Gaak78 4 Posted December 23, 2019 Just saw it a second time. Hated it on first viewing. But I think there were more aspects that I found to be more positive than the previous two where it made me enjoy TROS more so in IMAX. Its pretty obvious there were *tons* of reshoots for this film; Palpatine seems shoe horned, and the Mortis inscriptions on the holocrons lends credence to the fact the Son was perhaps supposed to be the main baddie. 2/3rds of the film was completely original unlike TFA or TLJ (both ripoffs of ANH and ESB), but I think I will just stick to the prequels and originals for the future. The people on Red Letter Media are notoriously Star Trek fans and have even stated that Star Wars is and can never be original (which is completely a farce, what with Kotor, the prequels, TCW, Rebels, and a couple great Star Wars legends materials being good to great). As someone who loved the prequels, I respect their opinion, but that documentary "The People vs George Lucas" epitomizes the fanbase they appeal to so I never paid heed to their overly nitpick of the prequel trilogy. The films have problems, though not as egregious as many claim. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Talyn82 84 Posted December 23, 2019 4 hours ago, Hassat Hunter said: Can't say I heard of the Hayden incident but remeber Loyd was bullied by his fellow classmates (kids can be mean), and Ahmed SPECIFICALLY stated it was the media that drove him there, not the fans. But of course those same media happily omit that part and redirect it to the target audience. Much of modern backlash to the prequels seems due to RedLetterMedia, and I can't say I really agree with all of their takes. They seem to go soft on the Sequels just to keep this stance, and it gets too much credit for it's worth. They also often keep saying Star Wars just cannot be without the OT and I think all us KOTOR fans can happily laugh at that. There are a LOT of people who love the prequels even before the sequels made them look even better, and it almost makes me wonder if much of the hate is spread by the media like the narrative that fans ruined Disney Star Wars, we're the worst ever and we drove Kelly Marie (fake) and Daisy Ridley (also fake) off social media, and the often nazi, racist, sexist comparisson and in the fanbase it's not that prevelant. Or is that just me being a wishful thinker? I agree with everything you said as well. About RedLetterMedia. People online use to tell me to watch their reviews. I did not find them funny. Even though I defended the prequels. If someone did not like them I didn't bash them. If you don't like them that's okay. Everyone has their own tastes in movies. But RLM I found to be very immature. People would say "oh that's because you don't like dark humor." I would then say I do like dark humor. But RLM's humor I did not like and have not seen any of their videos since episode III. The part I mentioned about fanatical SW fans running up on Hayden and yelling at him. I heard that from some youtube videos a little bit before RotS came out in theaters. Another person I cannot stand is the actor/comedian Simon Pegg who for a decade bashed the prequels and anyone who liked them. I mean what a dick. About the access media today. Yeah these so called journalists and Disney shills still have the nerve to blame old time fans for TRoS failure with critics. Their especially mad because JJ put a lot of fan service in the movie, and the access media hates the fans. That's why they keep calling us trolls and incels. I can't wait for the day these hacks are exposed and they are ridiculed out of the business. Like you said they still keep saying that the fans drove off Kelly Marie Tran and Daisy Ridley off of social media which is a lie. Nowadays I get my news from Tim Pool, and the Quartering on Youtube. Anyway I need to go take my meds. I'm beginning to foam at the mouth. 23 minutes ago, Gaak78 said: Just saw it a second time. Hated it on first viewing. But I think there were more aspects that I found to be more positive than the previous two where it made me enjoy TROS more so in IMAX. Its pretty obvious there were *tons* of reshoots for this film; Palpatine seems shoe horned, and the Mortis inscriptions on the holocrons lends credence to the fact the Son was perhaps supposed to be the main baddie. 2/3rds of the film was completely original unlike TFA or TLJ (both ripoffs of ANH and ESB), but I think I will just stick to the prequels and originals for the future. The people on Red Letter Media are notoriously Star Trek fans and have even stated that Star Wars is and can never be original (which is completely a farce, what with Kotor, the prequels, TCW, Rebels, and a couple great Star Wars legends materials being good to great). As someone who loved the prequels, I respect their opinion, but that documentary "The People vs George Lucas" epitomizes the fanbase they appeal to so I never paid heed to their overly nitpick of the prequel trilogy. The films have problems, though not as egregious as many claim. Yes! How can I forget the "People vs George Lucas" video. That is why I don't blame Lucas for selling the rights. Just wish Disney would have respected the source material. But like I said it's too late now. With Carrie Fisher gone we will never get the original three onscreen together, and that's what longtime fans wanted with TFA. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted December 23, 2019 I think he might have really thought Disney would use his outlines, and Kathleen would respect his characters as she said was her primary concern when sworn in as new LucasFilm director. Naieve? Foolish optimism? Betrayal? Stripped off his power and le... oh wait, wrong medium. As for Prequels vs. Sequels. I think prequels had the story, worldbuilding. It just faltered a bit in execution. Sequels might have a better execution (do they though?) but the story is shambles and world-building is nigh non-existant. As I think that those are the more important parts I cannot agree the sequels are atleast better than the sequels. Also while not really to (dis)credit of the movies, the prequel era was wild with many great games thanks to LucasFilm giving the license to most. Sure it may not always work out great (Thanks Force Commander. Atleast your soundtrack was amazing), but having a few duds amongst the great versus having one great(? I haven't played it, but it seems the consensus) game in 7(!) years, I know which I prefer that. 2005 you didn't just have Revenge of the Sith, but also KOTOR2! And listening to the plot being detailed (infinite armies anyone? TLJ?) it's so obvious they're ripping off parts of that now with no understanding what made them click. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
1Leonard 134 Posted December 23, 2019 On 12/21/2019 at 11:44 PM, dg1995 said: Just want to share it here. It looks like this movie had a lot of production problems which resulted in the mess it became. This reddit post sounds believable. This sounds like a child's fever dream 16 hours ago, Hassat Hunter said: like the narrative that fans ruined Disney Star Wars, we're the worst ever and we drove Kelly Marie (fake) and Daisy Ridley (also fake) off social media, Oh we're just calling it fake now? Surely you understand that the media calling a subset of Star Wars fans toxic, which is demonstrably true, does not mean they're not calling all fans toxic? 16 hours ago, Hassat Hunter said: and the often nazi, racist, sexist comparisson and in the fanbase it's not that prevelant. Oh woe is you! It's messages like these that just show how thin-skinned the fanbase has become. Let me grab one of those mainstream articles (one of the first Google results for "Star Wars fans mysoginist") and highlight a single line for you. Quote It's just sad because that's what the Internet has become. It's become this loud minority. It doesn't seem to me that they represent the majority of the people that saw that movie. People enjoy pushing buttons, in both political matters and matters of extreme trivia." They are literally not calling the whole fanbase what you're accusing them of. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted December 23, 2019 Shall we have a laugh on Christmas Eve Eve? I think we all could use one. (Keep your eyes open for the Santa cameo!) BTW, more on topic: is it possible that we don't have to quote the entire quote by @dg1995 every time it's cited? Perhaps some selective quoting is in order if it is going to be referred to constantly. Just my two cents. Happy holidays! 1 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted December 23, 2019 Yes, it's fake. It was based on a Facebook account with 10(!) followers the media fawned over and now, about 1 3/4th year later she still made no official remark to the why. It's funny when the "loud minority" tanks movies like Solo and gives The Rise of Skywalker a run for it's money, sinks the scores to 50% before Rotten Tomatoes gets "creative". Minority, huh? Anyways, for being ' Oh woe is you! It's messages like these that just show how thin-skinned the fanbase has become. ' you seem to be pretty hurt that people call this movie out for the terrible mess it is. 1 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ebony Moon 187 Posted December 23, 2019 Some of those you tubers were right on the money with those leaks. spoiler for spoilers The trilogy would make more sense if they went with the Rey Solo/ Son of Mortis arc. It would go a long way as to why Han gave Rey the Millennium Falcon- she's his daughter. And why Leia was so affectionate to her. Perhaps why Han and Leia were so torn up, seeing their son go into corruption, and unable to freely acknowledge their daughter most likely for her sake. "There is a hidden Skywalker," remember that? Why else would she go to Luke's old home on Tatooine and declare herself a Skywalker? Why would a Palpatine even care? The youtubers in the know have called out on these inconsistencies. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted December 23, 2019 Well, if you have a need for a 7-hour breakdown of all things terrible in TROS (and probably more coming) I can point the way(finder). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Talyn82 84 Posted December 23, 2019 3 hours ago, Hassat Hunter said: Yes, it's fake. It was based on a Facebook account with 10(!) followers the media fawned over and now, about 1 3/4th year later she still made no official remark to the why. It's funny when the "loud minority" tanks movies like Solo and gives The Rise of Skywalker a run for it's money, sinks the scores to 50% before Rotten Tomatoes gets "creative". Minority, huh? Anyways, for being ' Oh woe is you! It's messages like these that just show how thin-skinned the fanbase has become. ' you seem to be pretty hurt that people call this movie out for the terrible mess it is. Here's a vid on Rotten Tomatoes fixing audience scores. Not surprising everyone knows that Fandango the owners of RT get on there knees before the mouse overlord. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N-DReW25 1,371 Posted December 24, 2019 For the first time I watched a Star Wars filmed in December instead of January, I was first in line and behind my seat in the middle where several little children who giggled from the opening commercials before the film to the ending credits of the movie. Other than the kiddies, I thought the film was "acceptable" considering they had the dumpster fire of a movie TLJ to work with. Things that disappointed me in this film isn't necessarily what people would expect me to complain about. 2 Spoiler There was a joke back when they announced the red Sith Troopers that they'd only have 2 minutes of screen time and that they were over-hyped before the movie came out to sell toys, sad to say is that they were right. During that whole film, Sith Soldiers were only there for about 2 minutes in the background, the Sith Star Destroyer pilots got more love then the Sith Troopers ffs. You think Porg's where a shitty attempt at selling toys, think again. During the final space battle, for some reason, I was really hoping to see the Naboo Royal Airforce appear as a cameo. All the ships who appear are just "people" according to the movie, apparently, the Sith sent out a message to all planets to "surrender or be destroyed" basically which would have obviously reached Naboo. I was also disappointed to see at the end you only ever see destroyed Star Destroyers above Bespin and Endor and none of the other prequel planets (And I bet we will learn in comics, books and video games about how those Star Destroyers got destroyed above those planets). This is probably part of the whole "prequel neglect" Disney sequels tend to have. Don't kill me for saying this, but I felt that Rose should have been a character to have gone along with the Journey with Finn, Poe and the others. You've introduced her as a "main character" in TLJ (Kinda like Lando in TESB) and did to her like what they did to Captain Marvel in Endgame (Though unlike Captain Marvel, I somewhat didn't hate Rose as a character), even it meant Rose was just an extra blaster with few lines for the crew that still would have been a better option. I was disappointed Hayden Christensen only appeared as a voice cameo for only a brief second, I was really hoping to see a Force Ghost as every other fan did. What really made me go "What the hell?" though was when Harrison Ford appeared as a cameo as Han Solo again, the reason why that surprised me is that, as many of you may know, Harrison Ford hated Han Solo and wanted to have him killed off in Return of the Jedi. I really disliked that bounty hunter Poe love interest character, she was hyped as the main character and barely served any real purpose in the film other than to give Poe that Captain's medallion to board the star destroyer. Unlike the Storm Trooper deserter character who gets more screen time, a proper back story and a fight scene at the end this character gives Poe the medallion and doesn't appear again until after the Battle of Exegol (If she does appear I swear it must have been 3 seconds because I can't remember). Really disappointing that they put more effort into Rose, a simple engineer, than this potentially badass female bounty hunter character. I've seen some people complain about how by bringing the Emperor back it totally makes Anakin's sacrifice totally in-vein. What people have probably forgotten is that this happens in Legends as well, in Legends, not only did the Emperor come back but the Emperor managed to convert Luke Skywalker to the dark side so in my opinion, the Disney option wasn't too bad of a route to go down. I still feel that it will require lots of Disney Expanded Universe books, comics and video games to add more lore to the whole dumpster fire so it makes more sense, which at this point is something Disney probably does on purpose to milk the franchise dry. I noticed some dumb errors during the film, like that one scene where we see Rey slice a berry pot on the planet during the weird Star Destroyer and the berries splatter all over Kylo's room, I didn't mind that though what I didn't like was the fact that once the duel ended the berries were nowhere in sight as Rey runs out. Rian Johnson, take notes: Subverting expectations only "works" when it makes sense, use General Hux's betrayal as an example of subverting expectations that kinda worked out. At this current time, I can't really remember anything worth mentioning right now. I may add to this later. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ebony Moon 187 Posted December 24, 2019 @N-DReW25 said: "I've seen some people complain about how by bringing the Emperor back it totally makes Anakin's sacrifice totally in-vein. What people have probably forgotten is that this happens in Legends as well, in Legends, not only did the Emperor come back but the Emperor managed to convert Luke Skywalker to the dark side..." I never liked the old EU theme of Palpatine clones. It seemed too gimicky. While some of it was good, a lot of the old EU is bad. The Emperor and the Sith should be gone after Return of the Jedi, imo. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Canderis 180 Posted December 24, 2019 Someone pointed out to me today Ren's scar disappears for half the movie. Whoops. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N-DReW25 1,371 Posted December 24, 2019 1 hour ago, Canderis said: Someone pointed out to me today Ren's scar disappears for half the movie. Whoops. Apparently Rey healed it when she healed his stab wound. To be fair, it kinda makes sense (and by "makes sense" I mean "it makes sense in a trilogy where nothing makes sense".) 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted December 24, 2019 Yeah, the Emperor returning in EU was bad, and oh so often hammered home when Disney discarded canon. "Lol, it made Palpatine a clone. So good they discarded it." "Yeah, but that's not all the EU wa..." "PALPATINE SURVIVES. TERRIBLE. EU BAD." Some years later "Hey, look, Palpy's back!" Yeah, discard Prequels but meanwhile parade Sheev around and utter "abilities some people consider unnatural". They had to make this some strange merge mess too. You know, I saw a vid where it says Rose was 'studying' all the time. Then I remember her interview, how she was feeling really let down and unloved since people thought she was an exchange student just studying in the US. I think we have found the one person who has an issue with Kelly Marie Trans herself, rather than Rose. That seems like a major dick-move, and how do you do that by accident? 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Talyn82 84 Posted December 24, 2019 14 hours ago, Ebony Moon said: Hide contents @N-DReW25 said: "I've seen some people complain about how by bringing the Emperor back it totally makes Anakin's sacrifice totally in-vein. What people have probably forgotten is that this happens in Legends as well, in Legends, not only did the Emperor come back but the Emperor managed to convert Luke Skywalker to the dark side..." I never liked the old EU theme of Palpatine clones. It seemed too gimicky. While some of it was good, a lot of the old EU is bad. The Emperor and the Sith should be gone after Return of the Jedi, imo. I read the Dark Empire comic after watching the first six canonical films, and thought it cheapened Anakin's sacrifice. So I did not like that comic at all. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Malkior 477 Posted December 25, 2019 On 12/21/2019 at 2:44 PM, dg1995 said: Just want to share it here. It looks like this movie had a lot of production problems which resulted in the mess it became. This reddit post sounds believable. [ Snip ] Wait, they were worried The Son of Mortis would alienate audiences yet they created Snoke and a majority of the new characters out of thin air? This really was a case of film writing by committee. BTW The whole Son of Mortis subplot sounds interesting and could have actually tied up the dangling plot threads about Snoke and the Knights of Ren. It's honestly a shame they never went for it. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted January 15, 2020 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
1Leonard 134 Posted January 29, 2020 On 12/23/2019 at 8:40 PM, Hassat Hunter said: Ayways, for being ' Oh woe is you! It's messages like these that just show how thin-skinned the fanbase has become. ' you seem to be pretty hurt that people call this movie out for the terrible mess it is. Nah, just tired of your persecution complex. I'd also like for you to keep on topic, as you seem to keep avoiding my reactions and avoid directly quoting me so I don't receive any notifications. I understand this is the easy thing to do, seeing as I am apparently one of the few people here who don't immediately agree with you. I have yet to see one of your articles where ALL of the Star Wars fan base is called a nazi, sexist, racist etc. as you keep claiming. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted February 2, 2020 Those that have liked the previous Auralnauts' Kylo Ren videos I've linked to may have missed the newest one: KYLO REN REACTS to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (Spoilers) Enjoy. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted February 15, 2020 How many of you would say this YouTuber is mostly spot-on on her views on ROS? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Haveayap 127 Posted February 20, 2020 I didn't think the film was THAT bad, although I am comparing it to TLJ and TFA so there is that. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bead-v 251 Posted March 21, 2020 A breakdown of Palpatine's plan Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites