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  1. 1 point
    It has been brought up, JC just never got around to addressing it in the mod. An alternative solution can be found here - https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1378-jcs-fashion-line-i-cloaked-jedi-robes-for-k1/?do=findComment&comment=9320
  2. 1 point
    I do not have the smaller files available anymore as I have deleted them. Try sending a PM to the person that requested this from me before.
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    I could do this all day. 1. Carth is Force Sensitive but not trained. Flyboy has way too much in the way of creepy accurate gut feelings, creepy accurate casual predictions about the future, and just plain weird luck. Plus, y'know, the Ajunta Pal thing. He's about on par with Bao-Dur; maybe not the biggest Force nuke, but enough to get himself in trouble if anyone discovered it. 2. Screw canon. Carth and Canderous were working together in KOTOR 2 so far under the radar it might as well have been underground. It would cause trouble for both of them if it got out that Mandalore the Preserver and a Republic Admiral were sharing intel about a former Sith Lord, so they keet it VERY quiet. 3. Tied to that, the reason why Canderous doesn't start trouble with Disciple is that Canderous listed in on one of Mical's reports to Carth. Canderous figures "Okay, he's working for my brother, the guy who can count the people he trusts on his fingers (and have fingers left over). This kid is safe." And then Carth finishes the conversation telling Mical to be careful because "you're like another son to me." Well, it's not "I know your name as my child," but it's close enough. Canderous now figures "DAMN IT! This half Jedi kid is my NEPHEW!" 4. Telos was a test for Malak to see if he could win a war, not just a battle. And Malak screwed the pooch. The planet would have been a lot more valuable taken with precision. It's the Jedi's food supply (army travels on their stomach in any universe), a potential hiding place (so cut off Jedi escape routes), great spot on a major hyperspace lane for a base, and...y'know, a lot of Sensitives that might be open to persuasion, given the Jedi rejected them. But Malak instead gives dead rock, an atrocity the Republic can rally around, and it potentially scares off any other planets from a quick surrender since they will now fight to the death (and Revan wanted the infrastructure intact). 5. The ensuing argument about Malak's brute force approach to Telos ended with Malak picking his jaw off the floor.
  5. 1 point

    Version 1.4


    Here's a mod that sprung from other people's hard work! NPC PORTRAITS FOR TSL ====================== MOD AUTHOR: Sith Holocron ORIGINAL RELEASE: 13 MAY 2017 UPDATED RELEASE: 20 MAY 2017 UPDATED RELEASE 2: 06 JUN 2017 UPDATED RELEASE 3: 10 JUN 2017 GAMES: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords Notes: -------- This mod is not recommended for Knights of the Old Republic 1 for what should be obvious reasons. This mod is not recommended for first time players of Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords - spoilers! This is mod will overwrite portraits of the NPC characters that may be provided by other mods. Keep this in mind when installing this mod. Background: ------------------ I had this idea of asking folks to get high quality captures of the NPCs in 3DS MAX using poses similar to the ones in the traditional NPC portraits. I would then put a detailed background that indicated where we first met those characters. The ones I originally were thinking of doing were our standard folks: Atton, Kreia, Bao-Dur, Mira, Canderous, Visas, Handmaiden, Disicple, T3-M4, HK-47, and G0-T0. (You may notice some missing ones - more on that later.) I then proceeded to ask around for folks willing to grab some of these for me. The first willing helper was HairlessWookiee (on Reddit) and he helped out with the first batch of characters you've seen on my blog. However, I hesitated on asking HairlessWookiee for the rest as I didn't want to be more of a pain in the ass than I already was. (I excel at that, I've heard around here.) I eventually asked Quanon and he's helped me out getting the remaining characters I needed. So who was I missing from that list above? Namely: Remote (who gets used during the Malachor V end game), 3C-FD (from the Prologue), and B-4D4 (from the Czerka infiltration mission on Citadel Station.) I managed to get all of these too, again thanks to Quanon! Description: ----------------- Here is my explanation of why I chose these backgrounds. You can skip this part of the read-me if you like but I'm putting this in here so I don't have to have lengthy, boring discussions of why I placed who in front of where. If I completely ignore you if you bring this up in the review thread, now you know why. Atton - Atton's background is in the cockpit of the Ebon Hawk. You haven't met him here but he spends most of his time in there so it made sense. Plus I have animations I could exploit in there. Kreia - Yes, the Exile does meet her on Peragus but she doesn't reveal her true nature to you until Malachor V so that's why she's placed with the Trayus Core as the background. Bao-Dur - You meet him on the surface of Telos so that's his background. Mandalore - You meet him on Dxun so that's his background. Disciple - You meet him in the Ruined Enclave on Dantooine so that's his background. Handmaiden - You meet her at the Polar Plateau on Telos so the topside of that plateau is her background. Visas - You first see her on the Ravager. As that's her centering space, she gets that as a background. T3-M4 - The Exile meets "him" at Peragus so that's his background. Yes, "he's" met the Exile on the Ebon Hawk but the Exile was unconscious then so I'm not counting that. Hanharr/Mira - You meet them on Nar Shaddaa so that's their background. HK-47 - I wanted something vibrant for "his" background to suit his volatile nature and it was suggested to use the room that the Mandalorians first burst into on the Ravager. (The flames work well with "him", I think) Remote - You only use "him" on Malachor V so that's why "he" uses that planet as "his" background. Animations for Portraits? ---------------------------------- The droids, Hanharr, and Mandalore have animated backgrounds for their portraits - as their portraits do not change with LS and DS alterations throughout the game. The Kreia portrait does not animate. She's an unreliable narrator and so is her portrait. That . . . and I got lazy near the end. Sue me. (On second thought, don't sue me.) As an aside, are you curious about Atris' portrait? You'll have to wait for Reztea's Recruit Atris mod to be released as I've given it to him. Installation: ---------------- With the exception of the Atton, Bao-Dur, Disciple, Mandalore, T3-M4, and HK-47 folders, just grab all of of the TGA and TXI files, and then drop them into your Override folder. The HK-47 folders have three different versions of HK-47's portraits - the standard model with vanilla skin, the standard model with Quanon's skin, and the SWTOR model created by DarthParametric using Kainzorus Prime's skin. The T3-M4 folders have two different versions of HK-47's portraits - one portrait utilizing Dath_Sapien's skin, the other portrait using Quanon's skin. The Mandalore folders have two different versions of Mandalore's portraits - the model utilizing Darth_Sapiens' texture and a version of Mandalore without his helmet. The Atton folders contain three different versions of his portraits - the original version included in this mod, a vanilla version where Atton turns his head towards the player as he becomes more dark sided, the model utilizing felixfelicitas' "Atton with Scruff" texture. The Bao-Dur folders contain three different versions of Mandalore's portraits - the original version included in this mod, a vanilla version where Atton turns his head towards the player as he becomes more dark sided, the model utilizing Nimduril's "Bao-Dur/Darth Maul" texture where Atton turns his head towards the player as he becomes more dark sided. Look at the pictures below to see which portrait type you wish to use. Copy the contents of that folder to your Override folder. Update as of 14 JUN 2020: There's a new version of the Disciple portrait available. Instead of de-saturating the Jedi Library behind him, I've turned the colors of the Jedi Library to different colors: purple for mid Dark Side, and Red for fully dark side. If you prefer the original versions, I've kept those as a part of the package as well. See the What's New section for more information. Note the files that you put into your Override folder. Uninstall: -------------- Remove the files that you copied (and noted) from the Override folder. Very Special Thanks: ----------------------------- HairlessWookiee - For several of the model pictures. Quanon - For several of the model pictures, his Malachor V texture mod used for Remote's background, and his skins for T3-M4 and HK-47. DarthParametric - For his SWTOR HK model and for the new screen grab for the helmetless Mandalore. Kainzorus Prime - For the skin for DP's model. felixfelicitas - For his "Atton with Scruff" mod. Nimduril - For the use of his "Bao-Dur/Darth Maul" skin. Kexikus - For the high quality background used for G0-T0's background. Darth_Sapiens - For his HD T3-M4 skin. Sharen Thrawn - For the Nar Shaddaa background used for the Hanharr and Mira backgrounds. [Please note that the background from Sharen Thrawn's mod doesn't have the animated lights seen on Hanharr's background.] djh269 - For listening to my blathering via PMs on this very subject (and for beta-testing.) bead-V - Additional beta-testing / Input superSzym - Additional beta-testing / Input gerblul - Made me work! (If not for him, I'd have missed the problem with Remote's TXI) Enjoy! Legal Disclaimer: ------------------------ All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc. I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of the mod author. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either. I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. I may decide to upload the mod to NexusMods at a later date but that will be my decision and mine alone. So there. Post-Script: ---------------- If you thought this read-me was long and annoying, please do check out the I write and narrate on Xuul's YouTube channel. It's even more cringe inducing. See you there!
  6. 1 point
  7. 0 points

    Version 1.0.1


    90SK's Nihilus Mask v.1.0.1 Wearable Nihilus mask based on the force visor model. It has been adapted from Nihilus artwork and replaces the nihilus mask item in TSL, with the same description. I believe the stats will be the same, and the code for it is ' giveitem nihilusmask ' Special thanks to Fred Tetra, author of KOTOR Tool, and Obsidian / Bioware for their original material. --- THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  8. 0 points

    Version 1.0.0


    Switches the clothing appearance of all vanilla male players to a customised version of the NPC smuggler outfit for those with a burning desire to cosplay as budget Han Solo. Rescaled to all three body sizes and replaces the gloves of the vanilla textures with race-specific skin tones for the hands. Items for all four texture variants are added to the starting footlocker on the Endar Spire. N.B.: The custom models only apply to males, since there's no female smuggler NPC body model. Female players equipping the items will appear in their regular class-specific clothing variant as normal. Installation: You can install at any time, although you'll obviously only get the outfits on the Endar Spire when starting a new game. You can add them manually via KSE or console otherwise. Item codes: dp_smugcloth01 dp_smugcloth02 dp_smugcloth03 dp_smugcloth04 Compatibility: Should be compatible with pretty much everything, except for other mods that also edit the clothing slot of the male player rows. Uses custom models and textures, so it won't be affected by any mod that alters the NPC smugglers. There potentially could be clashes with other mods that edit the starting footlocker UTP and alter its vanilla inventory. Mods that only add new items should be fine. If in doubt, install this mod first. Known Issues: As per usual, the hand helpers for the weapon positions - especially off-hand weapons - are pretty ropey. I'm not going to bother going down that rabbit hole. Future Plans: The outfits are just straight clothing, no stats or special properties. Maybe I'll make them upgradeable at some point. It might be possible to kit bash a female version, but don't hold your breath.
  9. 0 points

    Version 2.0.0


    Does it bother you reading lore on Revan + Mandalore & then simplistic that ugly mask on Canderous? Me too, so this mod features: -Matching HD icon in three different variations (two matching the armor and zoomed out and one zoomed in where you cannot see the armor that matches vanilla game) -Upscaled base texture thx to ShiningRedHD -25% more reflective & color corrected beskar texture all over (with Damascus steel overlay lightly showing like on the ingots in the mandalorian tv show) -Mandalores mask matches the KOTOR comicbook style (partially hand drawn but heavily modified to preserve the proportions while still fitting the vanilla model) -Custom hand drawn vambrace + shoulder pad -Optional matching chest piece version (I prefer this version) -Optional all silver coating version -Optional white war paint version with clan ordo symbols -Optional dark brown version (mask now matches the vanilla shoulder pauldron color) -Optional obsidian/dark grey version -Restored content mod compatible (simply put in override folder)
  10. 0 points

    Version v3


    ************************************** Knights of the Old Republic - The Sith Lords ************************************** TITLE: Effixian's Bao-Dur Reskins AUTHOR: Effix(ian) CONTACT: PM me on the forums or find me on Steam. ************* INSTALLATION ************* Unzip, copy the files from one of the folders to your override folder. ************ DESCRIPTION ************ This mod includes reskins of: - Bao-Dur's head - The lightning in his mechanical arm (more red) - His mechanical arm when wearing armor (red details) - His default clothing (a lot of black) - His Remote (and with it also other Sensor Balls). The Remote gets a more Imperial look. There's 3 variations included that you can choose from, version A has different looks for light side, half way dark and fully dark side. Version B is for the Darth Maul fans who want the look inspired by him from the start. Version C is based on the Nightbrothers from Dathomir. This mod is not compatible with other mods that change Bao-Dur's appearance. TSLRCM: A few files that change Bao-Dur's default clothing to a darker version are also included in TSLRCM, so you will need to overwrite those files if you're using TSLRCM. If you like you can make backups of those files before replacing them (P_Bao_DurA.tga, p_bao_dura.txi, P_Bao_DurAD01.tga, p_bao_durad01.txi). ***** BUGS ***** None. ************* UNINSTALLING ************* Remove the following files from your Override folder: C_SenBall01D.tga fx_Baodur.tga P_Bao_DurA.tga p_bao_dura.txi P_Bao_DurAD01.tga p_bao_durad01.txi P_Bao_DurH.tga P_Bao_DurHD1.tga P_Bao_DurHD2.tga P_BaoDur_Arm.tga PO_PBaoDur.tga po_pBaoDurd1.tga po_pBaoDurd2.tga ******************* DISTRIBUTION NOTES ******************* You may NOT: Use the material from this mod in your own mod without giving me credit, implying it was your creation. You might: Use the material from this mod in your own mods if simply you ask me. ******** Thanks to ******** Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool ------------------- THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE, OBSIDIAN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS. --------------------------------- My mods are free. If you would like to show your support then you can buy me a coffee at ko-fi.com/effix
  11. 0 points

    Version 1


    Hello everyone! With this mod, I've redesigned Darth Sion's look to make him look more realistic and scary. When creating this mod, I used the standard appearance as an example, without incorporating features of the Force Unleashed version (except for parts of the clothing). The face consists of various photos of famous movie characters, such as Two-Face, Kroenen or Snoke. The resolution of the textures is 2048x2048. Thanks to Darth_Sapiens for creating the Cube Map Pack, which is where the cube maps come from.