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About This File

A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic
Author: N-DReW25
1.1.0 Release Date: 18.06.2023


Please install the K1 Community Patch FIRST before this mod!

Simply click on the TSLPatcher.exe and you'll be given 4 installation options. Each option will install 1 head (a single option may come with 2 heads depending on which one you pick) so pick which head you'd like, if you want all the heads you'll have to install the mod 4 times. 

Click the option you'd like to be directed to that options installation menu, click install and sit back and watch the TSLPatcher do its magic.

Repeat the process for any other heads you'd like to install!

Kotor 2 has a few popular heads which were cut from the final game, they include: Saedhe's unique head, Hussef's unique head and the "Jedi Master 4" head which was used for Kaevee.

Whilst these heads were restored in TSLRCM, no such restoration of unused heads exists for K1... until now!

This mod will present up to 5 restored faces which you will see across the Kotor galaxy, they include:

1) "Sith Apprentice 1 Head": In-game, the armored Sith Apprentice's use the 2nd Sith Apprentice Head variant whilst the 1st head variant is neglected. 
As only a texture exists for this head, I had to modify this head's texture to hide the mapping for the scar which is present for the 2nd Sith Apprentice Head
but not this one. This new Sith Apprentice head is used by the Taris Sith Govenor, the Dark Jedi in the Manaan Hangar, the Dark Jedi Master trio in the Leviathan Command Deck
and the Lehon Sith Master.

2) "Dirty Commoner Head Variant Male": This head is a variant of the classic Batu-Rem generic head with a dirty, scratched up reskin. 
This head will be used by the Infected Outcasts who you can cure in the Undercity.

3) "Dirty Commoner Head Variant Female": This head is a variant of the generic head used by Sarna with a dirty, scratched up reskin to match the male variant.
This skin is special as it was never included in either the PC or the XBOX versions of Kotor, so how did I get my hands on this texture?
When Aspyr released Kotor for the Nintendo Switch, they accidentally replaced the generic blonde white female head with this dirty head variant instead, resulting in
characters like Ice using this head texture instead of their usual blonde head. To restore this head for it's intended purpose (as a dirty head variant), I had the texture ripped
from the Switch and ported to PC.

From my observation, the Nintendo Switch version of Kotor uses an upscaled version of the XBOX textures upgrading their textures from 256x256 (the standard XBOX quality) 
to 1024x1024 resolution (This is why the graphics on the Nintendo Switch look so strange).
The skin included in this mod has been downsized to 256x256 to match the texture quality of the male head variant which WAS included in the PC game files.

This head will be used by the Infected Outcasts who you can
cure in the Undercity.

4) "Asian Commoner Head Variant Male": This head is listed in the game files amongst the other generic commoner heads, it can be assumed this head was scrapped and it's model became the basis 
of the PHMA01 player head. As of right now, this head will be used by Tanis Venn!

Why Tanis? Well, his unique appearance isn't really that 'unique'. His vanilla appearance uses the generic Tatooine Asian male head with a smuggler's jacket, by giving Tanis this previously unused
head it makes Tanis' appearance a proper 'unique' appearance.

5) "Asian Commoner Head Variant Female": This head is listed in the game files amongst the other generic commoner heads, it can be assumed this head was scrapped and it's model became the basis 
of the PHFA02 player head. As of right now, this head will be used by the Czerka Protocol Officer!

Why the Czerka Protocol Officer? Well, her unique appearance isn't really that 'unique'. Her vanilla appearance uses the generic Tatooine Asian female head with the Czerka clothing texture
locked in by default, by giving the Czerka Protocol Officer this previously unused head it makes her appearance a proper 'unique' appearance.

Please refer to the screenshots on this mod's Deadlystream download page for a visual reference.


Known Bugs:
This mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is Just PM me on Deadlystream.

The Sith Apprentice head might have a minor graphical error on it's right cheek, with the original texture this minor graphical error appears much worse and my modifications to the texture
was done to make this error less noticable. You can't really notice any graphical error unless you really keep your eyes peeled for it so you probably won't even notice it.

Please report any incompatibilities!

Will be incompatible with any mod which adds "N_SithAppren01_H.tga" or "N_SithAppren01_H.tpc".

If you installed a mod which has "N_SithAppren01_H.tga", even if it's an AI Upscale, it will most likely restore the previously fixed graphical error on the Sith Apprentice's cheek.

Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission.

Thanks to:
SpaceAlex: For modifying the "N_SithAppren01_H" texture in his K1 Enhancement Pack mod, this mod was a basis for my own fixed texture!
Jacqylfrost: For porting the infamous female dirty commoner head texture from the Nintendo Switch, without his work this component wouldn't have been possible!
Bioware: For such an amazing game!
Aspyr: For including the female dirty commoner head texture on the Nintendo Switch!
Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool!
Stoffee: For TSLPatcher!
Everyone who downloads the mod!


What's New in Version 1.1.0   See changelog


* Overhauled the installation process. Players will now get to pick what head they want (for example, if you like the Outcast heads but you don't like Tanis' new head you can install the Outcast heads without installing Tanis' head)

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A set of neat little changes that spice up the game a bit, well done.

The only change I'm not sold on is the one for the Czerka representative lady. Considering she already had a unique head, I think the use of the new face would be better served elsewhere. Out of all the named characters, Dia (Taris bounty target), Ada (Vulkar serving girl) or Keira (Bek bodyguard) come to mind, since they all use the same generic face.

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17 hours ago, Sdub said:

this looks fantastic, will absolutely use my next playthrough

I'm glad you like it!


15 hours ago, Dark Hope said:

Too bad it's not possible to install individual heads.

At one point I was planning to do this with just the Tanis and Czerka Protocol Officer's heads under the mod name "Unusued Commoner Restoration mod", but at the last minute I remembered I had the female dirty commoner head variant (whose texture is only from the Nintendo Switch version of Kotor) so I decided to restore the male and female version of that and I also chose to restore the Sith Apprentice head for the sake of it.


I was also considering an optional install for those who didn't want the Tanis/Czerka Protocol Officer replacement where I add those two cut heads as a sort of 4th Asian Commoner variant which would replace random generic NPCs. 


Since this has been requested I might, at some point, add individual head installations as an alternative install. Anyone who's following this mod via the "Follow" button on the top of this mod page should receive a notification whenever I update this mod!


10 hours ago, Taki17 said:

A set of neat little changes that spice up the game a bit, well done.

The only change I'm not sold on is the one for the Czerka representative lady. Considering she already had a unique head,



She doesn't have a unique head... but you're onto something.


In the game files exists four different appearances:






The Asian Male head is used by the vanilla Tanis Venn, Dorak Quin and one of Mekel's starving hopefuls. The White Male Head is used by Kono Nolin and the human GenoHaradan Assassin with Hulas. White Female Head is used by the Tatooine Begger and Tanis' wife.


This leaves the Asian Female head being used by only the Czerka Protocol Officer, her head is still considered a generic head though being a modder I simply saw her head as being labelled 'generic' and thought it was used somewhere, didn't realize others would've believed her head was unique.


10 hours ago, Taki17 said:

I think the use of the new face would be better served elsewhere. Out of all the named characters, Dia (Taris bounty target), Ada (Vulkar serving girl) or Keira (Bek bodyguard) come to mind, since they all use the same generic face.

Dia probably won't make the cut for two reasons:

1) This is a psuedo-restoration mod, whilst not K1R or K1CP worthy content it still technically restored a piece of 'cut material', therefore with this sort of mod I try to ensure that the mod will fit with the vanilla game (It's why I downsized the dirty female commoner head from 1K to 256x256 resolution here). Dia is part of a series of similar side quests who all don't have unique appearances: Largo, Matrik, Selven and Bendak Starkiller all use either generic or other default appearances so having Dia use a unique head would be odd... if I follow my own restored content rule.


You could argue Deadeye Duncan has his own unique head when the other duelists don't... but do keep in mind that he was intended to appear on Manaan for a random event making him a tad more special than the other duelists.


2) Well, why don't I include a Dia head as an optional installation? Because Dark Hope released this mod, whilst that mod only changes the 1st asian female commoner head variant and the green female clothing texture this mod was intended to be used by Dia... so by having this head replace Dia's head it sort of ruins what Dark Hope was going for with her mod.


Ada probably isn't going to happen because I find her role is too unimportant as a character and her role in the game is very quick with either her running away or being killed.


Kaeira, on the other hand, is an excellent suggestion! Using my previously mentioned rule for restored content, a unique Kaeira head would fit right in with Zaedra's and Gadon Thek's unqiue heads!

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Could it be updated to make it compatible with the kotor 1 content restorer? I have not tried them together but I see in the description that you put that it is not compatible with k1r

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The dirty NPC commoner head is a bit jarring especially when the NPC that DO turn into Rakghouls don't have said dirty/infected faces. But It does give the player a sense of how dirty/infected they are which is good. This would be a great idea for someone to mod the Taris outcasts to either all have dirty face and those who are diseased to have the dirtiest faces.

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