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Everything posted by Dastardly

  1. Not to mention the abundance of privacy concerns. Edit: My tool is just about ready.
  2. KAurora doesn't seem to export the necessary AABB tree required to block the camera. However, I am currently writing a tool which will dump .wok data into a .mdl file to create a walkmesh node with the tree. Its only a matter of time. Don't be afraid to start area modelling.
  3. There are only two differences with the trimesh and the walkmesh node type. First difference is that the walkmesh node type is 545 while the normal trimesh is 33. The second difference is that the end of the subheader (right underneath mdx and vertices offsets) there is an int32 which contains the offset to the AABB tree. That's it. The AABB node structure is like so: Bounding Box Min Bounding Box Max Left Leaf Offset Right Leaf Offset Leaf Index Most Siginficant Plane The left and right leaves are offsets to another AABB node. The leaf offsets are ignored and set to 0 if the leaf index != -1. The leaf index is an index to a face to which the AABB node is attached to. The amount of AABBs are twice the amount of faces minus one. KAurora already has classes for the AABB Node and the Walkmesh Header. Sent you the binary files - don't have the ascii. Check your PMs. Trying to compare files probably won't be feasible since I loaded up .wok data and created a new node in the .mdl file with it.
  4. KAurora already does have some support for walkmesh nodes, but it doesn't export the data correctly (or maybe it gets the wrong offset for the AABB tree?) Also, I created a module where you spawn in a lone cube which walls blocks the camera. See for yourself.
  5. Successfully blocked the camera with a custom model, will upload a module soon.

    1. Sithspecter


      Simply incredible. That little box area means a lot to KotOR modding.

  6. Alright, so a AABB node is 40 bytes in length in the .mdl (compared to 44 bytes in the .wok). The node type for walkmeshs is 545. It turns out you just need to change the 40 bytes of the first AABB into null bytes using a hex editor and the AABB tree won't be formed. The first AABB is from offset 0 into the AABB tree which can be found using MDLOPs 0.6.1. Once all 40 bytes of the first AABB are null you can noclip the camera through the walls. Use KT to extract the area model from the models.bif. This link contains a two models - the Manaan hangar and the Dantooine hangar - both have had their AABB trees removed.
  7. The cause of camera movement being blocked (in area models) does technically come from the walkmesh but here is the plot twist; it comes from the walkmesh node INSIDE the .mdl file. It specifically comes from the AABB tree. You can see for yourself: Find a area model in a selected module, remove the AABB tree (have to replace the first AABB with a AABB assigned to a face, otherwise it crashes), then add the .mdl to the override, proceed to load the module and pan the camera through the walls - just make sure you are in the right model of the module. Now we just need to put this information to good use...
  8. Been a while since I did a romance except for the Bastilla one so I guess I'll go with that one. I'll probably have to do a couple run throughs of TSL and K1 to make a firm decision though.
  9. Wooh! Wrote a script which can export geometry in blender straight to a binary .mdl file. Now to do UV's ^_^

    1. Canderis


      That's exciting!

  10. Dastardly

    Coming Soon

    Looks really nice, good job
  11. I think your forgetting about the amazing sound design. Especially for the implosion grenade which sounds incredibly awesome.
  12. Anyone know what the controller support is like? Does it use the Xbox UI?
  13. "It is such a quiet thing... to fall... but far more terrible is to admit it." - Darth Traya
  14. Dastardly


    Things that go boom.
  15. Dastardly


    From the album: KABOOM!

    Run Canderous, run!
  16. Currently rewriting the script which will now export directly to binary
  17. I don't have a Mac/Linux computer, so I can't really help you there, so you may want to start a new thread. I can however PM the lightmaps of the areas you want.
  18. This tool may also be helpful if you need to convert multiple .tpc files into .tga files simultaneously.
  19. In KotOR Tool, in the TSL section there is a file called lightmaps.bif. Extract the .tpc as .tga files and modify the lighting/hue of the image file then place it in your override.
  20. Is this what you are after? This contains the noises you hear inside the Shyrack caves and the music as well.
  21. But! But! But! Even the demo from years ago was still amazing and impressive! I wouldn't say its garbage, just the new one is relatively better to the old one.
  22. Do you have K1R installed? If so, take a look at this: http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/2966-attention-all-people-stuck-on-the-taris-sith-armor-quest/.
  23. Dastardly


    Don't worry, you're not the only person I've seen whose asked this. There isn't any mod that does this unfortunately, but if you know a bit of coding, you can use a program called AutoHotkey to better emulate and compress controls for a joystick device. It's still not an ideal solution but its probably the best way to go that I can think of.