Kreia 57 Posted November 23, 2016 File Name: Arren Kae Appearance File Submitter: Kreia File Submitted: 23 Nov 2016 File Category: Mods TSLRCM Compatible: Yes Arren Kae is a character mentioned in the game, her likeness is alluded to in reference to the Handmaiden who is said to "bear the face of her mother." This mod adds a new appearance to the game using the model and textures I made for her, it doesn't do anything else, it just lets you play with her while I see if there's more interesting stuff I can do with her in future mods. You may give this appearance to the main character, or any member of your party, by means of a SaveGame Editor such as KSE.Here is a video of what she looks like: Further info: This model is the result of changes I made to Kreia's two-handed model. The original model and all its variants come with a hood animation that unveils Kreia's face, exposing a problem with the geometry that becomes most evident when making a sad facial expression. The changes I made to the model also fix this problem. The hood on this model is raised at all times, hood animations are not available. In case you wondered, I didn't make any dark-side textures for this model. Installation==================TSLPatcher (by Stoffe) will know what to do. Just run the executable and follow the instructions. This mod adds one row to appearance.2daThe following files are put in the override folder by the installer:p_arrena.tgap_arrena.txip_arrenbb.mdlp_arrenbb.mdxp_arrenh.tgap_arrenh.txi Compatibility==================Should be fully compatible with TSLRCM and all sorts of other mods. Known Issues==================None. Permission==================Nicely give credit if you'd like to use my stuff for a work of your own. Find me==================Kreia (Deadlystream)Knights and Darths of the Old Republic (YouTube)Knights and Darths of the Old Republic (Tumblr) Click here to download this file 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sithspecter 909 Posted November 23, 2016 This is a truly brilliant mod. The amount of work that has gone into this is clear, absolutely one of the best character mods. Thank you for creating this. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N-DReW25 1,358 Posted November 23, 2016 That video looked like it took more effort to make than the mod itself. but either way, this mod is still a brilliant mod and I will likely try it out in the near future. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jc2 581 Posted November 23, 2016 Glad to see this released! Just gonna let people know, I'm definitely nominating this for mod of the year in the applicable column!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
milestails 264 Posted November 23, 2016 Bravo Kreia. Bravo. Excellent video as well. Just confirms in my mind that Kreia and Arren Kae are one in the same. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VarsityPuppet 1,086 Posted November 23, 2016 Bravo Kreia. Bravo. Excellent video as well. Just confirms in my mind that Kreia and Arren Kae are one in the same. I think Avellone himself pretty much confirmed it, didn't he? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DeadMan 103 Posted November 23, 2016 I think Avellone himself pretty much confirmed it, didn't he? IIRC, he said something like "Can’t comment, but good catch." Avellone has previously used the phrase "good catch" in the Fallout Bibles to describe unintended implications he likes. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
134340Goat 116 Posted November 23, 2016 Seems the evidence is just a little bit too much for it to be unintended And then there's this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ebony Moon 187 Posted November 23, 2016 For some reason I had gotten the impression that Arren Kae was the Jedi Jaq Rand had murdered in the war, the one he speaks of when he confesses his crime. I never did connect Arren Kae and Kreia, but I can see where Kreia might be Arren Kae. It's not my headcanon, though. I would think that Kreia would be bitter about Revan if she were Arren Kae, because Revan had killed Yusanis. As twisted as her thinking was, I think it would have been consistent if she did harbor ill will towards Revan for killing Yusanis if she were Arren Kae. She certainly expressed her contempt for Atton as a murderer of Jedi. Anyways, the mod is gorgeous. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kreia 57 Posted November 24, 2016 Lots of thanks for the generous assessments That video looked like it took more effort to make than the mod itselflol, that's about right, but it's a huge part of the fun for me. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarthVarkor 384 Posted November 24, 2016 Wow, this is incredible, Kreia! I might use this in my machinima saga... (Fully crediting you, of course.) By the way, how did you achieve the animations at the start? Where she appears to be bowing with her hands together and the lightsabers swirl around her? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jenko 53 Posted November 24, 2016 By the way, how did you achieve the animations at the start? Where she appears to be bowing with her hands together and the lightsabers swirl around her? Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe those animations exist on one of K2's models but are not used in the game. (I think on one of the Kreia models to be exact?)... There's five or six of them, not sure exactly what they were mean to be used for originally, though. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kreia 57 Posted November 24, 2016 The "intopray" animation is in the original Kreia model and all of its variants. Yes, there's more, the "forcewield" animations were clearly meant for her telekinetic lightsaber combat ability, which was limited to the Trayus Core bit in the released version of the game, and even there the animations are not used. Whether by choice or not, your guess is as good as mine. Originally, she was probably meant to use that ability throughout the whole game, I tend to count as evidence of that the fact that the animations are in all of her models, beside of course the presence in game files of the "Kinetic Combat" ability (feat 198.) It's not the only possible explanation for its presence, however, Kinetic Combat might also have been used to justify Kreia using double-bladed weapons even after losing a hand, before they decided to lock her left hand inventory slot. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarthVarkor 384 Posted November 24, 2016 The "intopray" animation is in the original Kreia model and all of its variants. Yes, there's more, the "forcewield" animations were clearly meant for her telekinetic lightsaber combat ability, which was limited to the Trayus Core bit in the released version of the game, and even there the animations are not used. Whether by choice or not, your guess is as good as mine. Originally, she was probably meant to use that ability throughout the whole game, I tend to count as evidence of that the fact that the animations are in all of her models, beside of course the presence in game files of the "Kinetic Combat" ability (feat 198.) It's not the only possible explanation for its presence, however, Kinetic Combat might also have been used to justify Kreia using double-bladed weapons even after losing a hand, before they decided to lock her left hand inventory slot. Interesting, would you mind giving me a tutorial (send me a PM even if you like if you don't want this thread to be off-topic) on how to create/trigger the pray and lightsaber animations with Kreia? I use JC's toolbox for my films, but don't believe either animation is in it, thanks! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kreia 57 Posted November 24, 2016 We can talk about that here Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gray Jedi Adept 5 Posted December 3, 2016 I got so into this video that I was hoping Revan would walk up to her at some point to imply that "fateful" discussion they would eventually have before the Mandalorian Wars. Fantastic! Thanks for this mod! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites