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Everything posted by Kerk

  1. ME 3 Omega DLC is not worth 15$. Maybe 5 or 8 at most.

  2. Kick ass music
  3. Nice to see when a person has a lot of passion for something. You must be under 20 or in early 20s. I gotta say, Oblivion is one of the most dull and generic games I've ever seen. Not to mention that it was ridiculously easy to beat without a manual. Exception for a few quests and main quest moments. But that's all. There were great mods...such as the...uh. what was the name.."secret spires" I think. Fully voiced, with new enemies and locations..but even that wouldn't save the game for me. Sorry if this comment is out of place. Feel free to delete.
  4. Hahah! That combo has already been invented. It's called "Fascism". I'm not even joking, look it up. Fascism is when corporations and the government work very closely, and the entire socio-economical system of the state is aimed at a few definite goals. And just like in socialism, fascist government tends to be big. Communism didn't work, because it is against human nature. Capitalism is falling, because it resembles human nature with all its vices. And socialism is still holding in Scandinavia, because there are 3 small states no one cares about. There is your solution - break the entire world into small meaningless states. Of course, there is another solution, a utopian one - start changing yourself into a better person, so that someday you'd be willing to sell your own house and give all the money to the poor. THEN, you will be ready to live in communism. hmmm. I've always thought that Marx has stolen his ideas from the New Testament.
  5. There's nothing wrong with communism per se. It's just that...You know someone great once said "Capitalism is vicious, communism is impossible." But even if you call yourself a socialist or a social democrat, you must know that history shows clearly that government alone is a veeeeery inefective manager.
  6. Who cares about what Obama will do! I'm more interested in the fact that Stoney is a republican Since I'm an immigrant here in the US I still struggle to understand why republicans are always so ticked up by what democrats do. And not the other way around. Not to count democratic popular TV shows made and lead by clowns like Bill Maher or that idiotic "Family Guy" cartoon, but seriously, I don't see democrats running around and screaming that their opponents are evil incarnates, minions of Satan. Only republicans do that. So...what gives, people?
  7. I never did say that they are equal. I simply reserve the right not to choose either of the bigger and the lesser evils. What happenes to my voice in that case is beyond my trouble. By the way, don't forget to add to the negatives utter inaction on gun control and insane war on drugs.
  8. Netherlands have a multy-party system with limitless amount of coalitions. As a result, politics there are all about pragmatism. Personal charisma isn't worth much. Very borring. I must say, neither democrats nor republicans have convinced me that they care about me. So I voted for the libertarian guy. That is my way of saying "No" to both parties. As to Obama...we all know that he won partially because he is black, and partially because republicans messed up bad under Bush.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      A fictional character is your hero? Sheesh. Perhaps you too should "punch out, eject" and step away from the keyboard/game controller. ;)

    3. Kerk


      SH, are you serious? An unexpected comment really. It has nothing to do with dorkness of gamers. The world is filled with ficitonal heroes from books and movies. I know several book characters who were highly influential on young minds.

      Or do you suggest that we withold any emotional investment into fiction at all?

    4. 105491689125


      Blame the fans. Nice. But then after blaming the fans, the source goes right on to describe how EA blames Myzuka for The Old Republic not being the cash-cow they expected... I remember that when EA acquired Bioware, I noted somewhere that the best way to tell how Bioware employees felt about it was to watch how many would leave. Now even the founders have left.

    5. Show next comments  6 more
  9. This is one of those points of inconsistency between the two games. It is established in KOTOR that Malak attacked Telos. And in KOTOR 2 they try to change it to Revan.
  10. I believe it's safe to use the latest save from the Cerberus base. Just has to be before Earth. Interestingly, Leviathan DLC addresses exactly the problem ZM90 just mentioned. Or tries to. It creates a buildup. If you are new to ME3, and you are playing with Leviathan DLC, then at the end of the game you will not be surprised to see the Star Child anymore, thanks to the information that you've acquired from Leviathan. And you'd think that it addresses the problem of build up properly, but it just makes it more awkward. The Star Child scene is meant to be the "twist of the story," it's meant to surprise Shepard and us as well. The suspense is created when we first talk to the prothean computer who sais that "there is something more behind the reapers." Well now, thanks to Leviathan, suspense is no more. And may I just say how ridiculous Shepard's reaction is to what he learns from Leviathan! Those who plaid it, will understand what I mean. Long story short, the "twist" just doesn't work in this story and it never will.
  11. Yes, you need a cerberus save, as there are additional videos during the Earth mission. BTW, what is it that you've seen worse? Name the worst one, please.
  12. On one hand, this is exciting news. On the other....I've grown attached to Meetra Surik, such an underrated character! And looking at all this beauty now, I just can't help but reflect on her humiliating death in the well-known book. Gotta just try and forget that damn book exists.
  13. Kerk

    Is TSLRCM "canon"?

    You know, when it comes to anything that has to do with Star Wars, one should bother with canon very little. There is just tooooo much stuff made by thousands of people and piled into one universe. As a result, you get hundreds of inconsistencies, and trying to explain them away and create a harmony out of this utter chaos will make anyone look like a giant dork. Nonetheless, I like SW, and I have my own way of dealing with inconsistencies - simply accept what makes sense, and deny what does not, while enjoying the ride.
  14. "Who gives a crap about how dark Kotor 2 is! My stool is dark, and my doctor says, it's a bad thing."(Harry S. Plinkett)

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      I don't recall Red Letter Media ever covering KOTOR or even mentioning it. Got a link?

    2. Kerk


      Ok, you got me. I rephrased the original quote, which was about SW episode III

    3. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      I heard the paraphrased quote after I watched the RLM review for "Revenge of the Sith."

  15. A robot-zombie? Pretty creative!
  16. Kerk

    1.8 Impressions

    Actually, with 51s it gets even harder, as they are stronger than 50s, and they meet you as a bunch in small rooms on your way out. Worse yet, it all happens on the lower level of the factory, where there is no workbench. SO if you haven't created hundreds of grenades and construction kits, you're in it deep. Of course, it's not a problem, if you reprogram 51s to be on your side. Or you can simply run for your life through them. Imagine HK-47 running for his life
  17. Kerk

    1.8 Impressions

    Good catch. In fact all that Hegirae describes for 1.8 was true for 1.7 when I played it half a year ago. Yes, they take extremely long to kill, yes, 10 droids together pose a serious problem, and yes, getting 51s to cooperate is tricky...solvable, but tricky. I had to reload a few times to get it right.
  18. He swears a lot, but he is pretty clever.
  19. Hah, according to the article, Zbyl2 stands for Zbigniew Staniewicz. People need to know their heroes. Your turn, SH, what's your real name?
  20. Hah! I knew it, I knew it! In fact it happened even sooner than I'd expected. Estimated time of arival for M4-78EP ....eeeehh 3 months. Thanks a lot guys.
  21. VP, I respectfully disagree. The most important element of any role playing game is character development, and in this area ME2 no doubt loses to DAO. If I were to rank games of all time, it would be Kotor, Kotor 2, DAO, and may be ME2 would be the forth. Of course Kotor has nothing to do with this generation. You see the thing is, Shepard is a great hero, we all love him and such, but he does not undergo any personal conflict at all. Compare Revan, Grey Warden and Shepard. Of the three, Revan is the most intense character, while Shepard is super stable. It's like he was born the way he is. Sure we hear occasionally that he was an orfan on Earth, but that is little to nothing. Grey Warden, on the other hand, has to overcome pain of loss of parents, then tragic defeat in a major battle, and unite his entire country. He literally loses everything, except friends, while Shepard is given much to do his job. Throughout the story of DAO we can sense the growth of our character. From a young boy to the leader of many nations. This is some really good psychological insight and good story telling. That is what makes a game truly great.
  22. The suspect - 24 year old doctoral student. They say he droped out though. Not some kind of Muslim terrorist, spy, or drug addict from ghetto. Just shows once again how fragile our life is, and how little it takes to destroy it.