Fair Strides

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Everything posted by Fair Strides

  1. Also, the Steam version is perfectly fine as long as you're using what they call the "Legacy-beta" version instead of the current version. The "Legacy-beta" version is the same as the GoG, 4CD, and Collector's edition. It just got renamed to that when Aspyr made a Steam-only update to the game.
  2. KotOR Tool organizes the textures in alphabetical branches inside the texture packs. So you should be able to find the texture in the P branch; I recommend the texpaca.erf, as that's the highest quality.
  3. I've never actually done this myself, but you should be able to do the following: void main() { object oTarget = GetObjectByTag("g_mandalor02"); effect eInvisible = EffectInvisibility(INVISIBILITY_TYPE_NORMAL); eInvisible = EffectLinkEffects(EffectVisualEffect(VFX_DUR_INVISIBILITY), eInvisible); eInvisible = EffectLinkEffects(EffectVisualEffect(VFX_DUR_STEALTH_PULSE), eInvisible); ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT, eInvisible, oTarget); } You can and probably should play around with it to see if there's a difference with the second two Effect lines commented out. Same thing with a difference between "DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT" and "DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT".
  4. It could very well be the graphics card that's shutting you down. Does the game run without Revenge of Revan? Also, in the KotOR 2 folder, there should be a swconfig.exe. Run that and it should scan your computer's specs to see how it will run the game. Could we get a picture of that? It could very well be that the graphics (which are just the shoddy built-in ones from Intel) don't support the level of OpenGL you need. Updating the driver might help, but it's not a guarantee.
  5. @jc2: You guessed correctly the first time and would need to add 1 every time. If you know for sure all the copies need to be changed, you can usually get away with this: void main() { string sTag = "tat_thug1"; int iIndex = 0; while(GetIsObjectValid(GetOjbectByTag(sTag, iIndex)) == TRUE) { ChangeToStandardFaction(oTarget, STANDARD_FACTION_HOSTILE_1); iIndex++; } } @bead-v and VP: Thanks for adding that bit of info. I've been busy all day. Though I will point out the obvious: most non-computer systems start counting from 1, not 0. So the 0-index system isn't exactly an intuitive thing for someone to pick up on.
  6. First test to see if the New Game route crashes with no mods installed. Even if it doesn't, please post your computer specs, like CPU, operating system, RAM, and graphics card.
  7. So let me get this straight: you want someone to take the files from the mods you've listed, install them in the order you have (which requires getting your edited/customized versions of what you've done), and then make a patch to fix all the issues? You realize you'd need to pretty much restart the game for a lot of this to work, right? Also a lot of the bugs seem to be from the appearance.2da being overwritten, the invisible heads can be from an overwritten heads.2da or the head already being used by a PC, and other similar stuff.
  8. Yeah, the weapon modifiers would be an issue in that case, but as to the current action, we can use the GetCurrentAction function and this list from nwscript.nss: int ACTION_MOVETOPOINT = 0; int ACTION_PICKUPITEM = 1; int ACTION_DROPITEM = 2; int ACTION_ATTACKOBJECT = 3; int ACTION_CASTSPELL = 4; int ACTION_OPENDOOR = 5; int ACTION_CLOSEDOOR = 6; int ACTION_DIALOGOBJECT = 7; int ACTION_DISABLETRAP = 8; int ACTION_RECOVERTRAP = 9; int ACTION_FLAGTRAP = 10; int ACTION_EXAMINETRAP = 11; int ACTION_SETTRAP = 12; int ACTION_OPENLOCK = 13; int ACTION_LOCK = 14; int ACTION_USEOBJECT = 15; int ACTION_ANIMALEMPATHY = 16; int ACTION_REST = 17; int ACTION_TAUNT = 18; int ACTION_ITEMCASTSPELL = 19; int ACTION_COUNTERSPELL = 31; int ACTION_HEAL = 33; int ACTION_PICKPOCKET = 34; int ACTION_FOLLOW = 35; int ACTION_WAIT = 36; int ACTION_SIT = 37; int ACTION_FOLLOWLEADER = 38;
  9. @JC: I'm not saying to go out and do it, but I'll address your post in the order you wrote it: You can get an item in a slot and then get the baseitem.2da row using the GetBaseItemType function, so you are able to check for only certain weapons. You are correct that we can't slip in an extra attack, as the only way to do that is to add it to the action queue. As to your math on the "fake" attack, we can do the d20, Dexterity Modifier, and the weapon modifiers (assuming you're referring to the weapon focus and weapon specialization feats). We can also get the Armor Class, though we'd need to run tests to see if it includes all three pieces of info when using the GetAC function. The only part we couldn't get would be the base attack bonus, but we could "softcode" that into the script based on the vanilla .2da values and a class check.
  10. As copy-pasted from my Script Shack:
  11. I'm glad I saw this thread pop up before it was too late. I appreciate the thanks and can sympathize with you about the political talk. There was an entire section for it on LF that I never went into because of how close-minded people can be; those types of discussions tend to cut deep and lose any sense of civility tragically early. I like this place for my own reasons, but at its core the people are nice, the conversation robust, and the creativity is always flowing. Along that line of thought, while I appreciate your use of Alfred in your stance on making a mod, I have a rejoinder: "You don't know the power of the dark side." It could very well be your next addictive hobby. Besides, I could teach.
  12. The info posted by both superSyzm and ndix UR are both valid things to consider. ndix UR's info is something that I believe has cropped up from Windows Vista onwards with the extra security compared to Windows XP. You can also try running the TSL Patcher as an Admin to see if it can get around that. I tried fixing a similar thing with ERFEdit (which was written in the same language as TSL Patcher and likely uses the same library, but I wasn't particularly successful. I can try again this weekend. That being said, if high5 can get me the exact error messages he was receiving, that'd be helpful, since TSL Patcher has quite a few... As to the BoS:SR itself, I had been intending on waiting for some files before I re-did the installer from mostly scratch, but that doesn't seem to be happening any time soon. Instead, I will work on re-doing the installer in my free time, but it will most likely be uploaded in 100MB segments like the current version is, because my internet sucks and there will be many do-overs. Lastly, I've also never had issues with the K1R installer, so I'm very curious.
  13. Can you please provide links to the two mods and tell us a bit about your system specs? TXI issues are not universal, so Todd's comment isn't a definite thing. It's usually a hardware thing.
  14. This tends to be more of a dialog thing, but it could be that the one-liner dialog (I don't know what you have for text in the one-liner, if anything) could be playing too fast and skipping the audio file. For that, you can try setting the Delay of the one-liner entry in the .dlg file to 6 or so when you click on the line. It's not an issue of audio format, since you are able to get it to play. Hmm... As for playing the audio through script from the streamwaves folder, maybe not. However, from what I've seen, you should be able to put the file in streamsounds and use the PlaySound function with the name of the audio file.
  15. @Hashishin: What are you trying to write? You can enter it in the Fast Reply box at the bottom of the page without quoting the entire first post.
  16. That would be a typo. The intent was to type this ||.
  17. The reason the second conditional is ignored is because the "return FALSE;" above it is executed immediately, since it's not in its own block. So you're aborting your script halfway through. Usually when you want to check multiple conditions, you can string them together in the condition block ( the if( ) ) using either "!!" or "&&" (these mean "OR" and "AND" respectively). In your code, that would look like this: int StartingConditional() /// I want both three and five of the Numb boolean to /// allow the converation to become available { if(GetGlobalNumber("JC2Side_Quest") == 5 || GetGlobalNumber("JC2Side_Quest") == 3) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } As a sidenote, I personally hate having to re-type the same bit over and over again, so if it's something that will be checked multiple times, I usually store it in a variable. To use your code as an example: int StartingConditional() /// I want both three and five of the Numb boolean to /// allow the converation to become available { int iQuest = GetGlobalNumber("JC2Side_Quest"); if(iQuest == 3 || iQuest == 5) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
  18. You can always use ERF Edit as well.
  19. @Darth Parametric: A good vanilla example of one hand being gloved and the other not is in TSL: Mira. The arm with the wrist launcher has a bit of protection where it seems her sleeve goes all the way down to cover the hand like a glove. That or she just has a green glove on under the bindings of the wrist launcher. As for the ROTS Anakin thing, I've never used it, but it's possible it's by Sciamono and from cHaInZ.2da's archive: http://www.jumpstationz.com/ModsArchive/Sciamano/
  20. It's possible my setting up a model so that both arms are textured separately, not going off of the same part of a texture. As for the second part, there is not a mod for that.
  21. Sorry I hadn't responded to the PM, Q. I've been busy the last few days... :| Your code should work and is functionally identical to JCarter's mention of GetIsObjectValid, so that's good. Since you're trying to make this as compatible as possible, I would ask you when you plan to make these items available. If you want them available as soon as you hit Tatooine, then you can add the script as an action script on the first available line that you find in the Customs Officer's welcoming DLG, tat17_01cust_01.dlg in tat_m17ab. At a quick glance, you can attach this script to either the "This will cover any future landings" or "Now, as a customs officer, I can" lines in his opening dialog to spawn your item. This bit of dialog is only ran once, just after you pay the docking fee.
  22. Maybe it's my frame of mind, but this seems hostile. Also I learned from SH's latest post that this does work if you follow the file, but it's not like I could access the site's coding to change it if it weren't. Okay, I am wrong. However, double-checking this on my latest file, I have to wonder: I can't see it in the settings if it's there, but it seems that DS will set a mod author to auto-follow the support thread that is created when they upload a file, but will not auto-follow the page in the Downloads section. Is that correct? Or am I just missing a checkbox somewhere?
  23. Yeah, as funny as it might sound, there is NOTHING in the way of notifications for comments on the download page, whether to the mod author, to anyone being quoted, or to anyone following the piece...
  24. On the TSLRCM page: Includes mods by: Jinger/Kreia - Battle for Telos Mrmarb - Weapon finesse icon fix
  25. I think high5 is referring to the color of her face versus the color of her leca and the rest of her head. I realize there's a bit of a headband and all, but I'm not sure if the color difference between the two parts of her head could be attributed to makeup/tattooing or not.