Sith Holocron

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Files posted by Sith Holocron

  1. New Texture of Holocrons in the Telos Secret Academy

    The mood was upon me . . .
    Here's my second small mod.
    Texture for Atris' Sith Holocrons
    MOD AUTHOR: Sith Holocron
    GAMES: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords
    Being a stickler for detail, I always been irked about how the Sith Holocrons were represented in Atris' Holocron Chamber in her Secret Academy.
    I decided to do something about it.
    There are two versions of the holocron now: the original version and the unreleased-until-now animated version. Each version has its own folder. Choose your version's folder and put the 2 files in it into your Override folder. For Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2 - Extract the TGA file into the Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic/Override folder.
    Take it out again.
    Known Bugs:
    None known at this time.
    Legal Disclaimer:
    All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc., I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of the mod author. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either.
    I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Steam Workshop - with the exception of Hassat Hunter who has my permission to do so. I may release this on NexusMods at a later date but I don't wish others to do so. Usage in other mods must be requested AND approved by me before your use.


       (24 reviews)



  2. Animated Ebon Hawk Monitors (not including Galaxy Map)

    Animated Ebon Hawk Monitors (Not including Galaxy Map)
    AUTHOR: Sith Holocron, Dark Hope, and Xarwarz
    UPDATED RELEASE 01: 19 JAN 2019
    UPDATED RELEASE 02: 09 APR 2022
    GAMES: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 1 & 2
    When Xarwarz was working on a sample of a monitor texture for the Ebon Hawk, I had suggested to him that it could use a bit of animation to liven it up. Towards that end, I asked Quanon
    if he could render out a frame frames of a wire-frame model of the Ebon Hawk. I added in some sine wave activity and threw in some Aurebesh for good measure. One of the monitors was now animated.
    The other frames have more subtle animations in them - you can see the computer inputs going up and down and various colors changing around.
    Though I've placed this in the Knights of the Old Republic 2 section, this mod is compatible with both games.
    For Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2 - Extract the "LEH_scre01.tga" and the "LEH_scre01.txi" files into the SWKotOR2/Override folder.
    For Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 1 - Extract the "LEH_scre01`.tga" and the "LEH_scre01.txi" files into the Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic/Override folder.
    Take them out again.
    Known Bugs:
    None known at this time.
    Legal Disclaimer:
    All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc. I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed
    as-is without alteration, unless by permission of the mod author. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either. Use it how you like, but if you're going to post it up somewhere, or make a derivative mod, or use it in another mod, please put a line in the read-me, mentioning me.
    I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Stream Workshop.
    LSaberDuelist and OldFlash (of LucasForums) for their instructive discussion and tutorial at LucasForums. (
    Xarwarz: For putting together the original texture!
    @Quanon: For providing the wire-frame models of the Ebon Hawk!
    @Dark Hope: For her original cockpit texture, for releasing her version to Deadly Stream, allowing me to adjust it as I see fit, and to include it in this package.
    @ebmar: For adjusting Dark Hope's new texture by adding a little depth to it and adding the overlay over the monitors shown in the “With Glass Overlays” folder.
    Here's what it looks like in game.
    Thanks to @Mellowtron11 for providing the game save so I could get this video done relatively quickly!
    BTW: Looking for something a little more subtle?  Check this mod for an alternate look.


       (12 reviews)



  3. TSL Animated Galaxy Map

    It had to be updated eventually . . .
    Here's my first very small mod. Updated. Yet again.
    AUTHOR: Sith Holocron
    GAMES: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords
    The Galaxy Map texture of the Ebon Hawk was originally sized at 128x128. The texture is now sized to 512x512. In addition to the resolution bump, the actual texture is now animated. As the texture file is named the same in both KotOR games, the mod should be usable in both games.
    However: I don't suggest using this with Knights of the Old Republic 1, if seeing planets only seen in Knights of the Old Republic 2 causes any measure of distress. (Use the KOTOR version instead found here. (
    There are now FOUR different versions that you can use!
    Version 1: The original planets as laid out in the original un-modded game but animated and at higher resolution.
    Version 2: In addition to the original planets, I've added Coruscant and M4-78 to the map.
    Version 3: Mostly like Version 2 but with Cathalan added to the planet roster.
    Version 4: This is the "April Fool's Version" of the Galaxy Map as described in this post. (

    Condensed Description for Version 4 as follows:
    April Fools!
    I still think the orange people in the Cathalan mod are ridiculous. My mockery for the Cathalan mod is on full display in this Galaxy Map. (See the News announcement for April 1st, 2016 for screenshots.)
    Though [Version 4] is meant for Knights of the Old Republic 2 - as Cathalan was an awful mod made for K2 - this mod can and will work in KotOR1 if the installation instructions below are followed.

    First, choose which of the four versions you want to use.
    For Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2 - Extract the "LEH_scre03.tga" and the "LEH_scre03.txi" files into the SWKotOR2/Override folder.
    For Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 1 - Extract the "LEH_scre03.tga" and the "LEH_scre03.txi" files into the Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic/Override folder.

    Take them out again.

    Known Bugs:
    None known at this time.

    Legal Disclaimer:
    All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc. I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed
    as-is without alteration, unless by permission of the mod author. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either. Use it how you like, but if you're going to post it up somewhere, or make a derivate mod, or use it in another mod, please put a line in the readme, mentioning me.
    I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Steam Workshop - with the exception of Hassat Hunter who has my permission to do so.

    LSaberDuelist and OldFlash (of LucasForums) for their instructive discussion and tutorial at LucasForums.


       (8 reviews)



  4. Peragus Large Monitor Adjustment

    Here's my sixth small mod

    Peragus Large Monitor Adjustment (version 1.1)

    MOD AUTHOR: Sith Holocron
    FOR WHAT GAME: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords


    Don’t expect this to be as interesting as the Telos Signage mod that I came up with. (LOL)
    This small mod collection replaces textures for the large monitor seen on Peragus that overlooks the asteroid field. I wasn’t crazy about the low resolution images in the smaller boxes off to the side so I decided to take a crack at it. I’ve kept to general idea of what were originally shown in those boxes so this difference won’t be too drastic. In addition, that old low resolution asteroid animation just had to go. It has been replaced as well. Finally, that scrolling text box can now be read. Since the original text box was illegible, I decided to make my own. A separate translation Word document is included in case you’re wondering what it says. (I’d appreciate it if you all let folks read it for themselves so please don’t post the translation in reviews.)
    As always, constructive criticism is welcome.  Reviews are appreciated, even if it’s only a like. 


    For Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2 - Extract the TGA files and the TXI file into the SWKotOR2/Override folder if not using the KotOR Reddit Mod Builds.
    If you are using the KotOR Reddit Mod Builds, you should instead use the textures in found in the Alternate Textures subfolder. If you find that the portion on the PER_Tk02.tga texture too distracting because it uses a modified version of the Sol System, this is the clear choice for you. A new loading screen using the altered texture has been included for your convenience. (The loading screen using the original texture is already included in my Loading Screen mods.)

    To Uninstall:

    Take them out again.

    Known Bugs:

    None known at this time.
    Special Thanks:
    To Darth_Sapiens: for Assistance with alpha channels for some of the textures and testing.
    To Canderis: For pre-release reviews (of the original 1.0 version).
    To Snigaroo: For suggestions on the alternate texture
    To ConansHair: For reading the “monitor scan lines” to the new Loading Screen variant
    Legal Disclaimer:

    All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc., I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod.
    It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of the mod author. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either. If you're going to post it up somewhere, or make a derivative mod, or use it in another mod, please put a line in the read-me, mentioning me.  

    And here's the new variant loading screen . . .


       (16 reviews)



  5. [K1] Gordon Freeman from Half Life - PC Replacement Soundset

    AUTHOR: Sith Holocron
    GAMES: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 1. [This mod will not work in Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2. See Description for more details.]
    If you’ve played Half Life 1 or 2, perhaps you might have considered making your character sound like Gordon Freeman.  With this mod for KotOR1, now you can!
    You'll not be dropping these into your Override like my usual mods.  This time you have new steps to follow.
    1) Now that you’ve made your choices above, move the original KotOR1 files that come with the game to a place you can find them.  (I recommend a folder on your desktop but you do you!)  Those files will be located in the "Streamsounds" folder. 
    2) Extract the files from the 7z folder. Grab the new files from that extracted folder and put them in Streamsounds folder.
    3) When you're done with the beta, you can delete my files from the Streamsounds folder and put the original files back in there.
    Note: If you're using the mod on Steam, this quote may prove helpful.
    “I threw the files in Streamsound. I managed to fix it by verifying game files through steam and reinstalling the mod though!”
    Remove my files from the Streamsounds folder. Put the original files that you saved elsewhere back in the Streamsounds folder.
    Legal Disclaimer:
    All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc. I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless notified in writing of permission granted by me. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either.
    I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. I may release this on NexusMods at a later date but I don't wish others to do so. Usage in other mods must be requested and approved by me in writing before your use.
    Special Thanks:
    You – my faithful fans!


       (2 reviews)



  6. NPC Portraits for TSL

    Here's a mod that sprung from other people's hard work!
    MOD AUTHOR: Sith Holocron
    UPDATED RELEASE 2: 06 JUN 2017
    UPDATED RELEASE 3: 10 JUN 2017
    GAMES: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords
    This mod is not recommended for Knights of the Old Republic 1 for what should be obvious reasons.
    This mod is not recommended for first time players of Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords - spoilers!
    This is mod will overwrite portraits of the NPC characters that may be provided by other mods. Keep this in mind when installing this mod.
    I had this idea of asking folks to get high quality captures of the NPCs in 3DS MAX using poses similar to the ones in the traditional NPC portraits. I would then put a detailed background that indicated where we first met those characters. The ones I originally were thinking of doing were our standard folks: Atton, Kreia, Bao-Dur, Mira, Canderous, Visas, Handmaiden, Disicple, T3-M4, HK-47, and G0-T0. (You may notice some missing ones - more on that later.)
    I then proceeded to ask around for folks willing to grab some of these for me. The first willing helper was HairlessWookiee (on Reddit) and he helped out with the first batch of characters you've seen on my blog. However, I hesitated on asking HairlessWookiee for the rest as I didn't want to be more of a pain in the ass than I already was. (I excel at that, I've heard around here.) I eventually asked Quanon and he's helped me out getting the remaining characters I needed.
    So who was I missing from that list above?
    Namely: Remote (who gets used during the Malachor V end game), 3C-FD (from the Prologue), and B-4D4 (from the Czerka infiltration mission on Citadel Station.) I managed to get all of these too, again thanks to Quanon!
    Here is my explanation of why I chose these backgrounds. You can skip this part of the read-me if you like but I'm putting this in here so I don't have to have lengthy, boring discussions of why I placed who in front of where. If I completely ignore you if you bring this up in the review thread, now you know why.
    Atton - Atton's background is in the cockpit of the Ebon Hawk. You haven't met him here but he spends most of his time in there so it made sense. Plus I have animations I could exploit in there.
    Kreia - Yes, the Exile does meet her on Peragus but she doesn't reveal her true nature to you until Malachor V so that's why she's placed with the Trayus Core as the background.
    Bao-Dur - You meet him on the surface of Telos so that's his background.
    Mandalore - You meet him on Dxun so that's his background.
    Disciple - You meet him in the Ruined Enclave on Dantooine so that's his background.
    Handmaiden - You meet her at the Polar Plateau on Telos so the topside of that plateau is her background.
    Visas - You first see her on the Ravager. As that's her centering space, she gets that as a background.
    T3-M4 - The Exile meets "him" at Peragus so that's his background. Yes, "he's" met the Exile on the Ebon Hawk but the Exile was unconscious then so I'm not counting that.
    Hanharr/Mira - You meet them on Nar Shaddaa so that's their background.
    HK-47 - I wanted something vibrant for "his" background to suit his volatile nature and it was suggested to use the room that the Mandalorians first burst into on the Ravager. (The flames work well with "him", I think)
    Remote - You only use "him" on Malachor V so that's why "he" uses that planet as "his" background.
    Animations for Portraits?
    The droids, Hanharr, and Mandalore have animated backgrounds for their portraits - as their portraits do not change with LS and DS alterations throughout the game.
    The Kreia portrait does not animate. She's an unreliable narrator and so is her portrait. That . . . and I got lazy near the end. Sue me. (On second thought, don't sue me.)
    As an aside, are you curious about Atris' portrait? You'll have to wait for Reztea's Recruit Atris mod to be released as I've given it to him.
    With the exception of the Atton, Bao-Dur, Disciple, Mandalore, T3-M4, and HK-47 folders, just grab all of of the TGA and TXI files, and then drop them into your Override folder.
    The HK-47 folders have three different versions of HK-47's portraits - the standard model with vanilla skin, the standard model with Quanon's skin, and the SWTOR model created by DarthParametric using Kainzorus Prime's skin.
    The T3-M4 folders have two different versions of HK-47's portraits - one portrait utilizing Dath_Sapien's skin, the other portrait using Quanon's skin.
    The Mandalore folders have two different versions of Mandalore's portraits - the model utilizing Darth_Sapiens' texture and a version of Mandalore without his helmet.
    The Atton folders contain three different versions of his portraits - the original version included in this mod, a vanilla version where Atton turns his head towards the player as he becomes more dark sided, the model utilizing felixfelicitas' "Atton with Scruff" texture.
    The Bao-Dur folders contain three different versions of Mandalore's portraits - the original version included in this mod, a vanilla version where Atton turns his head towards the player as he becomes more dark sided, the model utilizing Nimduril's "Bao-Dur/Darth Maul" texture where Atton turns his head towards the player as he becomes more dark sided.
    Look at the pictures below to see which portrait type you wish to use. Copy the contents of that folder to your Override folder.
    Update as of 14 JUN 2020: There's a new version of the Disciple portrait available.  Instead of de-saturating the Jedi Library behind him, I've turned the colors of the Jedi Library to different colors: purple for mid Dark Side, and Red for fully dark side.

    If you prefer the original versions, I've kept those as a part of the package as well.  See the What's New section for more information.
    Note the files that you put into your Override folder.
    Remove the files that you copied (and noted) from the Override folder.
    Very Special Thanks:
    HairlessWookiee - For several of the model pictures.
    Quanon - For several of the model pictures, his Malachor V texture mod used for Remote's background, and his skins for T3-M4 and HK-47.
    DarthParametric - For his SWTOR HK model and for the new screen grab for the helmetless Mandalore.
    Kainzorus Prime - For the skin for DP's model.
    felixfelicitas - For his "Atton with Scruff" mod.
    Nimduril - For the use of his "Bao-Dur/Darth Maul" skin.
    Kexikus - For the high quality background used for G0-T0's background.
    Darth_Sapiens - For his HD T3-M4 skin.
    Sharen Thrawn - For the Nar Shaddaa background used for the Hanharr and Mira backgrounds. [Please note that the background from Sharen Thrawn's mod doesn't have the animated lights seen on Hanharr's background.]
    djh269 - For listening to my blathering via PMs on this very subject (and for beta-testing.)
    bead-V - Additional beta-testing / Input
    superSzym - Additional beta-testing / Input
    gerblul - Made me work! (If not for him, I'd have missed the problem with Remote's TXI)
    Legal Disclaimer:
    All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc. I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed
    as-is without alteration, unless by permission of the mod author. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either.
    I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. I may decide to upload the mod to NexusMods at a later date but that will be my decision and mine alone. So there.
    If you thought this read-me was long and annoying, please do check out the
    I write and narrate on Xuul's YouTube channel. It's even more cringe inducing. See you there!


       (9 reviews)



  7. Citadel Station Signage [OLD VERSION]

    Here's my fourth small mod – now updated!
    Citadel Station Signage
    MOD AUTHOR: Sith Holocron
    FOR WHAT GAME: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords
    NOTE: This is the old deprecated version.  Go here instead for the updated version!
    This small mod collection replaces textures around many places in the Telos Citadel Station – in this case, the various signage seen around the station.
    One sign in particular seemed very rushed to me – the pink cantina sign with the animated Twi’lek. (File name: TEL_BBrds2.tga) I’ve redone the sign – using the original colors so everything matches. Of course once I started, I knew I had to continue. All textures have been doubled in size and have had the Aurebesh font reapplied. I think the resulting appearance is now crisper. Feel free to draw your own conclusions. (By the way, all the text on these signs can be translated into English. I may very well make a thread explaining what the signs actually say.)
    My previous mod collection “Citadel Station Signage” left out a texture for what I’ve taken to calling the “departure board.” There are two versions of this animated “board” now in this package. One is for the boards as seen in various places around Citadel Station. I’ve noticed them in the following places: the shuttle areas in the Entertainment module, in the departure area in the Dock Module, and in the mainframe room in Czerka. (They may also be elsewhere.)
    The other texture –with the same name – was originally meant to be used with M4-78. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to make it work with the M4-78 versions of these screens. However, seeing as I already made the texture anyway, why not
    offer the “dark side” version of my standard screen to you? I suppose it could be used for the invasion of Citadel Station portions if you wanted to take the time to put it in.
    Constructive criticism is welcome.
    For Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2 - Extract the TGA files and the TXI file into the Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic/Override folder.
    To Uninstall:
    Take them out again.
    Known Bugs:
    None known at this time.
    Legal Disclaimer:
    All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc. I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of me. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either.
    I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Steam Workshop - with the exception of Hassat Hunter who has my permission. I may release this on NexusMods at a later date but I don't wish others to do so. Usage in other mods must be requested AND approved by me before your use.


       (7 reviews)



  8. Czerka Sign and Desk Enhancement


    MOD AUTHOR: Sith Holocron
    UPDATED RELEASE 1.1: 25 MAR 2017 (added desk and loading screen)
    UPDATED RELEASE 1.2: 16 OCT 2018 (adds new version of desk and removes the loading screen)
    GAMES: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 1 and Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords.


    This texture replaces all instances of the low resolution Czerka sign seen in the game. In addition, the desk seen in the Czerka office (and many other places throughout the game) has been cleaned up and even has an animated screen!


    A small update: I've made some minor updates to the green buttons on the desk texture.  If you'd rather use the original ones instead, they are still available in the package. (See Installation instructions.)
    The loading screen has been removed from the package as it's now included in my "Replacement Loading Screens for KotOR2: Original Pack (with or without TSLRCM) - Part 1" mod.  Why have multiple identical versions. right?  

    If using TSL: Choose whether you wish to use the original or new versions of the textures.  Grab all files from one of those folders and put them in your Override folder. 
    If using KotOR1: Choose whether you wish to use the original or new versions of the textures.  Grab all files from one of those folders and put them in your Override folder. 

    Remove the textures from the Override folder.
    Legal Disclaimer:

    All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc. I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed
    as-is without alteration, unless by permission of me.  This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either. 
    I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Steam Workshop.  I may release this on NexusMods at a later date but I don't wish others to do so.  Usage in other mods must be requested and approved by me before your use. 

    Before and after of the Czerka sign.

    Note the animation of the desk monitor.  This GIF is a bit janky looking.  I assure you that the animation runs much smoother in the actual game.

    From Update 1.2


    Special Thanks:

    To JCarter426 for his wonderful Loadscreen Template for K2 (1.1) - which enabled me to include this loadscreen for you all. Even though I now have removed the loading screen from this mod package, he still deserves the credit.


       (12 reviews)



  9. Frank Lloyd Wright Glass Replacement in the Ebon Hawk

    GAMES: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 1 & 2 (see notes below for which files are applicable to which game)
    I’ve done a few small modifications for the Ebon Hawk over the years, most of which aren’t things that I’ve felt measured up to the standards of the KOTOR modding community.  However, one of the small modifications that I’ve made recently showed up in a movie clip presented by Darth Varkor. 
    It seemed to result in some nice feedback so I’ve reconsidered holding this one back.
    The glass in the Ebon Hawk that this mod replaces in this mod originally looked like this:

    (texture size increased to 512 x 512 for easier viewing)
    My version replaces this blue version (LEH_light04) with a Luxfer Prism designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. 

    It also replaces the unlit version (LEH_light06).

    Finally, I’ve replaced LEH_light03 as it currently has the LEH_light04 texture behind a circular grate.  You now have two choices - the new blue light behind the old grate or the new grate that Dark Hope created in her IGM mod. (Dark Hope's texture used with permission.)

    Those wanting further information on the Luxfer Prism can consult this article.
    Though I've placed this in the Knights of the Old Republic 2 section, this mod is compatible with both games.  However, only the following textures are actually seen in KotOR1: LEH_light03 and LEH_light04.
    But what about LEH_light11?

    (texture size shown actual size for comparison to original blue texture above)
    Those comfortable rooting around in the KotorTool for textures may have noticed a different texture called “LEH_light11” which is a red version of the original texture. 

    However – as confirmed by DarthParametric – it doesn’t appear in any of the MDLs so it won’t ordinarily show up in the game.  That doesn’t mean someone may not implement it in a future mod for TSL.  Therefore, I’ve included a red version of the Luxfer Prism as well.  If you don’t wish to unnecessarily clutter your Override folder, don’t place LEH_light11.tga or LEH_light11.txi - this is an animated file - into it.  The red version also has a 7-step animation, with a slight brightening to simulate a “red alert” type of situation. 

    This is an optional file. 
    For KotOR1, you'll be adding the following files to your Override folder: LEH_light03.tga, LEH_light04.tga, LEH_light04.txi.  However, you'll have to choose which version of LEH_light03.tga you want from one of the two sub-folders.
    For KotOR2, you'll be adding the following files to your Override folder: LEH_light03.tga, LEH_light04.tga, LEH_light04.txi and LEH_light06.tga.  However, you'll have to choose which version of LEH_light03.tga you want from one of the two sub-folders. Do not include the LEH_light11 files to your Override folder unless you have a mod that enables that texture in your game and you wish to use my version instead of the original texture.
    Take them out again.
    Known Bugs:
    None known at this time.
    Legal Disclaimer:
    All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc. I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of the mod author. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either.
    I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Steam. I may release this on NexusMods at a later date but I don't wish others to do so on my behalf. Usage in other mods must be requested AND approved by me before your use with the exception of the LEH_light04 texture.  Usage of the Dark Hope version of the LEH_light04 texture in your mod requires the permission of both Dark Hope AND myself. (I must also be included in the PM that you send to Dark Hope so I can see the permission granted with my own eyes.)
    Credits & Special Thanks:
    Dark Hope: For her kind permission to alter her LEH_light04 texture and include it with this mod.
    DarthParametric: For discovering that LEH_light11 doesn’t appear in the MDL files of TSL.
    Maverick8341 (on Reddit): For their valiant attempts to find visual evidence that LEH_light11 appears in TSL.
    DarthVarkor: Beta Testing of this mod.
    Ebony Moon and DarthVarkor: Beta Testing of this mod and for the mod in-game screenshots.
    Mellowtron11: For permission to use his video for illustrative purposes.


       (1 review)



  10. Replacement Peragus II Artwork by Trench

    Recently, I was inspired by a desktop wallpaper that I saw posted up at LucasForums. It was created by a LF member named Trench.

    I was quite taken with it so I asked Trench if he could render the planet on a transparent background so I could release it as a mod - which he was happy to do.
    Through the efforts of Darth_Sapiens and Quanon, I discovered the location of the other appearance of this planet in the game files. You see, one texture (named PER_Plnt01) only shows the exposed core planet inside the administration level.

    The other texture - EBO_Per - shows up both when you're on the walkway outside the station. (See below)
    Trench's texture came with some extra asteroids so I'm providing two versions of Peragus II . . .

    With Extra Asteroids

    As an added bonus, I've included a interior screen replacement for my own previously released mod that utilizes Trench's version of Peragus II. If you use that mod, I suggest using this bonus texture as an upgrade.

    Extract the TGA files you wish into the Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2/Override folder. You can only choose one variety to use at a time, of course.
    Take the textures out again.
    Known Bugs:
    None known at this time.
    Legal Disclaimer:
    All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc. I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of me. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either.
    I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. I may release this on NexusMods at a later date but I don't wish others to do so. Usage in other mods must be requested AND approved by me before your use.
    Special Thanks:
    To Trench: For making the original artwork in the first place and for extracting the portions needed for use in this mod.
    To Darth_Sapiens: For finding location of the texture I was missing.
    To Quanon: Research into Peragus models and also for finding the location of the texture I was missing.
    To Insanity_Sorrow: Research into Peragus models and beta-testing.


       (12 reviews)



  11. Replacement Loading Screens for KotOR2: Original Pack (with or without TSLRCM) - Part 2

    Replacement Loading Screens for KotOR2: Original Pack (with or without TSLRCM) – Part 2 ==============================================================================    
    AUTHOR: Sith Holocron ORIGINAL RELEASE (version 1.0): 17 APR 2018 UPDATED RELEASE (version 1.1): 02 OCT 2018    
    GAMES: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2    
    [This mod will not work in Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 1]    
    Description: Were you ever dissatisfied with the low-resolution loading screens when the in-game footage looks so much better?  What if there was a mod that took care of that for you?  Psssst…it’s this mod!    
    This version of the mod covers the areas in the normal “vanilla” game and the areas added/restored by TSLRCM. If you’re looking for additional loading screens that cover large scale add-on mods, you should seek out the “Replacement Loading Screens for KotOR2 Add-On Pack” which is also available on Deadly Stream.  The texture size is 2048 by 2048 so you'll have a large sized picture for each.    
    List of the areas covered in this mod    
    Code                            Area ------  ------------------------------------------------------    
    301NAR                      Nar Shaddaa - Refugee Landing Pad 301NARa                    Nar Shaddaa - Refugee Landing Pad (Alternate)* 302NAR                      Nar Shaddaa - Refugee Quad 303NAR                      Nar Shaddaa - Docks 304NAR                      Nar Shaddaa - Jekk'Jekk Tarr 305NAR                      Nar Shaddaa - Jekk'Jekk Tarr Tunnels 306NAR                      Nar Shaddaa - Entertainment Promenade 351NAR                      Nar Shaddaa - Goto's Yacht 371NAR                      Nar Shaddaa - Swoop Track    
    401DXN                     Dxun - Jungle Landing 402DXN                     Dxun - Jungle 403DXN                     Dxun - Mandalorian Ruins 404DXN                     Dxun - Mandalorian Cache 410DXN                     Dxun - Jungle Tomb 411DXN                     Dxun - Sith Tomb 421DXN                     Dxun - Turret Minigame    
    501OND                    Onderon - Iziz Spaceport 502OND                    Onderon - Iziz Merchant Quarter 503OND                    Onderon - Iziz Cantina 504OND                    Onderon - Sky Ramp 505OND                    Onderon - Turret Minigame 506OND                    Onderon - Royal Palace 510OND                    Onderon - Swoop Track 511OND                    Onderon - Iziz Merchant Quarter Invasion 512OND                    Onderon - Iziz Western Square    
    601DAN                     Dantooine - Khoonda Plains 602DAN                     Dantooine - Khoonda 603DAN                     Dantooine - Khoonda Plains Cutscenes 604DAN                     Dantooine - Crystal Cave 605DAN                     Dantooine - Enclave Courtyard 610DAN                     Dantooine - Enclave Sublevel (updated texture!) 650DAN                     Dantooine - Rebuilt Jedi Enclave    
    Also included in this latest update are two optional textures to increase the resolution of the columns in the Dantooine Enclave Sublevel.    
    Installation: ------------- Drop the TGA files and loadscreen.2da into your Override folder.     
    * The loading screen “load_301NARa.tga” is an alternate version of “load_301NAR.tga”. If you wish to use the alternate version, delete the “a” from the alternate and put that texture into the Override rather than the original texture.    
    Uninstall: ---------- If for any reason, you don’t like one (or more) of the loading screens, consult the list above so you can determine which you’ll need to remove from your Override folder.    
    To completely remove the loading screens, delete all the above listed TGA files and the loadscreen.2da.    
    Legal Disclaimer: ------------------- All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc. I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of me.  This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either.    
    I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Steam Workshop.  I may release this on NexusMods at a later date but I don't wish others to do so.  Usage in other mods must be requested and approved by me before your use.    
    Special Thanks: ------------------- Ndix UR for his wonderful Loading Screen Template which enabled me to offer these loading screens in a format resembling the original loading screens for you all.    
    Thanks to DarthParametric, JCarter426, NDreW-25, and Marius Fett for their input and technical expertise.    
    And thanks to YOU for giving this monstrosity a whirl!  Won’t you leave feedback on the download page?  (I would like to see what I’ve done right, you see…)  
    Compatible with VarsityPuppet's TOR Style Loading Screens 1.0


       (0 reviews)



  12. [TSL] Replacement Logo for Menu Screen

    MOD AUTHOR: Sith Holocron
    GAMES: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords
    As suggested by a Mod Request on DeadlyStream.
    When using one of my loading screen mods, they said they noticed that the logo now looked blurry by comparison. This is my attempt to bring the logo in line with modern standards.This texture is sized at 1024 by 1024 so it should be crisper than the original. In addition, the version number has been updated to the current one – 1.8.6.  If you find the difference to be pleasing, please let me know in the comments.
    You want samples?  I got some samples for ya right here!
    Original Vanilla Version

    My Version

    A few notes, once you extract files from the 7z file, you’ll see two folders.  You’ll only be using one of these and for that you’ll want to consult the Instructions section below.
    This mod is compatible with DarthParametric's TSL Main Menu Model Fix for Widescreen if (and only if) you use my “kotor2logo.tga” file rather than the ones they provide.
    If you find the difference to be pleasing, please let me know in the comments.
    Remove the “kotor2logo.tga” that’s currently in your Override folder and place where you can find it later if needed.
    If you’re using an original version of TSL – that is you’re not using a widescreen mod (such as or UniWS, Flawless Widescreen, or Aspyr's natively widescreen version) – then you’ll want to place the “kotor2logo.tga” file from the “Standard (Vanilla) Resolutions” folder.
    If you’re using TSL with either UniWS, Flawless Widescreen, or Aspyr's natively widescreen version) – then you’ll want to place the “kotor2logo.tga” file from the “For those using Widescreen fixes” folder.
    If you chose correctly, you'll see something like this! (Borders added for text purposes.)

    If you chose poorly and have widescreen changing things, you'll see something like this (or unleash Cthulu)! (Borders added for text purposes.)

    I can't have made these instructions simpler than this.
    Delete the “kotor2logo.tga” file currently in your Override folder.  Find the original TGA that you carefully put aside and put it back into the Override folder.
    Known Bugs:
    None known at this time.
    Legal Disclaimer:
    All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc., I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of the mod author. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either.
    I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Steam Workshop or to NexusMods. Usage in other mods must be requested AND approved by me before you include my materials in your mod. Modders that request permission to use my mods and don’t do so will have my permission withdrawn after a period of one year after I originally granted (i.e. permission and use is time sensitive.)


       (3 reviews)



  13. Replacement Texture for Lightning on Malachor V

    Replacement Texture for Lightning on Malachor V 1.2
    Here's my third small mod.
    Replacement Texture for Lightning on Malachor V
    MOD AUTHOR: Sith Holocron
    GAMES: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords

    Did the low resolution lighting ever irritate you when walking along Malachor V's surface? Me too!
    Once again, I've decided to do something about it.
    The new texture uses captures from a real lighting strike.
    Constructive criticism is welcome.
    About The Update:
    When the mod was originally released, Darth Sapiens requested a version that has a flare on the cloud the lightning would be emanating from. I made him a version like that as a thank you for his helping the original version. I think it should be available to everyone – so now’s your turn to try it out.

    There are two versions of the lightning now: the original version and the publicly-unreleased-until-now “flare” version. Both versions have their own folder. Choose your version's folder and put the 2 files inside it into your Override folder. The "Original" version has a choice of DDS or TGA. In that particular case, choose either one you wish.

    Take them out again.

    Known Bugs:
    None known at this time.

    Thank You Section:
    Zbyl2: For the original testing of this mod.
    Darth_Sapiens: For creating an alpha channel that made the black background transparent.
    Kexikus: For pointing out transparency issues in the "Original Version"
    Darth Parametric: For adding in the missing alpha for the "Original Version", correcting dimensions to power of 4 (2048x2048), and including a DDS version for optimal compression!

    Legal Disclaimer:
    All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc.,
    I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of the mod author. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either. Use it however you like, but if you're going to post it up somewhere, or make a derivative mod, or use it in another mod, please put a line in the readme, mentioning me. I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Steam Workshop - with the exception of Hassat Hunter who has my permission to do so.


       (6 reviews)



  14. Remove the Menu Beeps from KotOR and TSL

    Here's my fifth small mod!
    Remove the Menu Beeps from KotOR and TSL
    MOD AUTHOR: Sith Holocron
    FOR WHICH GAMES: For both Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic & Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords
    When using the various menu functions in either KotOR game, there are many annoying beeps. This extremely simple mod removes those by replace them with a blank sound file. Though this will probably have limited usage for the general public, it is invaluable for those creating “machinima” videos from either of the game.
    Drop WAV files in your game's’ Override folder
    To Uninstall:
    Take them out again.
    Known Bugs:
    None known at this time.
    Legal Disclaimer:
    All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc.,
    I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of the mod author. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either. Use it however you like, but if you're going to post it up somewhere, or make a derivative mod, or use it in another mod, please put a line in the readme, mentioning me. I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Steam Workshop - with the exception of Hassat Hunter who has my permission to do so.


       (2 reviews)



  15. NPC Portraits for KotOR 1

    Here's another mod that sprung from other people's hard work.


    MOD AUTHOR: Sith Holocron

    GAMES: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic


    This mod is not recommended for Knights of the Old Republic 2 for what should be obvious reasons.
    This mod is not recommended for first time players of Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic - spoilers!
    This mod will overwrite portraits of the NPC characters that may be provided by other mods. Keep this in mind when installing this mod.


    I had this idea of asking folks to get high quality captures of the NPCs in 3DS MAX using poses similar to the ones in the traditional NPC portraits. I would then put a detailed background that indicated where we first met those characters.

    I then proceeded to ask around for folks willing to grab some of these for me. Thus the NPC PORTRAITS FOR TSL mod was born. This new mod - like the previous mod - redoes the portraits but this time, it's for the original KotOR.

    As none of the portraits in KotOR shift from LS to DS - or vice versa - they ALL now have animations in the backgrounds.

    I have NO plans to do other characters from mods such "Kay" from Recruitable Kay or "Shadow" from Brotherhood of Shadow. It's just the standard NPCs here. I'd love to see someone else tackle those characters though!


    Here is my explanation of why I chose these backgrounds. You can skip this part of the read-me if you like but I'm putting this in here so I don't have to have lengthy, boring discussions of why I placed who in front of where. (If I completely ignore you if you bring this up in the review thread, now you know why.)

    Carth - You first meet Carth on the Endar Spire so that's where I stuck him. I was considering using the Taris Hideout but that seemed to be a boring location.

    Bastila - Yeah, you meet her on Taris but as she's a Jedi, I decided to put her on Dantooine. Trust me, you don't want so many of the characters with drab Taris backgrounds.

    Canderous - You meet him on Taris in one of the nightclubs but it seemed to be a bit boring for a background. So I moved the action to Davik's Hangar, during Malak's bombardment.

    T3-M4 - The player meets "him" in Janice Nall's shop on Taris so that's "his" background.

    Mission - You first meet her in the Javyar's Cantina on Taris so that's her background.

    Zalbaar - I didn't want to reuse the same area for Big Z that Mission had, so I changed his background to Rwookrrorro Village on Kashyyyk.

    Jolee - I wanted Manaan to be in here somewhere and seeing as his friend is on trial, I picked that planet as his background.

    Juhani - She has the Dantooine Grove as her background as that's where you first meet her.

    HK-47 - You meet "him" in Yuka Laka's Droid Shop on Tatooine so that's "his" background.

    Trask - You didn't think I'd forget Trask, did you? He's only in one location - the Endar Spire - so that's where you'll see him in front of.


    Read this portion carefully.

    For Trask, Carth Onasi, and Jolee skins: just grab all of of the TGA and TXI files, and then drop them into your Override folder.

    The T3-M4 folders have TWO different versions of HK-47's portraits - one portrait utilizing Darth_Sapien's skin, the other portrait using Quanon's skin.

    The Canderous folders have TWO different versions of his portraits - the model utilizing the original texture and a version using the texture created by Quanon.

    The HK-47 folders have THREE different versions of HK-47's portraits - the standard model with vanilla skin, the standard model with Quanon's skin, and the SWTOR model created by DarthParametric using Kainzorus Prime's skin.

    For Zaalbar: There are THREE different textures to choose from - the original, one created by Quanon, and one created by Corpsecotillion.

    For Mission: There are THREE different versions: the original game skin, a version by Dark Hope, and a version by Quanon.

    For Bastila: There are FOUR different versions: 2 versions by Quanon, a version by Dark Hope and Quanon, and the original game skin.

    For Juhani: There are TEN different textures to choose from. 7 Variants from "Juhani Catlike Head Mod", Shem's "Juhani New Look" Skin, Miro42's "Juhani Real Cathar Head", and her original skin.

    Look at the pictures in the release thread to determine which portrait type you wish to use. Copy the contents of that folder to your Override folder.

    Note the files that you put into your Override folder.


    Remove the files that you copied (and noted) from the Override folder.

    Very Special Thanks:

    Quanon - For all of the head and body renders. Many of his skins were utilized as well; including Carth, Jolee, T3-M4, Mission, Zaalbar, and HK-47.
    RedRob41 - His "Juhani Catlike Head Mod" mod was essential for this project allowing for seven different variations of Juhani!
    Dark Hope (previously known as Cache71) - For her Mission Vao skin and for her work with Quanon on the their Bastila skin.
    Darth_Sapiens - For his HD T3-M4 skin.
    Darth Parametric - For his SWTOR HK model.
    Kainzorus Prime - For the skin for DP's model.
    Corpsecotillion - For his Zaalbar skin.
    miro42 - For his "Juhani Real Cathar Head" model change and skin.
    Jorak Uln - For the Taris planet texture seen in the Trask portrait and for most of the textures used in the background of the Jolee texture.
    Kexikus - For his high quality skybox skins, seen here in the following portraits: Jolee.
    Thunder3 - For the high quality skins in his Endar Spire Mod - seen in the Trask and Carth portraits.
    Shoelace - For the instructions on how to use XnView for Jorak Uln's Manaan mod. (Jorak Uln? Might I humbly suggest to update your instructions? Please?)
    djh269 - Beta-testing and for read-me proof-reading.
    N-DReW25 - Beta-testing on Android. (That's a new one for one of my mods.)

    If you have any issues with my mod, take it up with me and not with these fine contributors. (You can - of course - compliment them on their time, work, and graciousness.)


    Legal Disclaimer:

    All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc. I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed
    as-is without alteration, unless by permission of the mod author. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either.

    I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. I may decide to upload the mod to NexusMods at a later date but that will be my decision and mine alone. So there.


    If you thought this read-me was long and annoying, please do check out the M4-78 Documentary I write and narrate on Xuul's YouTube channel. It's even more cringe inducing. See you there!


       (8 reviews)



  16. KotOR1 Polished Crystal Icons Pack

    AUTHOR: Sith Holocron
    GAMES: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 1
    [This mod will not work in Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2 as intended. Instead, use this mod specifically made for KotOR2 instead.]
    So . . . this is a part of another mod that I’ve had on my computer/s for some time but I hadn’t gotten around to putting out there to the public. Until now. 
    This all started out with getting higher resolution icons for crystals in TSL.  There are way more crystals in that game than in KotOR1. However, it seemed logical to narrow the focus of that mod by releasing a pared back version and release it as a KotOR1 stand alone version.  That’s what you have here – a test run for a possible TSL version later on.
    I found source pictures of many crystals over the years and took care to try and match the color, crystal type and - when possible - the orientation of the crystal to match what you saw in vanilla.
    Yes, I included the Mantle of the Force and the Heart of the Guardian crystals. And yes . . . I included the Krayt Dragon Pearl.
    From the pictures you’ve (hopefully) seen on the download page, you’ll notice that some of the crystals appear to be duplicated.  That’s how it is handled in the game and it wasn’t an error on my part.
    Drop the TGA files into your Override folder.  If you are using this mod with other mods that include re-texturing of the crystal's icons, install this mod after them.
    Remove the TGA files from your Override folder. 
    Legal Disclaimer:
    All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc. I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed
    as-is without alteration, unless by permission of me.  This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either.
    I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Steam Workshop.  Ever.
    I may release this on NexusMods at a later date but I don't wish others to do so.  Usage in other mods must be requested and approved by me before your use.
    Special Thanks:
    Thanks to YOU for giving this mod a chance!  Won’t you leave textual feedback on the download page?  (I like to know what I’ve done right , you see…)


       (2 reviews)



  17. Refurbished Astromech Droids

    Happy Holidays!
    Here's a small mod that sprung from someone else's hard work!
    Refurbished Astromech Droids
    MOD AUTHOR: Sith Holocron
    GAMES: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords and Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 1
    I asked Darth_Sapiens some time ago if he planned to redo the astromech droids for the KOTOR games - as he did such a wonderful job in his T3M4 HD 2k ( mod. He didn't wind up doing it so I wound up recoloring his texture to retexture the other astromech droids myself.
    As 3C-FD - the droid that assists T3-M4 in the prologue - uses one of these textures, I've also included an avatar picture for 3C-FD in this package as well.
    For Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2 - Extract all files into the Star Wars Knights of the Old RepublicII/Override folder. It is highly recommended to also install Darth Sapiens' T3M4 HD 2k as this mod doesn't touch T3-M4. This is not required however. If you already have Darth_Sapiens' T3M4 HD 2k mod, please note the "CM_Tseriesdroid.txi" file and the "CM_Tseriesdroid.tga" file are included in both his and this derivative mod. (As the files are identical, you can allow the newer files to override the old ones.)
    By the way, you can use this in Knights of the Old Republic 1 as well.  The texture's appearance and the files names are identical in both games so you shouldn't have any issue.
    Take it out again.
    If you are using still using Darth_Sapiens' T3M4 HD 2k mod and wish to continue to do so, please leave the "CM_Tseriesdroid.txi" file and the "CM_Tseriesdroid.tga" file in the Override folder.
    Known Bugs:
    None known at this time.
    This mod would not have been possible with Darth_Sapiens' mod.
    Thanks to Fair Strides for adding an alpha channel to these - and while I was on vacation no less!
    If you like it, credit goes to those fine fellows. If you hate it, I'll shoulder that blame.
    Additional Thanks:
    Thanks to Revanator and Malkior for taking a look at this. Much appreciated.
    Legal Disclaimer:

    All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc. I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of me. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either.
    I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. I may release this on NexusMods at a later date but I don't wish others to do so. Usage in other mods must be requested AND approved by me before your use.


       (16 reviews)



  18. [TSL] Swoop Monitors Replacement Pack

    Swoop Monitor Replacement Pack
    AUTHOR: Sith Holocron
    GAMES: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2
    [This mod will not work in Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 1.  If you're looking for swoop monitors for KotOR1, try Ebmar's Animated Swoop Screen mod instead.]
    Were you ever dissatisfied with the low-resolution monitors that show the swoop footage in TSL? What if there was a mod that took care of that for you? Psssst…it’s this mod!
    Drop the TGA and TXI files and loadscreen.2da into your Override folder.

    Remove what you put in above.
    Legal Disclaimer:
    All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc. I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed
    as-is without alteration, unless by permission of me. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either.
    I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. I may release this on NexusMods at a later date but I don't wish others to do so. Usage in other mods must be requested and approved by me before your use.

    Special Thanks:
    Thanks to YOU for giving this monstrosity a whirl! Won’t you leave some feedback on the download page? (I’d like to see if I’ve done something right , you see…)
    Here's a review of the mod so you can see it in action. Thanks Xuul!


       (3 reviews)



  19. Replacement Loading Screens for KotOR2: Original Pack (with or without TSLRCM) - Part 1

    AUTHOR: Sith Holocron
    GAMES: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2. [This mod will not work in Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 1.]
    Were you ever dissatisfied with the low-resolution loading screens when the in-game footage looks so much better ? What if there was a mod that took care of that for you? Psssst . . . it’s this mod!
    This version of the mod covers the areas in the normal “vanilla” game and the areas added/restored by TSLRCM. If you’re looking for additional loading screens that cover large scale add-on mods, you should seek out the “Replacement Loading Screens for KotOR2 Add-On Pack” which is also available on Deadly Stream. The texture size is 2048 by 2048 so you'll have a large sized picture for each.
    "221TEL Citadel Station - Suburban" Is NOT included as a great corrected example is already available in this mod by JCarter426.
    List of the areas covered in this mod
    Code Area
    -------- ------------------------------------------------------
    001EBO Prologue - Ebon Hawk Interior
    002EBO Prologue - Ebon Hawk Exterior Hull
    003EBO Ebon Hawk - Interior
    004EBO Ebon Hawk - Interior - Red Eclipse Slayer Invasion
    005EBO Ebon Hawk - Escape from Peragus [2]
    006EBO Ebon Hawk - Interior (Duplicate of 003EBO – used before cutscene)
    007EBO Ebon Hawk - Interior (Duplicate of 003EBO – used before cutscene)
    101PER Peragus - Administration Level
    102PER Peragus - Mining Tunnels
    103PER Peragus - Fuel Depot
    104PER Peragus - Asteroid Exterior
    105PER Peragus - Dormitories
    106PER Peragus - Hangar Bay
    107PER Peragus - Turret Minigame
    151HAR Harbinger - Command Deck
    152HAR Harbinger - Crew Quarters
    153HAR Harbinger - Engine Deck
    201TEL Citadel Station - Dock Module
    202TEL Citadel Station - Entertainment
    203TEL Citadel Station - Residential 082 East
    204TEL Citadel Station - Residential 082 West
    205TEL Citadel Station - Cutscene with the Admiral
    207TEL Citadel Station - Cantina
    208TEL Citadel Station - Bumani Exchange Corp.
    209TEL Citadel Station - Czerka Offices
    211TEL Citadel Station - Swoop Track [4]
    220TEL Citadel Station - Suburban
    222TEL Citadel Station - Entertainment Module 081
    231TEL Telos IV - Restoration Zone [5]
    232TEL Telos IV - Underground Base
    233TEL Telos IV - Czerka Site
    235TEL Telos IV – Shuttle Cutscene
    261TEL Telos IV - Polar Plateau
    262TEL Telos IV - Secret Academy
    298TEL Telos IV - Military Base Sub-Level (TSLRCM)
    299TEL Telos IV - HK Manufacturing Plant (TSLRCM)

    Drop the TGA files and loadscreen.2da into your Override folder.
    The loading screen “load_301NARa.tga” is an alternate version of “load_301NARa.tga”. If you wish to use the alternate version, delete the “a” from the alternate and put that texture into the Override rather than the original texture.


    If for any reason, you don’t like one (or more) of the loading screens, consult the list above so you can determine which you’ll need to remove from your Override folder.
    To completely remove the loading screens, delete all the above listed TGA files and the loadscreen.2da.

    Legal Disclaimer:
    All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc. I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of me. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either.
    I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. I may release this on NexusMods at a later date but I don't wish others to do so. Usage in other mods must be requested and approved by me before your use.
    Special Thanks:
    Ndix UR for his wonderful Loading Screen Template which enabled me to offer these loading screens in a format resembling the original loading screens for you all.
    Thanks to DarthParametric, JCarter426, NDreW-25, and Marius Fett for their input and technical expertise.
    And thanks to YOU for giving this monstrosity a whirl! Won’t you leave feedback on the download page? (I'd like to see what I’ve done right , you see…)
    Compatible with VarsityPuppet's TOR Style Loading Screens 1.0

    Video Preview:
    If you'd like a preview of all of the loading screens, check out this video below. It does show the screens without the filter and the black bars but it will give you an idea what you'll be working with before you download. I recommend watching the video maximized. This video shows all screens in part 1, part 2, and part 3 of this mod (excepting 235TEL.)


       (3 reviews)



  20. [K1] PC Replacement Voices (Kira, DS Jaesa, LS Jaesa)

    PC Replacement Voices (Kira, DS Jaesa, LS Jaesa)

    AUTHOR: Sith Holocron
    GAMES: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 1. [This mod will not work in Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2. See Description for more details.]
    RECOMMENDED ADDITIONAL MODS: "TOR Ports: Kira Carsen  Female Player Head for K1", "TOR Ports: Jaesa Willsaam Female Player Head for K1" - both by @DarthParametric
    This mod's creation was in response to a request by @Untold Prophecy so give him a shout on his request thread if you liked his idea.

    A few notes: Not all of the lines will play as that's how the game is set up.  However, I've filled out as many of the options that I showed in the female PC voice lines document that I could. This also enables you - the player - to go through the lines and decide which is the best one to use. Options, people!  Who doesn't like options?

    Some more notes: There are no Jaesa or Kira lines for some of the mine lines that I could find so I included blank files so you won't hear the original PC character's voice.  I didn't replace the injury sounds either as it won't make a noticeable difference.  (One scream is much like another, IMHO.)  There were also a few where all three options use the same lines but as only one of those three play in game, you won't notice a difference. (It was easier copying one line to all three options than figuring out which one plays in game - which I can't do because my computer isn't working.)

    Hopefully, I've found suitable lines for the PC various scenarios.  You'll have to let me know in the review section below.  (Details are better than just leaving stars, you see.)  Feel free to link videos of the lines in use if your review.  I would've done it myself but my computer has not been brought to repair shop yet.

    This mod is only for Knights of the Old Republic 1.  Knights of the Old Republic 2 - although it has the voice files for the male and female PC - that game doesn't have them activated, rendering the Exile mute. In order to use this mod in Knights of the Old Republic 2, you must install JC's Player Soundset Restoration for K2 in KotOR2 before this mod. That being said: As this mod is strictly designed for KotOR1 and not for KotOR2, any sounds that do not end of playing what you expected should not be reported to me.
    There are three folders in the package: one for Kira Carsen, one for light side Jaesa Willsaam, and one for dark side Jaesa Willsaam.  Choose one (and only one) of these soundsets and you can't use multiple soundsets for one character.  Once you've made your choice, follow these instructions.
    1) Move the original KotOR1 files that share the file names in this mod to a place you can find them.  (I recommend a folder on your desktop.)  Those files will be located in the "Streamsounds" folder where you have KotOR1 installed.
    2) Extract the files from the 7z folder. Grab the new files from that extracted folder and put them in Streamsounds folder.
    Note: If you're using the mod on Steam, this quote may prove helpful.
    Remove the aforementioned contents from your Override folder.
    Legal Disclaimer:
    All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc. I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless notified in writing of permission granted by me. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either.
    I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. I may release this on NexusMods at a later date but I don't wish others to do so. Usage in other mods must be requested and approved by me in writing before your use.
    Special Thanks:
    @Untold Prophecy for the request idea.
    Happy Holidays!


       (2 reviews)



  21. Animated Manaan Cantina Sign for KotOR1

    MOD AUTHOR: Sith Holocron
    GAMES: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 1
    Remember my "ANIMATED CANTINA SIGN FOR KOTOR 1" mod? This mod does what the other one did for the other cantina signage for KOTOR1 - mainly seen on Manaan. This is a minimal effort mod but if you want it, it's yours to use now.
    If you wanted to use this in TSL, you would have to rename both the TGA and the TXI file to "TEL_BBrds4".
    If you wanted this to replace signs in Taris cantinas, you would rename the TGA and TXI to "LTS_signs".
    Put the TGA file and TXI file into your Override folder.
    Remove the TGA file and TXI file from the Override folder.
    Legal Disclaimer:
    All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc. I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of me. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either.
    I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. I may release this on NexusMods at a later date but I don't wish others to do so. Usage in other mods must be requested AND approved by me before your use.


       (10 reviews)



  22. Sith Holocron - TSL Animated Galaxy Map Texture in Canon Positions

    KOTOR2 (TSL) Animated Galaxy Map Texture in Canon Positions 1.2
    AUTHOR: Sith Holocron
    FIRST RELEASE: 19 FEB 2017
    GAMES: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II
    The Galaxy Map texture of the Ebon Hawk was originally sized at 128x128. It is now sized to 512x512. In addition to the resolution bump, the actual texture is now animated.
    As the texture tile is named the same in both KotOR games, the mod is usable in both games.

    So . . . what’s different?  The planets are now in the positions as laid out in Bead-V’s TSL Galaxy Map Fix .
    Though this mod is meant for Knights of the Old Republic 1, it can and will work in KotOR2 if the installation instructions below are followed.
    Note: The LEH_scre03 texture is the Galaxy Map *before* you click on it, that is when you can see the rest of the cockpit.
    This mod is not recommended for use in KotOR2, as it refers to places not seen in the game. A version for KOTOR1 using the “canon” positions for the planets is available here.  

    There are FOUR different versions of the Galaxy Map texture that you can use!
     Version 1: The original planets as laid out in the original un-modded game.
    Version 2: In addition to the original planets, I've added M4-78 to the map.
    Version 3: In addition to the original planets, I've added M4-78 and Coruscant to the map.
    Version 4: This is the "April Fool's Version" of the Galaxy Map as described in this post. (http://deadlystream....oon/#entry44585) : It includes all original planets, M4-78, Coruscant, and Cathalan.
    Unlike the GIF shown on that post, it doesn't have the "Don't Travel" animation as part of the map.
    Here's a video that shows the textures in the game.
    Thanks to @Mellowtron11 for providing the game save so I could get this video done relatively quickly!
    Choose the version that bests suits your uses.  Grab both TGA and TXI files from that file folder and drop them into the following folder:
    Take them out again.
    Known Bugs:
    None known at this time.
    Legal Disclaimer:
    All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc.,
    I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of the mod author. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either. Use it how you like, but if you're going to post it up somewhere, or make a derivative mod, or use it in another mod, please put a line in the read-me, mentioning me.
    I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Stream Workshop.
    Kexikus: Help with putting together this mod.
    LSaberDuelist and OldFlash (of LucasForums) for their instructive discussion and tutorial at LucasForums.


       (6 reviews)



  23. Animated Cantina Sign for KotOR 1

    MOD AUTHOR: Sith Holocron
    GAMES: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic
    Remember my "NPC Portraits for KotOR 1" mod? I used this little animated texture for the background of Mission's portrait. This is a minimal effort mod but if you want it, it's yours to use. (If you wanted to use this in TSL, you would have to rename both the TGA and the TXI file to "TEL_BBrds4".)
    Put the TGA file and TXI file into your Override folder.
    Remove the TGA file and TXI file from the Override folder.
    Xuul recorded a review for this mod back in 2018 if you'd like to see this mod in action.  Thanks Xuul!
    Legal Disclaimer:
    All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc. I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of me. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either.
    I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. I may release this on NexusMods at a later date but I don't wish others to do so. Usage in other mods must be requested AND approved by me before your use.


       (9 reviews)



  24. Replacement Loading Screens for KotOR2: Add-On Pack (with or without TSLRCM)

    AUTHOR: Sith Holocron

    GAMES: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2. [This mod will not work in Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 1.]
    Were you ever dissatisfied with the low-resolution loading screens when the in-game footage looks so much better? What if there was a mod that took care of that for you? Psssst…it’s this mod!
    This version of the mod covers the loading screens for the following mods: Azgath N'Dul's Tomb, Coruscant Jedi Temple, Curse of the Sith, Korriban Expansion, and the M4-78 Enhancement Project.   If you’re looking for the loading screens that cover the areas in the normal “vanilla” game and the areas added by TSLRCM, seek out the “Replacement Loading Screens for KotOR2: Original Pack” which is also available on Deadly Stream. The texture size is 2048 by 2048 so you'll have a large sized picture for each.
    List of the areas covered in this mod.
    Code           Area
    ------------ ------------------------------------------------------
    Curse of the Sith
    100CDN        Curse of the Sith
    Azgath N'Dul's Tomb
    712KOR        Korriban - Azgath N'Dul's Tomb
    713KOR        Korriban - Tomb Antechamber
    M4-78 Enhancement Project
    703KOR        Korriban cutscene #1 for M4-78 version 1.5
    705KOR        Korriban cutscene #2 for M4-78 version 1.5
    801DRO       M4-78 - Landing Pad
    802DRO       M4-78 - Central Zone
    803DRO       M4-78 - Environmental Zone
    804DRO       M4-78 - Industrial Zone
    805DRO       M4-78 - M4-78 Archon Chamber
    806DRO       M4-78 - Archon I Chamber (ES-05)
    807DRO       M4-78 - Archon II Chamber (IS-24)
    808DRO       M4-78 – Central Zone (irradiated)
    809DRO       M4-78 - Industrial Zone (irradiated)
    810DRO       M4-78 - Industrial Zone - Design & Testing
    811DRO       M4-78 - Industrial Zone - Research & Development
    Coruscant Jedi Temple
    952COR       Coruscant - Jedi Temple
    953COR       Coruscant - Jedi Temple Council Chambers
    954COR       Coruscant - Jedi Temple Landing Pad
    Korriban Expansion
    740KOR      Valley Floor
    741KOR      Poxus Awakens Herrco [Cutscene]
    743KOR      Tomb of Darth Doom III
    745KOR      Poxus' Academy
    746KOR      Poxus' Sanctuary
    747KOR      Shuttle Area
    748KOR      Sith Ruins
    749KOR      Thulsa Gaul’s Outer Sanctum
    750KOR      Thulsa Gaul’s Inner Sanctum
    910DAG      Tomb of Ezer Arden
    Drop the TGA files and loadscreen.2da into your Override folder. As M4-78 Enhancement Project includes its own TGA files, you’ll have to allow my TGAs to overwrite the TGAs already there in the Override folder.
    If for any reason, you don’t like one (or more) of the loading screens, consult the list above so you can determine which TGA file/s you will need to remove from your Override folder.
    To completely remove the loading screens, delete all the above listed TGA files.
    Recommendations for Coruscant TGA’s:
    This section won’t tell you how to install Coruscant Jedi Temple, or how fix compatibility issues with other mods. However, if you use the Jedi Temple Expansion (3.0) mod by HK-42, please install his mod first - before you put the relevant Coruscant TGAs from my mod in the Override. Allow the following files to overwrite the pre-existing ones: load_952cor.tga, load_953cor.tga, and load_954cor.tga.
    Legal Disclaimer:
    All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc. I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed
    as-is without alteration, unless by permission of me. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either.
    I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. I may release this on NexusMods at a later date but I don't wish others to do so. Usage in other mods must be requested and approved by me before your use.
    @ndix UR and/or @newbiemodder have permission to include the Korriban Expansion loading screens in their mod if they wish.  Attribution is requested.
    Special Thanks:
    @ndix UR for his wonderful Loading Screen Template which enabled me to offer these loading screens in a format resembling the original loading screens for you all.
    Thanks to @DarthParametric, @JCarter426, @N-DReW25, and @Marius Fett for their input and technical expertise. If you want to have your War Droid utilize the textures from Sithspecter's High Quality blasters, be sure to use the fix for the model created by @DarthParametric which you can find here.
    Thanks to @timurD2003 for testing the 23MAR2019 update to this mod.
    And thanks to YOU for giving this mod a chance! Won’t you leave feedback on the download page? (I'd like to see what I’ve done right, you see. That's not too needy, right?)
    Compatible with VarsityPuppet's TOR Style Loading Screens 1.0
    Video Preview:
    If you'd like a preview of all of the loading screens, check out this video below. It does show the screens without the filter and the black bars but it give you an idea what you'll be working with before you download. I recommend watching the video maximized.


       (4 reviews)



  25. Droid Testing Console Texture Upgrade

    AUTHOR: Sith Holocron
    GAMES: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2. [This mod will not work in Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 1.]
    REQUIRED ADDITIONAL MOD: M4-78 Enhancement Project (either EP version 1.2, EP version 1.3 (the one on Steam), or EP version 1.5)
    I was dissatisfied with the textures that I made for the Droid Testing Consoles. The Droid Testing Consoles are seen near the end of the Industrial Zone on M4-78, just before you get to the Industrial Zone Archon Chamber. One of the textures had a Galaxy as the background and the other had a game map on it. In addition, I thought I could come up with better animations in the smaller boxes. I decided to take action and change that.
    The previous backgrounds have been replaced with a new background from an droid assembly line on M4-78. It's actually a loop of the HK Factory with a new War Droid texture swapped in to replace the HK droids usually seen in there. (No, you hadn't missed an area.) Some of the other texture enhancements can been seen in these example GIFs.


    This version of the mod is compatible with both version 1.2 (available on MODDB) and the 1.3 version (only available on Steam) or version 1.5 (available here on Deadly Stream.) Each frame size is 1024 by 1024 and there are 11 frames in total.
    Drop the TGA and TXI files into your Override folder.
    To completely remove the loading screens, delete all the TGA and TXI files that were included in this mod from your Override folder.
    Legal Disclaimer:
    All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc. I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of me. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either.
    I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. I may release this on NexusMods at a later date but I don't wish others to do so. Usage in other mods must be requested and approved by me before your use.
    Special Thanks:
    JCarter426 for his replacement textures so I could swap in the Sith War Droids into the HK Factory animation.
    I used High Quality Blasters version 1.0 by SithSpecter in the animation with the rotating blaster. Highly recommended!
    Corrections made to TXI files thanks to ndix UR.
    Thanks to Canderis, JCarter426, and Malkior for their input.
    And thanks to YOU for giving this mod a gander! Would you kindly leave feedback on the download page? (I would like to know if you've liked it . . . )


       (2 reviews)

