zbyl2 816 Posted December 28, 2012 View File M4-78 Enhancement Project THE SITH LORDS RESTORED CONTENT MOD ADD-ON: M4-78 Enhancement Project 1.5 1. Description: ---------- This mod adds the planet of M4-78 to the game, where you can find Master Vash alive. The planet is only available after finishing Korriban. You will find a clue on how to get to M4-78 in Korriban's Sith Academy. Features: * Brand new planet consisting of seven new, unique locations! * Over two hours of additional game play! * Explore the mysterious Droid's Planet in a dialog-heavy adventure, with over 1000 lines of voiced dialogs! * Your actions on M4-78 have impact on other planets, making it feel like a legitimate part of the game! * Restored previously unavailable unique droid items for your party members! Please note that for now, M4-78 Enhancement Project is ONLY COMPATIBLE WITH THE ENGLISH VERSION OF THE SITH LORDS! 2. Installation: ---------- 1. First, you will need to get the most up-to-date version of TSL Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM 1.8.5). It's available for download here: http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/578-tsl-restored-content-mod/ Please note that M4-78EP will NOT work AT ALL without TSLRCM. 2. Follow TSLRCM's installation instructions. 3. Once TSLRCM is successfully installed, run M4-78EP.exe (or on Steam run the Workshop installation). Installer will ask you where you want to install the mod - it should figure out where TSLRCM is installed by itself, so you probably won't need to change that. If, for some reason, the installer shows an incorrect folder, make sure you change it to directory where KotOR 2 is installed (where swkotor2.exe is located, NOT any of subfolders), same as TSLRCM. 4. While we try our best to make this mod as bug-free as possible, with the many options of KOTOR2 and our small testing team it can happen that bugs, including critical ones, pass through. We will fix them, so check our site for any potential updates and patches. 5. Install any compatible mods you desire now. 3.1 1.5 Major Changes: ---------- * New ending * New intro (less spliced party members lines) * Reduced amount of walking * Fast travel in droid quest - no more running trough the planet multiple times * You can now do Environmental Zone first and gain Kaak's help, allowing you to skip a large part of the Industrial Zone * Better filters on VOs so your ears won't bleed (at least not as much) * Other stuff 3.2 1.3 Update fix list: ---------- ! Replaced Voice-Overs (CS-36, Industrial Rogue Droid and more) ! New Voice-Overs ! Gonk droids, courtesy of newbiemodder!!! General Fixes and changes: * You will no longer receive a droid army on Telos if M4-78 has been ordered to make Environmental Droids instead. * All side quests now have "Bonus Mission" behind their name to differentiate them from required missions. * Complete pass over journal-text and conversation options to make doubly sure it's impossible to get lost. Central Zone: * You will no longer magically know about CS-28 if you recover his lost part before talking to him, journal entry will be vague in that occurrence. Also fixed some issues where you could show CS-28 the part without owning it and talking about finding it before asking him what he's looking for. * Changed footstep sound of repair droids. Industrial Zone: * IS-07 renamed to Loading Droid as he has no role in the mod at all. * Fixed camera issue using the test console. * Fixed camera issue when talking to Designer droid for the "Recent History" side quest. * Fixed infinite spawn of combat droids in the droid segment if re-entering the Zone. * Slightly improved frame rate (if you still have issues turning off shadows is recommended). * Fixed repaired cleaner droid cut scene running twice. * IS-43 now moves back to his position after the cleaner droids gets fixed. * Added a new journal quest for the mission to get into the cleaning droid trash containers. * Improved consistency between droid segment and exile segment. Environmental Zone: * Boss Droid now drops various random droid items (2-6) as additional reward. * Added clairvoyance effect to the reveal of the Boss. * Corrected screen that was clipping through a wall. * Moved back some turrets so it's unlikely they will target you through the wall. * Renamed ES-44 to Environmental Droid and gave it a unique line. * Removed trigger that made it difficult to talk to the escort droid that brings you across the minefields. * Fixed issue where minefield escort cut scene didn't trigger upon certain dialogue choices. M4-78 Core: * You can now target the force field control terminal with a controller. Rapid Transport System: * Industrial Escort now shows in-module jump without having used the door yet (of course you can't use it until the door is opened). * You can now use the escort droid to go to IS-24 after unlocking access. * Industrial droids can no longer escort you to themselves. * The escort droids in the Central Zone and Industrial Zone now have a map note. Thanks to geordyjones: * Made tweaks to the Industrial Zone door cut scenes to make it much clearer why you're looking for cleaner droid access. * No longer displays party selection at start of the planet (having to convert to droids anyway). * During T3's side quest fixed all mentions of "construction droid" to "repair droid" as they're properly called. * Renamed Fight Witness to "Fight Witness" to make it more apparent it's not a generic central zone droid. * Modified duration on many lines around the planet. * Fixed unintentional conversation breaks with IS-58. * Fixed missing line on IS-63. 3.2 1.2 Update fix list: ---------- * Fixed issue with Industrial Zone maintenance droid that allowed infinite experience. * Fixed main quest breaking glitch involving T3's solo quest. * Fixed being able to supply fuel by both Vogga and M4-78, rather than making the intended choice. * Fixed journal being updated when you didn't find a part inside the cleaning droids rather than if you found a part. * Removed many of the boxes near droid testing, allowed access to the loot of the remaining ones, updated loot tables of several 'containers' in that module to match TSLRCM's fixed loot script. 3.3 1.1B Update fix list: ---------- * Fixed issue where "Data Transfer" could not be completed if acquired after meeting Kaah, but before visiting M4-78EP, or if you triggered the 'hidden' ending. * After starting the 'Thrash' goal with IS-43 you can ask him again what you’re supposed to do now, in case one might forget. * Corrected wrong class-check in Black Market Droid conversation that could break the conversation. * Improved Telos Droid Assistance cut scene. * Added VO that was missing from the installer. 3.4 Patch fix list: ---------- ! Fixed "stuttering droid" bug. ! Additional content! ! Added 2 Easter Eggs. Go find them ! Modified end game sequences. ! Telos Attack and the Rebuild Academy are now properly updated like they should, as they were accidentally left out of the original installation. ! Various spelling and grammatical fixes throughout the mod. ! Updated several quest entries for added clarity. ! Changed learning "Niman" to "Juyo" for Sentinels, Assassins and Jedi Watchmen. General: * New side quests "Elimination Required", "Global Infiltration" or "A Droid Too Many" will run together with the droid's solo quest to remove the radiation, and should provide some distraction from the walking. Finishing one of these quests will give the droid you control a small permanent boosts to their functionality. * Several droids throughout the colony have more to say. And some brand new ones appeared! * Killing Vash will no longer incorrectly increment 000_Jedi_Killed, which could lead to various issues. * Fixed Vash appearing on M4-78 too soon when talking to T3 about the Jedi Masters. * Fixed Vash appearing injured if it stated M4-78 and not dead when talking to T3. * Changed hyperspace to look a little more like vanilla hopefully. * The M4-78 landing and leaving movies now appear in the movies screen once seen in game. * M4-78's music can now be listened at from the 'music' tab after game completion. * Changed learning "Niman" to "Juyo" for Sentinels, Assassins and Watchmasters, since Vash teaches Niman, and this could lead to game breaking issues if Vash wasn't the last Jedi Master the PC met using these classes. * Grenn will acknowledge possessing M4-78 fuel during the Telos under Attack sequence. Korriban: * Fixed Lost Jedi not updating sometimes. (T3 hint) * Fixed conversation break and no quest update with Disciple. (No Atton) * Fixed Disciple vo/st mismatch. M4-78 Landing Pad: * Fixed exile appearing shortly before the interlude cut-scene. M4-78 Central Zone: * Changed mechanics of the M4-78 door opening, preventing the door to open but an invisible wall still blocking you entrance in certain cases. We also fixed the door still being visibly floating above the building when open. * Modified broken droid dialogue to make it slightly more obvious where to get the droid legs. * If you kill Vash you will now also get a proper introduction to M4-78. * The force field can no longer be bashed by a lightsaber (if so, why was Vash still there?) * Fixed "hidden ending." * Modified core-quest update script. It would return 'have 1' if you had 5 or more. Now it will always return you have enough (4) if that's the case. * Fixed the maintenance droid not giving you 2 cores if you used a certain conversation options and then aborted the conversation. M4-78 Environmental Zone: * Fixed HK not being re-added after HK-50 fight (missing file). * Reduced hit points of boss droid * Kaah's meeting will now give you a lightsaber (part) whether he remains alive or dies. M4-78 Industrial Zone: * Fixed missing quest update from retrieving memory core from living astromech droids. * Fixed all astromech droids once broken being able to give the part, not just the one who should have got it. * Fixed IS-56 sometimes not talking about I0-01, blocking progress. * Some Droid Designers were sent back to work, and will now use the computer animation instead of standing around doing nothing. * Fixed medical vendor showing all stims twice in his inventory. * You can now finish "Data Transfer" if you acquire the quest after completing the planet's storyline. M4-78 Core: * Fixed Kaah not properly appearing when leaving the mainframe in some cases. * Kaah will no longer drop a lightsaber upon being killed. * "M4-78: Recent History" will now close with a failure quest description if you enter the M4-78 core while it being rendered unable to be completed. * Reduced hit points of Vash M4-78 radiation flooded sections: * IS-43 will now look the same during and after the radiation flood. 4. Uninstall ---------- Run uninstall program created in your game's main directory. 5. FAQ / Known Issues --------- Q. How do I know if the game successfully installed? A. There are two ways to note. Check when installing that you didn't have any errors. Also when loading the game, did the legal screen get replaced with a full page legal screen that said "M4-78 Enhancement Project" Q. Conversation breaks with error in the Korriban Academy. A. M4-78EP is only for the English version of The Sith Lords. Other versions will not be able to start and complete the planet properly, sorry. Q. M4-78 does not appear on the galaxy map. A. Finish Korriban, and follow your quest instructions. Alternatively, another mod may conflict, please check our forums if this is the case. Q. Slow performance in the Industrial Zone. A. If you experience this, try turning down graphics for the duration of this map. Especially turning off (soft) shadows has noted a great increase in performance. Also make sure the Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1 fix is in your swkotor2.ini under [Graphics Options]! Q. I can't finish "Recent history: M4-78"! A. This quest requires you to very specifically interrogate droids and events around the world. It's intended to be only completable for the very thorough. Try to finish it if you can! With the patch it will automatically fail if you don't, so it won't remain in your quest log for the entire game may you fail to do so. Q. I am missing droids. A. Make sure you have no incompatible mods running along M4-78EP. Q. I can't find all 4 power cores for the puzzle A. There are more than 4 cores to be found, so there are several options where you missed one or several. Check with every droid, and make sure to loot everything to find the ones you missed! Q. My question is not answered here! A. Feel free to ask us at our official forum; http://deadlystream.com/forum/ 6. Credits: -------------------------------------------------- » Project Leaders -------------------------------------------------- - Zbyl2 - Project Leader, scripting, storyline/dialog writing & editing, voice over auditions, texture editing and more - Stoney - Former project leader, scripting, storyline/dialog writing & editing, texture editing, modeling and more - Hassat Hunter - dialog correction, scripting, bug fixing, patch lead -------------------------------------------------- » Storyline -------------------------------------------------- - Sharen Thrawn - former lead writer - Lord of Hunger - storyline ideas - JCarter426 - storyline writing/ideas for the Industrial Zone - Sith Holocron - input on storyline and planet's past -------------------------------------------------- » Modeling / Texturing -------------------------------------------------- - Stoney Many new or edited placeable objects - Quanon Archon models - Khrizby New animations and fixed models - Redrob41 Droid re-skins - 90SK A LOT OF droid re-skins - Sith Holocron Animated screen textures -------------------------------------------------- » Beta Testing -------------------------------------------------- - Stoney - Hassat Hunter - Qui-Gon Glenn - Atton Rand - Nsinger998 - LDR - Zhaboka - drunklol - arekushu - twdarkeh - dashrendar - Sith Holocron -------------------------------------------------- Voice Acting -------------------------------------------------- Kaah Ohtok Zhaboka CS-36 (Central Zone Official Information Unit) Danule M4-78's Main AI Sith Holocron ES-05 (Environmental Archon) Louise du Cray IS-24 (Industrial Zone Archon) 90SK IS-02 (Maintenance Unit} Nolan Tashijan IS-56/Researcher Droid/KL-92 Edwyn Tiong LS-44 (Greeter Droid) Ripulesyou IS-84 (Droid Designer Lead) Runawayjam Random Design Droids Drew Mochak War Droids/Central Zone's Maintenance Unit/ Force Field Operator/Escort Droids Caleb Woodard Force Field Operator Trayusstudent Sith Soldier Mrcharlton CS-45 (Central Zone Original Information Unit) James Beagon Accused Environmental Droid in Central Zone Jerry C CS-28 (Central Zone Maintenance Droid Assistant) Dylan Medical Units ABagOfVicodin Additional Construction Droid/ Landing Arm Supervisor Sonbiru "Dr. Son" IS-43 (Supervisor of Cleaner Droids) Daniel Conner Fight Witness Adam Brennecke I1-02 (Re-programmed Maintenance Unit) Connaugh The Inquisitive Droid at the end of Industrial Zone Thomo93 Cleaning Droid Warning System ReddHorrocks Main Manufacturing Unit Kevin Smets Additional Industrial Zone Droids ThisIsSnaik Additional Environmental Units Tuomas "Iterator" Kuosmanen Droid with Missing Legs Dr. John Faller Black Market Droid CommissarBRO -------------------------------------------------- Voice Splicing -------------------------------------------------- - Sith Holocron - HK-47 -------------------------------------------------- Special Thanks -------------------------------------------------- Geordyjones - For his excellent TSLRCM and M4-78EP run, which was entertaining and very useful as base to see what potential issues were still in the game, as seeing one actually play and react immediately generally was more of an aid than sometimes vague after-playthrough impressions. Many of the fixes in M4-78EP 1.3 were done due to this run. JCarter426 – voiceovers in previous versions and the new end credit movie Revan411 – voiceovers in previous versions Jaedar – voiceovers in previous versions Ghostlyhamburger – voiceovers in previous versions L0ki194 – voiceovers in previous versions Yceman (aka Darthycey) – For our original end credit movie Danule’s services can be contracted on Fiverr.com. (https://www.fiverr.com/danule/) Reddhorrocks’ services can be contracted on Fiverr.com. (https://www.fiverr.com/reddhorrocks/) Connaugh’s services can be contracted on Fiverr.com. (https://www.fiverr.com/connaugh) JCarter426’s services can be contracted on Fiverr.com. (https://www.fiverr.com/jcarter426) 7. Distribution Notes ---------- Thanks to Doctor (previous site owner of deadlystream.com, formerly known as DeadlyStream) and Tyvokka (current owner of deadlystream.com) for giving us space on the forums and all the people of the TSL community that helped with bug finding in the original release. Thanks to tk102 for the dlg editor Thanks to Jdnoa and Dashus for the tools they created for which none of this would be possible without them. This mod may not be modified or distributed without the explicit permission of the authors. THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter zbyl2 Submitted 12/28/2012 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Quauhtli 4 Posted December 28, 2012 Very nice thank you! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Darth Hayze 19 Posted December 28, 2012 Downloading! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
danil-ch 68 Posted December 28, 2012 You've made my day! Thank you. 1.8.2 already included or will be available later? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zbyl2 816 Posted December 28, 2012 Full install for 1.8.2 is available in the download section (installer says "it'll install 1.8.1..." - never mind that, I might fix that soon. It'll install proper 1.8.2). The 1.8.1-->8.2 patch will be available soon. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TWINKEYRUNAWAY 2 Posted December 28, 2012 The traffic for this download seems to make my download way slower than it should be. Haha, 3 hours left...wow a lot of people want this. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Darth Hayze 19 Posted December 29, 2012 They should add Moddb and Kotorfiles mirror links as well, it would help everyone. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zbyl2 816 Posted December 29, 2012 MODDB LINK IS NOW UP: http://www.moddb.com/mods/the-sith-lords-restored-content-mod-tslrcm/downloads/m4-78-enhancement-project 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Icaryon 0 Posted January 27, 2013 Hi all ! First I want to thank you for the great job you did on that project. I've got a big issue : I just finished Korriban (it's the final planete before Onderon 2nd part). I've had the conversation error when I found Vash's bag. To correct it I just did the following action : "Anyway, it's a little advanced trick, but you can try getting ERF Editor, open 702KOR_dlg.erf with it, unpack all the files, run them through DLG Converter, add them back to 702KOR_dlg.erf and save it. That should fix your issue.". But now, when I talk to T3-M4 to have information about M4-78, I've got the same problem Any advice for me ? Is there a t3m4.dlg file to modify ? For information, I play with a french version with last TSLRCM and M4-78 Enhancement Project. Thank you in advance !! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jaiden Korr 1 Posted February 9, 2013 Greetings to all of you. The mod is awesome. There were too many nice quests for the exile to keep him busy. But why the producers of this mod decide that Master Vash should be killed by the M4-78 archon? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kainzorus Prime 206 Posted August 23, 2013 A couple of things that could use a tune-up. The information droid in the central zone that you encounter first as HK/T3/Goto, lacks vocoding effect on some of his spoken lines. The journal entries are less-than-helpful in advancing the quests sometimes. I'd advice putting in some tips in them so the player can figure out what to do. Kinda like the HK factory quest does it with the 'forgetting' routine for deactivating the reactor. The "Data Transfering" quest seems to be glitched if you've already reached Kaah. An option to tell the maintenance droid that you've already discovered the source of transmissions should be added to the dialogue options. I'll let you guys know if I find anything else. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ironbriggz 0 Posted June 19, 2021 Bug report: if you overload the cleaning droids with t3 in the party after agreeing to bring him, the screen will go black after they self destruct. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vovanjapan 0 Posted July 5, 2021 Greetings, guys, can you tell me how i can remove start m4-78 loadscreen and back classical tsl-screen (red pictures with sith)? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vabulletizer 10 Posted July 5, 2021 22 minutes ago, vovanjapan said: Greetings, guys, can you tell me how i can remove start m4-78 loadscreen and back classical tsl-screen (red pictures with sith)? Delete legal.tga from override folder. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Albertson 0 Posted April 21, 2022 At its current stage, this mod has some serious bugs tied to it. One: the quest 'Deadly Upgrade' re-inserts itself into the quest log whenever you set foot in the R&D section of the Industrial Zone regardless of whether or not you finished it via any means. Two: there is a missing quest item needed to fix the droid by the Industrial Zone entrance in the quest 'Fixing Droids'. Three: There was supposed to be a dialogie option with Kaah upon completion of the Environmental Zone where he gives you data regarding a quest granted by the rogue industrial droid from the maintenance shack that I forgot the name of. This is missing, rendering the quest unfinishable. Fourth: two of the assassins that show up in the new ending do not aggro after they dispatch Vash. What is most disturbing out of all of this is that all the chatter I've seen regarding these bugs is that the authors have no inclination to go back and fix them. I get it, they're probably burned out, but to leave such bugs as these in the mod is just irresponsible. I've tried using Pa3pyx's (or whatever he's called) 1.3 version, but there is no installer and that user has provided no instructions on how to successfully integrate his version in. Unless there is a concerted effort to fix these issues, I'd say give this a miss. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sentrelius Primus 0 Posted February 22, 2024 I seem to crash anytime I try to play the last recording of Vash's padawan on the terminal in the Korriban Academy. Not sure what could be causing it. Has anyone else had this particular issue? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarthParametric 3,811 Posted February 22, 2024 Sounds like it is trying to load a model that doesn't exist or is broken. Most likely an appearance.2da issue. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sentrelius Primus 0 Posted February 22, 2024 10 hours ago, DarthParametric said: Sounds like it is trying to load a model that doesn't exist or is broken. Most likely an appearance.2da issue. Possibly. Hmm that's unfortunate cause this playthrough is so close to being done and I can't leave korriban completed cause I need to listen to the log. When the hologram of Vash's padawan comes up his body is a hologram but his head is this weird shade of puke green with no eyes so yeah his model might be screwed. Maybe I downloaded a mod that conflicts but I did make sure to download compatibility patches. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZeldaTheSwordsman 49 Posted February 11 It's so unfortunate that this mod is left in a messy state when it was so close. This is one of the most important pieces of TSL restoration, yet it has collapsed at the last hurdle. In the absence of people actually fixing this blasted thing, can someone PLEASE share the following: 1. A dialogue cheat-sheet for T3-M4 to compensate for the bad design of his lines being untranslated droidspeak when the player needs to actually know what they say. 2. The item ID for the missing "Fixing Droids" quest item so that people can cheat it into their inventory. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N-DReW25 1,371 Posted February 12 On 2/11/2025 at 7:51 PM, ZeldaTheSwordsman said: 1. A dialogue cheat-sheet for T3-M4 to compensate for the bad design of his lines being untranslated droidspeak when the player needs to actually know what they say. So, if you actually click on T3's response line and actually listen to the dialogue lines being spoken you'll see how most of the droids will say stuff like "What's that? You want me to repeat the instructions". Most of T3's dialogue lines are usually railroaded with one or two responses that lead to the same outcome with the droids pretty much repeating what T3 said in droid speak in English. Now, here is the dialogue cheat-cheat for T3-M4... you ready? It's in here: Spoiler It's called playing G0-T0 or HK-47, all three droid companions have matching dialogues with different subtitle texts that all lead to the same outcome. Don't like T3, don't play as him... simple. This bad game design exists in the vanilla game in the form of the Droid Warehouse quest, and the bad design of not being able to understand the Astromech was introduced all the way back in 1977 with the first Star Wars movie. Quote 2. The item ID for the missing "Fixing Droids" quest item so that people can cheat it into their inventory. Isn't this the same problem you had three years ago? If I told you the item IDs now, three years later, what good would that do you now? And this request is a bit vague and out of context, I've played M4-78EP a couple of times but I don't think I ever found the "Fixing Droids" sidequest. If this is the one I'm thinking of, for the droid who can't walk you need the "Droid Legs" item which you can buy from the Black Market Droid in the Central Zone and for the other droid you need the "Droid Collar" which can be found in the box next to the Central Zone terminal. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZeldaTheSwordsman 49 Posted February 12 12 hours ago, N-DReW25 said: So, if you actually click on T3's response line and actually listen to the dialogue lines being spoken you'll see how most of the droids will say stuff like "What's that? You want me to repeat the instructions". Most of T3's dialogue lines are usually railroaded with one or two responses that lead to the same outcome with the droids pretty much repeating what T3 said in droid speak in English. Now, here is the dialogue cheat-cheat for T3-M4... you ready? It's in here: Hide contents It's called playing G0-T0 or HK-47, all three droid companions have matching dialogues with different subtitle texts that all lead to the same outcome. Don't like T3, don't play as him... simple. This bad game design exists in the vanilla game in the form of the Droid Warehouse quest, and the bad design of not being able to understand the Astromech was introduced all the way back in 1977 with the first Star Wars movie. 1. I am aware of the problem existing in the vanilla game, and actually addressed this in my review. I said that in the Droid Warehouse, it doesn't really matter, but on M4-78 I think it does. Because on M4-78, the conversations are not railroaded to the extent that the warehouse is. There are key conversations that have multiple outcomes, some of them hostile IIRC (while others fail to advance things). I seem to remember having to reload the game a couple times because of that. 2. Obviously HK-47 and the fat one don't have this problem. But why should playing as them be required to not get reduced to blind trial-and-error? 3. In the movies, we know enough from other characters' responses where it matters. Also, movies aren't interactive media that require player input to proceed; a game is. 12 hours ago, N-DReW25 said: Quote 2. The item ID for the missing "Fixing Droids" quest item so that people can cheat it into their inventory. Isn't this the same problem you had three years ago? If I told you the item IDs now, three years later, what good would that do you now? And this request is a bit vague and out of context, I've played M4-78EP a couple of times but I don't think I ever found the "Fixing Droids" sidequest. If this is the one I'm thinking of, for the droid who can't walk you need the "Droid Legs" item which you can buy from the Black Market Droid in the Central Zone and for the other droid you need the "Droid Collar" which can be found in the box next to the Central Zone terminal. 1. It was vague because I hadn't touched the modded game in a few years, so my memories of the details were hazy. 2. Yes, it's the exact same problem that I had three years ago, causing me to put my playthrough on hold while I looked into a solution (And then more important concerns took my attention away from KotOR altogether for a while). Three years in which AFAIK nobody ever got back to me about either the item ID or the older version of the mod. Three years in which the mod has not been updated, nor has anyone else made a patch to fix the issue. So what good would it do me now? It would let me finally finish the stupid sidequest, that's what. It would also help anyone else stuck on the quest, and make it easier for someone to make a patch that fixes the quest more properly. 3. You get the "Fixing Droids" (that's what it's called in the journal) sidequest from the Maintenance Droid in the maintenance shack in the Industrial Zone. He wants you to help him fix some droids overdue for repairs in exchange for upgrading your droid characters for you. Having booted up the PC version of the game for the first time in ages to double-check some of the details... There are three droids you need to fix: two in the central zone and one in the Environmental Zone. IS-58, one of the two in the central zone, needs three parts: the Droid Collar, a Main Processing Unit, and a Battery. The Droid Collar is perfectly findable (and in fact was already in my inventory), as is the battery, but the Main Processing Unit seems to be nowhere to be found. From what I read back when I originally learned about the problem, apparently the placeable containing it was deleted by accident when clearing up some excessive clutter. Found more issues while playing through the mod to check things: The droids and turrets in the Environmental Zone's Outer Defense Region aggro and attack you through the wall when you're at the 4th Recharge Station, paying no attention to the fact that you haven't even opened the door yet and cannot see or target them. If you resolve the Environmental Zone without killing him, Kaah spawns in the Industrial Zone to help you with the door even if you've already opened it. And in fact, a new copy of him will spawn every time you re-enter the zone. Seems like the "Kaah should spawn" script is a tad triggerhappy. See screenshot. The game doesn't realize that you've already picked up I1-02 - each time you return to the Industrial Zone, he'll be at Diagnostic (with the door shut) as if you never picked him up. Even if you've spoken to IS-24. This actually creates an infinite XP glitch! Both "That should be interesting" and [Say nothing] cause the same reaction from IS-02 when I1-02 is asked about replacing M4-78's memory during diagnosis. The "Reactivate M4-78" Journal entry does not update after talking to IS-24, at least if you talk to ES-05 first. The "Feedback" tab of the Messages log shows an insulting comment addressed to zbyl that I'm pretty sure nobody but the mod devs were meant to see. The vitality of a number of entities, namely the Guardian Droid and War Droids in the Environmental Zone (also a droid from one of the sidequests, which I already commented on in passing in my review), seems excessive. The Guardian Droid might be even more of a damage sponge than the Drexl Larva. Two of the Sith Assassins in the core didn't turn hostile. Probably something to do with Sith Assassins being neutral on spawn. The computer in the Environmental Zone that lets you tamper with the Conspicuous War Droid's power supply only gives you one chance to do so, but the wording of one of the options - "[Do nothing for now]" - implies you can come back to it. Either the option text or the event flag needs to be changed, probably the former. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites