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Everything posted by OzilsEyes

  1. Hi Jeff! You'll have to make sure you've killed all the Sharakan and other in the area, make sure you've found all the bodies too and the door will open
  2. OzilsEyes

    TSL Collectables

    Hello, nope! Shouldn’t have any effect, to holograms, it doesn’t edit anything to do with npcs etc. As a first check, I’d analyse what mods you have installed and check out any possible conflicts, maybe check your override for npc files that may have been edited as part of one of those mods. It would be a good idea to post in the General Kotor modding section for some assistance as this isn’t really the place for it
  3. Hello, Have you extracted the zip file? You'll need to point holopatcher at your installation directory, e.g: Worth trying to run the holopatcher as admin too if you haven't tried that yet. If you could post some screenshots that would help :) Cheers!
  4. Thanks to @Snigaroo for pointing out, for users of TSLRCM it didn't execute a script for an influence increase - this has now been re-added & uploaded as a new version. Feel free to download the latest version & replace your current install if you're using it.
  5. My partner celebrates on 24th and myself 25th! Merry Xmas to all 🎄
  6. Sorry to hear you're having problems man, I'm not familiar with ModSync/never used it. Hopefully you get a response from them soon, if not soon I'll download it and have a go then feedback.
  7. Messing around with the Citadel Station models & walkmeshes 👀
  8. Is there a difference between the two globals? / Are both required (Are they both created by you)? This is what is wrong with the modern community, it's a free-for-all or some 'old timers' don't want to make room for fresh blood! That's how a community dies eventually. Had my fair share over the years on other forums but I ran into one when I started with Kotor modding unfortunately, although I couldn't care less & I just do my own thing 😅. I'm assuming the .dlg file & .ncs files are the ones you copied to override right (You don't need to .nss)? You will need to reload the game after doing that so the game loads the new files in your override folder, then find the npc/object that starts that dialogue & it should execute the script. As DP said, it would be worth also adding some sort of debugging to see if the script is actually being executed. I'm not familiar with Jade Empire, it's not something I've ever played before so can't help on that front!
  9. I’m not 100% how Jade Empire works but with kotor we have a few ways a script can be executed. These include dialogue (as DarthParametric advised), triggers that the player can walk into, actions with objects/npcs such as on death, on spawn etc. I suppose it makes sense to know exactly *how* & *when* you want it to execute, do you just want it to be something that executes randomly after an event or during a specific event?
  10. View File TSL Jekk'Jekk Tarr Tunnel model fix =========================================================================== TSL Nar Shaddaa - Jekk'Jekk Tarr Tunnel Model Fix =========================================================================== Description: In the Jekk'Jekk Tarr Tunnels, there is a doorframe with a large gap between itself and the wall, so I've fixed the model. Includes: Fixed model with the gap closed up to the doorframe. Screenshots: Installation: Copy the files into your override folder. Uninstall: Remove the following files from your override folder: 305nar_55.mdl 305nar_55.mdx Legal Disclaimer All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc. & I own none of the materials and are not making money for this. Please don't upload this on other sites, I will handle that. You may request use in other mods, pending approval; any mods using the assets should credit all the below parties. Credits: (Kotor Modding) Tools Used: Submitter OzilsEyes Submitted 11/29/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes
  11. Hello, You're quite right it will be in globals.2da, what are you using to execute the script you're making? Is it through dialogue, a trigger, other?
  12. 58 downloads

    =========================================================================== TSL Nar Shaddaa - Jekk'Jekk Tarr Tunnel Model Fix =========================================================================== Description: In the Jekk'Jekk Tarr Tunnels, there is a doorframe with a large gap between itself and the wall, so I've fixed the model. Includes: Fixed model with the gap closed up to the doorframe. Screenshots: Installation: Copy the files into your override folder. Uninstall: Remove the following files from your override folder: 305nar_55.mdl 305nar_55.mdx Legal Disclaimer All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc. & I own none of the materials and are not making money for this. Please don't upload this on other sites, I will handle that. You may request use in other mods, pending approval; any mods using the assets should credit all the below parties. Credits: (Kotor Modding) Tools Used:
  13. Yes, append.tlk was there from the start. Global.jrl was the only installation issue which you kindly pointed out, I accidentally left the line in the changes config file to replace from when I was testing - this was since removed (along with the global.jrl file from the tslpatcher directory). If you install the latest version, you will have no problems - as long as you choose the correct install from the dropdown list. If you do find anything out of the ordinary though, please let me know & I’ll fix asap. I believe it’s in a good state now.
  14. Points 1/2: There are some models available out there for: - Stormtroopers - Stormtrooper weapons - Clone Troopers - Darth Vader - Anakin - Movie Jedi Robes - Movie Bounty Hunters / Mandalorians You could use those for your own personal mod development or seek permission to include them in your mod. Alternatively, create your own models which is obviously a lot harder (which was already suggested). You would also need to do this when creating new areas too, you ‘could’ reuse current models for your levels but wouldn’t advise as it would not look like any of the planets you’re trying to achieve. Points 4/5: In regards to restructuring the story, this part is actually fairly easy (depending on what mechanics you want from your cutscenes, quests etc.), it’s just going to take a lengthy amount of time. It can be achieved initially by removing all quests & global, then removing all trigger points, scripts relating to triggers from each levels .mod/.rim files, you’d also need to remove characters and any placeables you don’t intend to use. If you were to model your own levels, the likelihood is you could leave the existing stuff & just add your own additional content. Please note, all the above resource I mentioned is intended for Kotor 2, I’m assuming you want to mod this game. If you have any questions, feel free to drop me a message & I’ll assist where I can.
  15. I’m sure it’s something to do with meta tags, I may be wrong to be fair… but I’ve also noticed this when I’ve tried to search for something I know is on DS but just get other results
  16. View File TSL Telos - Czerka Site Door Reskin / Model Fix =========================================================================== TSL Telos - Czerka Site Door Reskin / Model Fix =========================================================================== Description: The doors in the Czerka Site have always thrown me off, they're reusing the Peragus door - which is fine... however; the UV map for each model object was atrocious, none of them matched & one was put in for whatever reason? This mod reskins the doors on the Telos Czerka Site in the restoration zone, it also fixes a hole in the floor in the model & removes a pointless plate with a texture of a door on, to match the rest of the environment. Includes: New door skin for 2 of the doors, removed the third on the bunker to match the other bunker. Resized objects on the level to make it match. Fixed a hole in the floor near the ramp, I was not aware of the hole in the floor until I came across a thread (here) by PapaZinos, when I was searching for '233telg' to check compatibility. Instead of using PapaZinos' fix, I decided to fix it myself to make this release compatible with his but will still credit him as he's already released a fix. Screenshots: Installation: Copy the files into your override folder. Uninstall: Remove the following files from your override folder: 233telg.mdl 233telg.mdx CAT_d03.tga Legal Disclaimer All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc. & I own none of the materials and are not making money for this. Please don't upload this on other sites, I will handle that. You may request use in other mods, pending approval; any mods using the assets should credit all the below parties. Credits: (Kotor Modding) Tools Used: Submitter OzilsEyes Submitted 11/20/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes
  17. Can you send your spells.2da from your override folder / show a screenshot of the bottom lines please?
  18. 81 downloads

    =========================================================================== TSL Telos - Czerka Site Door Reskin / Model Fix =========================================================================== Description: The doors in the Czerka Site have always thrown me off, they're reusing the Peragus door - which is fine... however; the UV map for each model object was atrocious, none of them matched & one was put in for whatever reason? This mod reskins the doors on the Telos Czerka Site in the restoration zone, it also fixes a hole in the floor in the model & removes a pointless plate with a texture of a door on, to match the rest of the environment. Includes: New door skin for 2 of the doors, removed the third on the bunker to match the other bunker. Resized objects on the level to make it match. Fixed a hole in the floor near the ramp, I was not aware of the hole in the floor until I came across a thread (here) by PapaZinos, when I was searching for '233telg' to check compatibility. Instead of using PapaZinos' fix, I decided to fix it myself to make this release compatible with his but will still credit him as he's already released a fix. Screenshots: Installation: Copy the files into your override folder. Uninstall: Remove the following files from your override folder: 233telg.mdl 233telg.mdx CAT_d03.tga Legal Disclaimer All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc. & I own none of the materials and are not making money for this. Please don't upload this on other sites, I will handle that. You may request use in other mods, pending approval; any mods using the assets should credit all the below parties. Credits: (Kotor Modding) Tools Used:
  19. OzilsEyes

    I Have The Power!

    Hello, think he meant to say 'override', you should find that folder in the main installation directory of your game -> If it's not there, just create a folder and name it that, then drop the files in there.
  20. You can install without having to install the original Cathalan, I’ll add something to the post to make it a little clearer - thanks!
  21. View File Animated Kolto Tank Reskin ============================================ Animated Kolto Tank ============================================ Description: I've never liked the ugly Kolto Tanks in KotOR 2, I get the intention was to have dirty glass, but to the point in which you can't see through it and it looks disgusting - bit too far. This reskin enhances the Kolto Tanks with animated variations. Choose your preferred style from the included folders to replace the default static tanks. Includes: Several colours/variations of the Kolto Tank. New model with different UV maps, textures. 3 Loading screen variations for that level based on the texture you used. I decided to include this as the loading screen for that area is showing the kolto tanks. Different variations available: Static Reskin / Upscaled version of current. Animated Reskins: Blue, Yellow, Green, Pink, Red - Animated Bar at the top of the model. Black / Normal Skin - With only animated controls. Variations of Glass to choose from: Original (but transparent). Clean Blue. Dirty Blue. Variations: Installation: Choose the colour you want, indicated by the folder name. Copy all files in the chosen folder into your override folder. If you are using the default (Black, Blue Glass + Red bar) then choose them from the folder named '1. Override'. Choose the loading screen corresponding to the textures you used (if you wish to). Uninstall: Remove the following files from your override folder: plc_koltank.mdl plc_koltank.mdx plc_koltank_n.tpc plc_koltoglass_n.tpc plc_holoart1a_n.tpc Legal Disclaimer All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc. & I own none of the materials and are not making money for this. Please don't upload this on other sites, I will handle that. You may request use in other mods, pending approval; any mods using the assets should credit all the below parties. Credits: (Kotor Modding) Tools Used: Submitter OzilsEyes Submitted 11/16/2024 Category Skins TSLRCM Compatible Yes
  22. 129 downloads

    ============================================ Animated Kolto Tank ============================================ Description: I've never liked the ugly Kolto Tanks in KotOR 2, I get the intention was to have dirty glass, but to the point in which you can't see through it and it looks disgusting - bit too far. This reskin enhances the Kolto Tanks with animated variations. Choose your preferred style from the included folders to replace the default static tanks. Includes: Several colours/variations of the Kolto Tank. New model with different UV maps, textures. 3 Loading screen variations for that level based on the texture you used. I decided to include this as the loading screen for that area is showing the kolto tanks. Different variations available: Static Reskin / Upscaled version of current. Animated Reskins: Blue, Yellow, Green, Pink, Red - Animated Bar at the top of the model. Black / Normal Skin - With only animated controls. Variations of Glass to choose from: Original (but transparent). Clean Blue. Dirty Blue. Variations: Installation: Choose the colour you want, indicated by the folder name. Copy all files in the chosen folder into your override folder. If you are using the default (Black, Blue Glass + Red bar) then choose them from the folder named '1. Override'. Choose the loading screen corresponding to the textures you used (if you wish to). Uninstall: Remove the following files from your override folder: plc_koltank.mdl plc_koltank.mdx plc_koltank_n.tpc plc_koltoglass_n.tpc plc_holoart1a_n.tpc Legal Disclaimer All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc. & I own none of the materials and are not making money for this. Please don't upload this on other sites, I will handle that. You may request use in other mods, pending approval; any mods using the assets should credit all the below parties. Credits: (Kotor Modding) Tools Used:
  23. @Thor110 has a great video tutorial in his kotor 2 modding tutorial series: Here. The video in question: Video Mind, it does venture off into other things but you can skip through as necessary. In terms of scripting tutorials, honestly, the best way to learn is trial and error. Download kotor scripting tool by Blue (Here), if you haven’t already got it. It has all the functions listed down the right hand side, you can search for stuff you’re looking for, it then tells you how the function is called/with what parameters. Personally, stuff like scripting is something trial and error has taught me, I completely understand when you say you’re a visual learner, stuff like blender (for example), I could not sit and read a written tutorial. If you’re still struggling feel free to drop me a PM, there is also Thor’s mod tutorial request section on his modding series post.
  24. The ones N-DreW25 was referring to are the *New* droids that were added in this mod, they reside in the 'South' Droid defence workshop.
  25. OzilsEyes

    TSL Collectables

    Thank you, glad you liked it! The 'cutscene' part was created with a script executed by dialogue / interaction with an object, I am on discord drop me a pm on DS I know @Thor110 has some very nice scripting tutorials on DS that may also help: Here