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Posts posted by JCarter426

  1. I would say it's not a matter of where they're "supposed" to be stored but more of what is accessible to each area.

    Every area has access to the RIM and MOD files associated with it, as well as anything in Override and other globally-accessible paths, including localization.mod for lips. If you want a lip file to be accessible from a particular area, you can put it in any of those locations and it will work. However, we generally don't insert files into RIM archives when there are ways to make them accessible without permanently altering the game's original files for compatibility purposes, so I wouldn't recommend editing any of the archives in the lips folder for the same reason.

    I would recommend creating a MOD for the area in the modules folder and install files in it via TSL Patcher. You can see an example of this in my Jedi Tailor mod.

    • Like 1

  2. Yeah, I'll take another look. Making textures for them was trickier compared to Jolee because they have fewer layers of clothes. So it was really easy to make everything too desaturated or too much of the same color and end up with a really flat texture. I'll try to tweak them some more when I'm working on the 100% brown variations. I've already come up with a buff robe texture for Jolee that I really like.

  3. Hmm, I took another look and there are some animations on the original female robe models that I had thought were redundant and ignored, but it looks like they were added to reduce clipping. I'll see what I can do with them.

    As for the textures, yeah, I want to do a 100% brown version but I haven't come up with ideas for all the texture variations yet. I've attached the TGAs so you can play around with them in the meantime.

    To-do list:

    • Fix the stupid head turning bug with the supermodel port
    • Finish the hybrid robes (also 2 years late).
    • Fix female arm clipping.
    • Make 100% brown options for party robes and possibly hybrid robes.

    Cloaked Party Robe Textures TGA-TXI.zip

    • Like 2

  4. JC's Fashion Line I: Cloaked Party Robes for K1


    This mod alters the appearance of Jedi robes worn by party members in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, giving them new models based on their basic clothing with added cloaks.


    Note: If you intend to use this mod in conjunction with either my Cloaked Jedi Robes or Cloaked Hybrid Robes, they should be installed first.

    1. Extract files from the downloaded archive.
    2. Run Fashion_I_Cloaked_Party_Robes_K1.exe.
    3. Select one of the installation options:
         a) 100% Brown
         b) Brown-Red-Blue
    4. Click "Install Mod" and select your game directory (default name SWKOTOR).


    1. Remove the installed files or replace from backups if necessary.


    This mod uses my Supermodel Port for K1. This makes it super cripplingly incompatible with any other mods that alter the game's supermodels (the S_Female and S_Male files) unless the other mods utilize my Supermodel Port assets. These edits are necessary to give the player supermodels the bones required for the cloaks to animate.

    This mod's supermodels include my Supermodel Fixes for K1. So you don't have to worry about using that, or if these files are overwriting those. Use this mod's files.

    These supermodel edits somewhat alter some animations in the game. These adjustments were necessary to prevent the old stuff from clipping with the new stuff. It's essentially what Obsidian did when they added the new bones to the supermodel, but I've reversed the changes a bit to bring the animations closer to the original K1 style.

    Some models aren't so happy with the new rig. I've made some hotfixes for such cases where I can, but they won't be compatible with other mods that alter these models. I've instructed TSLPatcher not to overwrite these.

    P_JuhaniBB.mdl and P_Juhani.mdx are two such files that will be skipped. If you use the Juhani Catlike Head Mod, I suggest that you use my version because I happened to fix the same thing that mod fixes anyway. You can copy those two files manually from tslpatchdata to Override.

    While this mod adds skirt bones to the player supermodels, at this time it does not add the bones or the necessary animations to the cutscene models. So the skirt flaps may appear stiff in scenes that use those.


    KOTOR Tool – Fred Tetra
    TSLPatcher – stoffe, with updates by Fair Strides
    NWMax – Joco
    KOTORMax & MDLEdit – bead-v
    waifu2x – nagadomi

    This mod contains assets ported from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II – The Sith Lords by Obsidian Entertainment.


    I hereby grant nobody except myself permission to upload some or all of this mod anywhere for any reason. For any reason.

    I have uploaded a separate mod resource with essentially all of these assets free for anyone who wants to use them. But I want to keep them separate for simplicity's sake, so this release here is strictly a mod.




    If you enjoy my mods and would like to show your support in a monetary manner, you may do so via PayPal with this donation link.

    For various legal and ethical reasons, this is entirely optional and is not a requirement to downloading or using any of my mods. I also do not create specific mods for hire.

    I make mods as a hobby and will most likely do so regardless of any donations or lack thereof, but modding does take up a lot of my time and every bit helps.

    • Submitter
    • Submitted
    • Category
    • K1R Compatible


    • Like 4

  5. The body models are all subtly different and a lot don't really match the supermodel they're rigged to properly, and there are some differences with the supermodels as well, so your best bet would be to import S_Male02 and/or S_Female03 without animations, import the dance animation from the Twi'lek onto it, then export and copy/paste the animation data.

  6. You'll have to start a new game. It's generally a bad idea to install mods in the middle of the game and TSLRCM in particular definitely requires it. Even if we were to fix your current problem, you would almost certainly run into game-breaking bugs eventually.

    It also sounds like TSLRCM overwrote some changes to a different mod you were using, so you probably would have to reinstall that mod. It's also generally a bad idea to install TSLRCM after most mods given how much it changes.

  7. We're talking about a game with code like this:

    int StartingConditional()
        int iResult;
        iResult = ((GetGlobalNumber("MAN_PLANET_PLOT") < 3) && (GetGlobalNumber("MAN_RANDOM") == (1 || 2)));
        if (iResult)
            SetGlobalNumber("MAN_RANDOM", d8());
        return iResult;

    I can almost guarantee that it'll break the game somewhere.

  8. It depends on what you want to port. I assume you're talking about models, and there are some broad steps that are applicable to all models.

    XeNTaX is the place to go for the tools.

    EasyMYP is the equivalent of KOTOR Tool. It'll extract files from the MMO's archives. The majority of the game file names, however, are encrypted. You need to add a hash list that's able to it what to name everything, although even the most recent one won't succeed with everything. It is disappointingly incomplete, particularly for the later expansions. But it does cover a lot.

    There are two ways to get models into a modeling program. The first is Noesis, a free model format converter that will be able to convert from GR2 to OBJ or whatever you want. It's not perfect - sometimes it'll flip normals and it doesn't import skin weights at all. But it's pretty good for static meshes. You need a plugin for it to work with the MMO models. The other method is to use the GR2 import scripts for 3ds Max. One imports the skeleton and the other can import meshes to be placed on the skeleton. If you want to port body models, this is a necessity. It doesn't do animations, though; supposedly, nobody has released anything for that yet.

    Jedipedia is a good source for hunting down models. It catalogues item model and material ID numbers. You can search for these IDs in an index to find the specific model and texture files. Generally there is an index for each body part. Since I'm not that familiar with the game as some of you out there, I also find TOR Fashion useful in hunting for items. It sorts items by type and similarity and is generally good at matching an official item name to the visual, which one can then look up on Jedipedia to get the ID numbers.

  9. Oh yes, I've read that some version of the compiler does not evaluate with short-circuit logic for or. Not sure if it's limited to one version or common to all of them, and as far as I've read it evaluates logical and correctly, though.

    I ran a test with the following and I did indeed get the wrong result.

    void main() {
    	int n = 0;
    	if( TRUE || ++n )
    		SendMessageToPC(GetFirstPC(), IntToString(n));


    • Like 1

  10. JC's Extra Saber Colors for K1


    This mod adds five new lightsaber colors to Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, including the colors that were introduced in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II – The Sith Lords. The new colors are cyan, orange, pink, silver, and viridian.

    The orange and cyan blades are similar to but visually distinct from Heart of the Guardian and Mantle of the Force. In KOTOR 2, the Heart of the Guardian and Mantle of the Force textures are simply reused, but I decided to retain the idea that these are unique crystals, so they are a little different from the standard orange and cyan.

    There is one item drop for each new color.

    Cyan: in some rubble near Juhani's haunt in the grove on Dantooine.

    Orange: on the corpse of Shaela Nur in the Tomb of Naga Sadow on Korriban.

    Pink: in the crystal cave on Dantooine.

    Silver: carried by an elite Sand People warrior in the desert on Tatooine near the entrance to their territory.

    Viridian: on the corpse of poor Nemo inside the ruins on Dantooine.

    Additionally, Suvam Tan on Yavin will sell the new crystals. He will have at least one and up to three of each color when he restocks his store. I thought it would be weird if he sold only the new colors, so for extra flavor he will also sell crystals in the original colors (blue, red, green, yellow, and violet).

    I have also swapped the placement of the other crystals in the cave around so they match the appearance of the crystal formations from which you receive them better. The blue crystal comes from the crystal formation that looks blue, etc.

    The lightsaber blade textures are based on the template I developed for my Lightsaber Visual Effects mod. I suggest that you also use that mod for aesthetic consistency.

    There are two versions of the mod: one that uses the original hilt models, and one that uses Hi Poly Tin Cans courtesy @VarsityPuppet.


    1. Extract files from the downloaded archive.
    2. Run Extra_Saber_Colors_K1.exe.
    3. Click "Install Mod" and select your game directory (default name SWKOTOR).
    4. Optionally, copy the files from the Alternate Viridian folder to Override if you want to use the alternate version that is closer to the original KOTOR 2 viridian texture, replacing the previously installed files.


    1. Remove the installed files or replace from backups if necessary.


    Ths mod uses TSL Patcher for compatibility, but various subtleties may make it incompatible with other lightsaber mods or mods that affect the same areas.

    This mod patches the following:

    • upcrystals.2da
    • danm14ac
    • danm14ae
    • korr_m39aa
    • liv_m99aa
    • tat_m18aa

    This mod must be installed after any non-TSL Patcher mods that edit those.

    On Tatooine, one instance of g_tuskenmale003 (Elite Warrior) has been replaced by a new creature file so only one of them will drop a silver crystal. The other instance of this creature is unaffected

    This mod utilizes the following model variations for lightsaber crystals and hilts:

    • 200
    • 206
    • 207
    • 208
    • 209

     This mod is compatible with my Darksaber mod.


    KOTOR Tool – Fred Tetra

    TSL Patcher – stoffe, with updates by Fair Strides

    ERFEdit – stoffe, with updates by Fair Strides

    K-GFF – tk102

    NWNSSCOMP – Torlack, stoffe, & tk102

    Saber – Andrew Kramer & VideoCopilot.net

    tga2tpc – ndix UR


    I hereby grant nobody except myself permission to upload some or all of this mod anywhere for any reason. For any reason.

    If you would like to include any part of this mod in anything, then please contact me for permission.




    If you enjoy my mods and would like to show your support in a monetary manner, you may do so via PayPal with this donation link.

    For various legal and ethical reasons, this is entirely optional and is not a requirement to downloading or using any of my mods. I also do not create specific mods for hire.

    I make mods as a hobby and will most likely do so regardless of any donations or lack thereof, but modding does take up a lot of my time and every bit helps.

    • Submitter
    • Submitted
    • Category
    • K1R Compatible


  11. 2 hours ago, AmanoJyaku said:

    Also, k_inc_treas_k2 is an include. If it has been modified, then the files that depend on it are modified. For example, k_contain_unlock.ncs. So, maybe the bif is different in TSLRCM from the vanilla.

    Yeah, that's why I don't get why I don't see it here. Might be an oversight.

    If you're looking at the one in scripts.bif, though, that's the original. TSLRCM doesn't edit the BIFF archives directly. I don't think there was even a tool to do so at the time of release.

    2 hours ago, AmanoJyaku said:

    On the subject of recursion, I don't see any reason why recursion should trip up decompilation. My code currently doesn't have a problem with them, not sure why DeNCS does...

    Then again, my code doesn't have a problem with globals initialized via functions, either. Yet another reason to replace DeNCS.

    I was just reiterating the problem according to DrMcCoy.

    But if your new DeNCS can deal with that, that would be very interesting. Are you able to decompile any of the other scripts that include k_inc_treas_k2 that I mentioned?

    • Like 1

  12. I don't see k_contain_unlock in my clean copy of TSLRCM. However, it includes k_inc_treas_k2, which TSLRCM does edit, so it seems like TSLRCM should edit k_contain_unlock as well.

    k_inc_treas_k2 has a recursive function so any script that includes it will trip up DeNCS. Lots of other scripts have this problem like OnSpawn scripts (k_def_spawn01, k_def_spn_t_drd, k_def_spn_t_jedi, etc) and merchant scripts (a_stock_geeda, a_stock, tienn, a_stock_geg, etc).

    • Like 1

  13. It's left over from Neverwinter Nights, in which it makes the user immune from paralysis and movement speed debuffs. Maybe it does the same thing in KOTOR, but it could very well do nothing.

    It's entirely possible to have armor that doesn't restrict Force powers, though. The restriction is through the base item number. If you make a new base item type that is otherwise a copy of armor with the same appearance and such, it won't have the restriction.

    • Like 1

  14. Male and female animations are different, and animations are applied separately to the head and body. So you have male animations on the body and female animations on the head.

    You can fix it by hex editing the body model and replace S_Female02 with S_Female03.

    Or you could hex edit your head the other way, but then you'd have the problem with all your other outfits.