N-DReW25 1,351 Posted January 9 On 1/7/2025 at 1:35 PM, Snigaroo said: This adds different textures for the Quarren which differentiates them? Because while the request might sound like it's just fixing the Quarren being the low-poly model, the issue is differentiation in this case--in conversations with @JCarter426 he thought that the low-poly model was used there specifically because it looked different to the other Quarren also sitting at the table, to avoid the impression of multiple identical Quarren being next to one another. I tend to think he's right in this case, which was why I was aiming for texture variation in addition to the model improvement. Ah, so I was confused then. Here's how it is fixed in my mod, which is evidentially not what you're asking for. What you consider this problem fixed if the second Quarren was replaced with another species? The other tables have different species sharing the same table so if someone were to replace the low-poly Quarren with a Duro (using a Duros texture not used in that room to make him unique) with matching dialogue would this fix your issue? If this fix would be suitable, I could roll it in with the NPC Overhaul request to make a two for one deal. For K1, I do plan a sort of "Alien pack" which would include Quarrens. I'm currently focusing on the aliens already available in K1 like Duros and Aqualish as, in my experience, going about and adding new alien NPCs to the game resulted in me almost removing most of the vanilla aliens as they kept being replaced with new aliens in my planning. For Quarrens, I planned to add four new Quarren textures to the game. What I could do is make these Quarren textures and release a K2 mod using these skins which would give unique Quarren appearances to Loppak Slusk, Visquis, Saquesh, Qimtiq, and the three Quarren in the Nar Shaddaa Cantina. Quote Czerka Mercenary Placement Tweaks Hide contents The mercenaries outside the abandoned military facility are dispersed in a way which is deeply unfun for the player, where your companions just latch on to them and keep constantly running deeper into the gauntlet of opponents. This is extremely challenging even much later in the game on Nar Shaddaa for instance, and here it's patent torture. It'd be nice if the mercenaries' positions could be nudged a bit so your party can take a breather after the first group near the speeders, re-buff and then assault the rest of the base. Didn't Thor already make this? Quote Canderous Doesn't Face Nihilus Hide contents I mean let's be realistic, the fight is a bit out of his league. Keeping Canderous out of it makes sense--he couldn't possibly stand up to Nihilus, and unlike Visas or the Exile has the potential to be consumed almost immediately--and also has the knock-on benefit of making the fight against Nihilus tougher, which is welcome indeed. Spliced dialogue would probably suffice here, with the PC explaining the situation and Canderous just doing brief interjections with "But--" "I--" and the like and getting interrupted. The Nihilus fight would just be Visas and the Exile, with Canderous walking on to the bridge after Nihilus dies--his arrival would be what triggers the blastback from Nihilus's dissolution, and then the TSLRCM scene between he and Visas would play as normal. An old, pre-TSLRCM mod (by Zbyl2 ironically enough) did just this. The Ravager Rewrite mod had it so that the Ravager quest would begin at the beginning of the Battle for Citadel Station and not after, it'd be just Mandalore and Visas doing the Proton Core mission (Which worked as Zuka referred to the player as "Mandalore") and at the end when you reached the Bridge there'd be a small cutscene of Mandalore leaving Visas at the door. The player would arrive, run up to the Bridge, meet up with Visas, and fight Nihilus together. This mod also restored the TSLRCM Mandalore/Visas scene in a very weird way, so if someone were to redo the Ravager Rewrite they'd have to add a scene where Mandalore returns to the Bridge post-fight to get hit with the blast or the entire scene would have to be moved to Malachor which could be done utilizing the Malachor VI modder's resource. Quote Esok Isn't Worthless Hide contents The Mandalorian Esok attacks Canderous with no equipment at all. He should have a weapon of some variety at a minimum, and probably a relatively decent one given his superior status within the Dantooine clan. Preferably non-droppable so it doesn't boost the party's strength. I suspect Obsidian's intention might've been for Mandalore to fight him hand to hand as Esok has the complex unarmed animations feat, though since doing that isn't restorable just giving him a weapon would be better. Would you consider this fixed if I added it to my Bug Fix Collection? Quote Vibrocutter-B-Gone Hide contents The moment you get out of the Peragus medical bay there's a vibrocutter on the corpse immediately outside. This always felt a bit too easy to me--yes, this is a tutorial, but it's just unimmersively convenient. I'd like for the vibrocutter to be moved to one of the bodies in the security room, forcing players to use the plasma torch (or their bare hands) in combat for at least one room, to make picking the torch up feel less useless (and the vibrocutter less convenient). At some point, I intend to convert my Beta Peragus Miner Pack into a general "Peragus Miner Improvement" mod with Beta Peragus Miners being only an optional feature. This mod is going to be mentioned for another one of your requests down the line, but since my Beta Peragus Miner Pack already covers items (Restoring the vanilla Miner Uniform that can be used alongside Kainzorus Prime's Peragus Mining Gear mod) would you consider this request fulfilled if the Vibrocutter was added to a corpse/that locked locker in the security room as an optional install (meaning you don't have to install the rest)? Quote Zuka Swap Hide contents The Mandalorian Patrol Captain says that Zuka is on the east side of the camp "near the hangars," and Zuka himself says that the relay dish is "right behind him." It seems clear that he was originally meant to be on the other side of the camp but was moved, likely due to concerns that his generator platform was crowding the hangar entrances. I'd like to see him moved back to where his dialogue indicates he should be, provided it can be done in a reasonable way that doesn't interrupt movement in and around the hangar area. Failing this, it would be nice to use some AI, if possible, to adjust the lines of the patrol captain and Zuka to fit his new position. I think AI would be your only option here, Zuka has the cutscene with the exploding wires and the Sith Assassin ambush where he is currently so moving him to the Hangar will only be a pain in the ass to make. Quote Telos Mercenaries & Sullustan Hide contents If you decide to fight the mercenaries outside the cantina on Citadel Station to save the Sullustan, the TSF will fight the mercenaries with you. But if you decide to kill the Sullustan after that, the TSF won't raise a hand to stop you. It's a ridiculous situation; you shouldn't be able to kill the Sullustan without the nearby TSF agents also turning hostile. Ideally this should also have some form of longer-term consequence due to the TSF identifying that you murdered some of their people in the open mere minutes after being removed from house arrest. But because it's extremely difficult to do that in the context of the story, it might be better to make the Sullustan simply run away if you threaten to kill him, and alter the party's influence dialogue there accordingly. It's also unrealistic for the TSF to not try to stop the mercenaries if you simply choose to not interfere though, for what that's worth, which would still be a difficult thing to try to properly contextualize. Maybe the mercenaries could shoot the Sullustan, the TSF could be alerted and rush over to try to stop them and the mercenaries could simply do the laugh animation and run away? That would also contextualize how tenuous the TSF's control of the station is. The TSF fighting the Mercenaries was added by TSLRCM, in vanilla the TSF simply ignored all forms of combat around. I'm not sure if the TSF AI is dumb enough to fight the Sullustan alongside you if you go that route, though I'm positive they'll ignore TSLRCM's Masked Duros Attacker. I do agree with your idea of having the Sullustan run away instead of fighting him, though I'd go a step further... make the Mercenaries unarmed. Think about it, the Mercenaries are in the Cantina trying to have a drink. A Blaster Pistol makes sense as they'd have a holster for it, but why is one of them carrying a rifle? I'd say remove the blasters and have one of them unarmed with the complex unarmed animation feat whilst the other uses a Stun Baton. When they'd attack the Sullustan, they wouldn't be shooting him, they'd quite literally be beating the shit out of him just as they were threatening to do. And since the player has the option of not crafting Long Swords at a workbench or buying weapons from the Dobo brothers, having one Mercenary unarmed and the other armed with a Stun Baton would be fairly balanced and would more realistic in comparison to the Merc with a pistol and the Merc with an entire rifle getting beaten to death by the player, a guy and an old woman with one hand. Quote Poorly-Acted Sith Soldier Hide contents There is a hilariously badly-acted line in the DS Onderon path where a soldier confronts the Sith and says something like "WHYYYY DO THE BEASTS TURN ON UUUS master", with the most weird inflection and emphasis I've ever heard (you can hear it at this timestamp). I would not at all be surprised to learn this is fan-acted content put in by TSLRCM and I'm gaslighting myself thinking this is vanilla. I would love for this to be revoiced. It's not a fan voice over, it's genuine cut-content. A reason why the line sounds so bad is that the scene it appears in might've been cut early on, leaving us with this shitty take that should've been reshot but wasn't. This line was spoken by a Sith Soldier, if his UTC character file was left unused in the game files then it's possible Obsidian intended to have this line be filtered but it wasn't. It might be a good idea to have this line filtered with a Sith Soldier/Storm Trooper filter and see for yourself if it's an improvement. If you'd like to avoid the filter route, a mod that fixes this could also change the Sith Soldier into an Officer so that the filter isn't needed. Alternatively, I'd like to bring your attention to the K2 Alternative Voice Overs mod. How this mod was made is that I took lines from the vanilla game, feed it into ElevenLabs' Voice Changer feature and it'd take the lines and replaced the voice with an AI voice model of my choosing. I could experiment with this line and see if I can create a better sounding version of it, and better yet... I could have a filter applied to the AI recreation to enhance the results. Quote I'm Right Here Kreia Hide contents Presently, when Kreia interjects to talk to the player about the crystals in Dantooine's crystal cave she always has the "in your head" voice effect applied, even if she's actively in your party and standing next to you. The same is true for Nar Shaddaa when you "listen" to the planet, but that's more understandable since you two are actively talking about a Force phenomenon, and speech might be distracting. The same isn't true in the crystal cave, and it'd be nice if the voice effect could be removed. I'd rather keep the original lines than have AI re-voice it, however, if it proves impossible to cleanly remove the filter. If Kreia is in the party, are her lines Lip Synced or do her lips not move? I expect that her lips don't move as it's an "in your head" conversation, and if they don't move Lip Sync files would have to be made for her lines in addition to the removal of the echo filter. If her lips do move, then that's even weirder still. Quote Ramana & Red Eclipse Debt Reset Hide contents Presently, if the player owns Ramana and/or demands the fealty of the Red Eclipse, either will break as soon as the player prestiges, recognizing only their starting class (or perhaps highest-leveled class?) as their current level and refusing to pay more credits as the player continues to level up. This makes the Red Eclipse in particular virtually useless, as it is almost impossible to get them to swear fealty to you earlier than level 15. I would like this to be fixed, but I would also (if possible) like the rewards given by either party per-level to be disassociated from the player's level. They shouldn't give more and more money each level, but a consistent amount each level-up: Ramana 500 credits per level-up and the Red Eclipse 1000. Or, alternately, to represent the vagaries of the slave trade and ups and downs of business, the amount that the Red Eclipse gives could be randomized, from 1 credit up to a max of 2500. Finally: have these people not fucking invented banking? It's an utter waste of time and devastation of immersion that you have to fly halfway across the galaxy and talk to a random guy to pick up your $50. There should be some sort of mechanism (perhaps by interacting with the security computer on the Ebon Hawk?) where you can remotely demand the credits be deposited to your account and they will do so if you qualify, regardless of where you are presently. Could this "banking" system you speak of be added to the Ebon Hawk's security terminal? You go to this otherwise useless terminal to collect your digital debt money from Ramana/Red Eclispe from time to time. Quote Jek'Jek'Tarr and Suits Hide contents The Weequay you can speak to in the Jek'Jek'Tarr to reveal the room in the bar where the captain of the Lunar Shadow is located says he would puncture your suit if he weren't in a good mood. But if you speak to him before Mira takes your suit and enters the JJT you're not in a suit--his dialogue should be changed. Maybe "puncture your flesh-suit" would be okay. And also, if you've gone to the Jek'Jek'Tarr prior to the call from Visquis, the dialogue between Atton and yourself about where the bar is and its gaseous environments should be altered and just focused down on the need for an environment suit, preferably with a bit of AI VO to let Atton comment about how you know how dangerous it is in there and how it'd be safer to take a suit this time. The Jekk'Jekk Tarr is a complete mess lore wise. Whilst it'd make sense to have the Jekk'Jekk Tarr locked so that you don't enter it until once you've been invited by Visquis, doing so would cut all the unique dialogue where the aliens refer to you as not wearing a Space Suit. I think it might be easier to have the aliens distinguish through dialogue that the Jekk'Jekk Tarr air is just freighter exhaust/Nagnol gas, meaning you need a Breath Mask/Poison Implant/Antidote Kits to survive breathing that stuff, but once Visquis invites you he'll lock you in the entrance and flood you with Cyanogen which Visquis will make clear that the Cyanogen is deadlier than the normal Nagnol gas which fills the Jekk'Jekk Tarr. Doing it like this will also explain why the player doesn't start choking again if the Force Breath ability runs out, as by that point they'd be breathing Nagnol and not toxic Cyanogen. Quote Bao-Dur's Peaceful Beach Conversation Hide contents On Telos's surface, if the player has Bao-Dur (and maybe Kreia?) in the party at the same time, Bao-Dur will strike up a conversation about how peaceful he feels on the beach, and Kreia will ask the Exile if she can feel the Force there. This conversation can be (and often is) interrupted by hostile Cannok nearby; whether by placing the enemies further away or some other scripting means, it should be altered so as to ensure the dialogue plays properly. The Holocron Toolset makes moving NPCs like this a breeze (assuming that they're pre-spawned in the module). I could add this to my Bug Fix Collection or Thor could add it to his Czerka Site Cleanup mod. Quote Fast-Travel from Ravager Bridge Hide contents It's a bit weird you have to walk the whole way from the Ravager bridge down to the escape shuttle. You should get the option after killing Nihilus and hearing Canderous's conversation with Visas to just fast-travel down to the shuttle. Just wanted to point out that exactly what you want is already present for the Onderon Palace so it'd just be a Mandalorian parody of that. Quote Onderonian News Anchor Slip-Up Hide contents One of the news holograms on Onderon has a piece about Telos, and in it she says the "Peragus project requires constant fuel". Clearly she meant Telos in context but her dialogue was either written improperly or she misspoke; since the subtitles themselves list Peragus, this was probably an error on Obsidian's end. A quick splice might be all that's needed to fix this, as she says Telos at least twice in the same bulletin. Just looked it up in the dialog.tlk, the slip-up appears to be even worse. Spoiler 'Peragus Station requires constant fuel,' reported one senior scientist. 'Over time its orbit will degrade and it will crash into the atmosphere.' AI or a splice can easily fix this. Quote Vaklu Repeats Himself Hide contents When meeting with Vaklu in the Onderon market just before the assault on the Sky Ramp, he says two virtually identical lines (you can see what I mean at this timestamp). Both lines are good, but since they're saying the same basic thing it's very jarring to have both, and I personally would prefer the second be removed. How about a splice along the lines of this? Quote You should make haste to the Palace, because at any point they will have learned of your attack on their base on the Dxun moon. Together we will crush their army and then, deal with Talia. After that, it won't take the Sith long to realize they've been betrayed. But together we will crush their forces and then deal with Talia It keeps the general gist of what he's saying, he now doesn't repeat himself, it doesn't require cutting an entire line, and cutting it like this gives the "It won't take long for the Sith to realize" a whole new context - that they'd learn about the attack on Dxun and then only after would they realize Vaklu double crossed them. Quote Properly Gating HK's HK-50 Dialogue Hide contents If you choose "you look a lot like a series of droids that have attacked me" when speaking to HK-47 and then back out of the conversation subsequently, HK's dialogue for the HK-50s is unlocked even though you haven't yet proven to him they exist. You should be forced to finish this dialogue chain to get the HK-50 dialogues unlocked. So I have a mod idea I'm calling the "K2 Restored Content Plus" mod, it's similar to the Unofficial TSLRCM Tweak Pack in that our mods are modular but my mod adds minor restored content back to the game. I've actually gone through the hk47.dlg for the K2CR+ mod and I've done extensive bug fixing, dialogue rearrangements, restored missing lines, so much so that I've actually kept a list of all the changes I've made to the file. I've actually just added this fix to the K2CR+ hk47.dlg, I could send you my list in private so you can judge what I've other fixes I've done for yourself. Quote T3 Actually Breaks Hide contents When Kreia screams "Betrayal!" and electrocutes T3, there's a subsequent dialogue option with her where you can ask how T3 was broken and she brushes you off brusquely. But T3 isn't actually broken, except for that one brief cutscene; he's perfectly fine. Ideally I'd like it if her actions resulted in T3 actually being broken, unusable for the player until he's repaired (either through the player's own skills or by asking Bao-Dur). If that's impractical, however, then his health being reduced to 0 and the player being able to speak to him and "fix him" to max HP at the cost of one repair kit would be nice--just something to make it explicitly clear that there was actual lasting damage that the player had to intervene to fix. It would really depend on how the "making party member unusable" feature works, but if it's something that can be flicked on and have T3 unusable for all modules then that could work. I don't think it'd be easy to stop T3 from moving around the ship and repairing it in his "broken state", but perhaps we can keep that and have T3 express that he's broken through dialogue. You try to speak to him and the dialogue box goes "[T3-M4 appears to be broken in several areas]" to which the player has to fix him through dialogue with either a Repair Part or a Repair Kit to get him out of that broken state and to reenable him for party selection. I would like to say that having him reduced to 0 HP would kill T3, if this happens on the Ebon Hawk when T3 is outside the party that'll result in either the "I am broken, so very very broken" glitch or T3 will be restored to 1 HP and either he'll regen naturally on his own or the unique +3 Regen upgrade he gets from Peragus will regen him back to full health anyway. Now there's something we aren't considering here - would it be possible to break T3, make him unselectable in the party menu but then do Nar Shaddaa? T3 is required to get the Codes from Vogga's warehouse, most likely the game will force you to use T3 despite any "T3 actually breaks" feature we may add. Quote Visas is Quick, but not That Quick Hide contents When does Visas have time to knock out your other companions when she ambushes you on the 'Hawk? They're knocked out in an entirely different room on the other side of the ship, even if you just entered the ship with them! She should pull a Juhani instead--if you entered the ship with any party members they should come with you to fight her and she should stun them before the fight initiates, so it's still just you and her. That was Obsidian's intention according to their dev notes in the dialogue, it's the only thing TSLRCM didn't restore from Obsidian's Visas ambush notes. I think the reason it wasn't restored is that the game removes your party whenever you board the Ebon Hawk, so you can board the Ebon Hawk with Bao-Dur and Atton in the party, the game removes your party members as you are entering the Ebon Hawk, the Visas ambush cutscene scripts dictate that all party members who aren't in your party be dumped in Kreia's room, Bao-Dur and Atton technically aren't in your party as the game auto-removed them so they get added to Kreia's room too. This doesn't apply to the Red Eclipse fight scene as that scene doesn't take place on the Ebon Hawk. The "Ebon Hawk" in-game is the module 003EBO, entering this module will auto-remove your party members, whereas the Red Eclipse fight on the Ebon Hawk takes place in the module 004EBO which doesn't have the auto-remove feature. You could create a stunt Ebon Hawk module just like how Obsidian did for the Red Eclipse scene, but then you'd have to remove the Visas ambush content from 003EBO, move all of the Visas ambush content from 003EBO into the new stunt module, and be willing to accept the fact that, after you walk out of the medbay with Handmaiden you'll warp from the "Ebon Hawk" to the "Ebon Hawk/003EBO" and you won't be in the same hallway where you were in the stunt module as you'd have to watch a bunch of party member banter as per the usual when entering the Ebon Hawk/003EBO. Quote Hanharr Recruited in the Tunnels Hide contents There's no reason the Hanharr party recruitment scene happens in the arena, except because Kreia's recruitment of him as her servant when the player is LS happens there. If the player is DS or takes Hanharr via "Choose Mira or Hanharr," Kreia should merely save Hanharr from Zez in the tunnels and demand his life-debt right there. It makes much more sense than a frail old woman dragging an eight-foot-tall Wookiee a hundred feet. I agree with this, just goes to show that the Jekk'Jekk Tarr is a complete mess lore wise. Quote Old War Buddies Hide contents If you're not aware, there's unique dialogue if you take Bao-Dur to see Tienn Tubb where they talk about the war--it's really neat actually, and you should check it out if you haven't heard it before. Bao-Dur says that they're in a grave fight and need help, and Tienn says it's hard for him to refuse when the war is brought up. But then... nothing happens. You don't get anything despite having someone Tienn trusts so much with you. I'd like it if Tienn offers you a discount if he and Bao-Dur speak. But, in turn, Bao-Dur should interfere and try to stop the player if they attempt to extort parts from Tubb's droid TT-32 These lines are actually part of an incomplete cut sidequest, it went along the lines of having Bao-Dur temporarily leave the party to stay at the shop to help Tienn as you went to the Dock Pylons to do some quest. Once that quest was done, Tienn's protocol droid would explode and possibly kill Tienn (The killing Tienn part might've been scrapped before the quest itself got scrapped, do recall how Nar Shaddaa was completed two weeks before K2 was released). JCarter might know more about it, or could fetch the side quest lines from the tlk to discuss it with you. Quote Kreia is a Sadist, but Not Like That Hide contents If you enter the Jek'Jek'Tarr before the quest requirement to enter, Kreia is perfectly content to let you suffocate the entire time. Why, exactly? You should learn Breath Control the first time you enter, not only when you begin the hunt for Visquis. My response to "Jek'Jek'Tarr and Suits" would cover this one. Quote Remove Visas's Superfluous Peragus Dialogue Hide contents The two questions about Peragus you can ask her prompt nearly identical responses, and while there's a slightly different intro to the second, on the whole it's meaningless to have. I'd prefer it be removed entirely so you can only ask her about it via one method. I'm looking at the lines and they're even more confusing. Quote Player: Was your Master the one sent to Peragus? Visas: I am not familiar with the place you speak of - my Master has not entered Republic space for some time. Visas: But there are others, who may move more freely, who may have been responsible for such an act of destruction. The player didn't even mention its destruction, if she isn't familiar with Peragus how would she have known it was destroyed? It might be good to swap the second lines it around so that it instead goes. Quote Player: Was your Master behind the destruction of Peragus? Visas: My Master did not cause the end of the planet you speak of. Visas: But there are others, who may move more freely, who may have been responsible for such an act of destruction. Player: Was your Master the one sent to Peragus? Visas: I am not familiar with the place you speak of - my Master has not entered Republic space for some time. Visas: There are many factions within the Sith, all seeking to take what little remains in the wake of the Jedi Civil War. And once you ask her once both dialogue options become locked so you can't just keep re-asking her different questions that have the same answer over and over again. Though otherwise cutting one of the dialogues would make sense and I do agree this entire dialogue design is terrible. Quote Combat Bark Sanity Patch Hide contents KOTOR 2 has some uniquely bad combat barks. Sure, "Down you go!" is a meme, but Kreia saying FALLEN every second is no less frustrating. No, it's actually more frustrating. I'd like three things here: 1. Remove Kreia's "Fallen!" bark (it makes no sense anyway) and replace it with something more sensible. 2. Add additional variation to combat barks (if possible) so companions don't just repeat the same things over and over again. 3. Make the barks used by companions different based upon whether they are LS- or DS-aligned (again, if possible). I believe the "Fallen" bark plays when she succeeds with a Critical Strike, or at least that's what the SSF file is telling me. Adding more barks isn't possible, there are six battle cry barks but the game only uses 5 or 4 of those whilst two barks remain unusued. You ever hear Kreia shout "Battle calls" in the middle of a fight? You haven't because it can't be played in-game. Random fun fact: The tlk line for "Fallen" is actually "Fall!" so Kreia shouting "Fallen!" might've been a mistake on Sara Kestelman's part. Quote Ludo Kressh's Tomb Unique Zones Hide contents JC and I discussed how interesting it might be to have the various areas of Ludo Kressh's tomb where you see the apparitions appear as akin to the places where the memories actually took place: Malak proselytizing to the Jedi looks like it's in the Dantooine Academy, the Republic captain and troops who fight the Mandalorians over the chasm are in a room that look of Dxun, Kreia and the party look like they're in a hold of the Ebon Hawk. Obviously none of these could be exact, nor should they be--it would just be a sort of vague visual impression, if achievable. Could this be something like BOSSR where the player warps to stunt versions of these locations for these vision scenes to take place? Quote Dhagon Ghent's Pale Mouth Hide contents The interior of Dhagon's mouth is a very pale pink, enough so that it seems unnatural and unintended to me--it should be darkened to a more natural color. Perhaps you, or anyone else, can provide a screenshot of this? Could this be a problem with the texture, an easy fix, or could this be a similar issue to Master Vandar in the vanilla game where the inside of his mouth is blue just like his robe, a model fix. Quote TSLRCM Shuttle Enhancement Hide contents TSLRCM's usage of the shuttle leaves MUCH to be desired. First of all, who the hell stands up in the back of a crash-landing shuttle? Give my people a bench or something! It would be less immersion-breaking to revert the TSLRCM change and have the cutscene play out without interruption if party members can't even sit down during the shuttle sequences! Second, Atton's line delivery for the second shuttle shoot-down above the Polar Mesa is awful. Regardless of whether the 10,000 IQ party can discover the novel concept of "sitting down," this second sequence should be scrapped entirely if the lines can't be suitably redone with AI VO so the delivery isn't patently abysmal. So the shuttle module only ever existed in the game files as a model, it was less complete than the HK Factory and M4-78 on Xbox as at least those areas had module files, everything about the shuttle scenes is modder made hence the quality. What options do we have to work with here? The skybox outside the shuttle is the Polar Region hence why the first shuttle scene has the camera pointing away from the window and inside the shuttle. There might be some seat placeables that won't look too out of place inside the shuttle, the cutscene will have to start with a second or two of black screen so that Kreia and the Exile can sit down without the player being able to see them sit down. If not seats, maybe Kreia could meditate on the floor? And when the ship gets shot, Kreia and the Exile could use the unconscious, kneeling, or horror animations during these parts. Quote @Ol' Cappy's Companion Starting Armors Hide contents I really adore this mod, but as of right now it has four things which I'd like to see fixed/enhanced: 1. The benefits provided for each armor are just a little over-tuned. I'd ideally like to see the bonuses be small enough that it's worth switching off the starting gear no later than the first post-Telos planet, but bearing in mind that these are simple clothing sets with no DEX caps and oftentimes are instantly better than most early-game Jedi gear for those companions who are trained as Jedi, these items instead are usually good through midgame at least, and sometimes the whole game. Some users probably prefer that, but for balance and consistency I would rather most of the gear here see a nerf down to be less viable overall, something to switch out of even for those companions who are made Jedi. 2. Presently when the party is confined on Telos their gear is confiscated this new clothing is as well, and they're given basic clothing in its place. I'd prefer if they just kept this unique clothing equipped, if they were wearing it already. 3. In the workbench preview screen for each of these items they appear as regular clothing, rather than a unique preview model. 4. There are no unique icons for each set of clothes. 1) That's fair. 2) I think that would require an edit to the on-enter script which undresses the party, puts all the items in the lockers, and puts default clothing on them, this point is possible. 3) I think this here might be impossible to fix. I suspect this is being determined by the Baseitem.2da file where in these companion armor's "base item" types are set to default clothing. 4) If permission was granted from Leilukin for the icons of her TSL Improved Party Outfits or 90SK for the icons of his K2 Armor Fix Metastasis mod, would these suffice? Quote TSLRCM HK Factory Patches Hide contents There are two issues with the HK Factory at present: 1. This may happen with the mod builds only, but there's a wall with a massive black shadow on it (potentially lightmap-related? I tested without the texture and it was fine) on a wall near the communications hub. 2. The three HK units who confront HK-47 on the upper floor of the factory (two, after HK one-shots the third) have a ludicrous amount of health. The HKs on the lower level got their health reduced to sane levels in 1.8.6, but these never did. It takes almost a full minute to kill either of them, it's simply unfun tedium. They need to have their health reduced down to levels to match the HKs in the lower level of the factory. Perhaps you, or anyone else, can provide a screenshot of the first one? That way it'll be easy for someone with just TSLRCM to warp to the HK Factory and check if the bug is present there. And I agree whole heartedly with the second one. Quote @Pavijan357's TSLRCM Tweak Pack Hide contents Pavijan restores Saedhe the militiaman's head to the vanilla KOTOR 2 version, reverting TSLRCM's change which made him white. I'm unsure of whether this issue stems solely from the Tweak Pack or was an extant issue with the basegame head (or even maybe an issue stemming from the mod builds), but Saedhe's eyelids are blank white presently, seemingly untextured. I'm hoping it's a quick & easy fix. Perhaps you, or anyone else, can provide a screenshot of this? Quote Give Me Back My Goddamn Lightsaber Hide contents I have never, ever, ever, EVER gotten over Atris keeping my lightsaber. It lives in my head rent-free. I know thematically the point is to move on from the past that saber represents, and in gameplay terms the goal is to keep the Exile away from having a saber for half a planet more, but man, COME ON! The way I roleplay my Exile, that saber represents the same defiance and certainty that they displayed the last time they faced the Council, and they would have wanted it back from Atris at all costs. I know some content exists which lets you get the saber back already, but it has some problems with it: it's too easy to achieve and it doesn't take advantage of AI VO opportunities, which I think would probably be necessary to make this work well. Stealing it really isn't an option (at least, unless this is integrated as part of the Great Polar Academy Heist request), which leaves only convincing Atris to give it to you willingly. I think you should only be able to convince her to give it to you if you promise your help to find the other Jedi and end the conversation on a good note (without her saying "leave this place, leave Telos"). In that event, she would be willing to let you 'borrow' the saber, to help defend you on your quest. And I swear I will pound her fucking ass with it when I see her next. Anyway this would need to be tied into the lightsaber quest as an alternate way to end the quest early; otherwise, you would just construct a new lightsaber as normal. I trust you are aware that TSLRCM added the ability to get the Lightsaber back from Atris after you kill her on Telos, and if you are I take it that this request is about getting your Lightsaber on Telos during the first visit? I'd like just to mention that there is actually cut dialogue that indicates that, should the player piss her off enough, that Atris would outright attack you with the Lightsaber. I wonder if it's possible to somehow restore the ability to kill Atris and the Handmaidens on the first visit without ruining the lore. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thor110 526 Posted January 9 9 hours ago, N-DReW25 said: Didn't Thor already make this? Well spotted, I have indeed made a fix for that however it is worth pointing out that it is not a dynamic install which is something I should probably fix at some point. https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1715-czerka-site-cleanup/ Because it took just a moment I have updated it to be a dynamic install which means it won't require a specific install order anymore. Which reminds me I should go through all of my mods and update them all to be dynamic installs as some of the older ones are lazy hard overwrite installs. Regarding the hostile cannok and beach conversation, I will look into fixing it at some point but it will probably be it's own release as I tend to bundle my fixes into my project and release them on their own rather than bundled with other fixes. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Snigaroo 135 Posted January 9 7 hours ago, N-DReW25 said: What you consider this problem fixed if the second Quarren was replaced with another species? The other tables have different species sharing the same table so if someone were to replace the low-poly Quarren with a Duro (using a Duros texture not used in that room to make him unique) with matching dialogue would this fix your issue? If this fix would be suitable, I could roll it in with the NPC Overhaul request to make a two for one deal. Ideally there would be no aliens sitting next to one another who looked completely identical at all, and that's part of what I hoped would be fixed with eventual NPC Diversity. The Quarren issue was a separate standout because of the model problem, which is why I requested it separately. Just putting a different alien there would resolve it just as well though, yes. 7 hours ago, N-DReW25 said: Didn't Thor already make this? I'll admit I had forgotten about that mod, but in my experience my companions only aggro on that mercenary some of the time. More often than not, they seem to aggro directly to the turrets. That's part of why I wanted this request to move the mercs by the speeders further away as well (probably in conjunction with moving the merc in @Thor110's mod back further also) so there's less chance of the party aggroing onto the turrets too, since those can't really be repositioned. 7 hours ago, N-DReW25 said: I suspect Obsidian's intention might've been for Mandalore to fight him hand to hand as Esok has the complex unarmed animations feat, though since doing that isn't restorable just giving him a weapon would be better. Would you consider this fixed if I added it to my Bug Fix Collection? Sure, though just as an aside at some point before the next build revision we will need to coordinate on that mod and a build version will need to be produced, because there are parts of it I'm fairly sure will conflict with build content, and there are some parts I have questions on as well and might want reverted to vanilla behavior for the purposes of use in the builds. I don't think it would help to go over those specifics now because I imagine the mod will receive more updates before it comes time for the next mod build revision, but this just to alert you that I expect that it'll need two install options, one for the full package and one build-specific install. As long as you're good with that I'd say it's fine to put it in there, otherwise if you'd rather keep the collection purely your vision having this hypothetical mod as a standalone so the builds can use it would probably be best. 7 hours ago, N-DReW25 said: At some point, I intend to convert my Beta Peragus Miner Pack into a general "Peragus Miner Improvement" mod with Beta Peragus Miners being only an optional feature. This mod is going to be mentioned for another one of your requests down the line, but since my Beta Peragus Miner Pack already covers items (Restoring the vanilla Miner Uniform that can be used alongside Kainzorus Prime's Peragus Mining Gear mod) would you consider this request fulfilled if the Vibrocutter was added to a corpse/that locked locker in the security room as an optional install (meaning you don't have to install the rest)? Sure, that works. 9 hours ago, N-DReW25 said: The TSF fighting the Mercenaries was added by TSLRCM, in vanilla the TSF simply ignored all forms of combat around. I'm not sure if the TSF AI is dumb enough to fight the Sullustan alongside you if you go that route, though I'm positive they'll ignore TSLRCM's Masked Duros Attacker. I do agree with your idea of having the Sullustan run away instead of fighting him, though I'd go a step further... make the Mercenaries unarmed. Think about it, the Mercenaries are in the Cantina trying to have a drink. A Blaster Pistol makes sense as they'd have a holster for it, but why is one of them carrying a rifle? I'd say remove the blasters and have one of them unarmed with the complex unarmed animation feat whilst the other uses a Stun Baton. When they'd attack the Sullustan, they wouldn't be shooting him, they'd quite literally be beating the shit out of him just as they were threatening to do. And since the player has the option of not crafting Long Swords at a workbench or buying weapons from the Dobo brothers, having one Mercenary unarmed and the other armed with a Stun Baton would be fairly balanced and would more realistic in comparison to the Merc with a pistol and the Merc with an entire rifle getting beaten to death by the player, a guy and an old woman with one hand. That's a good point, and I'd accept that as a valid fix for the underlying problem, though you raise a good point with the Duros assassin and now he's a problem. He's easier to fix though: just need to have the TSF take shots at him if he's in their line of sight, it's less of a pain since he just attacks you no matter what. 9 hours ago, N-DReW25 said: It's not a fan voice over, it's genuine cut-content. A reason why the line sounds so bad is that the scene it appears in might've been cut early on, leaving us with this shitty take that should've been reshot but wasn't. This line was spoken by a Sith Soldier, if his UTC character file was left unused in the game files then it's possible Obsidian intended to have this line be filtered but it wasn't. It might be a good idea to have this line filtered with a Sith Soldier/Storm Trooper filter and see for yourself if it's an improvement. If you'd like to avoid the filter route, a mod that fixes this could also change the Sith Soldier into an Officer so that the filter isn't needed. Alternatively, I'd like to bring your attention to the K2 Alternative Voice Overs mod. How this mod was made is that I took lines from the vanilla game, feed it into ElevenLabs' Voice Changer feature and it'd take the lines and replaced the voice with an AI voice model of my choosing. I could experiment with this line and see if I can create a better sounding version of it, and better yet... I could have a filter applied to the AI recreation to enhance the results. I honestly don't think the default take is salvageable, so an AI recreation is viable. However where possible I would like to avoid using AI for brand-new voices or re-voicing extremely minor parts and instead get genuine human-acted lines. I imagine there might be some folks in the Discord who would be willing to do this just in exchange for being in the game, and I'd prefer at least exploring that route first. 9 hours ago, N-DReW25 said: If Kreia is in the party, are her lines Lip Synced or do her lips not move? I expect that her lips don't move as it's an "in your head" conversation, and if they don't move Lip Sync files would have to be made for her lines in addition to the removal of the echo filter. If her lips do move, then that's even weirder still. Her lips do indeed move, at least for some of the lines (for some the camera angle is far enough out that it's hard to tell). But the very first line is a closeup on her and she's speaking, which makes the whole "in your head" thing even more immediately weird for the player, because from the start she's shown to be speaking aloud. 9 hours ago, N-DReW25 said: Could this "banking" system you speak of be added to the Ebon Hawk's security terminal? You go to this otherwise useless terminal to collect your digital debt money from Ramana/Red Eclispe from time to time. Yep, that's what I was thinking. The only potential hiccup is that the terminal is modified by one other mod in the mod builds (downloadable Ebon Hawk map), so any mod that tackles this by using that terminal would need to be compatible with that mod. 9 hours ago, N-DReW25 said: The Jekk'Jekk Tarr is a complete mess lore wise. Whilst it'd make sense to have the Jekk'Jekk Tarr locked so that you don't enter it until once you've been invited by Visquis, doing so would cut all the unique dialogue where the aliens refer to you as not wearing a Space Suit. I think it might be easier to have the aliens distinguish through dialogue that the Jekk'Jekk Tarr air is just freighter exhaust/Nagnol gas, meaning you need a Breath Mask/Poison Implant/Antidote Kits to survive breathing that stuff, but once Visquis invites you he'll lock you in the entrance and flood you with Cyanogen which Visquis will make clear that the Cyanogen is deadlier than the normal Nagnol gas which fills the Jekk'Jekk Tarr. Doing it like this will also explain why the player doesn't start choking again if the Force Breath ability runs out, as by that point they'd be breathing Nagnol and not toxic Cyanogen. Ah! Good idea, and that works perfectly fine. As you say, it would just need to be properly conveyed in dialogue that the bar started with much less deadly gas and that the cyanogen had been pumped in later. 9 hours ago, N-DReW25 said: The Holocron Toolset makes moving NPCs like this a breeze (assuming that they're pre-spawned in the module). I could add this to my Bug Fix Collection or Thor could add it to his Czerka Site Cleanup mod. However you two would like to handle it is fine by me. I will say though, @Thor110, at some point I will probably want a compilation of your small standalone mods that are being included in the mod builds, just to reduce the overall amount of downloads & installs on endusers. That's not a pressing concern at this point though and would likely not be something to even need to consider until next Revision. 9 hours ago, N-DReW25 said: How about a splice along the lines of this? ... It keeps the general gist of what he's saying, he now doesn't repeat himself, it doesn't require cutting an entire line, and cutting it like this gives the "It won't take long for the Sith to realize" a whole new context - that they'd learn about the attack on Dxun and then only after would they realize Vaklu double crossed them. Ooh, good idea. It didn't occur to me to use a splice there, but you're right that that's much better, both in terms of preserving vanilla content and the general flow of his dialogue. Good call! 9 hours ago, N-DReW25 said: So I have a mod idea I'm calling the "K2 Restored Content Plus" mod, it's similar to the Unofficial TSLRCM Tweak Pack in that our mods are modular but my mod adds minor restored content back to the game. I've actually gone through the hk47.dlg for the K2CR+ mod and I've done extensive bug fixing, dialogue rearrangements, restored missing lines, so much so that I've actually kept a list of all the changes I've made to the file. I've actually just added this fix to the K2CR+ hk47.dlg, I could send you my list in private so you can judge what I've other fixes I've done for yourself. I'd appreciate that quite a lot, thanks. Are all the things that you've restored fully-voiced? And would there be any compatibility issues you could foresee with Kex's Visually Repair HK? 9 hours ago, N-DReW25 said: It would really depend on how the "making party member unusable" feature works, but if it's something that can be flicked on and have T3 unusable for all modules then that could work. I don't think it'd be easy to stop T3 from moving around the ship and repairing it in his "broken state", but perhaps we can keep that and have T3 express that he's broken through dialogue. You try to speak to him and the dialogue box goes "[T3-M4 appears to be broken in several areas]" to which the player has to fix him through dialogue with either a Repair Part or a Repair Kit to get him out of that broken state and to reenable him for party selection. I would like to say that having him reduced to 0 HP would kill T3, if this happens on the Ebon Hawk when T3 is outside the party that'll result in either the "I am broken, so very very broken" glitch or T3 will be restored to 1 HP and either he'll regen naturally on his own or the unique +3 Regen upgrade he gets from Peragus will regen him back to full health anyway. Now there's something we aren't considering here - would it be possible to break T3, make him unselectable in the party menu but then do Nar Shaddaa? T3 is required to get the Codes from Vogga's warehouse, most likely the game will force you to use T3 despite any "T3 actually breaks" feature we may add. I meant 1 health in the OP and just wrote 0 on autopilot, so that's my bad. Aside from that though you raise good points, none of which I thought of. The droid warehouse is particularly damning as you're absolutely right, it requires the use of T3 no matter what. That makes the best way to do this by just making him damaged and letting the player restore him to full HP via dialogue, but you're also right that most people will have given him his unique equipment and it would simply regenerate him to full. Is it possible to forcibly unequip all items from T3 during that sequence, so he won't have his implant equipped and thus if he's set to 1HP he will remain at minimum health until the player intervenes to heal him (preferably via a dialogue option as discussed in the request)? 9 hours ago, N-DReW25 said: That was Obsidian's intention according to their dev notes in the dialogue, it's the only thing TSLRCM didn't restore from Obsidian's Visas ambush notes. I think the reason it wasn't restored is that the game removes your party whenever you board the Ebon Hawk, so you can board the Ebon Hawk with Bao-Dur and Atton in the party, the game removes your party members as you are entering the Ebon Hawk, the Visas ambush cutscene scripts dictate that all party members who aren't in your party be dumped in Kreia's room, Bao-Dur and Atton technically aren't in your party as the game auto-removed them so they get added to Kreia's room too. This doesn't apply to the Red Eclipse fight scene as that scene doesn't take place on the Ebon Hawk. The "Ebon Hawk" in-game is the module 003EBO, entering this module will auto-remove your party members, whereas the Red Eclipse fight on the Ebon Hawk takes place in the module 004EBO which doesn't have the auto-remove feature. You could create a stunt Ebon Hawk module just like how Obsidian did for the Red Eclipse scene, but then you'd have to remove the Visas ambush content from 003EBO, move all of the Visas ambush content from 003EBO into the new stunt module, and be willing to accept the fact that, after you walk out of the medbay with Handmaiden you'll warp from the "Ebon Hawk" to the "Ebon Hawk/003EBO" and you won't be in the same hallway where you were in the stunt module as you'd have to watch a bunch of party member banter as per the usual when entering the Ebon Hawk/003EBO. I think the stunt module way of handling it is better--it's not the end of the world to have a load and party banter at the end of the encounter, and I think it would be much less immersion-breaking than the people you just entered the ship with already being knocked out. 9 hours ago, N-DReW25 said: These lines are actually part of an incomplete cut sidequest, it went along the lines of having Bao-Dur temporarily leave the party to stay at the shop to help Tienn as you went to the Dock Pylons to do some quest. Once that quest was done, Tienn's protocol droid would explode and possibly kill Tienn (The killing Tienn part might've been scrapped before the quest itself got scrapped, do recall how Nar Shaddaa was completed two weeks before K2 was released). JCarter might know more about it, or could fetch the side quest lines from the tlk to discuss it with you. @JCarter426 do you have any additional insight? Though even asking that I am not wedded to what was originally intended, since it was cut along with so much other content on Nar Shaddaa. Unless there's enough leftover dialogue and the like to actually make a restoration here reasonable and fit into Nar Shaddaa's progression well, it would probably just be better to return to the suggestion that Tienn offers a discount if he meets Bao-Dur, and Bao-Dur tries to protect Tienn if you attempt to screw him over. 9 hours ago, N-DReW25 said: It might be good to swap the second lines it around so that it instead goes... And once you ask her once both dialogue options become locked so you can't just keep re-asking her different questions that have the same answer over and over again. Though otherwise cutting one of the dialogues would make sense and I do agree this entire dialogue design is terrible. Once again a good call, I think that's a better option. Swap the lines and then remove the dialogue once the question has been asked once. 9 hours ago, N-DReW25 said: I believe the "Fallen" bark plays when she succeeds with a Critical Strike, or at least that's what the SSF file is telling me. Random fun fact: The tlk line for "Fallen" is actually "Fall!" so Kreia shouting "Fallen!" might've been a mistake on Sara Kestelman's part. "Fall!" would definitely make much more sense in context. Either way it just needs to be traded out--even if you can't add more, the existing ones can be edited, right? As it is now, the line is just way too short and too nonsensical. I'm not sure how it would sound if it was cut to just be "Fall!", but otherwise some other word or phrase Kreia says just needs to be nabbed and tossed in in the place of Fallen. 10 hours ago, N-DReW25 said: Could this be something like BOSSR where the player warps to stunt versions of these locations for these vision scenes to take place? It's been a hot minute since I used BOSSR so I don't remember the sequence you're speaking of, but I'm not entirely opposed to jumping to stunt modules if that'd be an easier way to execute the mod. 10 hours ago, N-DReW25 said: Perhaps you, or anyone else, can provide a screenshot of this? Could this be a problem with the texture, an easy fix, or could this be a similar issue to Master Vandar in the vanilla game where the inside of his mouth is blue just like his robe, a model fix. I just checked to see if I had any saves nearby and unfortunately I don't, hopefully someone else can grab a shot. 10 hours ago, N-DReW25 said: So the shuttle module only ever existed in the game files as a model, it was less complete than the HK Factory and M4-78 on Xbox as at least those areas had module files, everything about the shuttle scenes is modder made hence the quality. What options do we have to work with here? The skybox outside the shuttle is the Polar Region hence why the first shuttle scene has the camera pointing away from the window and inside the shuttle. There might be some seat placeables that won't look too out of place inside the shuttle, the cutscene will have to start with a second or two of black screen so that Kreia and the Exile can sit down without the player being able to see them sit down. If not seats, maybe Kreia could meditate on the floor? And when the ship gets shot, Kreia and the Exile could use the unconscious, kneeling, or horror animations during these parts. Anything involving them being on the floor is a no-go for me--it's a small shuttle, after all, doing an atmospheric entry and landing. Even without the A-D towers it's not very reasonable to just be sitting on the ground for that, and I also get the impression that Kreia, who is mistrustful of machines to begin with, would not trust enough in a shuttle to just passively sit on the floor of one, entirely unsecured. The Ebon Hawk is large enough for that to feel reasonable, but not a tiny shuttle. I think seat placeables or cut it, personally. 10 hours ago, N-DReW25 said: 1) That's fair. 2) I think that would require an edit to the on-enter script which undresses the party, puts all the items in the lockers, and puts default clothing on them, this point is possible. 3) I think this here might be impossible to fix. I suspect this is being determined by the Baseitem.2da file where in these companion armor's "base item" types are set to default clothing. 4) If permission was granted from Leilukin for the icons of her TSL Improved Party Outfits or 90SK for the icons of his K2 Armor Fix Metastasis mod, would these suffice? Alright, #3 can be dropped then. As for #4, I think @Leilukin's icons are great and that would work fine for me, if she's amenable. 10 hours ago, N-DReW25 said: Perhaps you, or anyone else, can provide a screenshot of the first one? That way it'll be easy for someone with just TSLRCM to warp to the HK Factory and check if the bug is present there. And I agree whole heartedly with the second one. This one I thankfully did keep a save right next to, here's a screenshot of the issue and where on the map it is: 10 hours ago, N-DReW25 said: Perhaps you, or anyone else, can provide a screenshot of this? I do have a save near this one but unfortunately I wasn't able to get a screenshot--screenshots are tough for me to grab, I have to tab out, tab back in, take the screenshot and then tab back out again for it to grab the screen. That means I can only do it for stationary objects, I can't really grab something that happens as quickly as a blink. Hopefully others have the same issue I do and can get a shot. 10 hours ago, N-DReW25 said: I trust you are aware that TSLRCM added the ability to get the Lightsaber back from Atris after you kill her on Telos, and if you are I take it that this request is about getting your Lightsaber on Telos during the first visit? I'd like just to mention that there is actually cut dialogue that indicates that, should the player piss her off enough, that Atris would outright attack you with the Lightsaber. I wonder if it's possible to somehow restore the ability to kill Atris and the Handmaidens on the first visit without ruining the lore. I am aware yes, but my frustration is contained to not being able to get it early. By the time you get it at endgame you don't even care anymore, you have your custom sabers that you've built over the course of the game and there's no special attachment you would have to your old saber any longer. Which is its own sort of statement, I suppose, but that's why I want to have this option included: to let players get attached to their old lightsaber by making it the first one they receive back, if they do indeed choose to go that route. Regarding her attacking you immediately, I don't see how that would even kind of work. Do you have any specific ideas related to that? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JCarter426 1,232 Posted January 11 On 1/9/2025 at 6:09 PM, Snigaroo said: @JCarter426 do you have any additional insight? I think Tienn's droid should randomly trip over a mine, killing Bao-Dur. Apart from that, I do recall a cut journal entry which explains that Tienn confessed to Bao-Dur about sabotaging his own droids because he didn't trust them. I don't remember Tienn dying, but nearly dying from his droid blowing itself up. On 5/10/2023 at 11:14 PM, Snigaroo said: Low-Poly Quarren Fix I plan to fix this with a KOTOR 2 version of my Dense Aliens mod and add the new texture as an option for the K1 version at some point. On 5/10/2023 at 11:14 PM, Snigaroo said: Kressh's Tomb Gated by Prestige, Not Alignment I had a few ideas for this before. As mentioned above, I would like to use this opportunity to salvage the original design for Korriban in KOTOR 1, which is described in this Q&A with David Gaider. The main blocker would be the creation of a new module which contains the rooms of the four original areas plus a network of tunnels connecting them. I have some 3D modeling experience, but this would be quite an undertaking and would require learning some things about creating areas which I do not know and few people do, so I haven't been able to commit to tackling this project on my own. However, I would be willing to collaborate. I had thought that the tombs would be accessible from the valley. You could complete them in any order, either one by one and then returning to the valley, by exploring the tunnels connecting them, or some mix of both. I think this would be interesting as it would give you two ways of solving them, and I don't think it would be too difficult to design with this in mind as they are fairly small areas. The content of the tomb would be similar that in the first game, but with a twist. Of course, the player of the first game would have solved all of the puzzles and collected all of the rewards, and five years have passed since then. I have a few ideas for the Tower of Hanoi puzzle in particular which I feel would be in the spirit of the sequel. Also, there might be new traps set up by Sith who encamped in the tombs during the Sith Civil War. As for the story, I think this would be a good opportunity to restore another piece of content: Dvakvar Grahrk, a character who was used as a stand-in for the Disciple during development. I'm skeptical of how much of this was ever intended to make it into the game, but the DVD which came with the Prima strategy guide described him as a Devaronian who hunted Sith. I think there's a lot of room to explore with such a character, as you might have reasons to cooperate with him or antagonize him regardless of your player's alignment. Perhaps he was a Jedi who abandoned the Order following the Jedi Civil War and made a career out of killing Sith and selling their artifacts. A dark-sided character might want to kill Grahrk to keep all of the treasure, while a light-sided character might not approve of Grahrk's career choices and try to stop him. On 5/10/2023 at 11:14 PM, Snigaroo said: Restore Dreshdae My vague idea for this is that you would gain access to Dreshdae after fleeing from your encounter with Darth Sion—out the other door. You would then have to complete some task in Dresdhae to allow the Ebon Hawk to land and rendezvous with the rest of the party. The cut Czerka warehouse could be useful here, although I recall it being in an annoying state with missing walkmeshes and half-finished art. Dvakvar Grahrk could play a role here as well. If you explored the tombs earlier, you might find signs of his presence on Korriban but not meet him in person until escaping from the Sith Academy. Perhaps you would need his help to finish exploring the tombs, giving you a reason to return to Korriban later. On 1/9/2025 at 7:43 AM, N-DReW25 said: So the shuttle module only ever existed in the game files as a model, it was less complete than the HK Factory and M4-78 on Xbox as at least those areas had module files, everything about the shuttle scenes is modder made hence the quality. The shuttle wasn't meant to be in a separate module; that is an implementation detail of TSLRCM. The shuttle exists as its own room in 231TEL and 261TEL, although it is not accessible in the shipped game. On 5/10/2023 at 11:14 PM, Snigaroo said: Kressh's Tomb Gated by Prestige, Not Alignment I don't understand the point of this one since gaining a prestige class is in itself gated by the same alignment check as the tomb. Of course, your alignment can change after you take a prestige class, but players who never gain a strong alignment (50% light or dark) in the first place would still be barred from entering the tomb. I would suggest gating it by PC level alone. Incidentally, I've also considered making a mod to remove the alignment restriction on prestige classes, possibly with the option to allow a neutral character to select from any Jedi or Sith prestige class, but it's something I never got around to. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,503 Posted January 11 2 hours ago, JCarter426 said: but the DVD which came with the Prima strategy guide described him as a Devaronian who hunted Sith. Here's the relevant clip from the DVD (time stamped): Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Snigaroo 135 Posted January 11 3 hours ago, JCarter426 said: I don't understand the point of this one since gaining a prestige class is in itself gated by the same alignment check as the tomb. Of course, your alignment can change after you take a prestige class, but players who never gain a strong alignment (50% light or dark) in the first place would still be barred from entering the tomb. I would suggest gating it by PC level alone. Incidentally, I've also considered making a mod to remove the alignment restriction on prestige classes, possibly with the option to allow a neutral character to select from any Jedi or Sith prestige class, but it's something I never got around to. Well you've described the point--players can take an alignment long enough to get their chosen prestige class then revert to neutral, but still maintain access to the tomb. I would be alright with gating it by level, but prestige class feels better to me personally, and nudges players playing neutral alignments to push themselves far enough LS/DS at least enough to get a prestige class before returning to their preferred neutral alignment. Removing alignment on the prestige classes isn't something I'd be interested in personally, although creating neutral-alignment prestige classes would be. I'm not sure if that's really feasible, though. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JCarter426 1,232 Posted January 11 14 hours ago, Snigaroo said: Well you've described the point--players can take an alignment long enough to get their chosen prestige class then revert to neutral, but still maintain access to the tomb. That seems kind of niche to me. The existing restriction for the tomb is [level 10 and a strong alignment]. The restriction for a prestige class is [level 15 and a strong alignment]. So if you plan to get a prestige class and then go for a neutral alignment, you can already access the tomb. Making the restriction be [have a prestige class] would make it less restrictive for neutral players who had a strong alignment earlier in the game and visit Korriban later in the game but more restrictive for all other players who visit Korriban earlier. I suppose making the restriction be [(level 10 and a strong alignment) or (have a prestige class)] would make things less restrictive for neutral players later in the game, but [(level 10 and a strong alignment) or (level 15)] would as well while preventing anyone from being permanently locked out. 14 hours ago, Snigaroo said: I'm not sure if that's really feasible, though. Of course it's not. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Snigaroo 135 Posted January 11 2 hours ago, JCarter426 said: I suppose making the restriction be [(level 10 and a strong alignment) or (have a prestige class)] would make things less restrictive for neutral players later in the game, but [(level 10 and a strong alignment) or (level 15)] would as well while preventing anyone from being permanently locked out. Well, having two checks would work fine for my purposes, though if that's the route that's being gone I would want it to be either level 12 + strong alignment OR level 20. You can go in early if you're strongly aligned, and if you don't get strong alignment at any point you can go in later in the game, after you've completed about 2-3 planets. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N-DReW25 1,351 Posted January 12 On 1/10/2025 at 10:09 AM, Snigaroo said: Ideally there would be no aliens sitting next to one another who looked completely identical at all, and that's part of what I hoped would be fixed with eventual NPC Diversity. The Quarren issue was a separate standout because of the model problem, which is why I requested it separately. Just putting a different alien there would resolve it just as well though, yes. Well, if that'll satisfy you then that'll work for me. I can still hold the opinion that giving the Quarren the high poly model is the ideal fix whilst players (like yourself) can install a hypothetical K2 NPC Diversity Pack over the top of my Bug Fix Collection to get your ideal fix which is to swap the Quarren with another alien. On 1/10/2025 at 10:09 AM, Snigaroo said: Sure, though just as an aside at some point before the next build revision we will need to coordinate on that mod and a build version will need to be produced, because there are parts of it I'm fairly sure will conflict with build content, and there are some parts I have questions on as well and might want reverted to vanilla behavior for the purposes of use in the builds. I don't think it would help to go over those specifics now because I imagine the mod will receive more updates before it comes time for the next mod build revision, but this just to alert you that I expect that it'll need two install options, one for the full package and one build-specific install. As long as you're good with that I'd say it's fine to put it in there, otherwise if you'd rather keep the collection purely your vision having this hypothetical mod as a standalone so the builds can use it would probably be best. Yes, closer towards the next build revision I am more then happy to discuss my Bug Fix Collection mod. When that day comes you can tell me what strikes you as concerning and I'll see what can be done about a build-friendly install. I would like to point out that anything in the Bug Fix Collection that doesn't need to be TSLPatched is in an "Override Components" folder which are optional. Higher quality NPC and Area textures are two texture options which ports the K1 equivalent textures from which are higher resolution in that game (512x512 in K1) whilst in K2 these exact same textures are low-res (256x256 in K2), there's also a graphical fixes mod where, if you can't get some to AI upscale these, you can likewise chose not to install any of these. On 1/10/2025 at 10:09 AM, Snigaroo said: I honestly don't think the default take is salvageable, so an AI recreation is viable. However where possible I would like to avoid using AI for brand-new voices or re-voicing extremely minor parts and instead get genuine human-acted lines. I imagine there might be some folks in the Discord who would be willing to do this just in exchange for being in the game, and I'd prefer at least exploring that route first. I do like the idea of giving people the opportunity to star in a minor role like that. On 1/10/2025 at 10:09 AM, Snigaroo said: Her lips do indeed move, at least for some of the lines (for some the camera angle is far enough out that it's hard to tell). But the very first line is a closeup on her and she's speaking, which makes the whole "in your head" thing even more immediately weird for the player, because from the start she's shown to be speaking aloud. That's really strange indeed. On 1/10/2025 at 10:09 AM, Snigaroo said: I'd appreciate that quite a lot, thanks. Are all the things that you've restored fully-voiced? And would there be any compatibility issues you could foresee with Kex's Visually Repair HK? The things I've restored are fully voiced. I would have to make a compatibility patch for Kex's Visually Repair HK-47 for the two to work, though it should be as easy as re-adding the same dialogue content from Kex's mod into the restored DLG. I do recall there being a nasty bug with the Visually Repair HK mod wherein if you have low repair you'd obviously fail the repair but you'd also lose influence, there was no check to have the influence hit apply once so if you kept spamming the repair dialogue over and over again with low Repair you could get HK's influence so low he'd outright refuse to let you repair him again. If you gained influence through dialogue and in-game events, you could again use your influence to unlock the repair dialogue and once again take the negative influence hit to bring the influence back down again. If I do make a compatibility patch, mine would be different so that this couldn't happen in-game. On 1/10/2025 at 10:09 AM, Snigaroo said: I meant 1 health in the OP and just wrote 0 on autopilot, so that's my bad. Aside from that though you raise good points, none of which I thought of. The droid warehouse is particularly damning as you're absolutely right, it requires the use of T3 no matter what. That makes the best way to do this by just making him damaged and letting the player restore him to full HP via dialogue, but you're also right that most people will have given him his unique equipment and it would simply regenerate him to full. Is it possible to forcibly unequip all items from T3 during that sequence, so he won't have his implant equipped and thus if he's set to 1HP he will remain at minimum health until the player intervenes to heal him (preferably via a dialogue option as discussed in the request)? There should be a way to unequip all items in the slot where the regen item goes, but if K2 has auto-regeneration (K2 has that feature whilst for K1 that can be activated via a mod) or if the game auto heals the party on the Ebon Hawk these efforts would be in vain. On 1/10/2025 at 10:09 AM, Snigaroo said: @JCarter426 do you have any additional insight? Though even asking that I am not wedded to what was originally intended, since it was cut along with so much other content on Nar Shaddaa. Unless there's enough leftover dialogue and the like to actually make a restoration here reasonable and fit into Nar Shaddaa's progression well, it would probably just be better to return to the suggestion that Tienn offers a discount if he meets Bao-Dur, and Bao-Dur tries to protect Tienn if you attempt to screw him over. Below are some TLK lines I fetched from the dialog.tlk: Spoiler 50309 : Droid Espionage: Bonus Mission 50310 : After Bao-Dur returned to speak to Tienn Tubb alone, Tienn told Bao-Dur that he has been intentionally sabotaging his droids because he doesn't trust them. He asked Bao-Dur to go examine the tracking system of the Black Crescent in the docks to see if it has been tampered with. 50311 : The Black Crescent's tracking system cannot be reached. It can only be accessed from the Dock port terminal. 50312 : After examining the Black Cresent, you discovered the tracking transponder has several modifications done to it that allow it to be tracked through hyperspace and intercepted. 125515 : After examining the Black Cresent, you discovered the tracking transponder has been modified to it that allow it to be tracked through hyperspace. 50313 : You came back and told Tienn of your discovery. When you revealed the discovery to his maintenance droid, TT-32 detonated, nearly killing Tienn. 125516 : You came back and told Tienn of your discovery. When you spoke of this to his maintenance droid, TT-32, it detonated, nearly killing Tienn. (Dialogue) Tienn: 85887 : Much work, swoop bikes to maintain, maintenance that is routine and dull, but it can be done, it just takes time. Presumably Bao-Dur: 85888 : I you need an extra pair of hands, I could help. We need to change those codes (Unknown Player Question) 85904 : Do you have a multi-variance phase injector? Other than this, there is next to nothing else in relation to the "Droid Espionage" side quest so reworking the surviving remnants into something more useful, like a discount, would be useful. On 1/10/2025 at 10:09 AM, Snigaroo said: "Fall!" would definitely make much more sense in context. Either way it just needs to be traded out--even if you can't add more, the existing ones can be edited, right? As it is now, the line is just way too short and too nonsensical. I'm not sure how it would sound if it was cut to just be "Fall!", but otherwise some other word or phrase Kreia says just needs to be nabbed and tossed in in the place of Fallen. Yes, they can be edited out and swapped, for example any soundset audio you don't like could be swapped with grunts for example. On 1/10/2025 at 10:09 AM, Snigaroo said: It's been a hot minute since I used BOSSR so I don't remember the sequence you're speaking of, but I'm not entirely opposed to jumping to stunt modules if that'd be an easier way to execute the mod. Here is an example of what I'm referring to, the 11:47 mark is the beginning. On 1/10/2025 at 10:09 AM, Snigaroo said: This one I thankfully did keep a save right next to, here's a screenshot of the issue and where on the map it is: It appears for me, this must be a graphical bug Obsidian didn't get the chance to fix and TSLRCM overlooked. On 1/10/2025 at 10:09 AM, Snigaroo said: I do have a save near this one but unfortunately I wasn't able to get a screenshot--screenshots are tough for me to grab, I have to tab out, tab back in, take the screenshot and then tab back out again for it to grab the screen. That means I can only do it for stationary objects, I can't really grab something that happens as quickly as a blink. Hopefully others have the same issue I do and can get a shot. I trust you aren't on the Steam version? Screenshots are as easy as pressing F12 on the Steam version. On 1/10/2025 at 10:09 AM, Snigaroo said: I am aware yes, but my frustration is contained to not being able to get it early. By the time you get it at endgame you don't even care anymore, you have your custom sabers that you've built over the course of the game and there's no special attachment you would have to your old saber any longer. Which is its own sort of statement, I suppose, but that's why I want to have this option included: to let players get attached to their old lightsaber by making it the first one they receive back, if they do indeed choose to go that route. Regarding her attacking you immediately, I don't see how that would even kind of work. Do you have any specific ideas related to that? Now that I think about it, killing Atris first thing would result in you having to kill all the Handmaidens and thus lose out on the Handmaiden as a party member. Towards the end of the game, the only reason the player goes to Telos is to confront Kreia who went to Telos to confront Atris herself, if Atris is dead then Kreia would go to Malachor. The Atris confrontation is obviously important as the player learns of Atris' connection in bringing upon the events of the game (as you would know), the player learns of Nihilus' impending attack on Telos and that the Sith are striking from Malachor and that Kreia has gone there. The player hears this either from Atris herself or through the Sith Holocrons were Kreia will reveal this information, if Atris is dead then none of this information would be available to the player. Now, in addition to the difficult persuade/convincing of Atris to give you your Lightsaber back as I take it you are proposing, would it work for you if there was a greater emphasis on the Lightsaber at the end of the game once you defeat Atris? At the start of the game, you are rejected of your lightsaber as Atris cites "you are not a Jedi any longer, you are not worthy" and now at the end of the game it is now Atris who is now a Jedi no longer and it could be the player who is now the true Jedi, if the player is light side then Atris (through AI dialogue) would willingly give up the lightsaber to you as she acknowledges your character development over the course of the game and rewards you with the lightsaber. If you are dark side/neutral, you could of course murder Atris and Kreia makes note of it that you have reclaimed your lightsaber, or if you fail to convince her to surrender the weapon Atris just outright Sepekku suicides herself with said lightsaber and you're forced to go through the Kreia dialogue albeit without gaining dark side points. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Snigaroo 135 Posted January 12 8 hours ago, N-DReW25 said: I do recall there being a nasty bug with the Visually Repair HK mod wherein if you have low repair you'd obviously fail the repair but you'd also lose influence, there was no check to have the influence hit apply once so if you kept spamming the repair dialogue over and over again with low Repair you could get HK's influence so low he'd outright refuse to let you repair him again. If you gained influence through dialogue and in-game events, you could again use your influence to unlock the repair dialogue and once again take the negative influence hit to bring the influence back down again. If I do make a compatibility patch, mine would be different so that this couldn't happen in-game. Sure, although @Kexikus perhaps this is something you could address directly in an update? Sorry to keep piling all these bug reports on you. 8 hours ago, N-DReW25 said: There should be a way to unequip all items in the slot where the regen item goes, but if K2 has auto-regeneration (K2 has that feature whilst for K1 that can be activated via a mod) or if the game auto heals the party on the Ebon Hawk these efforts would be in vain. Auto-regen only applies to organic companions, doesn't it? Either way the mod builds as of next Revision are going to be using @offthegridmorty's regen .2da to basically remove regen from the game without standalone feats/items, which should mean this hypothetical mod would be fine for mod build use even if it wouldn't function ideally for default installs. 8 hours ago, N-DReW25 said: Here is an example of what I'm referring to, the 11:47 mark is the beginning. Yes, that would be viable. I like the idea of visually differentiating the base areas more to be honest, to provide the sensation that the Exile is hallucinating throughout the entire tomb and not merely being transported to a sort of 'extreme' hallucination whenever she's reliving the events of the encounters, but I would also not be opposed to this method. 8 hours ago, N-DReW25 said: It appears for me, this must be a graphical bug Obsidian didn't get the chance to fix and TSLRCM overlooked. Well, good to know it's not mod build related at least. 8 hours ago, N-DReW25 said: I trust you aren't on the Steam version? Screenshots are as easy as pressing F12 on the Steam version. I am, but I'm not on the Aspyr patch and have manually patched in widescreen, which desyncs the executable from Steam and the Steam overlay. I have to take screenshots the old-fashioned way, printscreen. 8 hours ago, N-DReW25 said: Now, in addition to the difficult persuade/convincing of Atris to give you your Lightsaber back as I take it you are proposing, would it work for you if there was a greater emphasis on the Lightsaber at the end of the game once you defeat Atris? At the start of the game, you are rejected of your lightsaber as Atris cites "you are not a Jedi any longer, you are not worthy" and now at the end of the game it is now Atris who is now a Jedi no longer and it could be the player who is now the true Jedi, if the player is light side then Atris (through AI dialogue) would willingly give up the lightsaber to you as she acknowledges your character development over the course of the game and rewards you with the lightsaber. If you are dark side/neutral, you could of course murder Atris and Kreia makes note of it that you have reclaimed your lightsaber, or if you fail to convince her to surrender the weapon Atris just outright Sepekku suicides herself with said lightsaber and you're forced to go through the Kreia dialogue albeit without gaining dark side points. In addition to? Absolutely. In fact I'd love that, there should definitely be more of an emotional weight placed on your old weapon being returned to you at the end, if you didn't get it at the beginning. But definitely not as substitution; for this request I really, really want that option to get it back early, to sort of re-bond with the weapon over the course of the entire game. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kexikus 997 Posted January 16 On 1/12/2025 at 8:42 PM, Snigaroo said: Sure, although @Kexikus perhaps this is something you could address directly in an update? Sorry to keep piling all these bug reports on you. Well, technically, it's completely useless to spam Repair since there's no chance involved at all, so if it doesn't work the first time, it won't randomly work later. But I get that players wouldn't know that and might think that they could get it to work eventually. Now, fixing this issue would be quite annoying actually, since it's hard to track if it's the first time you try to repair HK at this "repair state". Of course, I could make it so that you only loose influence the very first time you fail any repair but that seems weird as well. And finally, to me it actually makes thematic sense that if you keep trying to repair HK unsuccesfully over and over again that at some point he would refuse to be repaired again and have a lower and lower opinion of you, i.e., lower influence. With all of that in mind, this does not seem like something worth fixing to me. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Snigaroo 135 Posted Monday at 01:04 AM I have added a new request (Handmaiden/Visas Lockout Warning) which I forgot to add after completing the last test. This is actually very high-priority for me since I see this as a significant blind spot in the basegame and users (especially new players) frequently run afoul of this, so I am hoping that someone will take a stab at this one in time for the next revision. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pcthoros 0 Posted Monday at 11:50 PM On 5/11/2023 at 4:14 AM, Snigaroo said: Handmaiden/Visas Lockout Warning I have a different idea. What if Visas stay unconscious for some time in the medical bay? Atton said that some of her wounds are pretty bad, so it might be possible that she won't be available to speak for a period. I think she should stay unconscious until the PC reaches level 15 because you can fight the handmaiden for the second time and potentially gain some influence with her either during dialogue or in an influence opportunity on a planet if I recall correctly. After Visas awakens, we would be able to pass through her dialogue tree. It might even be beneficial to add an additional influence check for Visas to prevent the player from continuing to speak to her in case the handmaidens' jealousy conversation is unlocked after the level restriction. I hope I'm clear. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Snigaroo 135 Posted Tuesday at 12:48 AM 52 minutes ago, Pcthoros said: I have a different idea. What if Visas stay unconscious for some time in the medical bay? Atton said that some of her wounds are pretty bad, so it might be possible that she won't be available to speak for a period. I think she should stay unconscious until the PC reaches level 15 because you can fight the handmaiden for the second time and potentially gain some influence with her either during dialogue or in an influence opportunity on a planet if I recall correctly. After Visas awakens, we would be able to pass through her dialogue tree. It might even be beneficial to add an additional influence check for Visas to prevent the player from continuing to speak to her in case the handmaidens' jealousy conversation is unlocked after the level restriction. I hope I'm clear. You are, however I don't personally like the idea for several reasons. First, many players won't actually get Visas until they're level 15 already, which will generally prevent the problem being solved or even mitigated at all. Second (and feeding into the first issue), Visas is trivially easy to get influence with, so easy that it would be incredibly simple even at level 15 and two sparring sessions to get more influence with Visas than the Handmaiden--this also assumes that new players will actually go back and spar with the Handmaiden right at level 15, which is not super likely. And third and most importantly, I think locking the player out of access to Visas for a (to the player) arbitrary amount of time would seem extremely confusing and unfun; at best they might just be confused and annoyed that they have a new companion but can't use them, where at worst they may think they need to do something to resuscitate her and run around wasting a large amount of time trying to resolve her being unconscious. I am definitely open to alternate suggestions to resolve the underlying problem of the lockout, but I think this suggestion would create more confusion as well as not actually resolving the problem reliably. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pcthoros 0 Posted Tuesday at 01:33 PM 9 hours ago, Snigaroo said: You are, however I don't personally like the idea for several reasons. First, many players won't actually get Visas until they're level 15 already, which will generally prevent the problem being solved or even mitigated at all. Second (and feeding into the first issue), Visas is trivially easy to get influence with, so easy that it would be incredibly simple even at level 15 and two sparring sessions to get more influence with Visas than the Handmaiden--this also assumes that new players will actually go back and spar with the Handmaiden right at level 15, which is not super likely. And third and most importantly, I think locking the player out of access to Visas for a (to the player) arbitrary amount of time would seem extremely confusing and unfun; at best they might just be confused and annoyed that they have a new companion but can't use them, where at worst they may think they need to do something to resuscitate her and run around wasting a large amount of time trying to resolve her being unconscious. I am definitely open to alternate suggestions to resolve the underlying problem of the lockout, but I think this suggestion would create more confusion as well as not actually resolving the problem reliably. I appreciate the response. You're right. I thought of level 15 because players might return to the Ebon Hawk before reaching that level after they got their third lightsaber part. It mostly happens ( for me, at least ) before reaching that level. That leaves only the lens which could be acquired by fighting Visas, which justifies returning to the ship before finishing the first planet in general. This information might not be available to new players, so I get it if they don't return to the Ebon Hawk early (except if the red eclipse attack occurs on Nar Shaddaa). I agree level 15 is not enough to save this problem, and any additional level restriction might make players miss some of her interjections across planets. An alternative is to keep Visas unconscious based on influence with the Handmaiden because the latter locks the player out of talking to her once the exile has 30 influence points more with Visas than her (Acoording to the stategywiki) which means as long as Handmaiden has 74 influence points or more, she won't hate the player ( most players in their first playthrough want to gain influence with their companions rather than trying to lose it, and it is likely they would have gained 16 influence with the Handmaiden by the time visas attacks the Ebon Hawk ). If the player decides to lose influence with the handmaiden ( mostly on their subsequent playthroughs), Visas should be unlocked when the handmaiden has less than 40 influence points. If she already has that number of points before Visas can join the party, no unconscious state would occur. As for locking the player of access to Visas, the PC can try to heal some of her wounds depending on the treat injury skill, which would give a little boost to her life points or a bonus to her constitution. To make it clear to a new player, when he approaches visas a pop-up would say ' Visas needs to rest. She will recover in due time, but you can help heal some of her wounds' or something like that. If the exile failed, he would just wait for her to wake up normally. For a female exile, the same things could happen with the disciple, only for the sake of consistency, but keeping the vanilla behaviour would be good. I hope I'm not bothering you, since you didn't like the idea in the first place. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N-DReW25 1,351 Posted Tuesday at 02:08 PM On 5/11/2023 at 1:14 PM, Snigaroo said: TSLRCM Companion Training Revert Hide contents I would like better companion training in general, and requests for that are already present, but in the interim a very simple request I have is removing the ability to teach Affect Mind and Dominate Mind to companions. It's totally pointless to do so and should be removed just as a matter of saving time. I've been thinking about this, and it's been conflicting me. If you remove the Affect Mind and Dominate Mind dialogues from the companion dialogues, that edits their DLG files and makes them cripplingly incompatible with other mods. However, I just realized all one would have to do is add a "bogus conditional" to the Affect Mind and Dominate Mind dialogues so that they're never accessible by the player and thus will appear to have been removed when they haven't. By doing it like this, it will be possible to add such a basic change to the DLG via the TSLPatcher and thus make said mod compatible with other mods that hard edit dialogues (like PartySwap for example). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Snigaroo 135 Posted Tuesday at 06:53 PM 5 hours ago, Pcthoros said: An alternative is to keep Visas unconscious based on influence with the Handmaiden because the latter locks the player out of talking to her once the exile has 30 influence points more with Visas than her (Acoording to the stategywiki) which means as long as Handmaiden has 74 influence points or more, she won't hate the player ( most players in their first playthrough want to gain influence with their companions rather than trying to lose it, and it is likely they would have gained 16 influence with the Handmaiden by the time visas attacks the Ebon Hawk ). If the player decides to lose influence with the handmaiden ( mostly on their subsequent playthroughs), Visas should be unlocked when the handmaiden has less than 40 influence points. If she already has that number of points before Visas can join the party, no unconscious state would occur. As for locking the player of access to Visas, the PC can try to heal some of her wounds depending on the treat injury skill, which would give a little boost to her life points or a bonus to her constitution. To make it clear to a new player, when he approaches visas a pop-up would say ' Visas needs to rest. She will recover in due time, but you can help heal some of her wounds' or something like that. If the exile failed, he would just wait for her to wake up normally. For a female exile, the same things could happen with the disciple, only for the sake of consistency, but keeping the vanilla behaviour would be good. I hope I'm not bothering you, since you didn't like the idea in the first place. Not at all. I am still not super fond of the idea of a lockout in general, but this would at least solve most of the problems with it. Because I don't personally want to restrict access to Visas as part of the means of dealing with this issue, though, I would likely not consider any implementation of this kind for build inclusion. I am extremely leery of preventing the player having access to a companion, even when many of the surface problems related to that are solved as you've handled them here. At base, you're still locking the player out of having access to a party member which they're meant to have at the time, and that's a big deviation from vanilla progression. Eventually in the far future I do intend to make another set of builds which don't have the same current commitment to maintaining the vanilla progression (as would be needed for some of the big mods I've requested here, for instance, like reworking Malachor). But at present that list doesn't exist, and so the builds still try to stick as close as possible to vanilla where they're able. Since there are definitely more vanilla-friendly ways to handle this than a temporary companion lockout, I can't say I'd use the former latter unless it proved absolutely impossible to do a reasonable implementation of the former. 4 hours ago, N-DReW25 said: I've been thinking about this, and it's been conflicting me. If you remove the Affect Mind and Dominate Mind dialogues from the companion dialogues, that edits their DLG files and makes them cripplingly incompatible with other mods. However, I just realized all one would have to do is add a "bogus conditional" to the Affect Mind and Dominate Mind dialogues so that they're never accessible by the player and thus will appear to have been removed when they haven't. By doing it like this, it will be possible to add such a basic change to the DLG via the TSLPatcher and thus make said mod compatible with other mods that hard edit dialogues (like PartySwap for example). Sure. I don't mind how it's done on the backend, as long as the cat is skinned from the perspective of what the player sees. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pcthoros 0 Posted Tuesday at 10:21 PM 3 hours ago, Snigaroo said: Not at all. I am still not super fond of the idea of a lockout in general, but this would at least solve most of the problems with it. Because I don't personally want to restrict access to Visas as part of the means of dealing with this issue, though, I would likely not consider any implementation of this kind for build inclusion. I am extremely leery of preventing the player having access to a companion, even when many of the surface problems related to that are solved as you've handled them here. At base, you're still locking the player out of having access to a party member which they're meant to have at the time, and that's a big deviation from vanilla progression. Eventually in the far future I do intend to make another set of builds which don't have the same current commitment to maintaining the vanilla progression (as would be needed for some of the big mods I've requested here, for instance, like reworking Malachor). But at present that list doesn't exist, and so the builds still try to stick as close as possible to vanilla where they're able. Since there are definitely more vanilla-friendly ways to handle this than a temporary companion lockout, I can't say I'd use the former latter unless it proved absolutely impossible to do a reasonable implementation of the former. Fair enough. I'm hopeful that whatever mod would tackle this issue in a different way will be a suitable addition to the builds. I'm looking forward to trying it one day. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites