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  1. Your words are heard and acknowledged. While I did test it out, a fresh install revealed some errors that I believed I had corrected. I'm going to go through it from the bottom up and see if I can't get it sorted out. The Vulkars are particularly puzzling since I didn't touch their hostility rating to begin with. I'll need to just pull them direct from the game again and sort through it. Sorry for the delay, life has been busy.
  2. Overhaul mods are under construction until I can figure out what files got jumbled around. I had the kinks ironed out, but apparently the changes didn't save properly.

  3. View File Three-Tiered Jedi Robes THREE-TIERED JEDI ROBES, or VANILLA ROBES REDONE This mod is a simple retexture and tiering of the Jedi (and Dark Jedi) robes already present in the game. Now Jedi, Knight, and Master robes come in all three colors (brown, red, blue), and their Dark variants (black, grey) with matching icons. The Vanilla Brown Jedi Robe is now the base texture for all Jedi/tier 1 robes. The Vanilla Red Jedi Robe is now the base texture for all Jedi Knight/tier 2 robes. The Vanilla Blue Jedi Robe is now the base texture for all Jedi Master/tier 3 robes. This decision was based on a variety of factors and contradicts N-DReW's Dark Jedi Robes mod, although the inspiration is heartily and sincerely felt. My justification is that the Blue Jedi Robe model is the most unique of the three--it has a higher collar and seems set apart from the rest. As Jedi Master Robes offer the best defense in the game save for Qel-Droma or Star Forge, I decided this distinction was warranted. Compatibility note: because of the relabeling of the textures to make the tier system work, this mod is technically not compatible with @constantinople33 magnificent Lore-Friendly Qel-Droma Robes mod. However if you're using this mod you'd likely want to be using that, so. In order to fix this, simply rename those textures from PMBI05/PFBI05 to PMBI06/PFBI06, then open the UTI file and change the texture number from 5 to 6. Sincerest thanks to @heyorange, @N-DReW25, and @Zhaboka for their support and input throughout the modding process. And of course thanks to Deadly Stream itself for being a haven of knowledge and community. May the Force be with you always. Submitter PirateofRohan Submitted 09/15/2021 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  4. Version 1.0.0


    THREE-TIERED JEDI ROBES, or VANILLA ROBES REDONE This mod is a simple retexture and tiering of the Jedi (and Dark Jedi) robes already present in the game. Now Jedi, Knight, and Master robes come in all three colors (brown, red, blue), and their Dark variants (black, grey) with matching icons. The Vanilla Brown Jedi Robe is now the base texture for all Jedi/tier 1 robes. The Vanilla Red Jedi Robe is now the base texture for all Jedi Knight/tier 2 robes. The Vanilla Blue Jedi Robe is now the base texture for all Jedi Master/tier 3 robes. This decision was based on a variety of factors and contradicts N-DReW's Dark Jedi Robes mod, although the inspiration is heartily and sincerely felt. My justification is that the Blue Jedi Robe model is the most unique of the three--it has a higher collar and seems set apart from the rest. As Jedi Master Robes offer the best defense in the game save for Qel-Droma or Star Forge, I decided this distinction was warranted. Compatibility note: because of the relabeling of the textures to make the tier system work, this mod is technically not compatible with @constantinople33 magnificent Lore-Friendly Qel-Droma Robes mod. However if you're using this mod you'd likely want to be using that, so. In order to fix this, simply rename those textures from PMBI05/PFBI05 to PMBI06/PFBI06, then open the UTI file and change the texture number from 5 to 6. Sincerest thanks to @heyorange, @N-DReW25, and @Zhaboka for their support and input throughout the modding process. And of course thanks to Deadly Stream itself for being a haven of knowledge and community. May the Force be with you always.
  5. We are actually on the same page with regards to the Verpine tiers, and I like your idea about the Mandalorian tiers. Less work for me at least. Some corrections: it was the Echani heavy armor that was Mandalorian, my mistake. Here's my attempt at the correction: Echani heavy armor, Iotran Bracemen armor Here's a rough version of the Echani Shield Suit. I haven't got the color quite right (aiming for a gold that matches the Echani battle armor). Also I figured Jurgan Kalta's suit and the Fenelar armor was intentional, but there are enough "dark yet plausibly colorful" armors in the game as is. The Light Combat Suit (again, minimalist because it is legit just "better than clothing."
  6. Yes, yes, it is a well-tread path I walk in saying I'm going to reassign and retexture the armors appearing in The Sith Lords. However, no mods of similar design quite go all the way. Enter me. My guiding principle: All descriptions, lore, and textures should carry equal weight. The textures of TSL's armor uti files will be corrected where needed to point toward their K1 appearance. Some of this was just sloppiness on Obsidian's part, some of it was just interesting reassignment choices. For new armors, I intend to do the following: The Light Combat Suit will now take its cues from the Peragus Mining Uniform (so it will basically be just a brown leather suit). The Mandalorian Combat Suit will take its cues from the Cinnegar Weave Armor of K1, to better match description. The Mandalorian Heavy Suit might get Bandon's Fiber Armor recolored, again to better match the item description (although kudos to Obsidian for putting in the bare minimum effort of making the combat suit texture indigo). The Echani Shield Suit I'm considering a recolored version of K1's Baragwin Shadow Armor. Not ideal, but better than the obviously Mandalorian armor from before. The Sith Battle Suit will now resemble a red version of K1's Environmental bastion armor. The Verpine Fiber Ultramesh gets recolored slightly--more gold added to the shoulders and tubes. We don't know where Davik got his armor, but we do know a Verpine color scheme when we see one. The Corellian Powersuit takes its cues from the Powered Battle Suit to better match the item description. M'uhk'gfa is my own attempt using the Battle Armor base with a modified weave over the leather parts to better match the item description. The Iotran Braceman Armor takes its cues from the class eight Mandalorian armor now (what was previously the Echani Shield Suit), better matching the item description which categorizes them as a warrior society. The Fenelar Armor now bares its correct name, and has been recolored to distance it from Jurgan Kalta's Power Suit, although the implication of the identified Fenelar design on the origins of Kalta's armor is up to you. The Matrix Armor is untouched (because I refuse to call it Cassus Fett's armor) but has a modified description which implies a link between either starship plating and beskar or the armor's design and those of the Mandalorians depending on how you take it. They are in various stages of completion, but I'll post images as I get to them. As always, feedback is welcome!
  7. Going to do a final test run tomorrow but I believe I've finalized the colors. My only reservation is still the brown Jedi Knight robes. Unfortunately the line between Jedi and fungi is a fine one to walk.
  8. View File Dantooine Additional NPC Overhaul THE DANTOOINE ADDITIONAL NPC OVERHAUL Changes key NPCs (not related to the Sandrals or Matales) to have unique -- or at least unique-adjacent -- heads and appearances. For Dantooine this means the following: Various ambient Jedi get their heads swapped from primary to secondary commoners--no more duplicates who won't talk to you. This includes one Courtyard Jedi who is now an orange Twi'lek--call it a diversity win. Crattis is made orange to help set him apart from Karl. Sol'aa has his green Xbox appearance restored so nobody can call me prejudiced against Twi'leks or the colour green. Elise (the droid kriffer) gets blonde hair and red lipstick. She's lonely and deserves nice things maybe. Lur Arka gets a unique red Twi'lek head based off of Xor's unique Twi'lek head. He also will be wearing a darker clothing variant just to make him stand out a bit more. For the quests proper: Nemo gets a new head based off a mix between Vrook and the Old Commoner head he had before. Corpse changed to match. Jon the farmer gets a new (blond) head with facial hair, based off PMHC03. Sherruk gets a unique red Mandalorian appearance where Mandalorian symbols are featured prominently on his chestplate as well as his back. Rickard Lusoff gets a unique head based off PMHA05, as well as a skintone-on-glove-appropriate smuggler's outfit, to give him that hunter-loanshark look he was always meant to have. (For best results, pair with DarthParamedic's TOR Ports: Handon's Enhanced Waistline). Big ups to the modding community who love the game as much for what it is as what it could be. All work is mine and may only be used with permission. I didn't spend hours bouncing between Kotor Tool, GIMP, various image upscaling websites, and a new override folder just to have the credit stolen. Submitter PirateofRohan Submitted 07/19/2021 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  9. After some investigation, I suspect it might be a result of the orphaned dialogues that are present in the original file--I'm content to just finish flagging "Sound Exists" and call it good whether the animations are fixed or not, but it is something to be aware of for projects down the line. Thanks for the assistance!
  10. Thought I'd make this post just as a way to keep track of my future/not-yet-started projects, such as they are. As they move past the concept stage they may get threads of their own. Unique Sidequest Messengers (K1): continuing on from my Mandalorian Jagi mod, this one attempts to do the same for all other side quests. Jolee's old friend who tells him about Sunry should look more like a smuggler. Sunry himself could use some scruff from his prison stay, and maybe a Republic Officer's uniform. The trial's half politics anyway, why not have him look the part. I'm also partial to giving Elora the Old Black Commoner model, but I'm not opposed to the Asian variant since that one doesn't get much use afaik. Xor not only gets a human head to better fit his dialogue, but a unique one at that. Currently thinking about bearding and greying Mullet Man for him, plus adding some scarring--maybe claw scratches since the man likes hunting Cathars so much. Looking into modding his thugs into various human mercenaries also--it always took me out of it if I confronted him on Manaan to have Selkath backing it up. Bastila's mother's friend (the Twi'lek) could use an update. Commoner clothes vs armor is a decision for farther down the line, but I'd definitely give her a scar or something. She's done treasure hunting work after all. Lena should also get an update--maybe have her be a red twi'lek? I'd have to experiment getting the body model the correct color and working, but I feel like she's worth it. Carth's friend Jordo needs at minimum a Czerka uniform and probably a new head to go along with it. Have I exhausted my Asian head editing? Perhaps. I guess we shall see. Freyrr deserves a unique Wookiee skin--I'm thinking take a page out of Itchy's and just greying the Wookiee 1 model. Hulas could be greener and his outfit could be darker. Something that says "I have a proposition for you." Suvam Tan shouldn't be the only Rodian who gets to look significant. Equally, Senni Vek deserves a unique colored head. There is a Twi'lek racist out there conflating every green-skinned nerfherder in the game and I will not let it stand! No More Starring Roles: Endar Spire Jedi and Star Forge Jedi in my opinion should get more diverse appearances than just "not-in-use PC head." Honestly it probably won't be anything fancy either, just tweaking their skin colors to make them Near Human (maybe Mirialin or Zeltron?). Equally, the Taris Sith Governor and that one Sith Apprentice on Lehon are missing a little something. Currently considering giving the Taris boss a light dusting of hair and goatee and calling that a day, but the Sith Apprentice should be either Twi'lek or Mirialin in my opinion. Something eye catching that makes his words actually register. Companion Sidequest items: Scripting might hold me back here, but it seems like a fun way to acknowledge NPC character growth and have a few new toys to play with. This would include the K2 items Bindo's Band and Vao armband, although I'd probably beef their effects a bit. Lightsaber Ranks: Dark Jedi and Sith Apprentices are clearly two separate groups. To that end and inspired slightly by the Inquisitors of new canon, I plan to reassign lightsabers to all of the adversaries so only the bald, armored Sith Apprentices get saber staffs/double bladed lightsabers out of the grunts in the villains. Boss Enhancements: New items for every planet's boss. In practice Jorak Uln gets an armband/Sith Talisman that boosts Wisdom. Yuthura gets an armband complete with icon from her Sleheyron days that works as a boosted version of Brejik's anti-melee equipment. Considering replacing the Jedi Master Robes in Uthar's room with the Darkside equivalent of the Qel-Droma Robes--different stat emphasis but same defense 5. Wookiee Warblades abound, Calo Nord has pistols with increased stats on them. Bandon's thugs probably get their weapons, looks, and difficulty changed up since he already comes with armor and a saber. Sherruk gets a special sniper rifle. Xor gets a belt that boosts all relevant combat attributes but also has a 50% chance of zombie walk and low reflex saves (because overuse of stims is bad for you, kids!). K2 Armor Fix: reassign textures to their correct K1 counterparts, yes. With the new armors, it's important to me that the descriptions and cultures are adhered to when possible. For example, the Mando combat suit seems like it would work better as a reworked version of the reinforced fiber armor, while the Echani Shield Suit should be anything but the Mando armor. The Corellian Powersuit should be a reskinning of the Powered Battle Armor, not yet another reworking of Cinnagar Plate Armor. If I can get the retexture right (which by description should probably be a reskin of regular battle armor and not what should be Verpine armor), ideally this would lead to a side mod where I put M'uhk'gfa into K1--probs on the Elite Gamorreans on Taris and maybe the hapless group on Tatooine.
  11. Alright I've played around with the "brown" Jedi Knight robe a bit. This time the trousers are black to match the wrist guards and the robe's colouring is slightly more desaturated to avoid the yellow/green look it was having in motion/lighting. There's an unintended side effect of a slightly "worn" pattern on the robe, but it honestly looks kinda nice if I may say so myself.
    Doing the Lord's work. Not necessarily Naga Sadow's, cos I'm sure he designed that overcomplicated power grid for a reason, but some Lord. Maybe Ajunta Pall.
  12. Version 2.0


    THE DANTOOINE ADDITIONAL NPC OVERHAUL Changes key NPCs (not related to the Sandrals or Matales) to have unique -- or at least unique-adjacent -- heads and appearances. For Dantooine this means the following: Various ambient Jedi get their heads swapped from primary to secondary commoners--no more duplicates who won't talk to you. This includes one Courtyard Jedi who is now an orange Twi'lek--call it a diversity win. Crattis is made orange to help set him apart from Karl. Sol'aa has his green Xbox appearance restored so nobody can call me prejudiced against Twi'leks or the colour green. Elise (the droid kriffer) gets blonde hair and red lipstick. She's lonely and deserves nice things maybe. Lur Arka gets a unique red Twi'lek head based off of Xor's unique Twi'lek head. He also will be wearing a darker clothing variant just to make him stand out a bit more. For the quests proper: Nemo gets a new head based off a mix between Vrook and the Old Commoner head he had before. Corpse changed to match. Jon the farmer gets a new (blond) head with facial hair, based off PMHC03. Sherruk gets a unique red Mandalorian appearance where Mandalorian symbols are featured prominently on his chestplate as well as his back. Rickard Lusoff gets a unique head based off PMHA05, as well as a skintone-on-glove-appropriate smuggler's outfit, to give him that hunter-loanshark look he was always meant to have. (For best results, pair with DarthParamedic's TOR Ports: Handon's Enhanced Waistline). Big ups to the modding community who love the game as much for what it is as what it could be. All work is mine and may only be used with permission. I didn't spend hours bouncing between Kotor Tool, GIMP, various image upscaling websites, and a new override folder just to have the credit stolen.
  13. After finally getting every dialogue sound and gender assignment swapped from male to female twi'lek VOs, I have now noticed that there are some missing mouth animations--i.e. the NPC will have their dialogue and VO playing, but instead of mouthing the words they just stare at you unnervingly. Does anyone with more familiarity with editing dlg files know what I've missed? I'll settle for telepathic Jedi if I must, but I'd prefer consistency. dan13_deesra.dlg dan13_deesra.utc
  14. View File Starcrossed: A Unique Shen and Rahasia Mod STARCROSSED: A UNIQUE SHEN AND RAHASIA MOD This mod attempts to combat the clone effect in KotOR by giving our two starcrossed lovers unique heads--or at least heads that haven't been used by 5+ NPCs before you've even set foot on Dantooine. Shen Matale now has a head based on PMHA04, while Rahasia Sandral's takes it's shape from PFHB04. I tried to select the heads based on personality and vibe while keeping the original guidelines. Nurik and Ahlan have been switched to the alternate Old Commoner models of their respective races, and just for some extra spice, they're all color-coded with clothing. Casus's body now uses an edited version of the Chewed Human Noble Corpse--as far as I know it isn't used anywhere else in the game, so this mod straight-up replaces it. If it is, just prepare yourself for a dead skeletal body wearing green instead of red. That's all. Just run the installer. For the changes to fully take effect, it's recommended you load a save prior to landing on Dantooine/completing your Jedi trials. Then presto, Attichitcuk's your father. Submitter PirateofRohan Submitted 07/18/2021 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes