Canderis 180 Posted May 20, 2016 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xuul 224 Posted May 20, 2016 Two things so far. 1) No kotor mods as of yet. I saw this new earlier and was ready to post it until I saw there was yet to be any Kotor stuff uploaded. 2) Any author who wants to regain control of their mods can do so via 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarthParametric 3,811 Posted May 21, 2016 I have to say I was extremely surprised about the decision when I saw the notification. Especially given Dark0ne's stance on other matters relating to respecting author rights, and the fact that Gamefront has already been archived. There was no need for Nexus to touch it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xander2077 80 Posted May 21, 2016 Well, i for one dont see an issue as long as the mod owner is allowed to claim their work. I have noticed lately there are a lot of mods dying for K1 especially. Many dead links, sites down or repo'd by the service provider, and trying to navigate what is left of the fiefront archive is very intimidating at times. I also noticed that some of the old filefront archive links have been taken over by other gaming sites and no mods exist on those. One was a new gaming ezine i never heard of before yesterday. No mod links there. I don't think this is the first time Nexus has stepped up to save mods that will be lost forever otherwise. They also did the same when Planet Elder Scrolls was lost forever. I know many of my uplods were lost on that site and i can never get those back, so what they could save of them i appreciate. I certainly was not in any position at the time to do it myself with RL issues to contend with. When that happened, their reupload system was kind of lacking and rushed, but with their new approach i am more confident the appropriate modders will be credited. There is also something to be said for redundancy, anyone familiar with RAID or backing up a server would see the benefit of that. I would certainly rather navigate the Nexus for any mods not contained here than something like game bananna or lone bullet (which often seems like it is another rescue attempt). However i would really rather see those mods rescued here instead of going to the nexus for Kotor mods. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kexikus 998 Posted May 28, 2016 Old thread, I know, but I just saw that they uploaded tons of Kotor mods 3 days ago and as far as I could tell, some of them were still available officially even after filefront was gone. Not sure how to feel about that. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xander2077 80 Posted May 28, 2016 Old thread, I know, but I just saw that they uploaded tons of Kotor mods 3 days ago and as far as I could tell, some of them were still available officially even after filefront was gone. Not sure how to feel about that. unfortunately every link i have tried to follow to the filefront server does not go to a mod. instead it either goes to the wayback machine and the download link doesnt work, or it goes to an ezine for gaming that is called and no mods are there, i looked... how i feel about it? i could not have found some of the mods not hosted here otherwise. i dont know what links you guys have but if you have not visited them in a while, they are dead and gone. they would not be rescuing files unless the website was being taken over by The Escapist and trashing the mod files. this is not the only game they did that for. now granted some of the mods i could take them or leave them, but there are some real gems they rescued. what with people falling off the radar and assuming their mods are safe on filefront, i dont disagree that the nexus is doing this for good reason. filefront was like the library of alexandria for mods. since some new kid on the gaming block wants to toss them all out, and they were above board about working with the filefront people to rescue these mods, and are offering to let people claim their mods, then its the best solution i can see. this is a lot different than some wad taking your mod and uploading on some russian site and claiming it as their own. (no offense intended, just an example) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sithspecter 909 Posted May 28, 2016 Had this happened in 2008, you'd have a war happening. Back then tensions were high, and authorship rights were fiercely protected and enforced. The Team Gizka scandal showed how angry the community could get about even the rights of other people's mods, not to mention their own mods. That was when KotOR Files was the king. The staff maintained the website, wrote reviews, had polls, and even rejected mods. It was a different time. Now the whole process is a bit more quiet. Uploads are self-made, there are no real staff reviews, and the community has mellowed a bit in regards to authorship. People seem to be less uptight about their mods. They seem okay with having people edit them or upload them elsewhere, as long as appropriate credit is given. I think the biggest problem was that we used to assume (and still do) that hosting websites won't go down. We put all our faith in KotOR Files, and it tanked, leaving most mods with no clause or provision to go elsewhere. That was the real mistake. Maybe that was what some people wanted, but most of the modders we have asked to upload their lost mods seem to be happy to do so, or let us do so here. I don't think modders intended for their mods to be lost in the black if KotOR Files went down. In my opinion, the spirit of the permissions clauses that we wrote was more or less, "Don't take credit for the mod I worked hard to make". We just didn't make provisions for a File Front Apocalypse. That being said, the letter of the permissions still doesn't provide for re-upload in most cases. Therefore Nexus is acting against the rights of hundreds of modders. They didn't exactly have a right to all the File Front content. They decided for themselves, much like the folks at the Steam Workshop, that they would re-upload the mods. Fortunately, they seem to have preserved most of the original form of the mods, which is a nice tribute to KotOR Files. I can see the reasons they did what they did, but that doesn't make it right necessarily. In any case, there's not much that can be done about it at this point. At least not for folks who aren't around anymore. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xander2077 80 Posted May 28, 2016 I am noticing that it is a huge nightmare in progress organizing and uploading. I assume they will have to go through and make sure there are no duplicates of uploads, but I did notice some of your mods for example, were uploaded again by the nexus team, so it seems they are in a panic over trying to save everything before the files are gone forever. The duplicates will have to be weeded out later. Hopefully they don’t remove the ones that were uploaded by the authors as a result. If that worries anyone I would suggest contacting them before they eliminate the wrong mod page. Once they are done uploading and organizing, the next step is to remove dead links, approach the original authors, and pretty much get the KOTOR sites on nexus in order, since it is all out of whack now. I realize they are assuming a lot by doing this, and not everyone will be happy about it, but at this stage until the smoke clears they are literally in a battle to save what they can while they can. I guess the old saying "it's better to ask forgiveness than for permission" kind of applies here in their eyes. To put it in perspective, if you were going to die unless someone rescued you, would it not be better to be rescued? Even if you ended up in a place you didn’t want to be at the moment? At least the mods will still be alive, and the alternative (oblivion) would be terrible for many of the mods. I think to offset that is to try and get in contact with as many of the quality modders that will probably otherwise lose their files, and get them to upload some things here, that way there is a cleaner alternative and it will weed out some of the less desirable stuff. Over there they are uploading everything they can salvage, and some of the mods are not really my cup of tea, but I guess it’s better to do that than be picky right now. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sithspecter 909 Posted May 28, 2016 Once they are done uploading and organizing, the next step is to remove dead links, approach the original authors, and pretty much get the kotor sites on nexus in order, since it is all out of whack now. I think you have things way out of order here. Why is approaching the original authors the third thing on the list? It should be first. I realize they are assuming a lot by doing this, and not everyone will be happy about it, but at this stage until the smoke clears they are literally in a battle to save what they can while they can. I guess the old saying "its better to ask forgivenss than for permission" kind of applies here in their eyes. As several have pointed out, File Front has been archived multiple times. There are already places you can get all of the old mods. Nobody made them the savior of File Front. They didn't purchase File Front or have have any real right to the mods. to put it in perspective, if you were going to die unless someone rescued you, would it not be better to be rescued? even if you ended up in a place you didnt want to be at the moment? at least the mods will still be alive, and the alternative (oblivion) would be terrible for many of the mods. This is a ridiculous analogy. We're not talking about lives, we're talking about mods. The mod is not "lost" or sent to "oblivion" because the host site goes down. There are thousands of copies that people have downloaded out there. There are legitimate ways to get these mods, they aren't lost forever. I think to offset that is to try and get in contact with as many of the quality modders that will probably otherwise lose their files, and get them to upload some things here, that way there is a cleaner alternative and it will weed out some of the less desireable stuff. Over there tthey are uploading everything they can salvage, and some of the mods are not really my cup of tea, but i guess its better to do that than be picky right now. That's exactly what Deadly Stream has already done... We were able to get most of the good mods. A lot of the rest really aren't great or worth mentioning. Nexus isn't gaining that much by mass uploads regardless of how popular a mod was. There are dozens there now that would have been fine if they went down with KotOR Files. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xander2077 80 Posted May 28, 2016 Well I don’t think they see themselves as the saviors of FileFront, but they are doing what they can do to help. The reason I could see them in a panic to save the files is because there may be things going on behind the scenes we don’t know about. Are those files archived on the FileFront servers? if so, the new owners could be demanding they be dumped to make room for things they want to use them for, and FileFront staff that is left making the transition over to the new owners, went to the first people they could think of to facilitate it. Every link I have followed to a so called archive is redirected to the Escapist, so they (that magazine) seem to be doing a hostile takeover of what is left. I can see some of their execs giving the kill order to clean those servers out if that is the case. Seems typical. Of the other sites that host the same files, they are either not as well known, or not as well organized as nexus usually is. The difference between the Kotor site on nexus and how it is now is alarming. It is all in disarray, when it used to be nice and neat, although somewhat sparse. And remember this is not the only game they are doing this with. There are tons of other games that don’t have any equivalent host sites they have to get the files for or they will be gone, so they are painting with a broad brush here with all of the files.Why would contacting the mod creator be the last step in this situation? Because there is a time limit, and contacting people who are MIA is time consuming and takes a lot of manpower to achieve. I think we all know from attempting to contact people that have dropped off the modding map, how frustrating that can be sometimes. So they are thinking practical, not necessarily nice to do or moral obligation. They had to make a quick decision, and I don’t think any of us in the same shoes would be approaching it differently unless we had the foresight to think a year or two ahead. But such is the realm of business. They have not been given much time to work with. Large corps usually don’t like to stretch deadlines like us modders do. They are very black and white and aggressive. They want those servers now and they are going to get what they paid for. They could care less about some old mod files. The fact they are even allowing any time at all for someone to rescue files is kind of gracious.Maybe the nexus is not the only mod site that exists, but they are a familiar one. I am not 100% sure of all the details behind it all, but there is a sense of urgency in their actions. Not to be a hero, but to beat the clock. It will get sorted out later once they have gotten past the new server owners breathing down their necks.I know I’m playing devil’s advocate, and it is not to start an argument or anything, but we need more information from the nexus as to why they stepped up with the urgency they did the way they did. For now we can only go off of what they announced, and what the admins over there are privy to that we may not know but they are willing to divulge. And maybe a little deductive reasoning...I know they are not the only game in town, but they are doing this out of care rather than carelessness. I just don’t think they have time enough to dot their "i's" and cross their "t's" Edit: I just had a thought, and even though it should be the other way around, perhaps the best way to deal with this is to get together with fellow modders and petition the site to take mods down they don’t own, from the owners themselves. I think if enough of the people that actually created those mods get together, then they will oblige. However realistically it may take a while until the dust settles and they get around to fulfilling such requests, or assigning proper ownership.First though, if anyone wants to know what is really going on and why this is happening in detail, it is best to get it from the horse’s mouth directly. Differences aside, I think given a chance, the admins there are approachable on the subject, and will listen to anyone’s concerns. At least give them the benefit of the doubt. I’m sure they don’t intend to disrespect anyone intentionally. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kexikus 998 Posted May 28, 2016 Why would there be a time limit? They could just download all the FileFront mods, start asking for permission and then upload each mod once they have it. There is no reason not to do so unless they think it's not necessary to ask permission. Not rushing the uploads would also have the added benefit of not screwing up the site^^ 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xander2077 80 Posted May 29, 2016 Honestly, I think it is more than the FileFront staff can handle or are equipped for. I really don’t think that Nexus offered to help as much as FileFront asked for help. The fact that they are willing to take help means they are understaffed, so I’m not even sure that wherever they are archiving to is going to be adequate. I really think that the FileFront staff is in over their head this time. As I said before, if there is a pushy corporation rushing things, then of course they are going to cut corners and be in a panic. With that new e-zine taking over, that seems to be the case. The Nexus site owner has even said that even if they upload mods, the mod owners can ask to have them taken down, and they will. But it may be a while until they can do it because of the chaos right now. I’m getting some of this from thoroughly reading the Updates but also from the comment sections. I think it would be better to find out for sure, without all the political rhetoric, so I asked Dark one for a reply concerning the whole operation. I don’t expect an immediate reply though due to them being very busy. If anyone wants to know the scoop, it is not hard to email the guy and address the concerns related to all this. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Malkior 477 Posted May 29, 2016 @Xander I have read an article on Nexus that they are busily changing ad providers for their site, and that could account for the understaffing. Also, a minor correction, but Escapist Magazine is incredibly old and frankly has all but dissolved, itself. They're probably creating some desperate project, which could account for the rush on their side. (Sigh.. So much corporate intrigue...) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xander2077 80 Posted May 29, 2016 @Xander I have read an article on Nexus that they are busily changing ad providers for their site, and that could account for the understaffing. Also, a minor correction, but Escapist Magazine is incredibly old and frankly has all but dissolved, itself. They're probably creating some desperate project, which could account for the rush on their side. (Sigh.. So much corporate intrigue...) well that accounts for why i never heard of them and assumed they were some new guys. but yeah most definitely corporate intrigue going on and i know all about dying companies, they tend to get cut-throat even worse at the end. if that is the case then whoever bought them out is forcing the issue on what is left of filefront... not the nexus. And whoever holds the purse strings of a dying company they are trying to revive or reinvent, well, they have the say so. They will make cuts and force uncomfortable things like this down peoples throats, whether we like it or not. nexus is more or less a leaf on the wind if all that is going on. Trying to balance the demands of a supercorp and the needs and rights of modders is a tightrope i do not envy them. As far as the advertising fiasco the nexus has to deal with right now, that is a separate issue not related to them helping out filefront archivers. As far as i know there is cooperation between both sets of people and it looks like filefront needed the help. So put that all together, with nexus having advertising issues still and helping out the archivers, and that is a strain. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kexikus 998 Posted May 29, 2016 I don't think Filefront asked nexus to help them. From the announcement linked in the first post I'd say that the nexus team decided to archive filefront and then got help from the filefront team. And still, there is no need for the rush. Both filefront and gamefront are down for a month/even longer and anything they didn't download when it was still up is either gone or has to be downloaded from where it will stay for the next years without being lost. The only reason for the rush that I can see is that maybe some community wants their mods back and nexus felt like they had to act quickly to avoid a shitstorm or something. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LiliArch 115 Posted May 29, 2016 Well I don’t think they see themselves as the saviors of FileFront, but they are doing what they can do to help. The reason I could see them in a panic to save the files is because there may be things going on behind the scenes we don’t know about. Are those files archived on the FileFront servers? if so, the new owners could be demanding they be dumped to make room for things they want to use them for, and FileFront staff that is left making the transition over to the new owners, went to the first people they could think of to facilitate it. Every link I have followed to a so called archive is redirected to the Escapist, so they (that magazine) seem to be doing a hostile takeover of what is left. I can see some of their execs giving the kill order to clean those servers out if that is the case. Seems typical. Of the other sites that host the same files, they are either not as well known, or not as well organized as nexus usually is. The difference between the Kotor site on nexus and how it is now is alarming. It is all in disarray, when it used to be nice and neat, although somewhat sparse. And remember this is not the only game they are doing this with. There are tons of other games that don’t have any equivalent host sites they have to get the files for or they will be gone, so they are painting with a broad brush here with all of the files. Why would contacting the mod creator be the last step in this situation? Because there is a time limit, and contacting people who are MIA is time consuming and takes a lot of manpower to achieve. I think we all know from attempting to contact people that have dropped off the modding map, how frustrating that can be sometimes. So they are thinking practical, not necessarily nice to do or moral obligation. They had to make a quick decision, and I don’t think any of us in the same shoes would be approaching it differently unless we had the foresight to think a year or two ahead. But such is the realm of business. They have not been given much time to work with. Large corps usually don’t like to stretch deadlines like us modders do. They are very black and white and aggressive. They want those servers now and they are going to get what they paid for. They could care less about some old mod files. The fact they are even allowing any time at all for someone to rescue files is kind of gracious. I'm sorry, I can't quite follow your logic there. First, if old links suddenly lead to another site, it's because the domain is taken over, not the servers - the physical servers themselves may be the same ones, but they can as well be on the other side of the planet. Second, I can't see any reason for the web host provider to not simply carefreely delete the files once the webspace ownership has been terminated; someone booking to the same space (and there's no reason why it would be exactly the same sector of the hard drive that the previous client used, not that it would matter after wiping the previous client from the system) should not matter there at all, no more than you're allowed to live in an apartment you don't rent anymore, no matter if there's new person moving in or not. If they do feel the need of archiving old files, it's done on completely different servers, and don't matter to any person that's their client, except the one who the files belong to. And in the case that FileFront staff actually owns the physical servers themselves, I doubt they would be selling them to another company. There's not much to be gained from that. Owning a server (if you own the machine itself) does not cost any more than owning any other computer, when you cut it off from web. Unless you have some inside information about web host provider's way of doing business? That's just the picture I've got as a client... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xander2077 80 Posted May 29, 2016 is a mess to navigate, that is hardly a solution, so something bigger is going on there, I honestly do not think that the FileFront archivers are satisfied with the way it has been handled, and there is something else going on with them collaborating with nexus. But I’m waiting on a reply from the site owner. If you skim through the announcement, then it makes it seem as if the nexus is doing everyone a favor, and that is good PR but not the truth. if everyone is so dead set on using a site like with a very terrible interface and organization, or what is left of GameFront before the plug is pulled, and keeps sending links that are long dead or only on the Wayback Machine any more, then maybe it’s time to update the links to a page that actually works? I don’t see anyone doing that. All I hear are a lot of complaints about things. But it aint the end of the world. Whether we like it or not, those that own servers can do what they like with the content on those servers, even if that means deleting the content wholesale. Those guarantees that FileFront and GameFront gave modders probably won’t hold water at this point since someone else has stepped in and I’m sure they have lawyers on retainer that trump anyone’s moral ideals right about now. Yeah I wish things would just stay the same, but that is never the case. Things move and shake, and there will be upheaval from time to time. Sites will go down. I got a lot of life experience, and among that life experience, I had the misfortune of going through multiple hostile takeovers on a corporate level. And when the buyer steps in, they start to meddle and demand, and make unrealistic goals sound good. And they have the money to back up their demands with corporate lawyers. So they will bludgeon people into submission. And it is a dirty game. The rules get changed, guarantees go out the window, and they come up with creative lies to cheat everyone. heck my brother is going through that for the first time in his life and I hated to do it, but I had to be frank with him that the new owners of his company are not interested in keeping their end of the deal and will try and find a loophole to cut him out of his company shares. And I think something similar is going on behind the scenes on these sites that are being pulled and reorganized. With that fly in the ointment, and the FileFront archivers in a panic as well, I think they all discussed what would be a better solution than and came up with the nexus. Whatever else is going on is anyone’s guess. But it is not what everyone thinks. These guys probably know each other, and behind the scenes they were already talking about things when they got the word that the sites were being pulled imminently. It’s not like nexus barged in and held a gun to anyone’s head or anything. That is the job of ubercorps. And a month is hardly enough time to get this all done. Think big not small. The problem is not just black and white like a lot of people idealize. Sure it would be nice if puppies and unicorns were frolicking in the rainbow, but that’s never the case in real life. So what should be and what is are often two different things. I honestly think that while this was an opportunity for nexus, and their site layout is more suited to presenting these mods, they also stepped in a huge pile of crap by taking this on because of the sheer volume of the task. something else people forget is that a lot of times things like this, on the corporate level, are handled kind of like someone buying debt from the original lender. There is fine print there that pretty much protects the original lender from any problems the new debt owner may encounter, and there are tons of lawyers involved. I don’t just think this was some arbitrary decision and that nexus staff didn’t look at the legal ramifications of it all. I think there were lawyers involved, and who knows? Maybe in that meeting GameFront decided to hand things over to nexus. In which case it is similar to someone buying debt. the fact that nexus has said they will delete any mods that the original authors don’t want on their site means they are trying to make sure they respect those old defunct FileFront guarantees that no longer matter anymore. Sure they matter to modders, but from the legal standpoint of FileFront, they can’t guarantee them anymore, so to them it’s a moot point if they can’t uphold modders rights. So they pass the torch. If they are being dissolved, then they don’t have any say so any more. It is out of their hands once they go down. So before they do something had to be done. So you have any experience with trying to call people say for a fund driver based on their donations previously? It is a nightmare... that is sort of like what it would be like to contact every modder who ever uploaded at GameFront. Like I said not just the mods for KOTOR, but every mod ever uploaded. Now we are talking authorship on the level of the library of congress. Do you seriously think there is enough staff and time in a month to handle all those emails and keep spamming people to respond about their mod? That is insane! How long did it take to archive everything on when there was not a month deadline? So what's the best way that modders could be contacted? there are no phone numbers, this is all based on emails if it were ever an option, and if the person is dead, or the email account is no longer active, then how effective you think it would be to put that first when there is only a month to rescue those files? It makes no sense to put manpower on that when all hands are needed to handle files. So they made the provision for modders to contact nexus if they have an issue. That’s just realism. They are not funeral directors. They don’t have to usher people in and hand them Kleenex and pat them on the back, they are more like first responders. @ liliarch. if a domain was bought out, that is one thing, and yes that has happened, because the redirects say so... but I am talking about the servers. when a company dissolves, the new owners tend to throw the baby out with the bathwater. since FileFront is going down, that means they are being dissolved, and those servers, while cheap, are not going to be functioning much longer. forget domains, we are talking physical computers. who cares if they have a temp domain it won’t be any use once those servers are scrapped at the local computer recycler or sent to India to be melted down. I really do not think that FileFront staff owns those servers any more. or they would not be moving files off of them. it doesn’t matter what happens to them really, that is up to whoever bought them out, whether they end up being stuffed in a warehouse, or stuck on a pallet to get rained on, or moved to another building and repurposed is not the point. the point is the time frame. a month points strongly to corporate interference by someone who could care less about modders rights. the tells are right in front of everyone. it is not cut and dry like people want it to be. it is a mess. it should be viewed as a mess and then when the dust clears, then deal with it. until then not much good whining will do. Here are some screens of how effective using the old sites are now. so they are taking down even the references to the old KOTOR mods. like it or not the files are gone from GameFront. and the last file I can find on is this super pack that is about 2.5 gigs. hardly anything left there either. so thinking that is still going to be around is wishful thinking. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Malkior 477 Posted May 29, 2016 @Xander2077 Well put. I was skeptical when people told me that Filefront was shutting down, but a second site that was effectively a redirect from the original site holder (Not Filefront, but their at the time new owner Break Media) had instead held its files. Break had also fallen into severe neglect and overall lack in popularity as the internet changed, so it made sense that the arrangement wouldn't last forever. Once reports came in that Filefront was also closing their backup site, it was pretty clear that this was a very serious total data wipe. I mean, it sucks, but the internet has changed, and things we thought were solid and permanent require constant traffic to stay alive. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JCarter426 1,242 Posted May 30, 2016 Well, as soon as I heard about this I contacted their staff to have my mods removed and they did so today. I maintain backups of all my releases and I reupload the old ones I think are not of embarrassingly terrible quality, or which are specifically requested, so they were never lost. I don't care to have my mods on Nexus, and in a couple cases they were uploading older versions that contained bugs. So there are pretty good reasons for these files to not be there, if you needed a reason other than the fact that I never consented to it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sithspecter 909 Posted May 30, 2016 My email to Nexus: Hello, I have noticed that you have decided to upload a number of my mods from KotOR Files without my permission. Despite each file specifically having a clause that prohibits uploads to other sites without my permission, you have chosen to do a bulk upload of them, several of them older or bugged versions. I am an active and contributing member to Nexus, why are you violating my authorship rights? Why didn't you at least try to contact me before dumping all of my mods on Nexus? It's also very frustrating that a large mod that I released recently is now buried beneath hundreds of decade old mods. This is a screen capture from your file upload process: Apparently you ignore author permissions when it's convenient, or when it fits your agenda. If you try your hardest to protect authors from having their content stolen, all you had to do was not upload hundreds of KotOR/TSL mods. That seems easy enough. And if you wanted to save them, why not download them, the screenshots, and the descriptions, and then try contacting the authors? Once you had downloaded the content, it's not going anywhere. This sets a very bad precedent. So now when I upload mods, can I include content created by others who have not allowed me to use it? I'll include a clause that says if they happen to notice it that I'll turn it over to them. It seems to me in this case your staff has decided they are above the standards they hold others to. These are the mods that I would like to take ownership of: My username on Nexus is Sithspecter. Please give me ownership of these mods immediately. -Sithspecter 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JCarter426 1,242 Posted May 30, 2016 Yeah, that's a little crazy. We could go back and forth over the issue ignoring authors' rights to preserve their work, but this part I cannot fathom. How do you justify uploading content created by users of your own site under a different name without their permission... without even contacting them? That's inexcusable. This is not an issue of tracking down people based on the email they used a decade ago. I already had an account on Nexus - I don't upload mods with it because I don't particularly like the site, but it's the same username, email, etc that I used for Filefront. Sithspecter actually uploads mods on Nexus! You don't need to hire a private investigator to figure out who we are. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted May 30, 2016 In addition to the mods, I don't see how they can explain using the original mod descriptions as well. I would think that the official mod reviewers (Shem, Emperor Devon, Marius Fett, et al) would have a right to complain as well. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fair Strides 512 Posted May 30, 2016 @JC and SS: I can see how it happened and they didn't try contacting people. Do you have any idea just how many games were on the Filefront network? I'd say at least 30 or more. There were around 250+ files for each KotOR game, so multiply that by 30 (even more for games like Jedi Outcast or Battlefront). Since they're dead-set on it being a time-related job, they didn't see themselves having the time or the effort to research the author/email of every file they pulled. (nevermind how easy a regex or database lookup would have been) @SH: With that part, I imagine being volunteers to the site would include a clause about anything you write being the property of Filefront. So if that clause existed, Filefront would technically own the content after it was written, to do with what they will/wanted to. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted May 30, 2016 @SH: With that part, I imagine being volunteers to the site would include a clause about anything you write being the property of Filefront. So if that clause existed, Filefront would technically own the content after it was written, to do with what they will/wanted to. "The property of FileFront" and not the property of NexusMods. The question I implied was "Couldn't the reviewers request they remove those reviewers in much the same way the modders could request the mods to be removed?" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VarsityPuppet 1,086 Posted May 30, 2016 "The property of FileFront" and not the property of NexusMods. The question I implied was "Couldn't the reviewers request they remove those reviewers in much the same way the modders could request the mods to be removed?" Doesn't Nexus Mods get ad revenue from page views/clicks? I guess respecting mod authors is only important until there's money to be made. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites