Darth Hayze

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Everything posted by Darth Hayze

  1. Sweet! Now if only there was a way to make the separate Dantoine, Tatooine, Dxun, and Lehon surface modules all connected, there would actually be a real use for having a speeder or swoopbike.
  2. I was wondering if anybody had thought of(or will because if this topic) alternative titles for Episode V? I'm asking for fanfic reasons.
  3. So, Disney now owns Star Wars...

    1. Kaidon Jorn

      Kaidon Jorn

      That would be cool. I immediately thought they could pull off a 2 hr movie like that as soon as I saw them.

    2. Mandalore


      HK-47's influence with Mandalore also went up 50 points. Well said (though I still don't like it simply because Lucasfilm should be independent).

    3. Dark_Ansem


      it's a MOUSE TRAP!

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  4. Probably, it'd be as simple(I think) as disconnecting Bao from the Remote at a certain point.
  5. Playing through K1 knowing what I know from TSLRCM, Revan, and TOR, is certainly interesting...

  6. After Arcanum. Everyone, let OE know Avellone needs to do a TSLRCM/M4-78EP playthrough!!
  7. He should do it with this stuff, I would like to see/hear what OE has to say in response to everyone's hard work to make their vision a reality.
  8. What did you do for new lines for Party Members? In-depth splicing?
  9. I know, but it doesn't really mean anything in normal TSLRCM. What has he got to do? The next location is Telos, so it seems like "If we could save something in the galaxy" is foreshadowing that Bao-Dur was going to do something upon your return there.
  10. This has given me a great idea for a mod! Once the Extended Enclave is finished, I'm gonna have a go at killing him at Telos. He already has unused lines saying "I have to do this, or I will do inside." That really does make sense with him dying on Telos. Thanks guys! I'll let you know what happens!
  11. The TSLRCM team said something doesn't work right with original mod and TSLRCM. I've got to look at the patch stuff and figure this out, I'll get back to you.
  12. So HH, how amazingly awesome was it? Will we be in awe?
  13. Actually, I checked to see if it was possible, and the option to remove headgear is in dialog files for K1 as well. K1 will be a little more tricky though as the K1RP is still in development, so I'll have to look into that one. For this mod, for ease of compatibility and to keep the download from being huge, I'll probably work the change into tslptacher, and let it just take forever modifying the dialogues during install.
  14. Yes that is currently what the difference is.
  15. Hello everyone, I'd like to welcome you to my first WIP. First I wanna say thank you to Logan23 for helping me figure out how to do this. Let's say you put headgear on your party, it boosts stats, which is great, but it looks frickin awful in cutscenes when you can't see a character's face. So you could either install a mod to make headgear invisible, try and remember to unequip it before a cutscene, or tough through it. More recent titles have removed helmets and such automagically depending on the dialog situation. Not so for us poor TSL players. Well, it turns out Obsidian actually included an option in the dialog files to remove headgear for the duration of the cutscene.... They just never used it. So basically I'm going to go through the game and tick that box to turn off the head gear. I'll add screenshots as I go, and you'll be able to see the first fruits of this effort in my upcoming Extended Rebuilt Enclave Sequence mod.*shameless plug* First thing is, this will only be compatible with TSLRCM 1.8.1, as I'm not going to open each dialog twice and make two versions. And second, I may not get every dialog in the game, some will be left out because in context, removing the headgear doesn't add anything to the scene (i.e. right after a battle) I will let you know what scenes I 'fix', and if you think there is one I didn't do that I should have, your opinions will be welcome.
  16. It doesn't look like your file exists, which is fine with me, as I'm still working on my patch for this. But it is great to see you released something. What lines did you restore?
  17. It depends on how much stuff you've done. I'd recommend playing from the beginning though.
  18. I uploaded a patch for the Kreia/Exile scene, pending authorization at the moment. The Jedi Masters scene needs a little tweaking before the patch will be available. A video of the Kreia scene will be available shortly for your viewing pleasure. EDIT---- The Patch has been authorized, go download it. And youtube refused my video because it was longer than 10 minutes...
  19. No, because TSL has a level cap of 50, and with TSLRCM you have enough stuff to get you xp even past level 20, and with stoffe's High Level Force Powers installed, you'll still have stuff to grab as you level up higher and higher.
  20. I just asked Chris Avellone if he originally intended for the True Sith to be the Ancient Sith species, and this was his response: http://flic.kr/p/dh4Suy

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      I wish he'd answer my question I posed to him about KOTOR2. At least Drew K. answered from the K1 point of view (kinda sort-of)

    2. Darth Hayze

      Darth Hayze

      Ask again. He may have just missed it.

    3. Sith Holocron
  21. Did you install using the installer and the manual install that is required?
  22. Am now a writer for RoR.

    1. Mandalore
    2. hkmandalore47
    3. Darth Hayze

      Darth Hayze

      I am really excited by this. RoR has such an amazing story, I can't wait to begin contributing.

  23. The patch itself will be pretty simple, I just need to test and make sure my influence and global checks work properly.