Guest Posted June 8, 2015 I love everything about it apart from the fact there seems to be no way for the HK-51's to ally with me. Which means Goto always wins, which is terrible. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fair Strides 512 Posted June 8, 2015 I love everything about it apart from the fact there seems to be no way for the HK-51's to ally with me. Which means Goto always wins, which is terrible. 1. Nice signature, Lucy! 2. I think if you disable the HK-50 line first and then use the terminal next to the HK-51s to upgrade your behavioural template or something like that, the HK-51s will recognize you as "The Progenitor". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted June 8, 2015 Do you mean download the HK-50 behaviour core? I'll give it a whirl, but I'll post back if it doesn't work. Update: Sorry no, that doesn't work, I only get an error message on the console. Update2: The HK-51's either attack me & the 50's when brought online or I shut them down and then shut down the last of the 50's from there I can't turn any of them back on only get the option of shutting down the factory. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest R2-X2 Posted June 8, 2015 You need a special tool to be able to upload your behaviour, you get ir from a droid in the first level of the base, in the room where you have to pull the rope to open the door. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted June 8, 2015 The maintenance droid? Thanks so much, I thought he was just dressing for the environment! Thank you! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mephiles550 230 Posted June 8, 2015 Two very minor things. The dialogue splicing done for M4-78 can be noticeable choppy and feels both unnatural and unfitting sometimes. This second one can hardly be helped, but the limited mod compatibility is a little annoying. That's pretty much impossible to fix, though. I can still take assets from certain incompatible mods and use them with TSLRCM with a few file adjustments here and there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Domino5555 119 Posted June 9, 2015 You a fan of the Sonic games? So am I. The one thing I hate about TSLRCM is that Chuck Norris doesn't have to download it to enjoy the restored content. [Mod Note: Please don't double-post. See the Site Rules, Rule 8, Section 6 and this thread for clarification of it.] Not. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Black_Rogue 1 Posted June 18, 2015 I don't hate anything about TSLRCM. =) Actually worth your time I don't like the "wave crusher" of bounty hunters added on nar shadda, but use T3 renewable shield + shock arm and go to town! comment about t3 prologue dialogue, when I heard his answers I thought to myself " and T3 turned into a mushroom from super Mario bros" with his " 3 year old " options, lol still really good though About kotor 2 though : 1. Khoonda private doors where pointless, I always thought they where for mercs but even then they weren't, if there were a couple containers in each + maybe 1 or two quest people "make the rooms like a dorm style" would be fun 2. The empty rooms/ cargo boxes on Nar Shaddaa refugee sector, both on the ground and in the surrounding walkways. Good quest area wasted. 3. The techniques you can teach you party are usually pointless "affect mind, dominate mind, breath control" 4. You can basically complete Telos on first visit, with no "2nd time you land" triggered missions. 5. You cant go back to Onderon. 6. Dantooine and Korriban are soooo empty with 5 or less major buildings and maps in each. and I didn't get to see any farmers/farmland outside of Khoonda 7. Empty Telos dorms, would be nice to see a Mandolorian clan in one, more containers and maybe another quest. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted June 19, 2015 1. Khoonda private doors were pointless. I always thought they where for mercs but even then they weren't, if there were a couple containers in each + maybe 1 or two quest people "make the rooms like a dorm style" would be fun 2. The empty rooms/ cargo boxes on Nar Shaddaa refugee sector, both on the ground and in the surrounding walkways. Good quest area wasted. 3. The techniques you can teach you party are usually pointless "affect mind, dominate mind, breath control" 4. You can basically complete Telos on first visit, with no "2nd time you land" triggered missions. 5. You can't go back to Onderon. 6. Dantooine and Korriban are soooo empty with 5 or less major buildings and maps in each. and I didn't get to see any farmers/farmland outside of Khoonda 7. Empty Telos dorms, would be nice to see a Mandolorian clan in one, more containers and maybe another quest. Do you realize that TSLRCM's goal was to restore cut content and not add anything unless necessary? New material is something for other mods to contend with. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Black_Rogue 1 Posted June 19, 2015 I cant quote for some reason. yes I was aware that's the goal, that was more of a "things I don't like about Kotor 2 " rant Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WhereIsBaoDur 0 Posted June 25, 2015 (j/k, you meant 1.7 I assume?) There's plenty of options in the factory, and yes, they can have their effects on Malachor. Not sure what you mean about the communication since you're pretty much forced to shut it off or you can't progress... (???) yeah, 1.7, sorry. about the communications, i remember going straight for them in one playthrough and disabling them right away. that is, before trying to shut off the reactor and hearing the HK-50s warning about harming them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jake_A_Reed 1 Posted July 8, 2015 The only thing I have really is the unskippable cutscenes... The ravager scene which mind you is great but when you're doing your 10th playthrough in a row it gets a little old. Also the atris walking scene... I think you stare at a door for 15 seconds.... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted July 8, 2015 Well, made some modifications to that Atris exit... and several other things in 262TEL... can you guess all? (Also feedback is welcome). For the Ravager I can easily post an k_align_movie.ncs that will run the .bik again but keeps TSLRCM fixes if you want to... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheDarkChocolateJedi 17 Posted July 8, 2015 What I dislike about TSLRCM is it fixes glitches that really bring out the nostalgia in the game, like the super saber glitch? Or the handmaidens robe glitch, and various other glitches that are quite fun. I miss those glitches in TSLRCM Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Black_Rogue 1 Posted July 8, 2015 [Mod-Note: Please do not double-post, as per the Site Rules, Rule 8, Section 6 and its supplementary thread. In addition (just helping), there should be a quote and an edit button in the lower-right corner of your posts and a quote button in the same area in others' posts. If you're on mobile, you might have to use the Full Version of the site...]still cant figure out how to quote,anyway about all the things you have changed hassat,1. unless I forgot about this, you've added cinematic of the exile walking towards the jedi master chambers2. Atris started talking earlier in walk3 and you've added new camera cut to Atris's walk back during her talk with Brianna4 "maybe?" you have shortened the camera time on the shut doorAll in all it looks good[EDIT 1:]Darkchocolate lets not forget the heissis glitch on korriban Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted July 8, 2015 1. Nope. 2. Nope. 3. Changes some things there yeah, not sure what you mean by 'new cut' though. 4. Yeah, that's changed Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted July 12, 2015 Just telling, if you ever wanted to tell about something you disliked about TSLRCM, now is the best time to do so. Or it will forever haunt you 0_o Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Black_Rogue 1 Posted July 12, 2015 I have a few bugs, but might not be caused by TSLRCM, I will uninstall it and test after current playthrough, if they persist it is a game side bug. not really worried about them, except a few are annoying "map issues with lighting and entities, some dialogue gets skipped even if you don't manually skip it" only other tidbit is that certain added content isn't "smooth" it can feel normal but then at times it feels spliced and thrown in "how you start the HK factory for example, spawning right in front of the sub level door, as if the highly sophisticated assassin droids wouldn't have restocked the actual military base with a few telos droids" other than that great mod!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
diegodb 31 Posted July 12, 2015 Sorry for my english, I'm from Brazil.There are some things that I would like to be added, such as the Green level up mod and adding the basic appearances of Kain's Overhaul Mod (unique clothing for each class, HK-47 and T3-M4 having a metaliic body and lightsabers for sith assassins).Other than these minor updates I believe that TSLRCM is pretty stable in it's current state. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
scoutception 17 Posted July 12, 2015 I have to agree that not being able to free the Ithorian while Slusk is alive is pretty stupid. Considering that the Ithorian already feels incomplete, and that Slusk is even willing to overlook you killing all of his guards, I don't really see any reason why this would make sense. In fact, can I ask why exactly the TSLRCM team decided to change that? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted July 12, 2015 Cause really the only reason it was NOT like that in vanilla was because of a typo. Not disabled by purpose... typo'd. So definetely intended to work as such. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
scoutception 17 Posted July 13, 2015 Cause really the only reason it was NOT like that in vanilla was because of a typo. Not disabled by purpose... typo'd. So definitely intended to work as such. ... Oh. Was the lack of any sort of reward for freeing it a bug too? Um, also, you wouldn't on the off chance happen to know/ remember which file is for Slusk's computer, would you? It's still probably going to bug me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted July 13, 2015 ... Oh. Was the lack of any sort of reward for freeing it a bug too? Um, also, you wouldn't on the off chance happen to know/ remember which file is for Slusk's computer, would you? It's still probably going to bug me. Doesn't sound like HH plans to change it. Why not put it in a mod request for it in the Requests thread? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Black_Rogue 1 Posted July 13, 2015 regardless it fits current plot, if slusk wasn't dead and u freed him he might get recaptured, especially if you had "paid off" gamorean guards that would attack you if you don't force persuade past the secretary or some such. making it silly to free him until then Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kexikus 998 Posted July 13, 2015 ... Oh. Was the lack of any sort of reward for freeing it a bug too? Um, also, you wouldn't on the off chance happen to know/ remember which file is for Slusk's computer, would you? It's still probably going to bug me. Doesn't sound like HH plans to change it. Why not put it in a mod request for it in the Requests thread? Isn't that exactly the mod you're looking for? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites