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Everything posted by Snigaroo

  1. I have just added what I believe are almost forty mod requests. Quite a lot. I took notes during my most recent replay, which just finished, and put up everything I could think of which I'd like to see altered. Of course this is not an exhaustive list, but it is at least a list of things I know for sure I'd like. There are quite a few relatively simple mods I think would be easy enough to make, but also quite a few big projects I'm mostly listing my interest in in the hopes that it might inspire some ideas in others. Revision 11 of the mod builds is currently in testing and I expect to begin the K2 test in days, which means that the K2 request thread will probably see a similar explosion of requests soon. Bear in mind: I don't add mods to the builds outside of Revisions, so any requests that were just put up here, or will be put up shortly for K2, will not be tested for inclusion until the next Revision period. There's plenty of time to complete any of these if anybody's got a mind to, but also bear in mind that if you complete a mod request, I might not be firsthand reviewing it for a year or more.
  2. That's great, I'm glad it's out before the next version of the K2CP is finalized, I'm hoping JC might want to integrate it. It's such a small thing but it's always bugged me.
  3. Did you read the details of the request in the thread OP? The name of the request definitely makes it sound like I wanted a wholesale change and I could've picked a much better shorthand, but the OP description talks about the specifics in the case of each request. I try to do it that way to keep the thread from being cluttered with a bunch of details within the comments. Thanks very much for the work, I appreciate it.
  4. That would change every appearance of Traya in the game to Kreia, correct? I don't want her appearance on Malachor changed--much as I think it's likely an artifact of LucasArts mandating there be a big bad at the end, it would be much too significant a thematic alteration for mod build inclusion. If the description of the request wasn't clear enough I apologize, but I only wanted the change for the vision appearance in the tomb.
  5. To change her appearance on Korriban? The Malachor appearance and the Ludo Kressh vision share the same .utc file?
  6. I've added a new request (Traya-to-Kreia). This one is pretty easy, I think.
  7. @Mesmitos, reach out on Discord to troubleshoot. It's not an issue with the mod builds, your install is either broken in some way or you're just noticing the few imperfections which are still present.
  8. That isn't anything that I would want to include in the mod builds.
  9. I'd need to play it myself to see, of course, but conceptually this sounds excellent. KOTOR 2's higher level cap and scaling make the game easier than it should be at basically any point after Telos, and lowered BAB on certain classes, plus reduced scaling AC, should help restore at least some of that difficulty. I'd be excited to try it, and even in the event I didn't like all changes it should--I hope--not be too difficult to create an install variant that contains just the changes desired for the builds.
  10. I would welcome it, and if it came about it could maybe even be a wedge in the door for @EpicStoffer's Mission project. If the ability to harden her was intended and could be restored, it would make the Sith route in his mod a little more justifiable, although I do still have some reservations about Mission being a Force Sensitive to begin with.
  11. We've talked about a lot of these ideas before and I generally agree with your ideas (or at least giving a shot to your concepts), except this: This one's not for me, chief. There are probably users out there that would love that, and that means there's going to be demand for it and if anyone wants to make it I'm sure it'll get used, but for me personally, I'm firmly of the opinion that Taris is already too long. The idea of making it longer frightens me on a primal level. Nixing half of the sewers is just the closest thing I can think of to a 0-content cost way of making the planet shorter, and thereby a little bit more bearable.
  12. I'll give it a shot, it's possible I'm thinking of a different mod. Lord knows I've tried a lot of them over the years, they blur together sometimes.
  13. Doesn't that require WMO? I seem to remember there was a project to do texture enhancements without model change requirements, but if it does require WMO I recall that I was not super fond of WMO's changes.
  14. I could be misremembering, but I spoke to JC about this a few months ago and from what I recall the consensus was that it could be done without AI VO, but it would be janky and imperfect. A lot of the VO was recorded, but not all of it and some of what's missing would require splicing, or lead to bumpy dialogue transitions or nonsensical sequences. JC can correct me if I'm thinking about a different project.
  15. I think the restoration of those rooms would be great, but I'm not sure about using the library to learn the Code, necessarily, because Yuthura is already there for that. Perhaps rather than learning the Code, the terminals in the library could give historical examples of it. Like, for instance, the deeds of the ancient Sith and how they correspond to the ideologies of the Code. So rather than just teaching you the words or the basic principles, they could provide historical examples of the Code in practice. I think it has potential as a mod, but I don't think that I would personally be interested in including something like that. I've spoken before about the "illusion of urgency" and its importance to KOTOR's plot, keeping the player feeling like they have a galaxy to save and that any waste of time is abhorrent. BioWare kind of spoils this themselves at times with things like Yavin, or cross-planetary quests like the Rakata puzzle box and, especially, the Geno'Haradan, but I don't want to further contribute to the problem through the inclusion of any completely new planets without there being a rationale tied directly to the core plot of the game for their inclusion; new areas on existing planets are fine, but it's harder to justify a days- or weeks-long hyperspace journey which isn't mandatory. Sleheyron would probably be the only one I would consider, once @Sithspecter gets it all finished up, simply because it would be mandatory to complete due to the Star Map there. That would be great, yeah.
  16. Well that's not exactly how I envisioned it, but I did say that ideally the change would result in the force field door opening and leading straight down that ramp to the Rancor room, ideally cutting the entire lower sewer area except for the Rancor encounter. That would remove the better part of a full module, for time savings of probably closer to 10-15 minutes for those who are completionists. Still probably not worth the work to do it, but better than 10 seconds.
  17. A companion to the KOTOR Mod Build Request Thread for requesting specific content for potential integration into the mod builds. Please see the KOTOR 1 thread for a (very) detailed breakdown about what the purpose of these requests are, and why I'm choosing to do them now. There is one part I would like to renewedly stress: completion of any of the below does not guarantee inclusion in the mod builds. Which is a bit of a pain in the ass, I know, but if I requested a lightsaber mod and you made one but each lightsaber had +10 STR and +20 ATK, that might be a bit imbalanced. That's an extreme example, but I hope you all follow what I mean: the more complex the mod is the more scrutiny I'll have to put it under to ensure it meets the builds' content standards. That means it might be of benefit to you to communicate with me during the development process, either here or on the Discord, to make sure that the mod as you're producing it fits the build standard, OR that we can setup an alternate install option with a different setup that does. - - - A Brief Breakdown: Mod requests are split into two broad categories: New Mods and Patches to existing mods. Generally speaking Patch requests will be easier, but I will also attempt to place requests in order of what I think the assumed difficulty of each request is. I will probably regularly be very wrong. Many of these requests will be discussed in the comments, and I recommend reading through the thread if you're just stumbling on it to get an idea of my discussions with other modders, as there are usually some good ideas circulating around how to implement some of these. As I mentioned previously, this list is never going to be exhaustive. If you have an idea for a mod that you think would fit into the builds well, feel free to reach out to me and discuss it, as long as you're comfortable with me giving you pre-release feedback. I'm happy to do so, but as I said I don't want to presume and initiate such a conversation on my own. Whenever a mod request is completed and I have tested and confirmed I would like to use it in the builds, I will remove it from this list. Whenever I come up with a new idea I will edit it into this OP as well as posting a comment talking about the new request. - - - Mod Requests: Malachor V Redux Recast Mira Negative Influence, Negative Consequences Influence that Actually Influences Restored Disciple Holocron Quest Expanded Jedi Training Exile Influencing Influence Tightened-Up Endgame Comprehensive Lightsaber Mod Comprehensive Melee Model/Texture Improvement Restored Bao-Dur Death Give Me Back My Goddamn Lightsaber Base Attack Bonus Alterations Uncertain Friends Ritual, What Ritual? Immersive Ingame Influence Patches/Alterations NOTE: Just because I list a mod here for patching does not mean that open modification permissions have been given by the author! Some of these patches can be achieved through standalone patches that require the original mod to function, but some of them might require receiving permission from the original author to proceed! Also bear in mind that, though I'm requesting patches for the below mods, there's nothing that mandates that the requested features have to be accomplished in the form of a patch. If you'd rather rework the entire mod (or multiple mods!) from the ground up in a different format, go for it, and let's see which is a better implementation! Peragus Sith Troops to Sith Assassins / Sith Assassins with Lightsabers Compatch Sith Assassins with Lightsabers Lightsaber Sanity Patch
  18. I figured there was and I just missed it, thanks. I'll take that one out of the list. I was very much not a fan of the implementation of SOTOR, which I believe this mod was based off of, so I haven't tried KSR. If it's solely a texture replacement without the additional features of SOTOR it might be worth taking a look at.
  19. I am lucky enough that I believe most modders are aware of what the mod builds are, and are broadly supportive of them and their objectives. I want to lead with saying I'm extremely grateful for the support that the mod community has consistently shown me; the builds wouldn't be where they are now without the cooperation of so many modders. But I think the builds can be better still, and it's time to start working towards that. In past updates to the builds, my focus has broadly been on reaching certain quality and feature thresholds. While I would include any new mods which caught my eye, I would focus on, say, textures for one revision, or features for another (like mobile support for Revision 9, or non-English support for Revision 10). I have--generally--felt that there was always something more for me to do on the backend, but with Revision 10, I have hit my sweet spot. That's not to say that further improvements aren't possible, but the builds finally reached a level of quality and breadth where I felt comfortable sharing them offsite. Most of the features that I can add on my own are done, and the builds are about as stable, modular, and user-friendly as I can make them without a whole team of volunteers to help. Which is, of course, where the mod community can come in. I have been hesitant to directly request mods before, or intervene to offer my opinions in the case of mods which are actively in development. The mod builds have exacting content standards, and I have been brutally cognizant of the dangers of making it seem like I am mandating the creation of content that fits my outlook and smothering content which doesn't. It's never been my intent to try to pidgeonhole modders into making the kinds of things I want, and so I have remained virtually entirely hands-off. But, as mentioned above, the time where I could improve the mod builds solely through spit and polish is beginning to draw to a close. The builds, just by nature of their existing feature base, are beginning to move from a point of refinement to a point of expansion, and I will be the first to admit modding is not something I can do. I need help. What I have settled on is this thread, and companion thread for KOTOR 2. Listed in these threads are an expansive--but by no means exhaustive--series of mods and patches that I would love to have available for the builds, but which I also think would simply benefit the KOTOR community more broadly. I intend to update these threads over time as new ideas for improvements strike me. If something catches your eye you can jump on it, and if nothing does you can move along and not be bothered. I think it's the best compromise state I can reach which will let interested modders know what kinds of things I would like to see without unfairly inserting myself into the development process. I should, however, stress the annoying part: completion of any of the below does not guarantee inclusion in the mod builds. Which is a bit of a pain in the ass, I know, but if I requested a lightsaber mod and you made one but each lightsaber had +10 STR and +20 ATK, that might be a bit imbalanced. That's an extreme example, but I hope you all follow what I mean: the more complex the mod is the more scrutiny I'll have to put it under to ensure it meets the builds' content standards. That means it might be of benefit to you to communicate with me during the development process, either here or on the Discord, to make sure that the mod as you're producing it fits the build standard, OR that we can setup an alternate install option with a different setup that does. - - - A Brief Breakdown: Mod requests are split into two broad categories: New Mods and Patches to existing mods. Generally speaking Patch requests will be easier, but I will also attempt to place requests in order of what I think the assumed difficulty of each request is. I will probably regularly be very wrong. Many of these requests will be discussed in the comments, and I recommend reading through the thread if you're just stumbling on it to get an idea of my discussions with other modders, as there are usually some good ideas circulating around how to implement some of these. As I mentioned previously, this list is never going to be exhaustive. If you have an idea for a mod that you think would fit into the builds well, feel free to reach out to me and discuss it, as long as you're comfortable with me giving you pre-release feedback. I'm happy to do so, but as I said I don't want to presume and initiate such a conversation on my own. Whenever a mod request is completed and I have tested and confirmed I would like to use it in the builds, I will remove it from this list. Whenever I come up with a new idea I will edit it into this OP as well as posting a comment talking about the new request. - - - Mod Requests: Yavin and The Great Hunt Yuthura as a Companion Return to Dantooine Dyanmic Juhani Alignment Stealing is Bad, M'kay? The Hutt of Dantooine K2 Loot Bashing Back-Port Saving the Infected Republic Soldier Make T3 An Actual Character Tatooine Temple Restoration Additional Crystal Cave(s) Believable Selkath Takeover Actually Hard-to-Navigate Shadowlands Leviathan Command Deck Difficulty Increase Peace on Lehon Restored Swoop Upgrade Functionality (Fulfilled by Salk here, not yet tested for integration) Sewer Consolidation Back-Porting of TSL Areas to K1 Bastila Needs to Hide Krayt Dragons are Hard to Kill Hulas Has No Reason to Fight (fulfilled by @N-DReW25 here, new version not yet tested for integration) The Endar Spire is Actually Blowing Up Leviathan Bridge Difficulty Increase Kill/Capture Marlena Malak Knows What's Coming Force-Sensitive Slaves? Uthar's Room is Off-Limits Vorn Has a Pearl Mission Needs to Pay Attention Comprehensive Lightsaber Mod Comprehensive Melee Model/Texture Improvement Visually Distinct The One Unique Player Clothing Twi'lek Don't Disappear Star Forge Spawn Sanity Module Swoop Racing GUI Fix Why Are We Fighting? Hukta Jax's Threat Tarentatek-Be-Gone Less Ridiculous Rakata Temple Entrance Animation Going into Shock is Good for You When I Say Leave, Leave Ajuur Medical Supplies Respawn Geno'Haradan DS Sanity Patch Canderous Has Implants Deep Dune Sea Gaffi Drops
  20. Snigaroo

    Zoomed Out Minimap

    Extremely blessed content, I'll be trying this out to see if it works on Legacy during my next build test.
  21. Hello all! Some of you may know that on the subreddit we have a tradition of doing a May the 4th survey, to poll our users on subjects including their opinions on the KOTOR games; mod preferences; and subreddit feedback, just to name a few. In the past I've shared these surveys on an individual basis with a few DS users I knew went to the sub often, but held off sharing them more broadly since they were meant to be for frequent users of the subreddit only. That ends this May 4th! Myself and the other subreddit staff pulled overtime and heavily restructured the survey, setting it up to dynamically redirect respondents past any section which doesn't apply to them so that we're now able to collect data from both subreddit regulars and the broader KOTOR community, then later split that data back apart if we so wish. That means the subreddit surveys are now accessible to everyone, and nobody will see sections that don't apply to them. I'm happy to now be able to share them here on Deadlystream! You can fill the survey out here. It will be open until at least June 4th, and probably at least a few days after. When we close the survey we expect to need about 2-4 weeks to sift through the data and get it presentable, and will then share the results on the subreddit, in the /r/kotor Discord, and in this thread as well. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have, and thank you if you decide to participate!
    A long-awaited and much-needed standalone restoration for this scene. I know a lot of folks who really love this ending who are going to be ecstatic.
    As before, thanks a lot for taking my input into account, it's never required but highly appreciated and I'm glad to put this in the mod builds.
    Criminal that this hasn't been rated before.
  22. This would be classified as abandonware if there was no other site on which the original mod author had an account which they could be contacted through. If the email has already been attempted, we would just need to know that due diligence has been done to confirm there's no other site where the mod author might still be active, and if not it could be uploaded--with all credit to the original author for the mod's base contents--as abandonware. EDIT: SH provided me the name of the mod author and a link to the original download, and I am comfortable confirming its status as abandonware--we found no site where the user had been active any more recently than 2008. The base mod can be uploaded, with all credit given specifically to Darth Leomar/Darth Betrayal. Your patch to the mod will need to be uploaded as an entirely separate mod, so both the original mod and your patch will be required to download.