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Everything posted by Kerk

  1. I am very excited abou this mod, and I think it will be great.
  2. I really like the holo-roster. I think it's a great addition to Manaan. I also really enjoy playing pazaak and I cannot wait for this mod to come out. I appreciate all your hard work Fair Strides.
  3. He is probably friends with one of the devs, or someone from the staff who knows stuff. I can't imagine a beta-tester been given such specific info.
  4. Yeah, yeah, so they'll make him a raid boss one more time. What would he be doing on Manaan?
  5. Or some of us will die before you finish...
  6. Kerk


    Uh yes, I forgot about that. Yeah, if Obi-wan said it in the the original, then it's gotta be it. Force is energy. Medichlorians make perfect sense. I was wrong. And more importantly, if it's created by living beings, then it can be destroyed. Krea was not insane after all.
  7. Kerk


    They dumb down the Force. It becomes akin to electricity. The more of those little shits you have in your blood, the more electricity for you. Don't go to Yoda for training and discipline, just inject a few ml of Medichlorians! Hey that sounded awful lot like an advertisement! Someone should make a meme of it.
  8. Ah don't remind me. What happened to Sidious was also stupid. And those little bears with spears that easily dispatched what was supposed to be a regular army with blasters.
  9. What are yall talking about? The problem is not that he got beat. The problem is that he went bonkers for no good reason. Decided to genocide half the galaxy to save the other half. That's what's offensive to the audience.
  10. Just can't stop soliciting, can you SH? I told you, I don't play that game out of principle for how they treated my favorite characters.
  11. Let me just say -- both cases are STUPID. 1. It is always poor storytelling when you pronounce a character dead, and then resurrect him. It's cheap and offensive to the audience. They did this stupid stuff with Palpatine and his numerous clones, and I'm happy those stories are finally getting retconned. Then they did the same with Darth Maul in that strange CGI cartoon. And finally, they did the same thing here in TOR, making you believe that you have killed the Emperor only to find out that it wasn't really him. 2. For two years now, the fans have been grasping for straws with that disappearance in the flash of light, hoping that maybe Revan teleported. I'm amazed at how persistent that theory has become. There is no such thing as teleportation in SW universe. He quoted the DYING words of Malak. And finally, it is common for a dying Jedi to disappear in the flash of light. This is the same straw grasping as the Indoctrination Theory with ME3's ending. And I've been telling people to make peace with Revan's lousy death and move on. 3. But now, if your words are true, Disturbed, and he is indeed to return, I will not be surprised one bit. I mean Darth Maul was cut in two, for crying out loud, and they returned him for no good reason, so why not return Revan? And It will be fan service because they now realized that they did not do the character justice. I just have no idea how they would go about fixing this mess of a story, but let's wait and see. That all of course, if your words are true, of which I'm still very skeptical.
  12. I don't owe you anything. You make a claim -- you provide the proof.
  13. Next installment in KOTOR 2 movies is up.

  14. After reading their facebook page more closely, with sorrow, but I have to agree with the others here -- they do a lot of talking, and so far that's all they seem to have done.
  15. I'm back with another serious question -- Karpyshyn finished his book with some serious bull about Bastila's fate. Namely, the fact that she made peace with Revan being gone. That's not Bastila. She would not have made peace. She would have waited until her son reached 20 so he could take care of himself, and then raise hell. Worse yet, she wasn't the only one at that. Carth was an admiral, and he knew about the SIth Empire. Mandalore knew. The Exile's students knew. Yet, Karpyshyn would have the readers believe that none of them attempted anything. So, the question is, are you planning to address this bull in ROR? And it's actually pretty easy to do - just have a few dialogue options here and there for Bastila and whoever else you plan to put in the game.
  16. I don't know if that was the case with previous versions of the mod, but influence gain seems to get lost on Visas at some point. In particular, I manage to gain 3 influence points with her through dialogues, but then when I get to Nar Shaddaa and save a guy from thugs, she gives her little speech but doesn't seem to give an increase in influence, as she used to. I had the same problem before on Onderon when I would give a star port visa to a woman with two children and Visas would give a speech. According to all internet sources, both these instances should increase my influence with her. And Happy Birthday, HH
  17. Incredible. Just discovered it. Logan, you have serious competitors out there!
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hassat Hunter

      Hassat Hunter

      You mean with this project or me?

    3. Kerk


      How I hate having to clarify a joke. I meant YOU.

    4. Hassat Hunter

      Hassat Hunter

      Then you should be clearer! :P


      Well, a super-high-tech graphics RPG that blows KOTOR2 away storywise... from a fanmade group.

      Do you buy it?

    1. Kerk


      It should be noted that the actress is doing an abysmal job

    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      It should be noted that the guy that made that did the new credit videos for TSLRCM 1.8.3 and for the patched version of M4-78 EP.

  18. I wanna play Kotor marathon! Come on guys! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on!
  19. Speaking of which, it is canonical that after the Jedai Purge, Atton, Mira, Visas, and Disciple were the ones who rebuilt the Order, thus becoming jedai masters, which was a big deal for the Republic. Will RoR account for that too?
  20. Logan, Before Karpyshyn's book came out, I asked you whether you planned to account for its story in your mod. Your answer was affirmative. Is it still true? And if yes, will your mod try to be consistent with Revan's and Surik's ultimate fates in The Old Republic? Yes, I realize that this is an insane thing try to achieve, especially given how terribly both characters were ultimately treated in both the book and the MMO. Still, any answer would be appreciated.
  21. M4-78 EP "LATER TODAY" -- did I read it right? YAAAAAAAAAAAY!!
  22. Merry Christmas!