Ferc Kast

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Everything posted by Ferc Kast

  1. So, I should combine all (important) information from the LF thread into the initial post if I make a thread here for my mod?

  2. Who would enjoy having another EotF thread here in addition to LF?

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      What would having two threads bring to the table? Don't interpret this as not wanting this to happen - I'm just trying to see what the advantage might be.

    2. Ferc Kast

      Ferc Kast

      It'd help when, like today and yesterday, LF is down. It could also help those who are already registered here, but don't want to register there just to give feedback/comments.

    3. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Sounds reasonable to me. Just don't copy and paste your original post from there. Approach your first post as the one you would have written had you had all the information that you have now way back when. (Then go on from there.)

  3. Bah Humbug! Website hacked before I even finished setting it up. -_-

    1. Ferc Kast

      Ferc Kast

      Hopefully, the Force will be me this time as I set it up. :)

    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Good luck, Force sensitive! Feel the power flowing through you.

  4. Bah Humbug! Website hacked before I even finished setting it up. -_-

  5. Bah Humbug! Website hacked before I even finished setting it up. -_-

  6. PHP + HTML = Something coming soon... :)

  7. See my thread for Echo of the Force on LF for an exciting update and more!!

  8. Posted an introduction of a prologue to EotF on LucasForums; For those keeping track, this was the second of the 3 surprises. The third is still incomplete.

    1. HK-47


      Query: What was the first? You never said.

    2. Ferc Kast

      Ferc Kast

      The website for EotF, which was posted in my last update on its' LF thread.

  9. Gettin' 2 to 3 surprises, or at least semi-surprises, ready for public release.

  10. Hey, I wondered if my Modder's Account application got submitted.

  11. Ecstatic to have a better laptop, but sad to see a nightmare become reality.

    1. Mandalore


      What nightmare might that be?

    2. Ferc Kast

      Ferc Kast

      One of my female friends getting married to someone else.

    3. Mandalore
  12. Happy Singles Awareness Day!!

    1. Hassat Hunter

      Hassat Hunter

      It's already 15 Feb. here.


      Or is 15 feb singles awareness day?

      Glad I am no longer part of the singles group...

    2. Ferc Kast

      Ferc Kast

      It's still Feb. 14 for me in Eastern US time.

  13. Got the Best of PC pack yesterday; Trying out EaW.

    1. Mandalore


      I got EaW a couple of days ago, it's good.

    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Check your PMs regarding EAW mod suggestions.

    3. bendarby24


      it a good game also try the republic cammando online it is good :)

  14. File Name: Improved Jedi Sacks File Submitter: Ferc Kast File Submitted: 27 Jan 2012 File Category: Skins I've heard and said it many times: "The Exile looks like (s)he is wearing a potato sack." While working on my WiP TC mod, I realized that how they looked like nothing that a Jedi (even an exile) would wear. Therefore, I reskinned them to look more Jedi-ish. TSLPatcher is used to ensure it will only affect the Exile and not party members who happen to use the original texture. Click here to download this file
  15. 1,854 downloads

    I've heard and said it many times: "The Exile looks like (s)he is wearing a potato sack." While working on my WiP TC mod, I realized that how they looked like nothing that a Jedi (even an exile) would wear. Therefore, I reskinned them to look more Jedi-ish. TSLPatcher is used to ensure it will only affect the Exile and not party members who happen to use the original texture.
  16. Almost have my surprise from December ready for release!!

    1. Ferc Kast

      Ferc Kast

      In fact, I anticipate a release today or tomorrow.

    2. JediExile


      Can't wait to see it. :)

    3. Ferc Kast

      Ferc Kast

      Well, it is now released here on Deadly Stream. Enjoy!!

  17. Happy birthday to me!! :) Time to get some modding done.

    1. Extreme110


      Erm, Happy Birthday to you? I dunno, timezones are very weird on the internet...

  18. Can't stop laughing at that video. I must have a defective dog, then; He can't bark that tune.
  19. Acquired a new domain name; No plans on changing it this time.

  20. Have a surprise nearly prepared for 12/25...

    1. Sith Holocron
    2. Ferc Kast

      Ferc Kast

      The true surprise is I forgot to finish preparing it. But, it should only be delayed by a few days. :)

    3. Plasticcaz
  21. Mine does as well; That's how I replaced my scratched up discs of TSL a few months ago.
  22. "No sense in you running around half-naked. It's... it's distracting. I mean, for the droids." -Atton Rand to Meetra Surik (aka female Jedi Exile), KotOR II
  23. Didn't notice this post until today. I could get a bigger screenshot, though I tend to play in windowed mode at 800*600 resolution. (Despite having a screen with a native 1366*768 resolution )
  24. A day without the internet is like a day without sunshine.

    1. Mandalore
    2. MrPhil


      A day without internet is a good day to get sunshine!

  25. Thanks. The first time was the auto-pruning thing.