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  1. View File Marauder Strict Fix Pack K2 Marauder Strict Fix Pack for KotOR II: TSL Notice that this is NOT the same as Marauder Fix Pack. Version 1.0.0 -Description- A collection of my fixes for items that had wrong descriptions or properties. This differs from my previous Marauder Fix Pack, by not including consistency fixes. New here is that Droid Anatomy Fix is now included and installed by default after it was updated. -Installation- Uses TSLPatcher. Double-click StrictFixPackK2.exe, confirm your choice and tell the installer where the game path is. -Compatibility- If there is something that would conflict, the installer will not overwrite it. Don’t use it with K2CP because they already include most (if not all) of my fixes. Marauder Fix Pack already has these fixes. There’s no need to combine the two. -Permissions- You have permission to alter this mod and redistribute your modified versions. I'm happy for you to repackage it, include it in your own mods, or upload it anywhere you like. I only ask to be mentioned as the original author of the mod. -Credits- Made with Fred Tetra's Kotor Tool Uses TSL Patcher for installing the mod Submitter Marauder Submitted 09/20/2020 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  2. View File Bavakar Implant Fix K2 Bavakar Implant Fix for K2 by Marauder -Description- The Bavakar Strength System does not use the icon it logically should. Strength implants normally use a "standard" icon, so this mod fixes that issue by making the Bavakar Strength System do the same. The screenshots show what's changed, with the grey icon being the new one. -Install- Drop the file from the Override folder into your game Override folder. -Compatibility- Won't work with anything that modifies this file. You will have to choose which mod you want. -Bugs- There shouldn't be any. Let me know if there are. -Permissions- If you want to use this mod as part of your own mod, or distribute it then go ahead. You can also change it however you like and then distribute the resulting mod, and give others whatever permissions you feel appropriate (if any). -Credits- Made with Fred Tetras Kotor Tool. Submitter Marauder Submitted 09/20/2020 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  3. View File Mining Laser Consistency Fix -Description- Some of the mining lasers on Peragus do one less damage than the others, are missing part of their description or use different grammar. One thing that annoys me about Peragus is that blasters have different stats, with some of them doing one less damage than standard blasters. Based on the storyline, they should probably all do one less damage. This mod fixes that consistency problem by giving all of the mining lasers a damage penalty of 1, instead of just some of them. So now single handed mining lasers do 1-7 damage, advanced mining lasers does 1-11 damage, and heavy mining laser does 1-15 damage. It also fixes: Some of the blasters/rifles do not show that they can't be upgraded Inconsistent appunctuation in the "Not Upgradeable" lines -Install- Drop all files from the Override folder into your game Override folder. -Compatibility- The Heavy Mining Laser was changed so that you'll get the same consistency with TSLRCM as well. I don't know of any mods using the same files but if there is then it won't work together with that mod. You'll have to choose which mod you want. -Bugs- There shouldn't be any. Let me know if there are. -Permissions- If you want to use it in your own mod, go ahead. You can also change anything else about it you like, distribute it, and give others permission to distribute it. But do give me credit. -Credits- Made with Fred Tetras Kotor Tool. Submitter Marauder Submitted 09/19/2020 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Marauder Strict Fix Pack for KotOR II: TSL Notice that this is NOT the same as Marauder Fix Pack. Version 1.0.0 -Description- A collection of my fixes for items that had wrong descriptions or properties. This differs from my previous Marauder Fix Pack, by not including consistency fixes. New here is that Droid Anatomy Fix is now included and installed by default after it was updated. -Installation- Uses TSLPatcher. Double-click StrictFixPackK2.exe, confirm your choice and tell the installer where the game path is. -Compatibility- If there is something that would conflict, the installer will not overwrite it. Don’t use it with K2CP because they already include most (if not all) of my fixes. Marauder Fix Pack already has these fixes. There’s no need to combine the two. -Permissions- You have permission to alter this mod and redistribute your modified versions. I'm happy for you to repackage it, include it in your own mods, or upload it anywhere you like. I only ask to be mentioned as the original author of the mod. -Credits- Made with Fred Tetra's Kotor Tool Uses TSL Patcher for installing the mod
  5. Marauder

    Marauder Fix Pack

    This should be getting an update soon, I have some new mods incoming and some or all of it will be added to this mod.
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Bavakar Implant Fix for K2 by Marauder -Description- The Bavakar Strength System does not use the icon it logically should. Strength implants normally use a "standard" icon, so this mod fixes that issue by making the Bavakar Strength System do the same. The screenshots show what's changed, with the grey icon being the new one. -Install- Drop the file from the Override folder into your game Override folder. -Compatibility- Won't work with anything that modifies this file. You will have to choose which mod you want. -Bugs- There shouldn't be any. Let me know if there are. -Permissions- If you want to use this mod as part of your own mod, or distribute it then go ahead. You can also change it however you like and then distribute the resulting mod, and give others whatever permissions you feel appropriate (if any). -Credits- Made with Fred Tetras Kotor Tool.
  7. Version 1.0.0


    -Description- Some of the mining lasers on Peragus do one less damage than the others, are missing part of their description or use different grammar. One thing that annoys me about Peragus is that blasters have different stats, with some of them doing one less damage than standard blasters. Based on the storyline, they should probably all do one less damage. This mod fixes that consistency problem by giving all of the mining lasers a damage penalty of 1, instead of just some of them. So now single handed mining lasers do 1-7 damage, advanced mining lasers does 1-11 damage, and heavy mining laser does 1-15 damage. It also fixes: Some of the blasters/rifles do not show that they can't be upgraded Inconsistent appunctuation in the "Not Upgradeable" lines -Install- Drop all files from the Override folder into your game Override folder. -Compatibility- The Heavy Mining Laser was changed so that you'll get the same consistency with TSLRCM as well. I don't know of any mods using the same files but if there is then it won't work together with that mod. You'll have to choose which mod you want. -Bugs- There shouldn't be any. Let me know if there are. -Permissions- If you want to use it in your own mod, go ahead. You can also change anything else about it you like, distribute it, and give others permission to distribute it. But do give me credit. -Credits- Made with Fred Tetras Kotor Tool.
  8. Yeah I remember being able to open the door on the xbox, but if I remember there wasn't much going on in there. I'm wondering if there's more hidden in the module relating to this. Anyway, great mod. It's always frustrating not being able to open a door, because you know the content is missing.
  9. Thanks! From the looks of it the game has more than one version of it and some with different properties, so I'll have to test it to see what they're doing. For now just going to remove it from the install and archive it when I update it (soon).
  10. I'm way late replying to this but.. Droid utility items weren't consistent because they would say things like "Advanced" or "Adv." in the description depending which item it was, spacing issues etc but you should get a (almost?) full account of that during install. For consistency issues this is like an aesthetic improvement - everything looks a bit tidier when you view it in the inventory. It will not overwrite or patch against other mods at all, so those files would be skipped and left untouched. Later I will see about patching utis that are already being used.
  11. View File Item Description Fix Pack K1 Item Description Fix Pack For KotOR 1 -Description- This mod is an attempt to fix as many issues with item descriptions in the game as possible including mistakes such as typos, grammar problems, spacing, issues with paragraphs, and consistency problems. There has been no attempt to fix intentional things that might be considered a quirk of the game. This just fixes the above problems and tries to make things more consistent. -Summary- * All headgear items now show that they can’t be used by Wookies. * Grenades look consistent with each other. * Mines look consistent with each other. * Droid utility items look consistent with each other. * Fixes to obvious mistakes with spaces and return carriages. * Basic grammar and punctuation issues are fixed, but awkward wording is not. * Spelling mistakes are fixed, except for items where alternative meanings are acceptable. -Installation- TSLPatcher is used as the installer but universal compatibility is not guaranteed yet. This will be done in a later revision of this mod and for now it will not overwrite your other mods. To start installation just extract the DescFixesK1 folder and run DescriptionFixesK1.exe from inside that folder.. follow the instructions from there. -Copying- You have permission to alter this mod and redistribute your modified versions. I'm happy for you to repackage it, include it in your own mods, or upload it anywhere you like. I only ask to be mentioned as the original author of the mod. -Credits- · Made with Fred Tetra's Kotor Tool · Uses TSL Patcher for installing the mod · KSE Save Game Editor was very helpful in creating this mod · JCarter426 for clarifying a question about editing placed item properties Submitter Marauder Submitted 05/28/2019 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  12. Fair enough. I thought this was just a well known problem. The grass appears to float above the surface of the plains by a foot or so. Sadly I have a different version of the game now or a proper screenshot would do it. I'll have a try at reproducing this some time though, as I had the issue only on older versions of the game and I may have one of them lying around. Anyway, thanks, I updated the description
  13. Ah. How about placement, can items just be dropped in .utm files for stores and others or is it more involved? Assuming conflicts are avoided I mean.
  14. Version 1.0.1


    Item Description Fix Pack For KotOR 1 -Description- This mod is an attempt to fix as many issues with item descriptions in the game as possible including mistakes such as typos, grammar problems, spacing, issues with paragraphs, and consistency problems. There has been no attempt to fix intentional things that might be considered a quirk of the game. This just fixes the above problems and tries to make things more consistent. -Summary- * All headgear items now show that they can’t be used by Wookies. * Grenades look consistent with each other. * Mines look consistent with each other. * Droid utility items look consistent with each other. * Fixes to obvious mistakes with spaces and return carriages. * Basic grammar and punctuation issues are fixed, but awkward wording is not. * Spelling mistakes are fixed, except for items where alternative meanings are acceptable. -Installation- TSLPatcher is used as the installer but universal compatibility is not guaranteed yet. This will be done in a later revision of this mod and for now it will not overwrite your other mods. To start installation just extract the DescFixesK1 folder and run DescriptionFixesK1.exe from inside that folder.. follow the instructions from there. -Copying- You have permission to alter this mod and redistribute your modified versions. I'm happy for you to repackage it, include it in your own mods, or upload it anywhere you like. I only ask to be mentioned as the original author of the mod. -Credits- · Made with Fred Tetra's Kotor Tool · Uses TSL Patcher for installing the mod · KSE Save Game Editor was very helpful in creating this mod · JCarter426 for clarifying a question about editing placed item properties