Panels and Screens TARIS (NEW) - Doors - Apartments, Upper Taris - Upper City, Hidden Bek Base - Entry Sith Military Base - Sewers - Vulkar Base - Sith Base - Davick's State - Kiosk - Wall Panels and Screens - Shop Sign - Kolto Tank - Monitor Screens (around Taris) - Vulkar Base Panels - Sith Military Base - Screen Monitors - Red Light - Panels and Buton - Crate DANTOOINE (NEW) - Doors - Jedi Enclave - Matale & Sandrale Exterior - Sandrale State, inside - Sandrale State - Small Screens YAVIN (NEW) - Circular Door - Main Panel, Lights and Screens ------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION Unzip the downloaded file. Each element has its own folder. Just copy/paste (or drag and drop) the files from the desired folder(s)/element(s) to your 'KotOR\Override' folder. The files of the "After and Before" folders are not needed, they're only for to show the results. UNINSTALL Simply remove the files from your Override folder. ------------------------------------------------------- BUGS If you are able to find one I invite the next round. It's just a change in the textures. I've run and re run all the Endar Spire and the Taris Appartment lots of times with these files and found nothing, even the ones that are involved in the Plot as the Footlocker at the start of Kotor, the Computer Panel that permit kill Siths in the next room or the Workbench in the Taris Appartment. The only one thing I think that could occur is that you find any of these textures in other Placeables/Locations that I haven't noticed by the time and share the same texture files (I've seen that in other MODs). If the result is "fine", nothing, go ahead (although I'd appreciate a warning via post or PM). If the result is weird or bad is obliged the warning so I can correct it asap. This is not really a bug but KotOR has its own way for to show images and textures. I've noticed that most of times just cut, invert, compress, wide, tight the same images (files), I guess for get more variety without too much work, this can result in some weird -or not too much fine- vision of some elements. It's very dificult -if not impossible- find a balance for get a fine vision of all the images in all the places that are located/used and is very noticeable when is used any text. I hope not everybody knows read aurebesh... ------------------------------------------------------ PERMISSIONS It's expressly forbidden upload this MOD or any part at anywhere. If I want to see it over there I can upload it myself. If anyone could be interested in include it or part of it in his/her own work, PM me here at Deadly Stream and talk about. ------------------------------------------------------ THANKS To Deadly Stream ------------------------------------------------------ LEGAL This MOD is provided as-is and is not supported by Bioware, Obsidian, Lucas Arts or Disney. Use this file at your own risk. Neither the author nor the companies mentioned above are responsible for any damage caused to your computer for the usage of this file. ------------------------------------------------------- FINAL NOTE Made with love and funny to do it. Enjoy it!! Submitter Obi Wan Pere Submitted 02/22/2021 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  23. Version 0.9.1


    INTRODUCTION Working in another MOD i realized the little attention paid at small and most of times unnoticed things that I think could have a bit more life in the KotOR universe. So simple as improve lights and buttons of panels and such and animate them. The pack is not complete yet and do not cover all the things you can find along KotOR. That means that in the future I could make bigger the pack adding new elements or new improvements. ------------------------------------------------------- NOTE ABOUT THIS MOD If we think in any current estandar graphics anyone can think that the new aspect could be extracted from "Doom" (the First, not the Second ) but keeping in mind that the work is made with the Paint app of the WinXP and if we compare it with the originals ones... well, it's not so bad. ------------------------------------------------------- The elements included are: MISCELLANY - Computer Panel (on floor)(Improved over 0.9.0 version) with four versions, BLUE, ORANGE/BROWN, GREEN and RED (sadly only can be used one at the time) - (NEW) Animated Panel when a Computer is used, making it similar to the on floor Computer Panel Placeable. - Computer Panel (wall)(Improved over 0.9.0 version) The Wall Computer Panel shares its texture with the Power Conduits and with the Info Panels. That's why I haven't modified it too much for not find weird lights or weird buttons in weird places of the three Placeables, but now you have three animated elements for the price of one. - Desk - Workbenches - Orange (Improved over 0.9.0 version) - (NEW) Blue - Foot locker (Now animated) - Locker (Now animated) ENDAR SPIRE - Broken Door (Improved over 0.9.0 version) - (NEW) Normal Door - (NEW) Buton Panels and Screens TARIS (NEW) - Doors - Apartments, Upper Taris - Upper City, Hidden Bek Base - Entry Sith Military Base - Sewers - Vulkar Base - Sith Base - Davick's State - Kiosk - Wall Panels and Screens - Shop Sign - Kolto Tank - Monitor Screens (around Taris) - Vulkar Base Panels - Sith Military Base - Screen Monitors - Red Light - Panels and Buton - Crate DANTOOINE (NEW) - Doors - Jedi Enclave - Matale & Sandrale Exterior - Sandrale State, inside - Sandrale State - Small Screens YAVIN (NEW) - Circular Door - Main Panel, Lights and Screens ------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION Unzip the downloaded file. Each element has its own folder. Just copy/paste (or drag and drop) the files from the desired folder(s)/element(s) to your 'KotOR\Override' folder. The files of the "After and Before" folders are not needed, they're only for to show the results. UNINSTALL Simply remove the files from your Override folder. ------------------------------------------------------- BUGS If you are able to find one I invite the next round. It's just a change in the textures. I've run and re run all the Endar Spire and the Taris Appartment lots of times with these files and found nothing, even the ones that are involved in the Plot as the Footlocker at the start of Kotor, the Computer Panel that permit kill Siths in the next room or the Workbench in the Taris Appartment. The only one thing I think that could occur is that you find any of these textures in other Placeables/Locations that I haven't noticed by the time and share the same texture files (I've seen that in other MODs). If the result is "fine", nothing, go ahead (although I'd appreciate a warning via post or PM). If the result is weird or bad is obliged the warning so I can correct it asap. This is not really a bug but KotOR has its own way for to show images and textures. I've noticed that most of times just cut, invert, compress, wide, tight the same images (files), I guess for get more variety without too much work, this can result in some weird -or not too much fine- vision of some elements. It's very dificult -if not impossible- find a balance for get a fine vision of all the images in all the places that are located/used and is very noticeable when is used any text. I hope not everybody knows read aurebesh... ------------------------------------------------------ PERMISSIONS It's expressly forbidden upload this MOD or any part at anywhere. If I want to see it over there I can upload it myself. If anyone could be interested in include it or part of it in his/her own work, PM me here at Deadly Stream and talk about. ------------------------------------------------------ THANKS To Deadly Stream ------------------------------------------------------ LEGAL This MOD is provided as-is and is not supported by Bioware, Obsidian, Lucas Arts or Disney. Use this file at your own risk. Neither the author nor the companies mentioned above are responsible for any damage caused to your computer for the usage of this file. ------------------------------------------------------- FINAL NOTE Made with love and funny to do it. Enjoy it!!