
Quanons many projects.

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Hello all!


Texturing job on Nar Shaddaa is going nicely. Looking forward to drop the garbage and other odds and ends into this street area; to really make it alive.

No doubt it'll make the walkmesh creation a real PITA :D


Still, a few other things are on my radar. I just did a reinstall of TSL with the restoration mods. Plus a host of other mods to complete the experience.

Though I browsed around for re-skins on party members and such; it caught my eye, none really 'upped' the size of the skins.


I did liked many of the ideas some of these mods had. Giving Atton a beard! I dug up an old Kreia reskin I made myself. Making her younger.

I did a nice enough job on the head skin, but the body skin is not that 'smooth' looking. So the idea to improve this had come up and never left my thoughts.


Next to the party re-skin urge I've been sketching Sith helmets. After my other helmet/ armour mod someone suggest to do a DS side pack.

So I already did some sketches on that. To get an idea of what I want.


ATM, I'm conflicted. Do a sort of Vader style helm first or go for a more medieval knight version first.

Here's those sketches of what I've got in my mind.









I've seen the concepts for the MMO Kotor game on the Sith Inquisitor gear. Some influence might have crept into my ideas.

But I'm not really looking to copy any of that. Rather do something 'new' instead. 



Let the comments fly!

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First a call back to something one page ago:


Nice wallpaper. I've added it to my KOTOR Screensaver that I have running on my computer. Does the widescreen shot now indicate a new "ceiling" to the textures? If so, could you update your upload here so everyone can all the Malachor V exterior textures in one tidy package?


I've seen the concepts for the MMO Kotor game on the Sith Inquisitor gear. Some influence might have crept into my ideas. But I'm not really looking to copy any of that. Rather do something 'new' instead.

OK, I'll give you an idea. How about helmets and headgear that is specifically designed for the alien species in the game? With their lekku - head tails to the uninitiated - the twi'leks don't exactly have a lot of variety going on. Why couldn't they have a species-specific helmet, gas mask, or even a new headband to wear? I suppose the same could go for any of the alien species but seeing as you have a twi'lek in your main party in K1 and seeing many throughout both games, that one popped into my mind first.


In addition, how about adding scarves, cowls, and crowns to your potential list?

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The wallpaper does not have the top texture for the skybox. But I did just update the mod to include the 'missing' top ;)

As ever I can't seem to get rid of the seems. I checked the models in 3Ds Max. And the top mesh is like 2 meters below the top edges of the walls that make up the skybox.

And each wall pokes about 2 meters through the others on each side. So no wonder it's hard to get rid of the seams.


I've got no idea how many pixels that is. Is there a method to calculate that? 


SH, I was thinking of redoing the headgear stuff for the Kotor games. Most look like lego block floating around your head in the game. Plus the skins are just plain awfull most of the time.

I can see why this has been overlooked by modders. They are tiny items and they don't do anything really. Only buffing some stats and the like.


Though, when you think about it. They are there visible all the time, throughout most of the game.

I'dd just need to do some groundwork to figure out how many different models there are for the headgear in the game.


I could then, I think easely adopt the models for the alien species. But I don't think there's a perfect solution to the clipping issues with some of the models.

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Do you think remapping the skybox might be possible? Good ol' Taina's Replacer.


I've always thought that the masks in the game needed some improvement. Sadly, as capable as I am at modeling, I'm not real good at skinning.

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RE:redoing the headgear.

Speaking as a gamer and big mod user :D  i think the small details are important as they all come together to make the whole experience.

So, like saber hilts e.t.c.. the headgear  could probably benefit from some skilled modding.

i tried one of those  invisible headgear mods ,coz of the clunky way some of the headgear  look.

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I could then, I think easely adopt the models for the alien species. But I don't think there's a perfect solution to the clipping issues with some of the models.

There's some kind of "scale headgear" column in appearance.2da, if I don't remember perfectly wrong. Maybe that could be of some use in there?

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Do you think remapping the skybox might be possible? Good ol' Taina's Replacer.


I've always thought that the masks in the game needed some improvement. Sadly, as capable as I am at modeling, I'm not real good at skinning.


Hmm; I never considered using Tania's Replacer on area models. I thought it was heads only :)

But never know without trying.


@Daffy: Yeah some of those visors are really 'heavy' looking. But that's one of those things, depending on which head model you place those items.


@LiliArch: Thanks for mentioning that 2DA; didn't know that. I'll what can be done for the headgear. But Nar Shaddaa is first on the list.


Sometimes I get the feeling we need a hotel and get all the modders in there to get things moving, so we can go from one room to another to help each other out :P

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Having a day off, time to do some stuff.

Did a daytime render on the streets; just to show things more clearly.

Though it'll be nighttime in the game.






























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What is this Nar Shaddaa project of yours exactly? Are you planning to add more areas to the planet in KotOR 2?

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I'll do my best not to give away to much info on this yet. The story that I've got in mind takes place on Nar Shaddaa and is linked to the main story of the Exile.

Though it's something that happens before the Exile arrives on Nar Shaddaa and the main characters are not the standard party.


You'll be playing as one of the lowlife thugs and his mates, getting involved with the Exchange, Vogga The Hutt and other crime syndicates. Things get out of hand of course and you're in the middle > :D

I decided that the Exile's story arc has enough Sith villains and Force whishwhammy talk as it is. This time it's more Han Solo goes solo :D

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Man, my NarShaddaa street area is a big model. Few posts back I was stating I was half way there :P

IT's now at I would guess 90%. Just a small zone is left. Though it's sort of an indoor bit. And that means walls, ceiling and what not to be textured.

So while from a model view it's not big, it'll take some time to texture it.


Though I've been playing around with lights and camera movements; to get a nice clip going. Rendering times looked good per frame. So it should'nt take 100 years to get a minute of footage :D

Expiremented with lightgiving texture on the windows. But I need a proper window texture for this area. Another little task to add to the list.



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Talking about the windows last night got the ball rolling. Having the afternoon off, I tackled this one texture. Pretty pleased with how it looks so far.

Just might tweak it to get more 'depth''. And, yes, Nar Shaddaa folks live in brightly colorfull apartments :P


Realistic? No, but this is Star Wars.

Here's a comparison render, same camera as the pic above in my previous post.





And another shot, just to show it off :D



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I'd love-it if the future GenoHaradan mod were built to be compatible with that one, whoever does-it. This Nar Shadaa sure will be interesting enough!

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Reminds me of the Nar Shaddaa levels in Jedi Outcast. These new areas look cool!

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Reminds me of the Nar Shaddaa levels in Jedi Outcast. These new areas look cool!

Couldn't ask for a bigger compliment ^_^


I've started to render the first bits for a fly through movie. Takes about 4hrs for 200frames= 3 seconds.

It's heavy duty time for my old rig.

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Couldn't ask for a bigger compliment ^_^


I've started to render the first bits for a fly through movie. Takes about 4hrs for 200frames= 3 seconds.

See you in a few days then! :)

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