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Everything posted by Lawkmt3

  1. What about "The Nabooian Gallery" for Mod Images. It's nice to see what you're getting when you're mod shopping. Naboo was a planet of cultural exploits.
  2. I don't know if this is a MOD conflict or an error in installation, but I can't get Shem's playable Dopak mod to work.
  3. Mace isn't all that to me either, but that's obvious right?
  4. Well I like the second! But Nilius is a pushover!
  5. How about the one where Mr. Avellone said Nhilius's mask was made from Revan's skull originally. And he also said Juhani was supposed to be on Dxun as a horrendously scarred mystic/healer...
  6. Hey kid why the animal print top? Just Curious.
  7. That's AWESOME! Too bad I only play K1 as a woman. Here's a gallery of K1 and K2 art I made up on a doll-maker. For all the artists on here feel free to browse and if you get inspired use, just don't claim the art as yours please.
  8. Lawkmt3

    Playable Dopak

    I the TSL Patch and put it in the exact place it should be and it never showed up?
  9. How do you link things here. I'd like to share a link to my Jedi and Sith Gallery on DeviantArt?
  10. Well, obviously you don't want to look like a Sith! Unless you're going to the lower City the first time. IDK, personally, I am drawn to colorful (within reason) and sleek things.
  11. It's a great model for what I'm thinking. I'm also thinking the color scheme could also be fairly theatrical without being cartoonish.
  12. That's not a terrible idea, a flashy color scheme to appeal to the spectacle of Dueling, Swooping, and the Paazak tournament. Besides, you could just add it to the inventory in Kebla Yurt's shop.
  13. I thought a re-skin of Marka Ragnos's mask and a hood like on the Dark Jedi, would do it. I am not a modder, I know nothing about re-programing or anything technical. I just "think out loud."
  14. Lawkmt3

    Quanons T3M4 Reskin

    DL and INSTALLED! Awesome work ALWAYS! My characters in K1 will be YOUR SKINS!
  15. That makes sense kid Still, I would say you wouldn't want your face plastered everywhere. You need credits from swooping, bounty hunting, and Pazaak but you can't be famous until the end when Vandar tells the galaxy who you really are.
  16. Am I the only one who thinks it might be a little odd that your face is plastered all over Taris's screens for both the Dueling Ring and the Swoop Race and Calo Nord tells Malak "Hey you know those peeps Bastila is hanging with, you DO know one of them is your former Boss right?" First, how does Calo figure that out? Second why is he out of all the Sithy's on Taris the only person aware of this fact? I've always thought, (and it's been in fanfic from day 1) that PC should wear a mask for dueling and swooping! Also why are you giving out auto-prints? You're supposed to be on a secret mission!
  17. Trying to find the KOTOR in my Imagination...

  18. I love all of Quanon's stuff. I'm having a hard time not thinking R2-D2 here, but the quality and beauty of his art is automatically in my Override folder!
  19. Or, instead of blue, you might try a lilac or a maroon like your MOD of davik's estate on Taris. Maybe even a green??? Blue is just not really working for me because of R2D2
  20. Now *that* has oomph! I do hope my replies haven't "sounded" harsh or overly critical. Talking through type isn't really communication at all.