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Everything posted by Kerk

  1. Kerk

    Update on 1.8

    Must be nice to have so many fans. Even if they don't read any of what you say.
  2. Thanks. And congrats on the successful surgery. We all need you.

  3. 5 years. But nevermind me really. By touching on a piece of my life I just attempted a contrast dark joke to make DS just a little less professional and a little more personal. Now let's just all rejoice in the good news.
  4. Yay! First good news since my fiance cheated on me! hmmm. ghhmmm..
  5. Yo, Zbyl, what happened to the new-screenshot-every-week thing? It's been a while now, man. People want more!
  6. Uh, how could I have missed it... guess I was too excited. Now, the Synthesis Ending rubs me the wrong way even more than it did before. Too...I don't know...fairy taily. A choice of one person turns the universe literally into Heaven with immortality for all, and such. Well, I suppose the Control Ending is the most acceptable version now. I can live with it.
  7. Yes, I must say that EC turned out to be better than I'd expected. Good for Bioware, they restored my faith in them. I don't want to look for flaws now..I still wish though that there was an option to tell the Catalyst to piss off permanently, not just for the sake of discussion. and.... Poor Tali - her hands were shaking when she was putting a tablet with Shepard's name on the memory wall. One hell of a tragic love story.
  8. SPOILERS darthbdaman, Not really. There are 2 reasons why everyone loves ME3 - plot and great artist performance of each character. But put that aside, and you'll find a bunch of stuff that screams about the authors' laziness. Here are the most notorious ones: - Cheap Photoshop of Tali's face - Oversimplification of the dialog wheal to it's complete absence in many cases - Absolute meaninglessness of the 2 major choices from ME 1 and ME2- that is, saving the council and the collector base. - Degradation of side quests. - Absence of Harbinger, who was established as the main villain. - Rushed and unexplained sacrifice of Legion. These I can get of the top of my head. There are others, no doubt. Regarding the Extended Cut, I have no hopes whatsoever.
  9. Kerk

    Update on 1.8

    One week ago I said that 1.8 is obviously going to be ready soon. And seeing this, we got a good reason to think that M4-78EP will also be ready soon. I say, 2-5 months after 1.8 comes out. Sith Holocron, please don't delete this post
  10. Kerk

    Update on 1.8

    Just to be on the safe side, are you guys aware that Onderon has something funny with influence points? For example, when you support the public demonstration against the queen you might get a + for Atton, even though he is not on the team.
  11. Well, dear ZM90, congratulations on the Demo and that super amazing surprise you're cooking for us, but I must say, too me K1R in general is nice, but not to die for. Vanilla Kotor in itself felt perfect and complete. And besides, there is still that damned immovable exeprience top so I'll pass on the Demo....
  12. Kerk

    Update on 1.8

    I'm sorry, but he looks rather dumb talking to the unconscious Exile, for this is the most immediate impression one gets when sees her lie on the floor like that.
  13. Kerk

    Update on 1.8

    When Sith Holocron says "No", it usually means "Yes." besides, there is a whole bunch of reasons to think that it's comming out soon. But I won't tell
  14. Right, Krea's philosophy is in many ways Nietzschean. That is, "Life is only meaningful when you fight for it alone, and whatever you achieve is yours rightly." It defies any kind of mercy, which by our and Jedi standards is no doubt the dark way of living.
  15. She still uses it, though. It's dark, just the more sophisticated kind of dark.
  16. And now I'm also sad, because someone found it necessary to edit my post! On a serious note, let me ask, what is the point of Sleheyron in terms of the plot? What are you going to put another Star Map there? That seems pretty complicated. You'd need to edit dialogs of a bunch of people in the entire game.
  17. And I'm still sad about the fact that character leveling is going to be unchanged. If now I can achieve the top level by the middle of Korriban - then with K1R - I'll get there by the Leviathan. It renders upgrading meaningless for the rest of the game.
  18. Yes!Yes!Yes! O how I love it when a mod is harmonicaly integrated into an entire game, not like those side quest modes that have nothing to do with the rest of the story.
  19. Which is still pretty sad.. that scene was awesome. Not every SW game gives you the pleasure of seeing 2 badass sith lords confronting each other.
  20. Kerk

    Update on 1.8

    Wow! That cough sounds pretty bad!We all wish you and your PC to get well!
  21. Ha-ha! First a scandal with ME3, and now Diablo too. It's a year of grand letdowns!

    1. Kerk


      On ME 3 we got one right here in General Discussions


      Nothing on Diablo as far as I know. But check out Metacritic. People have been bombing the score because of terrible server work. Plus, some say that single player is rediculously short and easy.

    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Removed your profanity in the last post. Naughty, naughty.

    3. Kerk


      My bad >^.^<

      still,read the link in that post. Some really good info on PR strategies.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  22. No, dont' even know what LF is)

  23. Ah, my bad! The tongue face got me confused..Read the comment as addressed to everyone, knowing how much you guys like tease advertising.
  24. I'll tell you why. Because some of us want to have that amazing feeling that you have when you get a game that you've been waiting for years. Getting to play a part of it beforehand will only spoil the impression.