Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. Zbyl, VarsityPuppet, Stoney, [my name, but they cut if off ] are listed as authors, since I gave up that name... I do see Puppet . Also zbyl without 2, and Stoney without Darth.
  2. Apparently it only loads about 25% of the times. Now to make it show 1.6's is outdated (it doesn't). And fix VP's name xD Atleast it's a step forward. Thanks Marius if you read this!
  3. The following error has occured: Invalid File ID! This could mean the File you are looking for has been deleted (and possibly replaced by a newer version). Please use our internal search engine to try and find the file you were looking for!
  4. Attempt #1... FAIL: Uploaded it in .rar, hopefully it soon replaces 1.6...
  5. 1. You're welcome 2. Heck, even I have that 3. :conspiracy:
  6. Also, you're using TSLRCM 1.6, not 1.8. Which is old, and outdated... :/
  7. Dropped my study. Chalk up one my failure to me.

    1. zbyl2


      What happened?

    2. Hassat Hunter

      Hassat Hunter

      Just didn't work... :/

    3. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Remember, all those threads where folks were asking for Handmaiden for Female (or Disciple for Males)? I sent all the original posters of those threads an email directing them to your mod.

  8. On the Steam forums someone mentioned an ati .dll file. You could try that... Not sure where it came from though...
  9. 1. Yes. 2. Yes. 6. Models shouldn't be in .mod files, that'll lead to errors, as we already found out when modifying the HK-factory. They're always in override.
  10. It wasn't. The Team Gizka implentation was, to say it nicely, horrible. So we rather not bothered with the limited amount of data there was. The reason Exile007 can do it is because there is a lot of made-up stuff, stuff TSLRCM doesn't do...
  11. Delete NPC's one by one till it works and you identify the culprit? It could be the X-box has issues with the seating of NPC's... it would be pretty lame, but well, it's not a very powerful system by today's standards.
  12. They wrote KOTOR2 before KOTOR1 was done. So it might have been a restant of not knowing that specific detail. On the other hand, Kreia says it. So it fits wheter it's true or not. Is it? Is it not? No one knows... except for Kreia and Revan of course. (and the line was pretty vital considering the HK-Factory reference. So they definitely intended it as Revan killing Telos to hide the Factory.)
  13. If on Steam, you already have the patches. Have you tried removing those 2 movies?
  14. As Rtas mentioned, you were probably confused with the wrong cells. The "cells" indeed are empty (I'm not even sure you can spawn NPC's in them), they are rather locked up in rooms in the proving ground. Also, @Rtas, 1.0a and 1.0b is the non-US way. I am going to assume you have an US-version if you could only use 1.0b right away...
  15. It was the most popular server when I did the trial (first one). And I already logged in again trying the "always free to 15" after the server merger and it was still there. Unless there have been more than 1 mergers?
  16. Red Eclipse (EU)... Join us (or, well, we you eventually )!
  17. Have you tried removing the LA and OE logo's fysically from the movies folder. I needed to do that for KOTOR1 atleast, which did the same (but not KOTOR2). Worth a try...
  18. Same here, you may find me after it becomes true F2P (or maybe before to finish Kaas for my Maurader without leveling, depends how bored I am) on the EU server Red Eclipse.
  19. Yup, use the trials... then just wait for F2P... My suggestion atleast.
  20. I'll use my "just before earth" save then. And not so much the ending as the endgame in AC sucks. So it's quite a bit longer of suckage than ME3.
  21. Kotor2, Dreamfall, Deus Ex Human Revolution, Monkey Island 2, Fahrenheit, Runaway 2, Arkham City just to name a few I think have worse endings than ME3. So a save from just before going to earth? Not before the cerb. base? I got both, but I rather not use the wrong one and have to redo a few hours...
  22. Aaaaand... I lost my post on PC this time. Screw it, so much written and all lost. Fair to say the shitstorm that the ending caused seem overblown. I saw worse. And a lot more stuff I don't want to rewrite at 1AM... DAMMIT. AAAAARGH. More annoying than a freaking banshee. Now to use the Extended Cut. Do I really need a Cerberus save? Or can I just use the Citadel one?