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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/23/2019 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Been a hot minute, but I have been working on this. I've mostly been working on the feet, so hoping to have something soon. Here's what the base texture is looking like at least.
  2. 1 point
    View File Diversified Wounded Republic Soldiers on Taris Based on this request thread, this mod attempts to inject a bit of extra variety into one of the minor elements of KOTOR. It makes some changes to the locked kolto tank room in Zelka Forn’s medical clinic in Upper City South on Taris. In the vanilla version of the game, the room has two placeable square kolto tanks, the floating bodies in which both use the PMHC04 (“Mullet Man”) head. For this mod, those were removed and the room model was edited to add two additional round kolto tanks, which match the ones along each side of the room. Additionally, the glass of the tanks had its texture replaced with one of the other variants in the game that is a bit darker and uses an environment/cube map for a hint of reflection. The empty tanks in the preceding room (behind Zelka Forn) were also edited for consistency. For the sanity of those with OCD, the position of the wall light at the back of the tank room was adjusted so it aligns with the centreline of the room. The floating body model from the kolto placeable was replaced with a new one with clean geometry at the neck join to facilitate using any player or NPC head. Additionally, an all-new female body variant was added, posed to roughly match that of the original male version. Two of these new body variants replaced the original two at the end of the room, with a number of additional bodies placed in the tanks along each side of the room. Zelka Forn’s dialogue when you enter the room for the first time seems to indicate that there should be more present than just the two originally depicted in the vanilla game. Due to limitations on the number of possible placeables K1 can deal with, outlined here by ndix UR, the floating bodies are now part of the room model. Installation: The mod includes a TSLPatcher installer for Windows users. Those on Linux or Mac should replace it with the appropriate HoloPatcher version which will run natively on their OS. Known Issues: This mod relies on editing the Taris Upper City South module's GIT (tar_m02ac). As such, it will not be compatible with any save in which you have previously entered the Upper City South level. Given that is the very first level you enter after leaving the starting apartment on Taris, that means you'll typically need to start a new game to utilise this mod. Per some of my posts in the original request thread, I initially experienced some issues with the tank’s glass texture affecting lighting on the body models (and even outright visibility in one instance) depending on the player’s viewing angle. I believe this has been resolved, but it’s possible the problem may still occur on hardware/OS combinations that I have no way of testing. The floating bodies use these player head models. There is no provision for dealing with a clone of the head the player is using now that the mod has switched to incorporating the bodies into the room model. A future update may replace these heads with NPC heads instead. Compatibility: Edited versions of both room models for the medical facility (M02AC_02G & M02AC_02H) are required for this mod, so will not be compatible with any other mod that edits those models. They still use vanilla textures however, so they will be compatible with texture mods. The mod will not be compatible with any mod that edits the two entries for the original tank placeables in the module’s GIT (Placeable List entries 0 and 22). It should otherwise be compatible with other mods that alter the Upper City South module, as long as they utilise a properly set up TSLPatcher configuration. Since it has come up in the comments, Kainzorus Prime's NPC Overhaul Mod is compatible, but ONLY if you install it before installing this mod (KP's mod will forcibly overwrite any and all module files, so install it before anything). Acknowledgements: Thanks to bead-v for KOTORMax and MDLEdit, and ndix UR for MDLOps 2K18 Edition, all of which were required at various points to get this to work. Thanks to ndix UR for many and various discussions and troubleshooting regarding models, compiling, textures, etc. Thanks to Dark Hope for the suggestion to change the bubble VFX. Submitter DarthParametric Submitted 12/23/2017 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  3. 1 point
    You can always put them back after the 30 seconds you see the guys in the tanks. Otherwise, check the TXI for the texture in question and make sure it has the semantic blending additive in addition to whatever else it has.
  4. 1 point
    Label IDs (Name)? or Row Label IDs (Number)? I did indeed replace the Label IDs that broke with "****" but I wouldn't suspect that would break the 2da so I took @JCarter426 and @LiliArch's advice and I checked out the Row Label ID numbers and sure enough I found a typo. How it's meant to be: How I did it: 605 605 606 606 607 505 608 607 I think as long as I don't make typos in the 2da file I should be good, thank you guys for your assistance. @ebmarIf you do go ahead with checking for me and it does break then we'll both know for sure that any typos in the 2da will break it.
  5. 1 point
    Creatures can only spawn where there is a walkable walkmesh. Placeable beds will have nonwalkable walkmeshes (to prevent you clipping into them). If this is TSL, your best bet would be to create a new placeable that uses a full body model creature. You don't want to do this in K1 for a publicly released mod because of the placeables.2da row limit.
  6. 1 point
    The row label does nothing and is only there for viewing convenience. The game only cares about what the actual line number is. K2's placeables.2da is a good example of this; numbers 281 through 290 repeat, so everything from 291 on is off by 10.
  7. 1 point
    Thanks for the suggestion. I don't want to change the ingame lighting too much but I'll see if I can tweak it a little for a better look. You should know the answer to that type of question, right? Currently work is still underway for the Nar Shaddaa buildings. I aim to create five different buildings based on those seen in the cutscenes. The first one is done, the second is in progress as seen here:
  8. 1 point
    Thank you sir, I'm glad you are looking forward to it. The latest pics of the arena are truly restored content, I've re-created the original ones left in the game files to the proper scale. They were the only models of Sleheyron still left in the files.
  9. 1 point
    The mechanic that I really had in mind was that essentially the NPCs would be scripted to run to a container or placeable, and then equip a pre-determined weapon. The PC/Party would only have one or two containers close by with maybe a longsword or a blaster. Essentially the idea being to make you fight with weapons that aren't necessarily your forte. I didn't think a large scale NPC weapon search mechanic would work very well. Nor do I have the knowledge to execute that idea, as neat as it could potentially be. In other news, I have successfully implemented paths for the first time in my areas! This is a big step toward the content-friendliness of my areas, and possibly the last new area related issue I needed to solve. Now NPCs can find their way about my areas with ease, which is going to go a long way when the content is rolling in heavy.
  10. 1 point
    And another skybox is done (well, actually two). As I said before it's the Unknown World: That screenshot is actually a little older though. I've since tweaked the colors a little to reduce that horrible sun glare. Apart from that the skybox is almost exactly the same as in V1. The only difference is the moon texture which I replaced with a texture from here so that it's no longer our moon you see in this alien sky. And as always, there's also two renders and unlike my other renders, I moved the camera quite a bit for these to get a more interesting foreground. But since those islands are usually only seen in the very far distance they're of course not that great looking. Better than no foreground though But as I said in the beginning, there's another skybox and that's the sunset version of the Unknown World used in the revelation and DS ending cutscenes. That one uses the same terrain of course but I remade the sky from scratch to get closer to its vanilla look. For comparison here's the very unnatural looking V1 of that skybox. The new one is just waaaay better: It's still a little cheated and not entirely realistic but it helps setting the tone of those two scenes. I even had a version with a sky that was much more red just like the vanilla sky but that was just too unrealistic for my taste. Anyway, here's the corresponding render: Those two were close to the last vanilla skyboxes for K1. The only one left now is Kashyyyk and some tweaks to Tatooine and Manaan. And afterwards there are of course still the mod skyboxes to do. TSL is also coming along very nicely with only two vanilla planets remaining, namely Nar Shaddaa and Dxun. I started working on some building models for Nar Shaddaa and I have to say that this is probably the least fun thing I've done for these skyboxes yet... 😅 But we'll see how it goes. I'll keep you updated.
  11. 1 point
    Yeah, makes sense. KOTOR doesn't have the sort of engine that would let you get much out of that sort of environment anyway. Unless you were planning to have a very slow walk under the lava sea.
  12. 1 point
    I realize it has been quite some time since I have posted a proper update. Unfortunately, right now I have nothing major to share that looks pretty. But, I have been dusting off the old tools and getting back to work on this. I've also been looking for ways to simplify and reduce some things, and I've sort of had a "Eureka!" moment that's going to allow me to combine two quests, eliminate multiple areas that I have yet to model, and just keep things simpler. I don't want to spoil all the details, but it's taken a burden off my mind at least. Some of you may be disappointed to hear about the reduction, but I don't want there to be bloated or unused space, which is what I am effectively eliminating here. I am really more interested in the quality of the mod, and an actual release. So in this case, less is more. On the modeling front, a number of things are getting an overhaul. The cantina is getting a face lift, and the street is going to be restructured. Most don't know this, but I actually had a second street module. I am combining both into a more condensed street area. The two-module version was too expansive and had too much wasted space. It was fun doing the outside areas, but it just ended up being a lot of empty space. I got a bit too ambitious wanting a Taris-plus sized planet. After the cantina and streets are re-configured, I am looking at only one more area to model from scratch before the area models are complete. This will be an indoor area that houses the gladiator teams as well as various vendors that would go along with such an event. After this area is complete, essentially the whole planet will be built. I still need to do some work on the gladiator arenas themselves, but luckily this will be fairly easy. Immediate goals are: Finalize Cantina Model Gladiator Row Finalize Street Area Connect all areas Work on Gladiator Arenas Longer term goals for this year: Simplify some quests Get quests implemented Alpha testing Thank you all for your continued support of this project. I know development is often spotty from my end, but I knew this was likely to be the case going into it. But if I keep on plugging, things will get finished.
  13. 0 points
    If anyone wants to use them for that you're very welcome.
  14. 0 points
    I believe @zbyl2 tried it a while back and reported that it didn't work.