Hassat Hunter

What do you hate about TSLRCM?

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The thing is, you have to sacrifice other useful attributes to use the implants. I used to play through KotOR as a Soldier, then a Jedi Guardian, with 12 Constitution and Level 3 implants. Things like the Nerve Amplifier Belt deny you the benefits of other equipment, and it makes the use of Stealth Field Generators more of a problem.

As for TSLRCM, it is odd that Kreia says Revan was behind the bombardment of Telos, yet, in KotOR, Canderous said Malak was responsible.

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The thing is, you have to sacrifice other useful attributes to use the implants. I used to play through KotOR as a Soldier, then a Jedi Guardian, with 12 Constitution and Level 3 implants. Things like the Nerve Amplifier Belt deny you the benefits of other equipment, and it makes the use of Stealth Field Generators more of a problem.

As for TSLRCM, it is odd that Kreia says Revan was behind the bombardment of Telos, yet, in KotOR, Canderous said Malak was responsible.

Maybe Revan just intended to destroy the hidden Jedi Academy, but Malak somehow misinterpreted it and blew up Telos, and therefore lost his jaw.

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Noticed a new thing I hate about TSLRCM  (collective groan from Hassat, VP and Zbyl incoming ;) ): It increased the necessity for metagaming knowledge. Vanilla Kotor 2 was already bad enough about it as it was.


The specific example I am thinking of right now is getting locked out of jedifying Handmaiden and getting Battle Precognition, if you play a LS playthrough naturally and are nice to Visas whenever possible. This is permanent: Handmaiden won't talk to you no matter how high you later get her inf with external actions. If you want to avoid this, you have to put the conversations with Visas on hold until you've got Handmaiden's INF high enough. This is unspeakably stupid. It's not like you were developing a romance with Visas; you just had some creepy dialogues about Darth Hungry...

Wasn't Handmaiden getting pissy at you if you had more influence with Visas than her in vanilla TSL?

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Hm. On second thought, you could be right. I don't remember ever having that problem in vanilla, but I haven't played vanilla in forever. Looking at the original dlg and hawk script, it does look like it though.


I guess vanilla was stupider than I thought.


Well, this is easily tweaked. For my own installation, I made it so that she won't stop giving you a chance unless her influence is <50 (besides the other conditions) - the cutscenes will happen, but the "we're through" dialogue won't unless you've actually done something to make her dislike you. This'll still happen in my darkside playthrough, but not the one where I'm nice to both of them.


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Hm. On second thought, you could be right. I don't remember ever having that problem in vanilla, but I haven't played vanilla in forever. Looking at the original dlg and hawk script, it does look like it though.


I guess vanilla was stupider than I thought.


Well, this is easily tweaked. For my own installation, I made it so that she won't stop giving you a chance unless her influence is <50 (besides the other conditions) - the cutscenes will happen, but the "we're through" dialogue won't unless you've actually done something to make her dislike you. This'll still happen in my darkside playthrough, but not the one where I'm nice to both of them.

Yeah, it probably doesn't show up very often because of how easy it is to get influence for Handmaiden, plus the fact she joins right after Telos. I do agree it seems a bit stupid for it to happen just because Visas likes you a little more than she does, no matter how high Handmaiden's influence is.

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Yah. You can get 100 inf with Visas pretty much instantly, while progress with Handmaiden is kinda slow due to level requirements for the duels. And it only takes 30 inf difference to get locked out.

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If you want certain files to always overriide the override folder files, but them in the rims folder.


Oh NOW he tells me. Granted, now that I know this, it seems obvious.


But still, NOW he tells me.


Also, my personal pet peeve - you can teach forms and powers to every other party member that becomes a Jedi. EXCEPT Handmaiden. Who actually could do with more forms since she gets a rather tough solo fight near the end of the game. I don't see why some dialogue couldn't be reused from the duels or other lines into a response to the teachings, like all the other people have.

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Also, my personal pet peeve - you can teach forms and powers to every other party member that becomes a Jedi. EXCEPT Handmaiden. Who actually could do with more forms since she gets a rather tough solo fight near the end of the game. I don't see why some dialogue couldn't be reused from the duels or other lines into a response to the teachings, like all the other people have.

All the dialogue for training is specifically recorded for training, it's not just something we ripped out of somewhere else for training.

Disciple and Handmaiden lack such lines though.

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Care to go through all of their lines and have a go at it? I am interested in what you can produce, Kainzorus.

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Not seeing an issue here - splicing some lines would suffice.

Ugh. Duplicated audio lines are jarring and obvious, and not what I'd call a restoration. (The Malachor stuff gets a pass for obvious reasons, but let's not get "clever" everywhere else).

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Ugh. Duplicated audio lines are jarring and obvious, and not what I'd call a restoration. (The Malachor stuff gets a pass for obvious reasons, but let's not get "clever" everywhere else).


Have a little faith in someone who's been dabbling in video and audio editing since 2008.

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Have a little faith in someone who's been dabbling in video and audio editing since 2008.

In a word: No. Reused audio is reused audio, and players arent' stupid.


Besides. You could be a professional and it still won't be a restoration. And yes, it matters. With a project like this, there's always the temptation to go beyond the pure scope of bugfixing and restorations only of content which was obviously cut for time, and to start adding/changing/reusing stuff because one can. TSLRCM is already an offender, wouldn't want it to get worse in that respect.


It's what I always admired about Qwinn's Planescape Torment mod pack. He very clearly understood this issue.

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Have a little faith in someone who's been dabbling in video and audio editing since 2008.

Feel free to take a look at those M4-78EP sequences?

Besides. You could be a professional and it still won't be a restoration. And yes, it matters. With a project like this, there's always the temptation to go beyond the pure scope of bugfixing and restorations only of content which was obviously cut for time, and to start adding/changing/reusing stuff because one can. TSLRCM is already an offender, wouldn't want it to get worse in that respect.

Anything in particular in mind here... since that's pretty much the baseline for us, restoration and fixing only.

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Going back to the Handmaiden/Visas thing - I used KSE to set Visas to 100 inf and Handmaiden to 0, but I didn't get any new scene and Handmaiden would still talk as normal, no matter how often I got off and on the ship

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Anything in particular in mind here... since that's pretty much the baseline for us, restoration and fixing only.

Oh, where do I even begin. It's not like you and I haven't argued about this stuff before.


Consider the crew members despairing as you go to Malachor. That was meant to happen after the Dantooine confrontation, while the Exile was seemingly dead. Y'know, it's why it's called pcdead2.dlg. It also seems Malachor was initially planned to be the next stop after Dantooine. TSLRCM just arbitrarily stuck that scene in after Telos, where it makes no goddamn sense anymore.


The general sin here is thinking "I see an unused resource, it's calling to me, I MUST FIND A WAY TO USE IT SOMEWHERE". Often the resource will be unused on purpose, due to draft revisions, the final version no longer calls for it. There's a difference between an obviously unfinished part of a game, vs a scene that holds up fine but there are alternatives buried in the files. You can argue that you can't always tell for 100% which is which, that you have to guess. And I agree, but you have to make these decisions with a degree of caution and humility, to resist the desire to impact the game more rather than less. And in any case, reusing the resource elsewhere sure as hell isn't a restoration.


Again, the Planescape Torment mods are the gold standard as far as I'm concerned. Wonderful, wonderful job.


For more examples, the outcome of the Nar Shaddaa debacle. As Obsidian told it, Mira freed herself from the base and at the same time freed the Exile from the tunnels. RCM changed that to where Mira is recaptured offscreen (wtf) even if you clear the whole base with her and Visquis obligingly lets the Exile in because, well... why? because the game would end otherwise? That's a story change, and a dumb and unsatisfying one. Even if there was stuff in the files that indicated that this alternative was considered, well so was the version of events that actually made it into the game. So I have trouble seeing how this is a restoration. Maybe it was meant as a fix. Yeah, the vanilla sequence had some minor problems, but this isn't an improvement (where did Zez-Kai go? wasn't he going to rescue Mira?), especially not one that would justifiy changing the story to where the PC depends solely on the cooperaton of the antagonist.


And of course there's the Atris-Kreia dialogue near the end. I haven't seen yet what you've done to it with 1.8.4., but in earlier versions TSLRCM pulled out a dialogue (or rather, an arbitrarily incomplete part of a dialogue) from a branch explicitely marked in the files as alternate version, not for scripting, and stuck it in. There is no reason in the Universe to conclude that this must have been left out for time and was meant to be there in the final cut. As opposed to. say, Obsidian simply considering different versions of the dialogue, and ending up with what they did in the actual released game. (Moreover, I already described the logical and thematic problems this introduces. Ugh.)


Some of this stuff feels like you found a marble statue surrounded by pieces of the marble that were removed during the carving, and you're trying to glue these pieces back on for no sensical reason.

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