
Enclave Sublevel as a Functioning Jedi Academy

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16 minutes ago, Hunters Run said:

Cleaned up the sublevel on a model level. 164.17 kB · 0 downloads

Tell me if the walkmesh gives you issues.

Thanks for tackling this! Definitely will credit you when it is ready to go live. Here's an installer that will let you and anyone else who is curious to poke around at this stage. I did see some of the areas that were cleaned up and its awesome to see that debris gone! A few spots are a little off as far with for example some areas being green, so hopefully the installer will let you see what I mean. This is a very - very - early stage of the mod meant to let people at least head down there until the full content is ready.

The installer changes up pieces in danm14aa to allow the sublevel door to open, give waypoints to send you back properly, etc. The rest of it just installs the sublevel. I'm sure it goes without saying but need a save before you enter danm14aa to enter properly. Though one can always just warp in to 610dan


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UPDATE - It has been 6 months since this project was first announced and I am pleased to report it is proceeding nicely.

This idea originally started as me wondering what the Enclave Sublevel would look like cleaned up from debris in TSL and maybe what an academy run by the Exile would look like there. Over time, and with input and contributions from over a dozen community members, the project has evolved into what will be the realization of a dream so many have had since TSL was released: Seeing the Sublevel in K1.

Below are pictures that will give you an idea on where the project is as well as where it still has to go from here. Please provide your opinions, feedback, ideas, and hopes for the Sublevel. As much community input and support this mod has, the more successful and impactful of an experience it will be.


  • The Enclave Sublevel is being designed to serve as a sort of hub world where multiple quests will be given/turned in over the course of the game. Current examples include:
    • Mandalorian Holocron Quest - @EAF97came up with the idea for this quest. The player will retrieve holocrons from the raiding Mandalorians on Dantooine and turn them in to Atris within the Jedi Archives. Here's a shot of the holocrons in the players inventory and a snippet of speaking to Atris:
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    • Stealing Kolto from the Sith on Manaan - This quest stemmed from my irritation as a kid that there was a whole store where Kolto was sold and I could not buy any! This quest will be given by the Selkath Jedi Master Qual found within the Medical Bay of the Enclave (pictured below). The player will be sent to use a mimicked Sith Kolto purchasing permit that will lead the player to work with Republic spies within the Sith to not only purchase an extra ton of Kolto on the Sith's dime, but to steal their existing shipment within their hangar as well.
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    • The player will be caught in the middle of the thievery and fight the Sith in the dropship loading area seen below. This area is ordinarily not accessible, but there is a walkmesh for it, allowing it to be used. This is another area I spent a lot of time wanting to enter as a kid. You can see on the mini map how its ordinarily out of bounds.
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  • Dantooine Murder Quest will be completable from within the Sublevel, and consequently able to be skipped without a negative response from Bolook in the Dantooine plains.
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  • The Jedi Shadows from SWTOR will play a role in the Sublevel as they offer rewards for any Jedi or Sith relics the player finds and turns in to them on their journey. The player will also be able to turn in any lightsabers they find on their journey for a bounty, in the same vein as turning in Gaffi sticks to Czerka.
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    • The items you turn in will be stored safely away within the storage room. This is the same room whose door malfunctions, trapping Dergar Chester, the Enclave's maintenance Head Technician, inside. Can we break in and get these items back?
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    • Sith Holocrons are stored safely inside away from the impressionable minds of the young students of the Academy.

The Republic Operations Center has the capacity to play host to side quests centered around directly aiding the Republic itself. Think the side missions in Mass Effect where the Alliance calls asking for Shepards help. There are several STUNT modules of Republic ship bridges that could be used for this purpose. Speaking of the Ops Center. Here it is:






Dodonna can be seen within at the moment and is a placeholder until a better female Republic officer can be found/created. If you have any suggestions on who to use here. Feel free to chime in!

The player will be able to duel with all named Jedi all the way from Belaya to Master Vandar. I'm still playing with how that will work. But there are two circle rooms that have been slotted for the purpose of dueling. One is occupied and serves to help foster a 'lived in' atmosphere for the sublevel. The other is empty and awaiting the player to choose who they would like to duel.


See the droid walking through the door? Select doors are set to auto open when near and auto close when no one is in range. This will help the Sublevel's droids complete their appointed rounds without interruption! These droids are not the Czerka model the Exile finds 5 years later, but the player will have a role in why the Enclave needed to replace all of their droids through a side quest with Dergar Chester's apprentice.

Several TSL Masters are present within the Enclave as the war's travels have led them to temporarily stop off on Dantooine. Currently present are Kavar, Vash, and Atris. Thanks to @EAF97for their working porting them over and the initial dialog work for them.





What remains to be done?

-There remains a good deal of scripting to get done. Quests need back-end work for firing journal entries and to be staffed properly with relevant events like combat, and DLGs need to be fully fleshed out.

-The child models currently are in a half baked state as far as the end state that is desired for them. The goal would be they would be able to wear Jedi robes and have full combat animations. All I have confirmed they can do at the moment is unarmed combat as seen below:


I have repaired the initial room of the Sublevel by swapping out the room's model for another identical one that is used further in. You can see the difference in the tile and lighting.




Speaking of lighting, the entire sublevel is way too dark for my liking. It made sense in TSL since it was abandoned, but I would like it to be much brighter in here than it is now. K1 is even darker than TSL is in the sublevel. See below for comparison.






I'm thinking new lightmaps for every room (some?) may be needed, but an expert on modeling and lightmaps would know more about how to best address this issue.

The Central Garden area is...well, just look...



Thor110 had this same issue when they ported over the module from TSL, and it was mimicked on Dxun, Telos surface, and Dantooine. Indicating it was likely a foliage texture issue. But loading in the module with no textures at all still has the odd black lines. So I'm thinking its a model issue with this area?

All that to say! The meat and potatoes of the mod are moving forward. I am compiling a list of everyone who has assisted so far, whether large or small, so as many as possible can be credited for this mod as possible when it releases. @EAF97was the primary motivator for me shifting this project to K1 first instead of TSL. They've been a huge help getting this going. @Sith Holocronhas been instrumental in helping to coordinate the project and serving as a sounding board. The DS Discord has likewise been a big help. I know @lachjameshas looked at some AI work for the TSL Masters' VO, as well as that @Allronixhas put their experience to work ensuring said dialog is lore friendly and accurate. @Hunters Runrestored the Sublevel's walls to their original non-destroyed state. That alone was a huge contribution! There are many more who have helped one way or another  that I will detail in full as the mod gets closer to a release. With that in mind, as many seasoned hands on this project, the better! While I will, and am learning how to mess with models and lightmaps to see the Sublevel made into what it can be, if you have experience addressing some of the issue I have noted above and want to play a role in bringing the Sublevel to K1, please PM me! If you have any ideas or thoughts on what you would like to see in the Sublevel, please comment below!

I will be updating this post shortly with a new installer that will allow anyone who wants to look inside at this stage to do so. Whether for curiosities sake or for the sake of helping to address a problem.



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can we have Republic Soldiers patrolling the area and space ships hovering above the academy

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WOW this is so cool. Massive addition and undertaking! I love how you're trying to deepen the lore and universe.

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18 hours ago, Jj117 said:

can we have Republic Soldiers patrolling the area and space ships hovering above the academy

Patrolling soldiers, I can do. The ships overhead are beyond my current skill set at the moment😅 Once the Holocron Toolset is ready for building new maps with Dantooine rooms, I plan to see if I can recreate the Enclave with another docking area. Could be a good spot for fighters or the like to at least give the planet some kind of defense. 

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3 hours ago, brents742 said:

Patrolling soldiers, I can do. The ships overhead are beyond my current skill set at the moment😅 Once the Holocron Toolset is ready for building new maps with Dantooine rooms, I plan to see if I can recreate the Enclave with another docking area. Could be a good spot for fighters or the like to at least give the planet some kind of defense. 

please do add Republic Soldiers patrolling the area. It will make sense why the Sith dont just attack dantooine at will

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6 hours ago, Jj117 said:

please do add Republic Soldiers patrolling the area. It will make sense why the Sith dont just attack dantooine at will

I mean there’s also 40 plus Jedi Knights and Masters hanging about. That alone would give them pause😅

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15 hours ago, brents742 said:

I mean there’s also 40 plus Jedi Knights and Masters hanging about. That alone would give them pause😅

that is true... but look what happened to the jedis during order 66 lol. Or when Malak destroyed the jedi temple. Anyway the Republic Soldiers patrolling the area outside and inside would be highly appreciated if they are added :)

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58 minutes ago, Sith Holocron said:

Will this mod be compatible with the Recruitable Kay mod?

looking at the files the mod uses, nothing flags me immediately as being an issue. But since the idea for this mod has expanded to involve quests taking place on multiple worlds, there's potential for a conflict that can be addressed if/when they arise. Without having all the quests fully fleshed out it's hard to say atm. But definitely something to keep on the radar. I've never used Recruitable Kay to date.

So far, the only module the sublevel changes beyond its own is adding the necessary components to allow entry from danm14 and return to such from the Sublevel. This will change once quests are fully integrated of course.

If you think of anything as being a potential conflict, just let me know!

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This is shaping up to be really decent, nice work. I like the layout.

While I added this area to the ported version of the game I am not certain what I plan to do with it yet. So I might request in advance permission to include / port it for my project, though no guarantees I will use it yet anyway, I will have to wait and see how it turns out and make my decision later on as I might make use of the area myself yet, I am not sure for the time being.

Either way, keep up the good work!


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On 4/19/2022 at 3:12 PM, Thor110 said:

This is shaping up to be really decent, nice work. I like the layout.

While I added this area to the ported version of the game I am not certain what I plan to do with it yet. So I might request in advance permission to include / port it for my project, though no guarantees I will use it yet anyway, I will have to wait and see how it turns out and make my decision later on as I might make use of the area myself yet, I am not sure for the time being.

Either way, keep up the good work!


Thanks! My goal is to flesh out the sublevel in a way that does not feel too out of line with the rest of the game. A compliment to K!, not a contradictory module. If you have any ideas or thoughts on how you would use the sublevel, I'm all ears! There's still a lot of real estate that can be used.

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Great work so far, let me know what you think of the dialog for the NPC Jedi that I sent, and if it would still work for when they're encountered in the sub-level.

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The last few weeks have seen encouraging progress and I am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel towards a release. More on that later. Here are some screenshots showing a few of the additions that have been made since last I posted:


The Ops center has received Republic Analysts and officers organizing battle reports and issuing deployment orders to Republic fleets across the galaxy.



Admiral Dodonna is on planet for an important strategy meeting with the Jedi Council, plans her next moves. With the advancement of AI voicework, adding her as a full fledged npc we can have conversations with is now before us.


Dergar Chester and his fumbling assistant Tarn have taken their posts within the Droid Bay of the sublevel. Here we find them enjoying a moments rest before the player's shenanigans with a faulty droid and a storage room door cause an untimely demise for one of our technician friends when the Sith attack.


Jedi Shadows train for their next mission deployment within the Southern Dueling Range of the Sublevel. Master Sundar Dusk has placed a permanent hold on this dueling range for exclusive use by the Shadows, but the Northern Range is open for business!


Speaking of Sundar Dusk, a bounty has been issued on dark side artifacts to help the Jedi stem the tide of war. He will pay good money for any artifacts you bring him. Sorry, Uthar. No Sword of Ajunta Pall for you anymore.


The Jedi have intercepted a Red Eclipse slaver vessel and freed these wookies. Alongside Master Bolook, who you previously helped with the Dantooine Plains murder investigation, use advanced interrogation techniques to get the Trandoshan slaver to reveal where they bought these wookies from. Their ship logs make no reference of ever landing on Kashyyyk...


Jedi Master Kavar is but one example of a TSL master who has received AI voicework thanks to the work of @Vert

Here are some examples:kavar023.mp3kavar015.mp3



Supplies for the Republic seems the most critical need. Let's see what Kavar has to say: kavar020.mp3


Silais Fenn, the caretaker of the Academy, has finally gotten the galaxy projector online.

But perhaps you are tired of listening to Kavar droll on. There's a solution to that!




Fully implemented, you will be able to duel with every named Jedi from Belaya all the way up to Master Vandar.

I am also looking for help in changing the child models. My end goal for them is lightsabers in hand and jedi robes donned while they train. At the moment they are scrappy commoner children fighting the air in front of them. You can see the disappointment in the eyes of their Jedi Trainer.


Those are the major updates for now. I still have some script work to get quests rolling smoothly as well as tidying up dlgs and getting those prepared. But the big question, is when is this coming out?


A Public Beta will be released here on DeadlyStream this Christmas season (2023) to get the communities feedback on where the mod is, and where it still has left to go before a final release is uploaded. The purpose of this beta is to take a comb through what has been done, identify items such as redundancies in code that I have patched in from other modules, what is simply not working like it should quest wise, installation errors, the works. I am hoping the community will take a productive dive into the sublevel, offering suggestions for improvement along the way. My goal for the sublevel has always been that it would be a hub for you, the modders, to use a launching point for your future work. There are There are 3 dedicated quest givers in Sundar Dusk, leader of the Jedi Shadow contingent of the Enclave, Master Quall who is dead set on helping his home planet not fall to the Sith, and Admiral Dodonna, who I envisoned giving you quests in the same vein as Admiral Hackett from Mass Effect.


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8 minutes ago, brents742 said:

My end goal for them is lightsabers in hand and jedi robes donned while they train.

This should be pretty straightforward. You just scale down the adult models. I did a similar thing for Dragon Age Origins once:


Not much to it for KOTOR, since you'd basically only be scaling the one model.

They'd probably require custom sabers, since they'd need to be slimmed down so their hands don't clip through.

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First things first: Work still continues.

I pulled a 12 hour day today to getting the sublevel ready for beta. We are very close. But not there yet. The big item standing in the way of a beta release is setting up the installer. I will be using HoloPatcher for this project, so I am going to take the time to get the installer set up and then confirm I got everything where it needed to be. Beyond that, the Droid bay questline has not been finished yet.


Here is what is ready for a beta look:

-Jedi Shadow bounty quest for Sith and Jedi artifacts is fully functional.
-Manaan Kolto purchasing quest is playable outside of journal entries firing. (Jounral entries for all quests are not working right now because I have not dived into it yet.
-Republic Operations Center is fleshed out with dialog with Dodonna and soldiers. No AI voicework yet for her pending beta feedback.
-Wookie dialog is complete, referring the player to speak to Bolook in the Holding Cells. This will trigger murder investigation first. I have not scripted conditionals that account for this quest already having been completed on the plains.
-Kavar dialog is complete outside of 2 lines that need rework due to changes being made.
-Opening dialog with the caretaker of the Academy, who serves to provide an overview of what the sublevel offers, is set up with relevant camera work.
-Vash dialog is complete.

Here's a snippet of Dodonna dialog and Quall's quest:









All that to say, work continues. I'm not going to give a timeline on beta release. I've learned my lesson on that. But I am working on it, and want this complete and a presentable and worthy addition to the modding landscape as soon as that can be done.

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I'm not sure what the current status is for this project on restoring the parts of the module that are still damaged-looking from TSL, but I just made some cleaned-up versions for Thor110's Expanded Galaxy Project which I figured I would post independently here as a modders' resource. If it would help your project out at all, feel free to make use of it.

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3 hours ago, PapaZinos said:

I'm not sure what the current status is for this project on restoring the parts of the module that are still damaged-looking from TSL, but I just made some cleaned-up versions for Thor110's Expanded Galaxy Project which I figured I would post independently here as a modders' resource. If it would help your project out at all, feel free to make use of it.

I pointed your mod out to brents742 last night. Nice job btw!

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4 hours ago, PapaZinos said:

I'm not sure what the current status is for this project on restoring the parts of the module that are still damaged-looking from TSL, but I just made some cleaned-up versions for Thor110's Expanded Galaxy Project which I figured I would post independently here as a modders' resource. If it would help your project out at all, feel free to make use of it.

Incredible work! The garden changes, especially the removal of overgrown grass, was really well done!

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