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  1. 4 points
    So i did redid 950COR (953) last night... So there's that....
  2. 3 points
    Hello, and welcome to the first Dev Diary of the Revenge of Revan mod. For those of us who have been living under a rock for the past decade, Revenge of Revan (or ROR for short) is a total conversion mod for Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords (Kotor II) that adds a standalone original story that continues from where Kotor II left off. With the Star Wars The Old Republic MMO (often shortened as just TOR) being released not long after the original ROR Demo, and with the new and innovative modding tools released over the years since, the ROR mod has gone through some drastic changes and has never looked better! In this Dev Diary I hope to show you some of these exciting changes, but first… I need to address the following. Whilst the ROR mod is a spiritual successor to Kotor II, emphasis on “spiritual”, it is NOT Kotor III! Kotor III was a video game that was cancelled by LucasArts in the late 2000s, the ROR mod is entirely fan fiction. Whilst we do strive to make the characters, locations, and elements of the mod faithful to the canonical Legends material, the story you shall experience in the ROR mod is entirely NON-CANON and should be treated as such. The ROR mod is intended to act as a bridge between Kotor II and TOR MMO, you can play a strictly canonical playthrough that would hypothetically lead to the events of TOR or play a non-canonical playthrough that sees you defeat the Sith menace once and for all. We shall get into further detail about this in the next Dev Diary. For those who may be wondering, the ROR Dev Diaries serves a few purposes. 1) It allows for you, the player, to get a taste of the mod without having to download it first. 2) Assuming someone makes a YouTube video about the mod once it's released, thus making purpose 1 redundant, it serves to give you developer commentary on some of the choices made in the development of the ROR mod. Giving you a unique insight into the mod and may serve to answer any questions you may have had when playing, or you can ask your own questions in the comment section of this dev diary relating to the content I've showcased in-case I didn't answer your question. 3) It serves as a space for the ROR Developers to pitch feature proposals to the player base before we commit our time and effort into developing them. We wouldn't want to waste an entire year developing something the players aren't going to like. With the feedback and your opinions which you'll hopefully leave in the comments we may get an idea of what the player base actually wants which will hopefully influence our decision on said feature. In this first Dev Diary, I shall focus on everything you see just before starting a new game – the Main Menu & Player Creation. And be warned, this entire Dev Diary is just the Main Menu & Player Creation. We actually start playing the mod in the second Dev Diary so stick around for when that comes out. (Please let me know if any of the links and/or images are broken) Starting off the mod, you arrive at the main menu screen. The character you see to the left is described as a Sith Witch though canonically she is a Sith Sorcerer, do know that she is not the main antagonist of the mod. Similar to Kotor II, there shall be a group of Sith who you will encounter throughout your journey, including the Sith Twins you encountered all the way back in the Demo, this Torguta character on the main screen, and more Sith who are yet to be announced. Many of the characters introduced in the ROR mod have unique and innovative designs, this character is based on a heavily modified variant of Kreia’s model. You can see the Darth Traya-style Sith Robes she’s wearing though her head has been heavily modified to resemble a Torguta. Here is a side by side comparison that shows you what I'm describing. This character will rely on Force attacks when you battle her in-game as she is a Sorceress, whereas the Sith Twins from the Demo will focus on melee combat as they're both Sith Assassins. As you can see in the screenshot, her head Montrals and Lekku head tails are short, similar to . They’re probably like this because the game would have trouble rendering/animating Shaak Ti sized Montrals and Lekkus (or at least they would back in 2011 when this character was made). And just for anyone who's curious, someone actually did try to make a Shaak Ti head for Kotor and this and this was the result... I'm sure you can see why we're sticking with our current appearance. Since we can't add a proper Shaak Ti sized head for this character, she'll probably be young, around the player character’s age, in-game when you encounter her to explain her appearance. And for any of you who still aren't sold on her appearance... just know that Disney's done worse by having Ahsoka's character design go from this to . This character is similar to Darth Sion in that she's on the menu for the start of the game but will be replaced by another, much stronger, character as the game progresses. I believe @Logan23 showcased the next Sith Lord who appears on the main menu on Moddb back in the day, which I shall once again showcase here. This character is based off Atris' cut Darth Traya model. She is another Sith Sorceress and is paired together with the Sith Torguta, I imagine this character would be the Torguta’s Master and would be a lot stronger than the Torguta. This later character also isn’t the big main bad guy of the mod, there’s more characters who’ll replace her on the main menu screen. Now I know it’s possible to set the menus manually via the config in the main game folder, though do know that these later characters have not yet been implemented into the menu as of right now – though there is a bug where if you try messing with the config. This is probably a remnant of Thor110’s Expanded Galaxy mod… speaking of which! The ROR mod will now utilize ported assets from the first game as porting has been allowed in our modding community since 2018. Thor110’s ported K1 modules from the Expanded Galaxy mod will be used to make new areas for the ROR mod whether it be reskinning K1 areas to make new areas for new planets or possibly even allowing you to revisit areas from the first game (emphasis on “possibly”). Thor110 has also improved the menus for the ROR mod. Kotor I’s menus are blue, Kotor II’s menus are green, the menus in The Jedi Master’s and Edge of Darkness mods are both red, and ROR’s menus are orange... or at least they're supposed to be. To demonstrate the extent of Thor110's improvements to ROR's menus, here is a screenshot showing the skill menu during the player creation menu. On the top is how the skill menu used to look like back in the old Demo, and below is how the skill menu looks today. Thor110 has also released other menu colour mods for Kotor II which you can see in the links embedded in the text. If you would like see ROR’s orange menus released as a standalone mod for Kotor II, let us know in the comment section of this Dev Diary and we might consider releasing the ROR menu to the public should the mod team agree to it. Unlike in the Demo, this mod has proper loading screens for all the modules you shall be visiting. The legal load screen and the default load screen are still untouched from the Demo and will need modern redesigns, though other than those two you'll have new load screens based off JC's Loadscreen Template for K2 meaning these load screens will be accurate to the ones you see in Kotor II. We shall see more of them in upcoming dev diaries, this heavily outdated load screen from the 2020 build should give you a taste of what's to come. Moving on to the player character selection screen: The player options are virtually unchanged from the Demo, you'll still have over 50 player heads to choose from, including a plethora of alien heads, and the default clothing is still the K1 Jedi Robes. Though this could change in the future. We won’t be adding any more alien player variants, though we may add new alien NPC variants that you can encounter throughout the game. That means, for example, we won’t add Kel Dor players though we may add Kel Dor NPCs if the models and textures become available to us. The only exception to the “no new alien player variant” rule would be to add female Devaronians. We already the male Devaronian heads, and I hope one day that we can add a female equivalent for this species at some point. With the male Twi'lek player heads, something I never noticed was that they have a revamped head model. I thought this was added between 2011 and 2020 but it turns out these heads were in the Demo from the beginning. Incase you can't see it, the Twi'lek player's neck isn't fat like they are in the vanilla Kotor II - they normally look like this. What's really strange about the improved Twi'lek heads of the ROR mod is that, as of right now, only the Twi'lek players get these updated models - Twi'lek NPCs still have the default fat necked heads. I have previously shared the concept of ROR Submods called "Addons", these mods would be released separately to the main ROR mod but wouldn't work without the ROR mod. If you're still confused about how that would look, I previously shared a screenshot of the Yoda character "Ulon" with an updated model and texture from the High Quality Aliens: Master Vandar mod which is for Kotor I. If we get permission from Ashton Scorpius, a version of his mod, Better Male Twi'lek Heads, may be released as a ROR Addon to give your male Twi'lek player character and Twi'lek NPCs improved heads with 3D ears. I would also like to point out that there are also these Twi'lek head variants with head coverings. These Twi'leks are unique in that, similar to your underwear in the Kotor games, their head coverings actually changes color when you fall to the Dark Side. Here is a side by side of the Dark Side and Light Side Twi'lek with head coverings. Many of the player heads in ROR unfortunately do not have Dark Side transitions... yet. We hope to add these to the ROR mod through updates. Even though it isn't integrated into the ROR mod right now, most, if not all, of the human ROR players now have Dark Side transitions and they're available to the public right now through RedRob41's RoR Playable Humans for TSL mod. But if the lack of Dark Side transitions frightens you then do not worry - for you won't be able to completely fall to the Dark Side in the first ROR release without cheating. Another possible change we are considering for the player character would be the player clothing. The K1 Robe clothing was a unique element of the ROR Demo back in the day as porting between Kotor I and Kotor II wasn’t allowed back then, the ROR mod got past the no porting rule due to the fact that the K1 Robe models and the brown K1 Robe texture were actually hidden with Kotor II’s game files and thus could be used without porting. And just like the robes, quite a few K1 heads were also hidden within the Kotor II game files. In this blog post by Sith Holocron, you can see in the K2 heads section that there are a few K1 heads like PFHC03 - you obviously can't play as PFHC03 in Kotor II but both the head model and texture was buried in the game files meaning it isn't considered porting if you were to mod it into your game. You can also notice a few white heads in Sith Holocron's list, these are heads who's models are in the game files but their textures are not. That means you can use the head PMHB04 without porting but if you were to grab his texture from Kotor II then it would be porting. So if that's the case, you might be wondering how we used PMHB04 back in 2011 without porting the K1 texture. From what I understand of the process, RedRob41 was able to use this head model without the K1 texture by mapping out the model's UV layout in a separate mudding program. Once he had the UV layout, he was able to take samples from the textures of Kotor II player heads and he was able to literally stitch together a brand new texture using only the Kotor II head textures - this method is called "Photo Sourcing" I believe. But alas, porting is no longer an issue in our modding community and such measures are no longer necessary going forward. So you might be wondering how this relates to our K1 Robe Clothing? Well, now that porting is allowed I’m sure many of the new and younger players of the ROR mod won’t find the K1 Robe Clothing as impressive as it was back when porting was a cultural taboo. Whilst he may not share this view in particular, Logan23 has expressed a desire to get rid of these K1 Robe Clothing and his reasoning is simple - he wants to use player heads as NPCs just like how Obsidian used player heads for various NPCs across Kotor II… but he can’t do that because the default clothing for the ROR players as NPCs will always be the K1 Jedi Robes. So to prevent you from walking into a Cantina full of people wearing Jedi Robes, Logan gave these NPCs different armors. Below is an example of two NPCs with the player appearances as NPCs, if they were given clothing they'd both be wearing the K1 Robe Clothing as seen above. And if you follow this link, you'll see what a Cantina full of these NPCs would look like - you simply can't tell who's a bounty hunter, who's a commoner, or if anyone in this room has a special sidequest as literally everyone in this screenshot sticks out like a sore thumb. I would like to make this clear, we have not touched the player clothing just yet - though we also haven't used player appearances for NPCs either due to the above mentioned problem. Just as there are now alien player head options, most of these aliens will be available as generic heads meaning there will be aliens on Corellia who'll not only wear proper clothes, but they won't reuse a player head option. So right now, we are torn between three different options in regards to the player's clothing moving forward: Option 1) Remove the K1 Jedi Robes and restore the vanilla default clothing, meaning your clothes will look like this again - what Logan23 wants. Option 2) Keep the K1 Jedi Robes and simply don't use ROR players as NPCs - what RedRob41 wants. Option 3) My own personal compromise between these two positions. In the spoiler below will be my very own proposal for a radical rework of how Jedi Robes work as an item in the ROR mod. If you don't care about this then feel free to skip the spoiler and continue on with the Dev Diary, though it would be greatly appreciated if you would hear me out and leave your opinions on the proposal in the comment section. For those of you who like my proposal, I may consider making this proposal a separate Kotor II mod as a means of testing how this proposal would actually work in-game. Even if you don't think this should be added to ROR, there might still be a really good mod idea to come from all of this. In terms of attributes and skills, there haven’t been any changes that I know of, though if you think there’s good reason to change something like attributes and class skills etc, we’d love to hear your case. Much like in Kotor II, the attributes and skills you pick can appear in your dialogue response options if said attribute or skill is high enough. So whilst we haven’t yet added droids to repair or terminals to slice into, the Computer Use and Repair skill can both be helpful in certain dialogues and can even help you in influencing droid or computer-expert companions in dialogue, so there’s a good reason to invest in your skills in this mod. Here is an example of the Awareness skill appearing in dialogue: Feats and Force Powers will undergo some changes in the ROR mod. For starters, I believe Logan23 has gone through and changed many of the Feat and/or Force Power requirements so that you need to be a higher level than you would in Kotor I or Kotor II. This is to prevent your young, inexperienced Padawan character from getting Force Storm on the fourth planet as well as to prevent you from getting Wound and Force Shock in front of Drayen during the first mission to Corellia. Below is a second one of my "totally not controversial" proposals, feel free to skip over it if you don't want to hear it but we would appreciate it if you gave us your feedback on this idea. The above is just a proposal, if the player base approves of these concepts we may one day add them, if they strongly oppose them we don’t, and if people give their own ideas on how to improve/rework these proposals these could also be taken into consideration. But what does the ROR mod add in terms of feats right now? Well… Players will receive a feat based on their species, we will talk more about these feats in the next Dev Diary though do know that these feats will be used by NPCs to determine the player’s species, allowing these NPCs to react your species via dialogue. Here is a screenshot of an NPC reacting to a Miraluka player, the same species that Visas Marr is in Kotor II: Let's say if Gorton Colu was in the mod, he’d be able to recognize if you’re a human or not… your species is no longer a cosmetic choice, you can be rewarded or punished for the species you have chosen at random points in the mod. Obviously a racist like Gorton Colu isn’t going to like a Twi’lek player, though a Twi’lek character might be equally discriminative towards a human player than they would to a fellow Twi’lek. Oh, and don't forget how I previously mentioned how almost every alien you can play as will also have alien NPC commoner variants, so expect dialogue and NPC encounters to get... spicy throughout your playthrough. This feature will be discussed at greater length in the next Dev Diary. There is currently a bug where the player will still receives the War Veterans feat, even though the player isn’t a War Veteran we'll most likely keep the Feat by renaming it to imply something else so you can get those sweet 30 Vitality Points at the start of the game that this feat gives you. And with that, the Dev Diary comes to a close. Please let us know in the comments of this thread what you think, and feel free to stick around for more updates and Dev Diaries for the ROR mod – a mod we hope will be yours to play soon.
  3. 2 points
    Hello DS. I am beginning to overhaul the skyboxes in the Ebon Hawk viewable out the windows in the cockpit. I was curious how this mechanism of switching between skyboxes works? I see there are three images in the ebon hawk textures, two of them are divided into four, the other one is for M4-78. Right now I'm testing changes to these ebo_sky files in my modded Ebon Hawk. If anyone can shed some light on this subject in the meantime, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  4. 2 points
    Hi folks! This is a longshot given the age of the mod, but I figured it can't hurt to ask. I'm looking for "New Admiral Onasi Ages", an old mod from Princess Artemis for TSL. This mod was a retexture of Admiral Carth Onasi's head in TSL to give him more grey to represent aging between games. I've tried the Wayback Machine, the now-defunct Telosian Archives from Princess Artemis, GameFront, and Lucas Archives unfortunately to no avail. I'm linking the archived pages I could find if that helps jog anyone's memory. I've also attached an image from the mod's original PC Game Mods page. If anyone has a copy of this mod, and wouldn't mind sharing, I would be so incredibly thankful. Thanks so much! Old Lucasforms Page Old PC Game Mods Page
  5. 2 points
    Same as you do on PC. Extract the file you need with KotOR Tool on PC. Then edit it in an image editor on PC. I don't think this process can be done entirely on Android.
  6. 1 point
    I love how the UI is unique and stands out from the original versions of the games and other mods while still looking good. It looks more like a pomegranate colour than orange, but I think that works well. I think it would be nice if a version of the UI was released standalone. Personally I think it's easier on my eyes and looks better than the TSL green ui. I think your idea works the best. I'm assuming the way the pc characters as npcs would work is like the guy who claims ownership of the ebon hawk on NS in TSL, where he has 1 default head but if the player has the same head he uses another. I think removing the pc characters as npcs would be a bummer and not be as immersive. I don't think the vanilla clothing would necessarily fit for RoR. The potato robes the player wears for clothing always seemed to be something inconspicuous the exile wears to blend in with crowds and something cheap/basic. RoR is looking good though. Looking forward to reading the next Dev Diary.
  7. 1 point
    View File High Quality Skyboxes II If you update from version 1.0.x to 1.1 make sure to read the special instructions in the read-me! In order to update to 1.1.1 from any previous version, delete all 306nara.wok, 306narb.wok and 306nard.wok from your Override folder. If you had version 1.1 installed there is no need for anything else, otherwise follow the instructions in the read-me. ABOUT: This mod replaces every skybox and every planetary backdrop in the game with a new high resolution version made from scratch. This includes a replacement of every skybox model to fix all the glaring issues with the original. There are also some additional minor changes that either fix issues with the vanilla environments or serve to better blend ingame terrain and skybox. Other than that I recommend you just check out the screenshots as pictures say more than a thousand words or check the video to see the animated skyboxes. Click the following image to see additional interactive screenshot comparisons: There are also add-ons with new skyboxes for the following mods: M4-78 Enhancement Project Coruscant - Jedi Temple If you find any issues or have any other comments, please let me know and I'll see what can be done. INSTALLATION: For installation instructions check the read-me files of the individual downloads. You either have to run an installer or just drop files into your Override folder. For the mod to take full effect you need a savegame where you have not yet left Citadel Station. If you update from version 1.0.x to 1.1 make sure to read the special instructions. I also highly recommend to install the fog fix if you are using the latest Steam patch. COMPABILITY: This mod is not compatible with any mod that edits skyboxes in any way. This includes mods that only edit their models. There might also be rare incompabilities with mods that edit non-skybox area models if those models are also edited by this mod. PERMISSIONS: You may NOT redistribute any textures included in this archive without my explicit permission. You may however use all the models as long as you give me credit. CREDITS: This mod was created by Kexikus using mainly Terragen 4, Photoshop CS6 and 3ds Max. Additional tools used: KotOR Tool by Fred Tetra K-GFF by TK102 MDL edit by bead-v MDLOps by ndix UR KOTORmax by bead-v tga2tpc by ndix UR Additional resources by: Andy Welder: Dantooine tree model Animum: Dxun/Onderon tree model Bioware: Nar Shaddaa traffic models, Coruscant traffic texture, M4-78 buildings creativepack: Additional Nar Shaddaa textures dandelO: grass shader Dantooine and Telos, snow shader Dantooine Flo: Dxun bush model Jorak Uln: Taris window texture Martin Frank: Dxun bush model mhaze: Telos rock/mountain shader Misha Winkler: Grass model Dantooine Obsidian: Telos tree model, Nar Shaddaa textures, Onderon buildings, M4-78 buildings PCWallArt.com: Onderon gold texture proper33: Malachor lightning texture SCIFI3D.com: Coruscant buildings svenniemannie: Additional Coruscant texture Texturify: Additional Nar Shaddaa texture TheBlackHole: M4-78 lava shader Veronica Bush: Dxun bush model VIS-Games: M4-78 excavator model THIS MOD IS NOT SUPPORTED BY LUCASARTS OR OBSIDIAN. USE THIS FILE AT YOUR OWN RISK. NEITHER THE AUTHOR OF THIS MOD NOR THE COMPANIES MENTIONED ABOVE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE TO YOUR COMPUTER WHEN USING THIS FILE. Submitter Kexikus Submitted 12/05/2020 Category Skins TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  8. 1 point
    The galaxymap script changes the room model animation to play which swaps between different skybox models which show those textures. k_inc_hawk.nss etc The model "003EBOq" contains these room animations.
  9. 1 point
    I was in the habit of doing the lite versions of characters that are similar enough to their regular versions, even if they aren't actually used in-game. Typically the lite texture is just scaled down from the regular texture, with some minor changes to accommodate the lite model's different uvw map. In the case of Gammorean texture, they are both the same size, but there are some minor uvw differences between their L_Gammorean & C_Gammorean models (around the mouth, hands, and armpit). If I recall correctly, the animations are stored in the .mdl while the uvw map is stored in the .mdx, correct? Still, I don't recommend mixing and matching the files, since there may be some line errors due to how files can be compiled to and from ascii format. If anyone wants to try and apply my uvw map to another model that has the animations fixed, you go right ahead.
  10. 1 point
    View File Gamorrean Animations Pack Gamorrean Animations Pack By Alvar007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: This mod adds a bunch of animations to the Gamorreans that were specified in the dialogue files but were missing in the model files. The added animations are the following: · Two grenade throwing animations retargeted from the male humanoid supermodel. · One shield activation animation retargeted from the male humanoid supermodel. · One inject animation retargeted from the male humanoid supermodel. · One new custom TALK_FORCEFUL animation used in conversations. INSTALLATION: Just run the .exe that comes with this download and select the game's installation main folder (NOT override). COMPATIBILITY: This mod will work as long as you don't have any modifications in your gamorrean model files or their apprearance.2da rows. BUGS: The combat parry and dodge animations for the player when facing the gamorreans will look as if they were facing a melee humanoid user due to the fact that I had to change their modeltype. Unfortunately there is no way around this. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter Alvar007 Submitted 01/02/2022 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  11. 1 point
    K1 Speaker's Charisma modifier is added to Persuade skill checks Jedi's Charisma modifier is added to the amount of Force Points gained each level (minimum 1 per level) Caster's Charisma modifier is added to the Difficulty Class of all Force powers which involve a saving throw Caster's Charisma modifier is added to the amount of Vitality Points healed with the Cure and Heal Force powers K2 Speaker's Charisma modifier is added to Persuade skill checks Caster's Charisma modifier is added to the Difficulty Class of all Force powers which involve a saving throw Caster's Charisma modifier is added to the amount of Vitality Points healed with the Heal Force powers Caster's Charisma bonus reduces the cost of Force powers Party leader's Charisma modifier is added to attack rolls made by other party members Player's Charisma modifier affects alignment shifts of party members (except Kreia). Not really. Persuade rolls are not typical d20 skill rolls in K1 (StrategyWiki has a good explanation) and there are no Persuade rolls in K2. This is only in K2. All Force powers which involve a saving throw add the caster's Wisdom and Charisma modifiers to the Difficulty Class. This is mentioned in the description of each Force power. For example, in Whirlwind's description:
  12. 1 point
    I just took a quick glance at appearance.2da and it seems L_gammorean is nowhere to be found, so you should be good to go.
  13. 1 point
    It seems N_SelkathCR is used for the insane Selkath in Hrakert Station. Since those NPCs won't probably be using this animation I think you are safe not to include it.
  14. 1 point
    From what I've read, this mod tries to improve/fix the textures and models for the game. If the original vanilla model was used as the source then yeah the animations would have to be included so that they can play with the new model.
  15. 1 point
    View File Effixian's Brunette PFHC01 Reskin -------------------------------------------- Knights of the Old Republic -------------------------------------------- TITLE: Effixian's Brunette PFHC01 Reskin AUTHOR: Effix(ian) CONTACT: PM me on the forums or Discord ------------------------- INSTALLATION ------------------------- Unzip, copy the files from the subfolder to your Override folder. Optional: If you prefer you can add the files from the ExtraDark_Variant folder. ------------------------ DESCRIPTION ------------------------ This is a reskin of the PFHC01 player character. There's an optional extra dark variant, it changes the last two dark side transitions for a darker zombie look. Inspired by Emma Watson, as requested by tff500. ------------------------- UNINSTALLING ------------------------- Remove the following files from your Override folder: PFHC01.tga PFHC01d.tga PFHC01d1.tga PFHC01d2.tga PFHC01d3.tga PO_pfhc1.tga PO_PFHC1d.tga PO_PFHC1d1.tga PO_PFHC1d2.tga PO_PFHC1d3.tga ------------------------------------ DISTRIBUTION NOTES ------------------------------------ You can use the files from this mod in your own mod if you simply credit me. Please do not reupload to other sites. ---------------- Thanks to ---------------- Stoffe and Fred Tetra for the needed tools and tutorials ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My mods are free. If you would like to show your support then you can buy me a coffee at ko-fi.com/effix ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE, OBSIDIAN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS. Submitter Effix Submitted 03/26/2025 Category Skins K1R Compatible Yes  
  16. 1 point
    As far as I'm aware, the only differences between TSLRCM and MTSLRCM are the installation method and some content which doesn't work on mobile (e.g. new movie files for some we've never been able to determine).
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    Lil ridiculous id'nt it? Got out in front of my skies a bit...
  19. 1 point
    Thanks. I did leave the carpet in only the Library room. There is still just a few things I need to add or fix before I do anything with it. I'm actually working on Trayus Academy now, doing the Trayus Core. Screenies incoming.
  20. 1 point
    The Bioware Developers? Just watch this video and judge for yourself, that's exactly how Bioware left it and what we modders are left to start with. That is entirely up to the individual modder to decide. For example, TSLRP restored Kaevee and the GenoHaradan and used custom content to restore them. TSLRCM didn't restore the GenoHaradan as it was custom content but restored Kaevee anyway with custom content. K1R optimized cut content, dare I say the Pazaak Tournament was mostly costume content as the only evidence of it existing was that old Pazaak player in the Cantina having lines to reference it. The K1R Vulkar Sublevel bar had an additional mechanic, some added food placeables, and an entirely custom Duro waiter. The Duro waiter adds no bearing to the level, you wouldn't even know it's custom... but it IS custom and thus deviates from the developer's original vision. In the original Vulkar Sublevel which you can see in the video above, there is an asian woman with a man's voice and a man with an old man's voice. If a modder changes these NPC appearances, is that deviating from developer intent? We will never know. The bartender encounter in K1R has it so that he speaks for a little bit, then he performs a "talk_forceful" animation, then pulls out a short sword which he then drops. Since that was done by a modder, is that deviating from developer intent? And even worse, the cut dialogue in the game files uses Duro VO even though an english spoken line is in the game files... so what was the Developers intent? To use the English VO or to have the Bartender be a Duro and use Duro VO? There are three versions of the Vulkar Coward exist in the dialog.tlk, the Twi'lek we have in the final game, the english voiced version we see in K1R, and a version in the tlk which has VO labelled but the text in the TLK does not match the recorded VO - this text is what suggests that the terminal should be in the Vulkar Coward's room and that the Barracks should have a footlocker with the passcard. Which one do I use? Which one do I use as to not deviate from developer intent. The matter of the fact is this, we modders decide where to draw the line, and sometimes picking things and improving cut content is the only way to restore cut content in a way that is enjoyable. Trust me, no one wants to play the HK Factory in K2 the way Obsidian left it on the Xbox disk. Are you talking from the perspective of a Bioware developer or from Salk's as a modder? If it's Salk's, he is under no obligation to release his private work and can do what he likes with the Vulkar Sublevel (Nothing's stopping him from turning it into an Iriaz Zoo after all). If it's from a Bioware developer, the developers don't get a choice. They have shareholders to appease, publishers aka LucasArts to appease and they have to publish something if they want to get paid. If that means shortening the Vulkar Base to get it finish than that's what they had to do, trust me - cutting the Vulkar Base sublevel was done better than how Obsidian dealt with cut content. It's entire purpose is a roleplaying game, of course we can say this with hindsight but from the perspective of someone from 2003 who just bought the game for the Xbox it's a traditional Star Wars story of a character going on a roleplaying adventure who becomes a Jedi Knight just like the Star Wars traditional heroes like Luke Skywalker from the movies. That's the problem, no one can do that. They are gone without a trace, it's as if they passed away years ago and no one has found out about it. And yet those same people still play Republic Commando and love Clone Troopers and the Andor television show, elements of Star Wars without the Jedi and everything associated with it. On Peragus you were literally the only person alive on an isolated asteroid with an army of droids and your three companions. Taris, on the other hand, had six party members, had interesting level designs like the Upper City which was full of life and was similar to Coruscant, the Lower City which was full of gangsters reminiscent of the criminal elements of the movies, the Under City was literally a unique take on Zombies, the Sewers were interesting as they had Gamorreans and Rancors from Episode 6 appear, you had Swoop Racing which was similar to Pod Racing in Episode One (I do agree that Swoop Racing is a letdown in these games), you had diverse enemies which diverse loot, you had merchants on Taris to buy better loot, you had unique quests like bounty hunting, the cure quest, and the duel arena, you had Hutts appear, you could steal Sith Armor like Luke and Han did in the movies, you got to play as a Wookiee, a Twi'lek, and an Astromech droid. In short, Taris has that appeal if you're a fan from 2003 who only just got the game and has no other context of what to expect whilst Peragus will always be that slow, dull, drag. The shareholders say otherwise, the same is still true today as people love to hate on newly released video games like Jedi Survivor who claim that the devs for that game released it early even though it wasn't fully optimized for medium-end PCs and current gen consoles - it would be great for developers to really bug test and add everything that they want in their game, but the unholy trinity of publisher, shareholder, and dollar says otherwise. I was more so being sarcastic, but the mod I changed I only changes the main character into a Jedi.
  21. 1 point
    Thanks for pointing them out, I have added the ambient & diffuse fix to my list. I could see that the Twi'lek male (twilek_m.mdl) & Corran Falt (n_correnfalth.mdl) had the issue, but the Sith Officer head (sith_off.mdl) looked correct already. Also, the twilek_m02.mdl, twilek_m03.mdl, n_komadh.mdl, n_xorh.mdl, & n_zharh.mdl models in TSL have the correct settings, but are not used in-game. By default the TSL heads.2da file uses twilek_m for all male Twi'leks, and just swaps the alttexture column. So in the meantime, editing the heads.2da file can solve the issues as well. I will still eventually fix the model though, because I can't just let things go 😝
  22. 1 point
    I converted the Restored Jedi Enclave's room models into the 952COR models for those rooms. Restored Enclave Sublevel - Modder's Resources - Deadly Stream The rubble is gone and its all rebuilt but those are still there. But its just the outside wall part.
  23. 1 point
    Hello KotOR modding community. It has certainly been a long time since I've posted here. While life has been busy and can get in the way of modding, I have been working on a big project in secret. For the past few years I have been chipping away at my own version of an A.I. Upscale 4x mod for most of the default character files in both games. Because it has been slow going, I didn't want to get distracted by constantly responding to "when is it going to be ready?" prompts when I could be spending time on the files. I also didn't want to get anyone's hopes up about it, only to then keep delaying because I'm often too much of a perfectionist. But after so much time has elapsed, I keep thinking that I need to put something out, even if it is incomplete in my books. To give you an idea of how big a project this is, I have completed 329/475 textures that are common to both games, 71/214 textures for K1, and 184/419 textures for TSL. That makes for a grand total of 584/1108 textures or 52.71%. I'm using the textures as the basis for completion, but there are also 459 models for K1 and 648 models for TSL completed so far. I've attached a spreadsheet with a list of all the files involved. The reason why it is so slow going is that this mod is more than just a simple process of running all the character textures through an A.I. upscaling program. The purpose is to increase the size and fidelity of the character textures while maintaining the painterly style of the original game artists. I have also been attempting to fix many of the UVW mapping errors, lighting errors, and some XYZ errors that the original model .mdl & .mdx files may have had. One problem of upscaling textures that I've found is that the model seams become glaringly obvious at higher resolution, so I've been painstakingly painting those to look seamless. Anyone who is familiar with my previously released mods will know how much I try to fix those pesky model errors. The other thing about A.I. upscaling software, is that I haven't found one that gives perfect results. Instead of relying on one result, I usually run texture files through an A.I. upscaling program multiple times using different settings. Some settings result in "crunchy" textures (high contrast, sharp edges). Some result in "soft" textures (smooth gradients, lower contrast, blurry edges). Some result in better straight/parallel lines. Early tests used Vance AI; Deep Image; ImageUpscaler; or Let's Enhance. Eventually Topaz Labs' Gigapixel AI was chosen and used on the majority of textures. Then I combine textures in a multi layered Photoshop file, using layer masks to isolate the best parts of each upscaled image. This allows for some portions to be smooth (like skin, glass, metal or tubing), others to be sharp (like burlap, skin folds, hair, scratches, etc). Then I manually paint away errors, fix seams, and make additional changes. At any rate, the reason for this WIP post is that I've been out of the loop for so long, that I don't know the best way to package and upload the mod. I usually use 7zip, so that's not the problem. I currently have 378 tga, tpc, & txi files (4.09 GB) that are common to both games; 459 mdl, mdx, tga, tpc, & txi files (1.07 GB) specifically for K1; 648 mdl, mdx, tga, & txi files (2.90 GB) specifically for TSL. I was originally planning on packaging them up all together and letting the user to put them into their respective override folders, making the common files only needing to be downloaded once. The other option is to make two download packages, one for each game, where the common files are included in both packs. This would result in having to download the largest batch of files twice, but it would be easier for installation. To complicate it further, I would also make download packages for a tpc only installation (for smaller file sizes and easier to run in-game). The other questions I have are: which upload method do users prefer: single download for both games (smaller size overall), or two files (one for each game makes installation easier)? how many screenshot images can be uploaded to showcase the contents of the mod? I currently have 197 pngs for a total of 561 MB, and would like to make more. I've attached a few to sample a range of the types of changes the mod tackles. are there any samples for the Read Me file regarding Permissions and Credits? I want to make the tga version into a modder's resource. Where is the best place to put a link to my "Buy me a Coffee" tip jar? I'm hoping to use any funds towards software upgrades for future modding. I don't know if I'll ever actually finish this mod, but I need to share what I've got before the universe jumps in again and makes something impossible for me. Anyway, happy New Year. I hope to continue more of this work in 2025. Screenshot samples: KotOR upscale completed list v0_52.xlsx
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. 1 point
    I'm guessing you'll never see this but this is an excellent mod. I'd like to suggest some changes to the Speed power tree. Since the game has a defense bonus cap of +10 and Jedi automatically get +6 at level 12, it would make sense to reduce the defense bonuses these powers provide in order to prevent Force Aura from becoming redundant. Here's my take: Burst of Speed: Just the movement speed, no armor restriction, low FP cost. Knight Speed: +2 Attack bonus. Master Speed: +2 Attack bonus, +1 Attack per round.
  27. 1 point
    There isn't any indication about a lot of things. My guess would be that you were meant to play as one of them as in the Atton vs Sion encounter, and then whichever one survives goes on to appear in the party confrontation scene, with perhaps Atton/Handmaiden being on Kreia's side. But there's no material left for such a thing. There's only one version of the party confrontation, and it implies a light side ending and that all the party members have been trained as Jedi. Also, frustratingly, some of the remaining content is only voiced by Atris, not Kreia.
  28. 0 points
    Hey Salk, I was hoping that I wouldn't have to get into this kind of forensic detail on what I have changed, since it takes away time from actually working on textures. But I'll do my best. Instead of using the quote function over and over again, I will just type in my responses in gold color underneath your earlier comments. Quoted from Salk: Hoping to be somewhat of help, I was thinking of reporting some of my findings about incompatibilities with other modifications when it comes to model files: Clashes with K1 Community Patch: (for many of these there is your own comments at the K1 CP's github page that would indicate that the models included in your modification can safely overwrite the K1 CP's models) c_drdwar.mdl/mdx (https://github.com/KOTORCommunityPatches/K1_Community_Patch/issues/46) The K1CP mdl has a better rifle and spark emitter. My UVW map is better, but not very noticeable during game play; perhaps only during screen shots and only if you've got a sharp eye. I can't think of any reason why my texture couldn't work with the K1CP model, but I haven't tried it. c_hutt.mdl/mdx (https://github.com/KOTORCommunityPatches/K1_Community_Patch/issues/80) I haven't looked at what K1CP changed, but it sounds like maybe the XYZ coordinates of the neck? My UVW map fixes a lot of stretching and seam mismatch. I touched up the mouth and tongue quite a bit. L_alien02.mdl/mdx (https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1290-jcs-dense-aliens-for-k1/) L_alien05.mdl/mdx (https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1290-jcs-dense-aliens-for-k1/) The K1CP have ported the TSL assets for use in K1. Mine is a fix of the default mdl mdx and texture. L_commf.mdl/mdx (the K1 CP .mdl file is roughly double in size) (https://github.com/KOTORCommunityPatches/K1_Community_Patch/commit/28bf0a80a128b06c50d659cdd352b0c66af2e095) L_commm.mdl/mdx (the K1 CP .mdl file is roughly double in size) (https://github.com/KOTORCommunityPatches/K1_Community_Patch/commit/28bf0a80a128b06c50d659cdd352b0c66af2e095) I haven't looked at what K1CP changed for the Lite Commoners. Mine have made significant UVW fixes. The textures are rebuilt from higher resolution body and head textures. N_CommF01.tpc -> N_CommF01.tga N_CommF07.tpc -> N_CommF07.tga N_CommM01.tga to N_CommM08.tga -> N_CommM01.tpc to N_CommM08.tpc The K1CP have ported the TSL assets for use in K1. Mine is a fix of the default textures. If you really want to, I suppose that you can port over my TSL versions of the 4x textures. n_commkidf.mdl/mdx (https://github.com/KOTORCommunityPatches/K1_Community_Patch/commit/089e77fa155bae591e3c059a9508e1870bcac84c) n_commkidfd.mdl/mdx (https://github.com/KOTORCommunityPatches/K1_Community_Patch/commit/089e77fa155bae591e3c059a9508e1870bcac84c) I haven't looked at what K1CP changed for the female kid's head. Was it a problem with the eyelid's or something? For the body models, I made similar UVW & texture fixes as the commoner bodies. I don't think that I made any XYZ coordinate edits. n_darthmalak.mdl/mdx (https://github.com/KOTORCommunityPatches/K1_Community_Patch/commit/f2dd8728d439b20d72baeeb3e8c5564ad23af6e2) I haven't looked at what K1CP changed for Darth Malak; is it an animation fix? Mine has many small UVW fixes to reduce stretching. n_darthrevanf.mdl/mdx (https://github.com/KOTORCommunityPatches/K1_Community_Patch/commit/76d90816c073357abdca5dbda0d1735c783bb75d) The K1CP added wider bones for shadows, and maybe some cape animation fixes? Mine has significant UVW edits so that there can be more detail added to the gloves and boots; as well as smaller UVW fixes to reduce stretching and fix seams and gaps. The boots and glove changes might make my model less compatible with other texture mods. I did not alter the bones or animations at all. n_darthrevanm.mdl/mdx (https://github.com/KOTORCommunityPatches/K1_Community_Patch/commit/76d90816c073357abdca5dbda0d1735c783bb75d) The K1CP maybe fixed some cape animations? Mine has significant UVW edits so that there can be more detail added to the gloves and boots; as well as smaller UVW fixes to reduce stretching and fix seams and gaps. The boots and glove changes might make my model less compatible with other texture mods. I did not alter the animations at all. N_Repsold.mdl/mdx (https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1180-jcs-republic-soldier-fix-for-k1/) I haven't looked at what K1CP changed for the Male Republic Soldier. Mine has minor UVW edits. N_RepSold_F.mdl/mdx (https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1180-jcs-republic-soldier-fix-for-k1/) The K1CP replaced the Female Republic Soldier model with a heavily modified male model. Mine uses the original model with some UVW edits to reduce stretching, fix seams. I focused more on texture edits to greatly improve the look, often using clipped portions of the male texture N_RepSold01, or recolouring portions of N_TSFOff_F01 texture from TSL. n_wookief.mdl/mdx (https://github.com/KOTORCommunityPatches/K1_Community_Patch/issues/295) n_wookiem.mdl/mdx (https://github.com/KOTORCommunityPatches/K1_Community_Patch/issues/295) The K1CP made UVW edits to the mouth box and tongue. Mine have made similar changes, but probably with more detail. I also made UVW edits to the teeth so that the canines and incisors are aligned better. My UVW fixes also make it possible to add detail to the texture so that there are crowns on the molars. n_yoda.mdl/mdx (https://github.com/KOTORCommunityPatches/K1_Community_Patch/issues/479) The K1CP made UVW edits to the mouth box (and maybe tongue?). Mine has made those UVW edits and much more. I go into detail on the GitHub page that you linked to. P_BastilaBB01.tpc -> P_BastilaBB01.tga (https://github.com/KOTORCommunityPatches/K1_Community_Patch/issues/545) P_BastilaBA02.tpc -> P_BastilaBA02.tga (https://github.com/KOTORCommunityPatches/K1_Community_Patch/issues/545) The K1CP made changes to the .tpc file to fix the transparency to become Bare Metal shine, I believe? Mine also adds Bare Metal shine, either through txi file or within the tpc file. The K1CP duplicates BB01 and renames it BB02 so that both textures are the same. Mine upscales each separately and keeps the two individual textures. You can always rename my 4x textures the same way. p_zaalbar.mdl/mdx The K1CP made fixes so that there isn't a gap between his head and torso. Mine also addressed this by adjusting the XYZ coordinates and snapping the vertices together. I also made many UVW edits (there is more detail on the GitHub page) pfbes.mdl/mdx pfbfl.mdl/mdx pfbfm.mdl/mdx pfbfs.mdl/mdx pfbhl.mdl/mdx pfbhm.mdl/mdx pfbhs.mdl/mdx I think that I made similar changes as the K1CP (regarding UVW & XYZ fixes), but with additional UVW fixes. The F and G female armors also have XYZ fixes to reduce collar clipping. pfbjl.mdl/mdx (https://github.com/KOTORCommunityPatches/K1_Community_Patch/commit/22b5b7c98682ae9257fb24cbc5f673a74d2eb4b3) pfbjm.mdl/mdx (https://github.com/KOTORCommunityPatches/K1_Community_Patch/commit/22b5b7c98682ae9257fb24cbc5f673a74d2eb4b3) pfbjs.mdl/mdx (https://github.com/KOTORCommunityPatches/K1_Community_Patch/commit/22b5b7c98682ae9257fb24cbc5f673a74d2eb4b3) The K1CP "Added corrected shadowcasting meshes for the skirt of the female Revan/Star Forge robes model". Mine does not. Mine makes UVW & texture fix additional detail on boot tops and gloves. Glove changes may not be compatible with other mods. rep_off_f.mdl/mdx (https://github.com/KOTORCommunityPatches/K1_Community_Patch/commit/f4f7d0ec7df15c049980a4a5b69012d328f9dc06) The K1CP fixed the left eyelid. Mine also fixes the left eyelid (maybe not the exact same way), plus many UVW fixes to reduce stretching, and fixed some bone weights. Quoted from Salk: More feedback and questions as I go through the files: 1: The N_Comm_low_M2.tga (and to a less extend also N_Comm_low_M3.tga) texture's face does not seem to match the original. Was an intended replacement? And in that case, why? For all of the Lite commoners, if I were to do a simple pass through an A.I. Upscale program, the results are minimal improvement. Certainly not worth the extra file size. So, I copied parts of faces from other textures and rebuilt/repainted them. For N_Comm_low_M I used most parts from N_Comm_w_m. They were stretched to fit the low_M face. For N_Comm_low_M2 I used the ear & hair from N_Comm_w_m; the mouth, beard, nose, cheek, eye, eyebrow, & forehead from N_comAMH02. I had to make some manipulations to make them fit the low_M2 face, and it isn't a perfect match, but the resolution and detail is much improved; especially for a character that most people ignore and walk past in the Taris Upper City. For N_Comm_low_M3 I used the ear & hair from N_Comm_w_m; the mouth, moustache, nose, cheek, eye socket, eyebrow, forehead, iris & sclera from N_comAMH02. Again, it isn't an exact match, but it looks much better. 2: In the N_Comm_low_M4.tga texture I noticed that the eye seems shifted to the right compared to the original placement. I'm not sure whether it's relevant or not, considering I know very little to nothing about textures and models. Please feel free to diisregard any of my feedback that proves useless. For N_Comm_low_M4 I chose to have more variety, since the original M4 & M3 are nearly identical except for mustache & sideburns. I used the ear & hair from N_Comm_w_m; most of the face from N_ShaardanH01; heavily modified to fit the M4 face. 3: N_Comm_low_M5.tga seems to suffer from the same issue of N_Comm_low_M2.tga and that's perhaps not surprising considering that the face is the same. Even in this case, it seems that it's replaced by a different kind of face. Nothing drastic, but I wonder why that happened. For N_Comm_low_M5 I chose to have more variety, since the original M5 & M4 are identical. I used the ear & hair from N_Comm_w_m; most of the face from N_comAMH01; heavily modified to fit the M5 face. 4: The face in N_Comm_low_Mb.tga (and in other textures using the same face) shows a complete reversal in the prominency of the eye. In the original texture, the eye is very small. In the upscale, it's very big. Hmm, maybe for those first two MB & MB2 I could have done a better job on the eyes. These screenshots were taken in 3DS Max, not in-game. Hopefully it gives you a better idea of how I changed things. I can sum it up by saying that I used artistic & creative license, rather than just running textures through an A.I. Upscaling program. 5: I have a model file for the rakata that has the following comment about it "Changed slightly the rotation of the Rakata model to make the transition from talking animation to standing position considerably better". I have attached here the file in case you may want to check whether your own model fixes this particular issue as well. And if not, you may want to incorporate that fix into your own model? I have not done that to mine and was unaware of that mod. Also, in regard to the Gammorean & Selkath models, I haven't changed any animations. If you prefer the fixed animation models, then please do use them. Hopefully there aren't too many differences in the UVW maps so that my textures will still work with the other models. 6: In the n_spaceman_low.tga texture I see what seems to be a wrench on the left of the screen which is not present in the original texture. Could you please tell me where it comes from? I painted that to fix the shoulder straps that attach to the back pack. The original just has a black patch there. 7: I have already a set of HD textures for the N_Swoopgang0x series which I honestly prefer (speaking of which I will leave a more general kind of feedback at the end of this session, hoping it may be of some use), but I noticed that my set has the weird green tint that you have instead succeeded to remove from your own set. That green tint is harmless or not? In-game I never noticed any kind of artifact, but I cannot say that I am a very observant person. I attached an image of how one of those upscaled textures look like (which is exactly how they look in the original texture). If you have a texture that you like, then by all means use it. That's the beauty of mods: choice and customization. For the Swoopgang textures, I manually painted a lot of that detail in. From what I can tell, the bright green areas are from the original artists under painting that never got fully painted by the end of their work on those textures. With low res textures on these older models, it isn't so noticeable. But with HD textures, it becomes a little more obvious to me. 8: In my override I have already a .txi file P_BastilaH04. In mine it says "clamp 3" while in the one you provide there is "blending punchthrough". Do you know what the difference might be? This is a choice on my part. I don't know what the original's "clamp 3" is for, but "Blending Punchthrough" makes the alpha channel have transparency, but only on the model face that the UVWs are mapped to. This is used on many models that have hair strands, so I decided to use it on the HD version of Bastila, in order to give her hair more depth and believability. This is also different from the default transparency, which affects backfaces on the model, and would cause visual problems with a head model. 9: The K1 CP includes the models for alien2 and alien5 which are actually coming from JC's Dense Aliens. I noticed that JC's model files are significantly bigger in size. Which files should I keep? Those models are basically ported over from TSL, as is explained in JC's mod. That means that the model files from TSL have been extracted and re-compiled to work in K1's game engine. The reason why they are larger file size is because they have more polygons. They also use two high res textures each, instead of the Lite versions that have a single low res texture each. Keep whichever one you like to look at. If you're a purist and want to get the K1 experience, use my mod. If you wish that the TSL aliens were available in K1, then JC has got you covered. THE MAIN THING TO REMEMBER is that there are bound to be conflicts with other mods. If you try and list every conflict out there, then this is going to be a long, tedious process. If I tried to list every minute detail that I have painted or adjusted on these hundreds of texture files, it would take me another full year before I started working on the next batch. I just spent the better part of a day researching other mods to compare to mine; taking screenshots of Lite models and combining them into large images so that anyone could compare them. It takes time to do all that. In fact, I had to delay the release of my upscale mods by several months as I worked on screenshots and the spreadsheet trying to explain what I have done to each texture. I am very grateful that people are taking an interest in my work. Thank you. I'm tired, I hope I haven't rambled on too much. I'm going to bed now. 😴
  29. 0 points
    Here's something that reaches the criteria: https://www.gamefront.com/games/knights-of-the-old-republic/file/female-pfhc01-head-reskins