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I'm OK with April Fool's jokes, but this...this is cruel.

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I remembered what day it was but yeah that is a very cruel joke and they should be ashamed of themselves.

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Dammit BioWare... Not cool man, not cool. Man do I hate it when developers pull this kind of trickery.

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Dam that is so wrong,

I was thinking what if, take the movie Groundhogs day and do a version where it's April 1st every day he wakes up,....

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Dam that is so wrong,


I was thinking what if, take the movie Groundhogs day and do a version where it's April 1st every day he wakes up,....

Oh boy... Although, if it were the same pranks every time he wakes up, it would be funny to see peoples reaction when he dodges a trap they set.

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Actually, not really. This is just a cruel April Fool's joke. 

My feels hurt.


Max Rebo.. What kind of idiots do they take us for?


All they're doing is insulting those of us who actually stood with (okay at a close enough distance to not be actively antagonizing them, but still) them through all of their inane money-grubbing and further degradation of their once trusted name. 


At least go with something tongue in cheek, like Peet Wozniak or something less offensively obvious.. It's like they don't know or care about the Star Wars name at all. 


Second, why did they choose the same teaser screens in the reveal that they used for Kotor 1 originally? At least give it a little effort, eh?














That Pokemon thing google did, though.. that was funny..

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Max Rebo.. What kind of idiots do they take us for?

I actually didn't catch that at first.


But I knew immediately when I saw this that it was fake. It just filled me with such sadness :(.

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I remember seeing that and thought it was true until I read the comments below the article, but maybe they are still going to make KOTOR 3. They are making Battlefront 3, so why not KOTOR 3? The new star wars movies are coming out, and obsidian still thinks about kotor 3, i have seen various articles about it. If people like us demand the game, maybe they will make it. I know alot of people don't think there should be a kotor 3, but I would be glad to welcome it to the game series.

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The answer to that would be... "The Old Republic"


EA-BIOWARE wouldn't want to make anything to compete with that.

And as they're calling the shots for atleast the coming 9 years now...

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Naming it KOTOR 3 would imply that it followed the events of KOTOR 2. But I'd take an RPG that's based on the Mandalorian Wars or the Jedi Civil War, as long as it's KOTOR-esque lol

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