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Everything posted by Kexikus

  1. You could still do the proofreading if you want to But it's no problem if you don't get to it. I'll be coming back to you once I get lost in some scripting issues or other things I can't solve.
  2. I just completed my own playthrough of KotOR with the Dark Side Juhani mod installed, so I figured it's time for a small update. Thanks to all the people helping me test this mod I now have a list of 55 bugs to fix, oversights to correct and improvements to make. Three more playthroughs are in progress so that number will probably rise some more but the big issues have hopefully been found already. Now it's time to start fixing those and I've no idea how long that will take. Some of these issues are very small things that will be fixed in a few minutes each, others might take longer depending on how fast I can figure out what's causing an issue. At this point I have to say THANK YOU to everyone who is testing this mod for me. This is a tremendous help and I couldn't have found all the issues without you. Thanks to you this mod will be way better polished once it's actually done. Thank you
  3. GoG also has a sale on its Star Wars games for those who prefer DRM-free games And May the fourth be with you.
  4. I have this same problem in K1 but usually there's at least one party member that can still move after each fight so I just switch to that one until I get to the next encounter. Afterwards it will usually be fixed. Or you can quicksave - quickload. That should also fix it. Sorry that those are only workarounds, but I know of no actual fix.
  5. It is? Damn.... Where? Nothing in this mod is but Sith Holocron asked if I restored some lines from the trial scene. (I don't know what was cut there.) I've no interest in such a mod so I won't be the one doing it but feel free to do so. It's really only an appearance.2da edit and maybe some edits to their .utc's.
  6. T3 answers the question, so no fan voices here. And yes, the robes are only for this module. No other part of the game was touched in this mod.
  7. You can either use the legacy PC version on Steam or the gog version. Both are the same as the DVD and CD versions.
  8. Maybe for a second mod but restoring dialog is not the goal of this one. Ideally it should be included in TSLRCM anyway as it's restored content.
  9. No. The only dialog change is a small bit of dialog that explains where the 7 added Jedi ended up.
  10. Those look a lot more usable than the old UVW maps, but I don't think I want to go through the trouble of redoing the texture for a background character that's seen for less than a minute in total. But it's definetly nice to have for someone who'd like to bring Vima into the game as an NPC with more content.
  11. Version 2.0 is now uploaded. Here's what you can expect: - Replaced generic human Jedi with Vima Sunrider and a Duros - Vima sunrider has a custom robe (thanks to DarthParametric) - Choose between K1 and TSL style robes for all Council members (except for those with unique robes) - The 7 added Council members are now mentioned in the post-trial scene on the Ebon Hawk Make sure you remove version 1.0 before installing the new one or you'll get Council member clones.
  12. Having such an accident always sucks but on e day that's supposed to be happy like your birthday it's even worse. But I'm glad to hear you're alright and I wish you all the best for your birthday
  13. I'd love a version similar to this one, aka something like an ornamented Jedi like robe.
  14. Those look really awesome. Maybe someone can just create a new texture for the lightside robes based on the dark side robe. The vanilla light side robes looked horrible anyway IMHO^^
  15. Thanks for the reply and sorry about being so vague. I'm making a mod that changes HK's appearance depending on the armor he's wearing and I want to use this to have a visual representation of him being repaired over the course of the game. So if he's wearing no armor, he looks like a piece of junk and while equipping better and better tiers of armor, his appearance becomes more and more repaired until he looks like the new droid we know from K1 at the highest tier of armor. So the tiers should be chosen in a way that a player usually won't move down a tier when getting new armor. Thus the sorting should be based on their usefulness in the game. Maybe it's even worth to add the fourth tier for the really good armors like HK's special armor, but as I said, I'm really bad with stats etc, which is why I asked for help^^
  16. You can also use GetItemInSlot() to check if the lightsaber is actually equipped: int StartingConditional(){ return GetItemInSlot(<inventory slot goes here>, GetFirstPC()) == GetObjectByTag("<tag of your lightsaber>") } And then probably also add an or condition to check the second hand. For the alignment shifts you can use the same conditions to check for the equiped item or the item being in the inventory and apply them to the corresponding functions. The scripts for that are k_act_darksml, k_act_darkmed and k_act_darkhigh. If you have a look at those, you'll see that they look like this: #include "k_inc_debug" #include "k_inc_utility" void main() { UT_DarkMed(GetPCSpeaker()); } One possibility would be to add a condition in here that moves the DS hit up one category if you have the item equipped: #include "k_inc_debug" #include "k_inc_utility" void main() { if(GetIsObjectValid(GetItemPossessedBy(GetFirstPC(), "<item resref>"))) { UT_DarkHigh(GetPCSpeaker()); } else { UT_DarkMed(GetPCSpeaker()); } } I used JC's method to check for the item here but you could use mine as well (if it actually works^^). For k_act_darkhigh you'd then have to fire UTDarkHigh and UTDarkSml or something if the item is equiped to get a bigger hit. Or you could directly alter the calculations. To do that you'll need k_inc_utility. The functions like UT_DarkMed are in there but all they do is to call another function called "void UT_AdjustCharacterAlignment(object oTarget, int nScale)". You could edit these calculations, once again using if-conditions to check for your item being equiped, then save your UNCOMPILED k_inc_utility to the Override folder and recompile k_act_darksml, k_act_darkmed and k_act_darkhigh. That would probably be the more elegant solution, but it's up to you.
  17. What happens when the game is set to fullscreen? Does that give you resolution options?
  18. I'm working on a small mod that requires me to sort TSL's droid armor into three tiers. For most armor items that's easy as they exist in Mark I, II and III. But there are some exceptions, so I was wondering where you'd sort those in. I'm just really bad when it comes to rating items, skills, etc. so that's why I'm asking for help The armors in question are: Droid Desh Plating Droid Agrinium Armor Droid Quadranium Armor Droid Diatum Plating Droid Capacitor Armor (HK's special armor. Where do you get that one by the way?) Any help would be very appreciated. Thank you
  19. As you might know, fog is not working or at least not working properly in Aspyr's 2016 Steam patch for KotOR 2: TSL. An official fix for this issue doesn't seem to be in sight but luckily HappyFunTimes101 wrote a fix himself. To show the issue with the 2016 patch, here's a comparison between the Steam and the GOG version: As you can see, the fog is really screwed up in the latest Steam version while all other versions (4CD, DVD, gog, Steam legacy) look the same as the "gog picture". In other areas, the issue is not as visible when the fog is completely missing in the Steam version, but if you compare the two versions it's easy to see. And finally, here's what it looks like with HappyFunTImes101's fix applied: One more comparison, taken from the Ravager where the fog is not present at all in the Steam version: Additionally HappyFunTimes101 provides a completely new speed blur effect to get rid of that headache causing blur in the vanilla game while keeping some visual effect: It's a little hard to see on a still frame but if you compare the last two pictures, you can see that the edges of the screen are warped while running with Force Speed active. I really like that new effect, but it's optional when installing the fog fix, so it's up to you to decide whether you want it or not. Which brings me to the important part: How to install the fix First of all, here's the Read-Me. But I'll provide easier to follow instructions, originally taken from a reddit post by TonyKaku but slightly edited: Go here and download the contents of the Release folder. Copy them in your main KotOR 2 directory. If you don't want the changed speed effect, go to KotOR 2 directory \ shaders_override and delete fp_speedblur.txt. Start the game You should now have two folders called shaders_original and shadow_override in your KOTOR folder. Go into the shaders_original folder and open the first file with a program like Notepad++ locate the line that says "MOV result.color, r0" (second to last line usually) right above that line paste the content of the quote under "Fog Issue" that starts with PARAM p =.... Your file should look like this. Repeat this step for every text file in the folder that has the MOV result.color, r0 line (these are all files starting with fp). That can take some time and there might be ways to automate the process but explaining it might take so long that you're probably just better off doing the whole thing manually. After you pasted this into every file that has the MOV result.color, r0 line near the end, copy all text files into the shader_override folder. Launch the game, the fog should now be fixed This fix is definitely a big step forward for the usability of the Steam patch, which I always avoided due to issues like these. It's up to you to decide if it's easier to fix the fog in the Steam version or to get widescreen support in a different version but it's definitely a good thing to have this patch available. Maybe this fix can even be expanded to include the missing saber hilt textures (if that's even a shader issue). A big thanks to TonyKaku for posting this on the kotor reddit or I wouldn't have found it. To the moderators: I wasn't sure if that qualifies as a tutorial, so I posted it in the general section. If it is, please just move it or maybe just pin it so that the information doesn't get lost. Thank you Edit: I tried to apply the speed effect change to the older TSL version and to K1, but it's not as easy as I hoped it would be. The shader identified as the speed shader in shader_ident.txt just doesn't exist in these versions of K1/TSL so it can't be overwritten that way either. I assume it would be possible by editing the OpenGL32.dll file but I just don't know how to do that.
  20. Or you could use TSLPatcher to apply the changes to the .dlg during the installation, thus not overwriting previous changes to the same file.
  21. For me the primary use install options is and has always been to provide different versions of a mod and I've seen them used for compatibility options. If the different versions would come down to more than the location of one file I would have used install options immediately but I figured that editing a .gff file only if it's present is not too far from what I knew TSLPatcher can do and thus might be available as a feature.
  22. Either that or install mods into the TSLRCM workshop directory. But I'd really recommend the .exe if you want to mod yourself. And fog is not working either in the new patch.
  23. Do you have TSLRCM from the Steam workshop? If so, then yes, the Steam workshop works completely different compared to TSLPatcher. I suggest you read this guide. Basically: The Steam workshop will create new folders where it simply dumps the workshop mod content and when launching the game will take all these files and if a file is present in two locations it will choose one based on some kind of priority list. There's absolutely NO merging when it comes to .2da, .gff or even .tlk files.
  24. Install options would definetly be a possibility but I was hoping to avoid them.
  25. I tried not having the file in the tslpatchdata folder but then TSLPatcher would open a window asking me to select the file and if I abort this prompt, TSLPatcher will stop the installation with a critical error.