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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/11/2023 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    Alright, here's the big update: Everyone give a nice, warm welcome to the new manager of PartySwap: @Leilukin! I'm aware how long I took with this announcement. I sat on this decision for months, but with Leilukin's current activity level in the community and as a modder, as well as her familiarity with the mod and how it works and her vision for the future, there really was no one else this mod could be passed off to. I want to thank everyone who supported me and PartySwap over the last several years, and even as I step away from modding and Star Wars entirely, I hope you'll join me in wishing Leilukin the best. For the last time... Darth Tyren has spoken!
  2. 2 points

    Version 1.0.1


    After installing the High Quality Blasters 1.1 mod by Sithspecter i run into some problems: 1. The Mandalorian Ripper shoots laser bolts from the ground. 2. The Baragwin Distruptor-X Weapon is invisible. This mod aims to fix these problems. You still need to install the original mod and then this one. (If you have the Mandalorian Ripper or the Baragwin Distruptor-X Weapon in your inventory already, then you need to remove them and then add them back with the KotOR Savegame Editor.)
  3. 2 points
    No, I'm referring to the ones on the Star Forge DP pictured above. Unless DP can confirm otherwise, that is absolutely not the case... DP's mod replaces the appearances of the 3 Sith Masters on the Star Forge though my mod uses them on Tatooine and Kashyyyk assuming you wouldn't use DPs mod. That means if you use Dark Jedi Wear Robes & NPC Diversity Pack you could get the exact same Dark Jedi you see in DP's above screenshot. If you don't mind that, then yes you can play both mods just fine assuming you install Dark Jedi Wear Robes after the NPC Diversity Pack, but if not I will say this: the use of the Star Forge Sith Masters on generic Dark Jedi does not have to be a permanent feature of the NPC Diversity Pack. The Czerka greeter on Tatooine who you pay to enter Tatooine and the Czerka Merchant on Korriban both use the Czerka Commander appearance, but that's not permanent as I intend to eventually make a Czerka themed mod to replace those guys & give them unique appearances... right now I'm developing the Mandalorian themed mod. Eventually, I'll make my own Dark Jedi themed mod which would do the same thing as Hearts of Beskar which would add new Dark Jedi variants to the game. I'm not sure if this mod would be compatible with DP's Dark Jedi Wear Robes as my mod would be very uniformed meaning, for example, Sith Assassins have a distinct look, Dark Jedi have a distinct look, Sith Lords have a distinct look... whereas Dark Jedi Wear Robes doesn't have anything like that, in-fact, it looks as if males have Sith Lord mask whilst females have a Sith Assassin mask. What I'm saying is, it might not look good alongside my highly uniformed work. But for now, if requested, I might consider replace the generic Dark Jedi who use Star Forge Master appearances to ensure compatibility between the two mods.
  4. 1 point
    Thank you for making PartySwap and trusting me with the management of PartySwap! PartySwap has been included in the KotOR subreddit's KotOR 2 full mobile mod build itself, meaning this mod has been tested to ensure it works on the mobile version of KotOR 2 and TSLRCM, as long as you follow the mod build's instructions to install mods on mobile. You play KotOR 2 on Steam, is that correct? Did you make sure you have installed TSLRCM into the Steam version of your game? Do you see TSLRCM's logo when you launch your game?
  5. 1 point
    Cheers, mate, but no need. I think it would only be jarring if I went Dark Side and Malak's three "unique" apprentices he sics on you are the same as those I've already encountered. But is that not what would happen in your mod? Multiple red and blue jim jam jump-suits?
  6. 1 point
    So she starts fighting him with no lightsaber? It disappears into thin air? No idea. Does Bandon have a lightsaber or does it disappear? Might be a mod conflict. Need more info. You can only use them in a standard saber, not short or double. Need more info.
  7. 1 point

    Version 2.3.0


    For full details, usage instructions, and bug reports — please use the GitHub project associated with this file. This project is a group of tools to make modding the Nintendo Switch version of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II (aka. KotOR II) easier, less confusing, and less cumbersome. With these tools, we can now finally enjoy mods like The Sith Lords: Restored Content Mod (and others) on Nintendo Switch! These scripts are by no means necessary, but they will help prevent common issues that can occur, especially when dealing with Aspyr's odd file structure in their port, the port's built-in .tpc override files, and the localized folder structure on the Nintendo Switch. Based on and inspired by jacqylfrost's work! Appreciate your insight as I worked through this. NOTE: these modding tools will ONLY work for modded Nintendo Switches.
  8. 1 point
    These saves have been a great help to me for testing major plot-points for K1. The saves themselves are chosen in decent locations where you aren't hard locked into finishing one event first. It's a very complete list of saves for *all* classes. Everything is remarkably documented and labeled. It's a simple release, but one can tell as a end user that some extra thought was put into this. Well done.
  9. 1 point
    The install worked alright, no hitches. I'm currently testing a playthrough with a number of mods installed. Still on Peragus, only issue so far is that after almost every combat, the chatacter gets perma-stuck in place. It's similar to one of the PC bugs I've noticed, where every now and the after fighting or toggling stealth, the character gets stuck. This is easily fixable on PC, as it's a minor issue and you just have to finagle a little in-game and you can move again, but on mobile the movement and controls are much more limited and restrictive, so whatever it is that un-sticks you cannot be done (haven't tested this with stealth yet), so after every combat I have to quicksave and reload. It's gamebreaking, but only in an annoying sense. I'm hoping that switching lead party members fixes this issue, but either way it's an issue. That said, the same issue persists on PC without mods, so this may just be something in need of a general bug fix on mobile. I'll let you know if I find any issues with PartySwap installed as-is. There may not be a need to modify anything for a mobile build, but that's up to the game and to those more well-versed in coding and mod-making, which includes basically any experience actually coding or making mods.