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Found 11 results

  1. Most have likely seen my questions and work regarding creating a new character for recruit. Many mods use the tag and reference of an existing character in the template/.utc file. I thought this would overwrite the existing character. How do I create recruit function script to replace a character removed from the party by the game? The only instance I can find of this in the game is losing Trask Ulgo on the Endar Spire and adding Bastila Shan. Trask and Bastila use the same character slot on the party select screen. I have looked at most script files, but I need help in finding a way to add the character to replace Bastila after she is captured on the Leviathan. I do not understand tutorials on destroying the original NPC, and the scripting tool will not recognize the path to my current version of KotOR. My character, template n_sarna, name Sarna, tag Sarna021, Template ResRef tar02_sarna021, spawns on Tatooine following asking the Customs Officer "What do I get for my 100 credits?". Sarna carries a Mandalorian Blaster, and I have assigned dialogue with some voice refs, with a node assigned script to recruit her, but I cannot compile recruit script to add the party member, template p_sarna, which adds a version of her wearing armor. I am trying to create new armor, but, currently, she wears Republic soldier armor. Following checking other mods, my scripting tool stated it could not compile, then stated it had the path set to Program Files/LucasArts/SWKotOR, and could not initialize NwnStdLdr. This creates difficulty. I do not know how to change path.
  2. Most tutorials related to adding party members have script for another party member to be replaced. As I have been working to add a party member to, following her capture aboard the Leviathan, replace Bastila, I have been looking at game scripts. I cannot determine if Bastila is truly removed from the party. I must know this, as problems occur if a recruit mod removes a party member that has been removed previously. Further, there are script files that have positions and actions for party members on the Ebon Hawk (k_trg_partyinit.nss, k_pebn_pophawk.ncs). Is there a conditional that would allow me to place my character where Bastila was seated?
  3. HI guys In spite many attempts I haven't been able to get a working Destroy Object Script in KotOR 1. It's just for make disappear a NPC in its place after a Dialog. Anyone can help? Thanks in advance
  4. Hi guys In KotOR 1 how can I add text/dialog to an object/placeable? I've tried adding a .dlg file in the 'Conversation' field of the object with K-GFF like with an NPC but doesn't work. Linking with that, how can I launch a Cutscene within/after a dialog? I know that I need a Script attached to a desired line of the Dialog with DLG Editor but I have no idea how to make that Script. I've been checking with Kotor Tool the lists in BIFs-->scripts, bif-->Script, Compiled and Script Source, and in RIM's-->Modules-->..._s.rim-->Script, Compiled but I've been unable to identify any that I could (re)use. ...and someone can explain how make dissappear a NPC and dissappear fading out? Thanks in advance
  5. I've been having a hell of a time attempting to get scripts decompiled. I've tried DeNCS (keeps failing), KotOR Scipting Tool (errors out and crashes), and xoreos-tools (I can't read bytes). If anyone would be so kind, I'm attempting to get the holo scripts from the Rancor Trio room on Taris. (I believe the mod is tar_m03ad.) There are some scripts in there named holoon, holooff, holoboom, etc. I've tried to find the source, but couldn't find anything that matched up. So if anyone would be so kind as to attempt a decompile on their end, I'd be much obliged. TYIA.
  6. I am having trouble with some of the dialogue files for Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic, specifically: “k_sta_darthmalak”, at the moment. The problem is that some lines of text are not appearing in certain dialogue editors. The line that I am specifically looking for is: “I was saved from the darkness, Malak. You can be too, if you wish.”. As you can see in the enclosed image I could easily find that line when I used the Conversation Editor that is built into KOTOR Tool. But when I open it in the Dialogue Editor the line is not available even after I have opened all the options like show orphan lines. I have attached images of the Conversation Editor and Dialogue Editor with the “k_sta_darthmalak” file opened to show what I mean. I ask for help in getting ALL lines to show up. I want to edit dialogue with my own scripts as I am modding the game to extra enjoyment. I may be having the same problem with multiple dialogue files so I want to get it resolved so I can edit the files that I want. Thank you in advance.
  7. Okay, I've spent way too much time on this. All I'm trying to do is extract one god damn character model from KOTOR 2 and export it (the model *and* its textures) as a single .FBX file. To start off, I used the "KOTOR Tool" for extracting an .MDL, corresponding .MDX, and corresponding texture .TGA file from KOTOR 2. The files are p_hk47.mdl, p_hk47.mdx, and P_hk47_01.tga. I then used the "mdlops" tool to create an ascii .MDL file. Based on my experience, none of the available AutoDesk 3DS scripts (NWMax 0.8 or NWPlus) for ascii .MDL file importing are compatible with the currently available versions of AutoDesk 3DS Max (I've tried the earliest available, 2015, and the latest, 2018, version of 3DS Max; both student edition). The import scripts just give errors at startup and also when importing an ascii MDL file. So because 3DS Max didn't work, I moved to Blender version 2.69. I tried using the "Neverblender" addon to import the same ascii .MDL file as before. However, after I import the ascii .MDL file, the model isn't textured (though I can view this non-textured model once rendered). I then tried the "KOTORBlender" addon to import the same ascii .MDL file as before. However, after I import the ascii .MDL file, the model isn't textured, and the model is invisible upon rendering it. What am I doing wrong? This is insanely frustrating. I have zero background in 3D modeling.
  8. I have tried everything to make my Force Power mods compatible: installing them in different order, merging the .2da files, using the TSLPatcher, everything without any success. Several share the same spells.2da lines. Merging them mixes them up as does different order installation order. So I created a single one and added lines for all Force Powers. However I know I must change the line in their scripts to match my file. Consider the Four Force Powers Mod. You can see in image 1 it normally is in rows 132-144. However in my file it is in rows 135-146. I need to know how to edit the scripts to match the mods to the new rows. I can open the .ncs script files and .nss script files. But need to be shown where to look to find it and match the rows. Also if I replace the spells.2da file in each mod with mine will that make it easier for the mod to run as there would be nothing to change in the Override folder? I have placed everything in the zip folder below. The links to the mods are listed in the enclosed text document so you can look at them yourself. I ask to be shown how to edit scripts to match my spells.2da. I only need to be shown for one power. Once I get the experience one I can repeat the process for the rest myself. I give full credit to the respected authors. Please give me all help that you can. Thank you in advance. Mods And Spells.2da
  9. I am having a huge problem with Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic. I understand that you can edit the featgain.2da and classpowergain.2da files to edit how many feats and force powers you gain at each level-up. However the problem for me is that whenever I try to use the recommend button to get a suggestion of which to go with the game freezes and crashes. That is not a large problem as I can easily get around it by just selecting the desired for powers myself. The main problem that I have is this. Say I have 10 feats to select but there are only 5 left available. When I have selected those 5 and try to move on the game tells me to select five more and will not let me proceed until I have selected all 10. But I cannot do that when there are no more feats available. That means I cannot go any further in the game. The same thing happens when I try to select force powers. I cannot fix this problem myself no matter how many times I edit the featgain.2da and classpowergain.2da files as my other party members automatically have specific feats and/or force powers when they join my party. Therefore there is no way that I can set the .2da files to grant exactly all the feats and force powers at the level 20 level-up because what will work for one party member including myself will not work for them all. I used to not have this problem. When I had selected all the feats and/or force powers I would be able to proceed to the next step of the level-up even if I had more numbers to select. I want to be able to do this again so I can actually play the entire game. I have tried everything to get it work now, such as reinstalling the game: changing the compatibility settings, everything and I have had absolutely no success. I ask anyone who can help me with this to please do so as soon as possible. Please help me with both problems including a way to make the recommend button again as well as let me move on no matter what once all feats and/or force powers have been selected. In case the issue may come from any of the .2da files that I use in my override folder I have attached them below. If you find a problem with them please let me know right away. Thank you in advance. .2da
  10. How would I go about starting a conversation after killing a group of people? Like when Canderous and his mercenaries along with Revan and his party killed the Rakghouls in the Undercity before Canderous joined them. (K1 Script). Another thing, how can I "lock" a party member and make them required to be in your party for the time being? And one last thing. (If this simply isn't possible, I get it) Is it possible to change the lighting of a module? Im trying to get a reddish type of feel for Dantooine,
  11. Hi all, I have been searching for hours for a way to decompile the .ncs scripts for kotor 2, I have tried DeNCS but that didn't seem to want to decompile the script files properly. Plus all other ways to decompile that I have tried have not succeeded. I am using the Steam version of TSL and I have Windows 10 if that helps. Thanks in advance