Blog #51 - Who wants to make HD versions of the trailers?

Sith Holocron


On the X-Box, the following trailers apparently played before the KOTOR games officially started. I've only ever played the game on PC so I've missed out on this factoid until recently.

Here's the one for Knights of the Old Republic.


And here's the one of Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords.






I was wondering if anyone has the KOTOR movie making chops to remake the video using highest resolution - while keeping the original audio of the clips?

With all of the talent that's out there, I imagine a few of you are up to this sort of challenge - especially if they can put in their own favorite versions of the main character to replace the nameless Exiles and Revans in the videos.

One more note:

In addition, folks might want to change the following portion in the KOTOR2 trailer




to something like "RELEASED WINTER 2004"

Is anyone game?


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Oh yes, seen these trailers so many times when I played on the xbox! I miss those times! I especially liked the TSL trailer (probably just because it's TSL), though it was a slightly different version.

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  On 4/5/2017 at 3:53 AM, bead-v said:

though it was a slightly different version.

Feel free to link it in here, bead-v!

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Was thinking about this a few weeks back when making those new Legal Screens. 


I think our friends on Kotor Youtube might be the best source to contact

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VP: Sent out a PM to Kaydon Sentry, Yceman, and Darth Varkor yesterday. Hopefully, we'll see a response.


Bead-V: Thanks for the trailer! Did they cut M4-78 out of that one?

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Where did those trailers play exactly? In the same place, the legal videos are still played on PC or somewhere else?


Remaking those would definetly be interesting, but I have to admit that I'd rather use my time to make other mods^^ (and I don't really have the skill to make those videos anyway).

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I'm waiting on some lines anyway for my film and with my uni work finally dying down, I'll definitely have some free time to see what I can do.


Starting work on it this evening!

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Interesting idea. My filmmaking time is currently spent, but after I finish my work on the KOTOR Episode I Special Edition I might take a look.

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BTW, I think that the Knights of the Old Republic LucasArts animated logo for the KOTOR1 trailer - with the two "Golden Guys" dueling" - is unique to that trailer.


Here are some legal screens for both trailers.






Download full sized BMPs here.

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Sounds fun :D Unfortunately I'm at my most unreliable right now, there's a mobile game that is stealing stupid amounts of time from me.

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Hopefully, we'll be seeing something from DV.  Kreia: if you get around to doing something later on, we'd be glad to see it.

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  On 4/10/2017 at 1:47 AM, ADG12311990 said:

Once I am finished with school for the semester, I might give this a go!

The more people participating, the better!

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  On 4/8/2017 at 6:45 PM, Sith Holocron said:

BTW, I think that the Knights of the Old Republic LucasArts animated logo for the KOTOR1 trailer - with the two "Golden Guys" dueling" - is unique to that trailer.

I do wonder how folks will deal with this particular issue. It's disappointing that I can't find a different version of that animated "Golden Guys" video.

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I've always liked the idea of having up to date HD trailers for Kotor, it'd make it feel more fresh and inviting to play.


If it was then placed on a popular channel it'd generate new players. For mods it's all about the screenshots, for games it's all about the trailers. 

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Hey guys, here's my first rough cut of the KOTOR 1 trailer:




- Apply a colour tint to the text to see what affect it has

- Remove the BioWare logo at the start, replace LucasArts logo with one of the older Golden Guy ones. (I'm thinking of using the one from the start of Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy)

- Add the XBOX/PC format card at the end of the trailer

- Include "Teen rating" card at the start of the trailer.


I'll be starting work on these amendments later this week, any other suggestions are more than welcome!

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Another possibility: I'm considering adding colour grading to the footage, if any of you have seen my KOTOR machinima films, you'll notice I re-colour every shot in the film to give it a more realistic "film look", thoughts on doing this on the trailer?

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I'd say give it a shot! Looks pretty darned good!


Just one question though: it looks like most of the footage is basically the same as the original trailer. Any plans to add new footage?

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  On 4/20/2017 at 12:11 PM, VarsityPuppet said:

Just one question though: it looks like most of the footage is basically the same as the original trailer. Any plans to add new footage?

The original concept I proposed was to pretty much duplicate the footage used in the original trailer but make it in high definition.  However, no one is restricted from going in a completely different direction and showing how one might market the game using the marketing methods of today.  In that scenario, one should not use the original audio files from those original trailers - and state they they're going to do a modern trailer for these games.


With all that being said, I'd love to see the remakes done first. ;)

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