Hassat Hunter

Update on 1.8

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staticjoe66 and HK-47: please take your unending argument PMs. I've had complaints about this so I'm asking you both to refrain from continuing that discussion in public.

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Guest HK-47

Apology: Sorry. It is my combative nature and I sometimes can't help myself.

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I have re-registered and I eagerly await the release of this mod in the hopes that it will have no major crash bugs so I can play TSL once through before tOR.



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Not a teaser.


Fact: Stoney has worked on Scrapyard Games - as well as other people.

Fact: It isn't finished yet.

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Hey, peeps.


Quanon here, Sith Holocron asked me to drop a line on the Scrapyard project and where it stands.

I guess I could give a quick rundown on the history of this mod. Since I was only heavly involved at the start of it.


Back in the day me and Glovemaster where on SithRevans team: who's aim was to bring back cut content for K1.

It was also the "pioneering" days of making full new 3D models for areas. Anyway; the whole K1 restoration thing

died a quiete death. Me and Glovemaster stayed in contact, so one day I was messing about with my 3D; and in some

chat sessions we decided to make an arena mod.


A whole host of wild ideas and thoughts past by. Lots of the crazyness was dropped as always modding slows down, life

interfears, I'm certain you all know how it goes...


Anyway, me and GM kept working, models where finished, tweaks added. Gm started to do his scripting magic.

It took him quiete awhile to get things working like he wanted. All in all, it was go/ stop thing. Glovemaster was occupied by

college work.


At some point Dstoney offered to help out. I had some PMs and chatting with GM, packed everything up we had on Scrapyard and passed

it on to Dstoney. IIRC Dstoney was still hard at work on TSLRCM, so Scrapyard was more at the back. I did get some PMs on how things

where going. SToney had to figure out what GMs scripts where all about.


Stoney did make some good progress. But it was still a side project. TSLRCM was still the main thing for him.

And IIRC it caused a burn out for Stoney ( modding wise ofcourse)

After that Darth Insidious asked me about Scrapyard, what had happened to that. So I gave him the story above.

Mentioned Dstoney was on it, but I hadn't heard from him in a good while. I'm certain DI and Stoney had some PMs about it.


So DI more or less carried on what was already there...

Thing is though I haven't worked on this for like 3years; I gave it to other modders and have no clue what they're doing with it x-D

Or how finished it really is...


Well that's a bit of the history for Scrapyard.

I've you guys like I can dig about my HD and Photobucket for some screenshots.

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I was actually surprised reading that 1.8 won't make it this year, especially after having read this, by the end of August.


Now the last line of this post of HH gives a whole different vibe.

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Oh, I wanted something non-EH for Atton's crashing lines (they are way out of place in the scene itself, which is why the never made the final cut).


If they could be made to work, that would be awesome. And yes, that's why the movies where cut up, ingame cuts to Atton lines :).

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Oh, I wanted something non-EH for Atton's crashing lines (they are way out of place in the scene itself, which is why they never made the final cut).


If they could be made to work, that would be awesome.


Looks like Darth InSidious may have got it to work. Check here for more info: Unused Shuttle Interior

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Like DI is going to help TSLRCM though... :/


Well, JCarter426 might.


He has gained skills since he started working on his film series. Also, he is suggesting that if you add you should make it one movie (.bik) file. The loading times to the ingame module, and the fade to black, will shatter the experience...

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Like DI is going to help TSLRCM though... :/


Well, JCarter426 might.


He has gained skills since he started working on his film series. Also, he is suggesting that if you add you should make it one movie (.bik) file. The loading times to the ingame module, and the fade to black, will shatter the experience...


Re-read the link. Darth InSidious has already released one part of it. He also posted this after the rlease:

It was my pleasure!


If you don't mind' date=' I'd like to upload it to my website as a modder's resource, and put a thread for it in the TUCE.[/quote']


In the mean time, I guess you ought to download it and see what permissions he put in the read-me.

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You can vote us for Mod of the Year at Moddb (http://www.moddb.com/mods/the-sith-lords-restored-content-mod-tslrcm), even if 1.7 was released last year and it doesn't look like 1.8 makes this year, much to my sorrow...


What would you say is the main reason it's not coming out this year?

Too much fine-tuning to do?

Found a major bug?

Found more stuff to restore?

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What would you say is the main reason it's not coming out this year?

Too much fine-tuning to do?

Found a major bug?

Found more stuff to restore?


If I had to guess, i'd say that it was the "fine-tuning" and "completion" parts of it all. They most likely want to ensure that they fix any 'major bugs' as it'd suck to finally release it then get tons of posts about a game-breaking bug early on. Also like MrPhil stated before me.. there could be one or two modders still needing to complete the portion that they are working on.


Personally, i'd prefer they wait and release a polished 1.8 rather than an incomplete and buggy one. If that means it won't come out until 2012 then so be it.


Plus it's already December, and the holidays (Thanksgiving, Christmas (or whatever you celebrate), New Years) raise their heads this time of year. They have lives too. :P

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Well, it's not that it's inconceivable to miss the release date before the end of the year (although the posts made some months ago hinted to version 1.8 being out well before xmas). It's that it's all very vague. I've been under the impression in the latest two months that it was just a matter of some testing being left and it always seemed that a release was behind the corner. Now instead it's behind my 2011 calendar.

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The only real problem I've had is that every time I kill the last laigrek to come through the locked door by the fountain in the enclave sub-level, the game locks up, as in "encountered a problem and had to close". Is that one of the fixes being worked on, or is that just a conflict with the Ultimate Appearance Upgrade mod that I've also been using?

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