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Everything posted by Dastardly

  1. Dastardly

    Yavin IV

    That's odd , I thought it was just my browser getting overly sensitive since Gamefront downloads are blocked for me too. For future mods, you should be able to bypass the block with your browser, they just tend to hide the button amidst the warning text.
  2. Dastardly

    Yavin IV

    Haven't tested the files out myself; but here are the gamefront links: http://www.gamefront.com/files/9803676/Yavin_IV http://www.gamefront.com/files/11735616/Yavin_IV__TSL_Patcher_Update___1_5_
  3. Unfortunately, I hit a road bump with this. There are 9 floats per vertex in the mdx file which seem to be needed when bumpmaps are enabled. They look like a collection of normals but I have no idea how to calculate any of them (Possibly related to something called "Tangent Space"). If anyone knows what they could be, pm me or post here. Thanks.
  4. Dastardly


    Looks great, whats the plugin?
  5. I got both xbox game files on my pc.
  6. You think ROTJ is better than ANH? what is this the common view ^^?
  7. I think a change in the appearance field using KSE can achieve this. Not all options support changeable bodies or animations though.
  8. Bought the steam version yesterday , nice timing.
  9. Unfortunatley I don't think I've ever seen a mod that does as requested, but it is possible. To make a mod that makes it properly fit the screen would probably take some doing. :/ The GUI's position, scaling, layout, coloring and images can all be changed. The code that makes it work (ie adding an action to the queue) ties directly in with the engine and can't be edited. The .GUI file is nothing but a GFF file and can be edited by K-GFF. I'm pretty sure all you have to do to change the resolution of the GUI is edit the "WIDTH" and "HEIGHT" fields that are under the the "EXTENT" structure that's connected to the root.
  10. Continuing from what was discussed last year, I have learned how to enable bumpmaps on models which do not originally have support for them. Specially thanks to LiliArch for helping me . Below is a test I did on one of the PC head models. The process involved to make a model bump map compatible is actually rather simple if you're somewhat familiar with the how the .mdl file works. On each mesh node, the first bit in the MDX Data Bitmap is a yes/no flag for rendering bump maps. Setting the bit to 1 will enable it. There is still a matter of UV's for the bump map. The MDX bump map UV offset is 16 bytes away from the beginning of the texture uv offset. While you *could* insert extra UV's into the .mdx file then fix each node's .mdx offset, this is just not needed. Simply set the bump map's UV offset equal to the texture UV offset. I probably could have explained that a lot better and made a neater set of instructions but instead I'll make a tool somewhere down a long the line which does the above for you instead. As for the "isdiffusebumpmap" and "isspecularbumpmap", neither of them seem to require the above to work. "LEH_wall01b" is an instance of this. I've checked various models that use it, none seem to have the bumpmap flag turned on in the .mdls' nodes. tl;dr Bumpmaps can be now put on possibly any model and I'll probably make a tool which does all the hex editing for you. still some problems that need to be solved
  11. I'm pretty sure this is considered porting (moving assets from K1 over to TSL or visa versa) and is against the forum rules.
  12. Smaller companies do tend to be less greedy, more giving Get that Original Xbox feeling
  13. Only figured that out when trying to get his walkmesh to work
  14. Really? I always though darkside was the more common thing... Well, it's generally what I pick anyway.
  15. Whew! That's a relief ! Glad to hear it.
  16. Oh no, the crashing was certainly coming because of a fault in the program's code. But the walls on the walkmesh do need to be at least on the same height as the camera for it to be blocked.
  17. Sent you a pm Good to hear! Hopefully the walkmesh adjustments won't be too strenuous to do. Uploaded a new version. Hopefully its the last fix required. I managed to get the camera to block in the area you gave me, however I had to increase the height of the non-walk walls in your walkmesh.
  18. Is it possible if I could have the module and model files you are using? Also are you are using KAurora to export the .wok file? I replaced a walkmesh node in TSL, stock model, no crash. (The add child option will crash if there is already a walkmesh node present)
  19. Only K1 models were tested with tool on release, my bad. It turns out I forgot to fix the vertex indices offsets for K2. I tested it and the model+module loaded fine with the camera successfully being blocked. Uploaded fixed version. Trust me. You do not want to. You know your code is messy beyond belief when you yourself can barely read it. I'm half tempted to do a rewrite. :/
  20. The program didn't agree with MDX Files that were bigger than their MDL counterparts. Uploaded a fixed version, could you try again?
  21. View File Walkmesh Injector INSTALLATION You must have .NET Framework 4.0 installed in order for this tool to work. Once/If you do, simply extract the contents into a folder and load up the file. It'll also be a good idea to have KAurora on hand for exporting walkmeshes and binary models. USE The purpose of this program is to add a walkmesh node into a binary .mdl's file. It "injects", so to speak, the .wok data into the model. By doing this, you will enable the camera to be blocked when panning into a wall. Just make sure that the walkmesh fits the area model you are using. This *should* work for both K1 and TSL, I haven't tested TSL yet though. INSTRUCTIONS 1. Load the .MDL file, it requires its .MDX counterpart 2. Load the .WOK file that is used in conjuction with the mdl, if there is a .WOK file with the same name as the .MDL it will automatically load up 3. Select the export directory OR leave it blank. Leaving it blank will export it to the same directory it is already in and add a "_new" suffix to the file name 4. Choose [Add New Child] if the .MDL file doesn't have a walkmesh node in it already, if it does, scroll down the drop down box and select that instead. The old walkmesh node will be replaced with the new one 5. The KotOR version is automatically determined from the file, check to see if is correct. 6. Press inject and retrieve your new files to the place you exported it to REPORTING ERRORS If the program popups up with an error, check to see if your model is legit. If it is, post the error on the forums. If your module crashes on loadup or the camera isn't being blocked, go to the forums and give specific information to what you did. (K1 or TSL? Replaced a node or added? Used a custom export directory?) Submitter Dastardly Submitted 11/02/2015 Category Modding Tools  
  22. Version 1.0.3


    INSTALLATION You must have .NET Framework 4.0 installed in order for this tool to work. Once/If you do, simply extract the contents into a folder and load up the file. It'll also be a good idea to have KAurora on hand for exporting walkmeshes and binary models. USE The purpose of this program is to add a walkmesh node into a binary .mdl's file. It "injects", so to speak, the .wok data into the model. By doing this, you will enable the camera to be blocked when panning into a wall. Just make sure that the walkmesh fits the area model you are using. This *should* work for both K1 and TSL, I haven't tested TSL yet though. INSTRUCTIONS 1. Load the .MDL file, it requires its .MDX counterpart 2. Load the .WOK file that is used in conjuction with the mdl, if there is a .WOK file with the same name as the .MDL it will automatically load up 3. Select the export directory OR leave it blank. Leaving it blank will export it to the same directory it is already in and add a "_new" suffix to the file name 4. Choose [Add New Child] if the .MDL file doesn't have a walkmesh node in it already, if it does, scroll down the drop down box and select that instead. The old walkmesh node will be replaced with the new one 5. The KotOR version is automatically determined from the file, check to see if is correct. 6. Press inject and retrieve your new files to the place you exported it to REPORTING ERRORS If the program popups up with an error, check to see if your model is legit. If it is, post the error on the forums. If your module crashes on loadup or the camera isn't being blocked, go to the forums and give specific information to what you did. (K1 or TSL? Replaced a node or added? Used a custom export directory?)