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Everything posted by Snigaroo

  1. And I'm quite sure that "no good reason" doesn't amount to you willfully violating the rules of those sites and then, when informed of the violation, saying "oh your rules aren't real and shouldn't affect me." If you had been actually apologetic and provided proof of purchase, there would have been no issues. Instead, you chose to state that you refuse to adhere to the rule and find it foolish. Well, you can add another forum that's banned you to your cap--though I'm sure you won't learn a thing from it.
  2. I don't think you need to worry, I've just learned not to test content outside of a full build revision. Last couple times I tried things went... badly.
  3. I see it was uploaded, I've approved it and marked that request fulfilled. I'll leave it in the list until I'm able to test it next revision, but I don't expect any problems with integration. Thanks Salk!
  4. Aha! That was what I was thinking of--I'm glad I'm not quite as out of my mind as I thought.
  5. Wow, 0/2 eh? I must have really been spacing out when I was listening to their dialogue.
  6. Ah, I just remember him talking about swoop stuff and misremembered him saying he had items in stock. If that's the case, I think only the Czerka clerk on Tatooine explicitly mentions owning parts, but I am much less expert in K1 than K2, so even having just replayed it I might not know about edge case dialogue where other merchants might mention swoop items.
  7. I don't know how I missed this in my initial notes, but I have added one additional request that I forgot (Make T3 An Actual Character).
  8. See that's what had me incredulous, differentiation of texture is definitely important but I also very much wanted his off-hand weapon to be shorter to make it visually clear that both weapons weren't tailor-made for him in the same set and were instead scavenged, and that's why I thought it wouldn't work as easily, because at best they'd need to be kept as vibrosword models to retain BioWare's edited statline. Part of me is glad that I had the right impression of what was possible in KOTOR terms, even if this now makes it more annoying to decide what to do.
  9. I understand that part, I meant in the sense that it wouldn't be an issue to switch to a model of an entirely different type (vibroblade rather than vibrosword) while retaining the altered stats, without needing to tweak the stat line anyway to re-align the damage and ATK. That's the part I assumed would make KOTOR freak out if attempted.
  10. Not in so many words, he just said it wasn't impossible like I made it out to be, and was pretty easily doable. I had assumed that retaining the same weapons would at best allow for the skin applied to them to be changed, not the model as well.
  11. True enough, but it's still two of the exact same vibrosword which even if altered to utilize a different texture would share the texture between the two of them--that is to say that I could make them look like Sith Tremor Swords, but they'd then both be Sith Tremor Swords. I'm not wedded to BioWare's design in this case; I think it's more impactful thematically to be visually distinct, especially in that the Echani vibroblade is both shorter and clearly of a different design, because it makes it more obvious that The One is grabbing detritus left over from the spacefaring cultures that are crashing on Lehon, not using things ready-made for him. Especially since I can just boost his strength to compensate for the lost damage and ATK bonus. EDIT: After speaking with JC a bit he seems to think it'd be no issue to use the enhanced weapons and have them both be aliased to visually appear to be two entirely different models (vibrosword & vibroblade), so in that event I have no problems retaining the original weapon stats.
  12. I understand that logic, however at least two merchants mention carrying swoop parts: the Rodian Czerka clerk on Tatooine and the Ithorian droid merchant on Manaan. That's not to say that two upgrades are mandatory, but maybe it should be that one of those two must be interacted with to perform the upgrade, and once you've upgraded your bike the dialogue about buying swoop parts from them is removed from their rotation of possible greetings. @Hunters Run is still active, so yes certainly this is an option. I am always hesitant to ask modders to change content that they've already produced to fit my standards, unless they've specifically requested build consideration. However, if he's amenable and willing to bear with me probably needing a month or two before I can do a test playthrough of the mod and make a definitive list of what I'd want to see out of an update, I of course have no problem working with the existing mod. Well, as I see it, the "neutral" option would just be not interacting with him at all. He's requesting you put him into shock because he thinks that he can survive while preserving the location of his stash, and the alternative is death of continued imprisonment. To me it seems like an LS decision, though I would have absolutely no problem with a mod which had two install options, one just removing the DS and the other changing it to LS. Yes, I agree, I just didn't know if that was easily scriptable. Stealthed players shouldn't trigger aggro from the guests while looting their junk, as long as they remain undetected.
  13. I went off StrategyWiki, which just lists his equipment as two standard vibroswords. If that's not correct and they're instead special vibroswords with bonus damage or attack, I would probably prefer to buff his STR stat slightly to make up the difference rather than returning those specific swords to him, because--and correct me if I'm wrong--I think even if they're unique in stat terms they just use the standard vibrosword GFX. Using the two different foreign blades each with their own unique appearances, in my opinion, creates a stronger visual impression.
  14. Right now, as it were.
  15. I will take you up on that since I don't want our conversation to discourage others from talking about other requests or suggestions here--we'll move to coordinating this in DMs.
  16. Being 100% honest, it would probably be easier for you to take quick videos of the gameplay and send it to me than it would be for me to get a test setup. I need to keep my build installs preserved as-is locally for testing and troubleshooting, and while that's not insurmountable I'd need to zip them up and move them elsewhere so I could reinstall a blank-slate version of the game to test the shadowlands tweaks. I'm more than happy to help, it's just probably easier for me to watch clips than for me to get my own setup in a position to run through it myself, at least until you're at a definite release candidate stage. The randomness element I like quite a bit, and particularly the idea of running into Komad down there. That was another thing I thought about possibly requesting, but thought would be difficult to introduce him down there in a natrual manner with the way the current Shadowlands is set up.
  17. There is a bodies stay mod for K1, yes. I don't recommend its use in the builds, so from the builds' perspective this wouldn't be an issue, but it's still probably a good idea to consider how to handle it for general mod interoperability. Modders have way more experience than I do in this respect so I think the best thing I could probably suggest is just "do what seems fun," within reason. As long as whatever spawns appears on Kashyyyk and isn't a Tarentatek, I don't think I would have seamlessness concerns about it.
  18. Mod compatibility would be the only possible dealbreaker, aside from the case that it winds up just not being fun. As much as I like the idea, it might be better to try to isolate the entire thing to the new module itself. Can a module transition to itself? If, rather than splitting off the first Shadowlands area, the module was instead used as a transition module between the upper and lower shadowlands, the "maze" module could just keep putting the player back in its own module until they found the right "combination" to exit it. Since all the changes would then be isolated to the modded module, mod compatibility would be preserved.
  19. That's a workable solution. I'd want to see how it behaves ingame, and especially for something like this I'd like to see a video of it in an early alpha state just to see how the modules join together, but I like the sound of it.
  20. I appreciate the brainstorming, however for exactly this reason this would still not be something I'd be willing to consider for build inclusion. Making use of cut modules such as the Tatooine temple is fine, given that those don't actually appear in the course of the normal game (though of course a Tatooine module is of dubious worth for a Yavin project). But it wouldn't be seamless for a player to play KOTOR and have a reskinned Dxun-as-Yavin and then go on to KOTOR 2 and see Dxun again. This is why I made it explicit in the request that that particular request absolutely would require the use of new modules, there's just no way to make the project sufficiently seamless without original modeling work. I actually love this idea, that's something I was considering as well but thought it might be impractical to implement. If it can be done I would love to try it, my only concern being that it might wind up being frustrating or confusing for the player. There would need to be some method to "solve" the puzzle added, and I think it would also need to be used in conjunction with removing or falsifying the area maps in some way or else it would just seem too much like taunting the player and not simulating the difficulty of Shadowlands traversal.
  21. No, far from it. I'll just remove that request; functionally there's no seamless way to implement it to the standards I would want. I think shuttle works best, because that way you have to go to the station first and encounter Suvam. For new players it would let them get the lore dump about Exar Kun before actually going down to the surface.
  22. Shocking as it is, Thematic Sith Lords was at least 40% my own work. I did sort of make that one for real! I only had Parametric hold my hand on how to set up the TSLPatcher, and Tyren hold my hand with updating it.
  23. I don't have a problem with tying Deesra into the quest, but I do think that it shouldn't be available immediately after Dantooine and should be restricted until at least one Tarentatek had been fought. This would let Yavin be balanced more effectively, I feel, with less possible differences in player level to account for. Reasonably, the designer could assume that the player would likely be at minimum level 12 by the time they arrived there in that case, whereas, if available immediately after Dantooine, the player could be as low as level 9. Most mod users would probably not have issue with it, no, however for build inclusion reused modules aren't sufficiently seamless. Even though I adore LDR's Crashed Republic Cruiser, I only use it as-is because Hammerheads are all of the same vessel class, and thus it's believable that the one on Lehon looks broadly identical to the Endar Spire and Harbinger. Even then, I have issues with his reuse of the Manaan module for the underwater section, sufficient enough to bump the mod down from Essential to Recommended on my tier breakdown. In some other mod cases--such as back-porting the Enclave sublevel to KOTOR--"reusing" those modules would also be fine, because KOTOR 2 establishes that those areas exist, and all the mod would be doing is introducing them to a game where they are otherwise inaccessible. But for a mod like Yavin which is an entirely new planet, there's no wiggle room for identical layouts: the content would need to be novel. Which is why it's at the top, because I know that's a huge ask and would absolutely take a team to accomplish. I do think there's a little bit of room to maneuver here; there's a lot of skills yet-untapped outside of the mod community, and I continue to think that 3d modelers in particular are probably to be found in relative abundance on reddit. Finding ones passionate enough to learn the KOTOR-specific tools they need and remain dedicated to the project over the long-term would likely be the biggest challenge, I think, but it's again worth remembering that I'm not demanding these mods be made. They're things that I'd like to see, and ultimately I'm hoping to inspire interest in, but I understand that many--Yavin especially--are huge asks. If it's found that the tools, modelers or interest just isn't there, that's entirely understandable. I don't think it's particularly interesting to use Deesra, in the sense that he's basically your Tarentatek nerd, not really with the same clout or gravitas as one of the Masters. I think, personally, that it would probably be more poignant to see a Master or two struggling to assist in the aftermath of the assault, frantic and fearful, rather than some random dork. It's canon that all the Masters survive also (they're in the LS ending), so it wouldn't be out of place for any of them to be present, though again I think Vandar should be missing so his survival is only discovered during the Dodonna cutscene at endgame. I do agree with Parametric here that Deesra should be moved off-planet though, regardless of his status in any other quest/request, and I don't think Tatooine is a bad choice. JC's Trandoshan Tailor moves him to Tatooine after Dantooine's destruction and the builds also utilize that, so there could even be some level of interaction between the two mods, indicating that those that could fled the planet before the Sith assault on a ship that was bound for Tatooine. I don't think that the populace's hatred is incompatible with the Jedi trying to help them, nor even really unfounded. The Council did know that Dantooine's location had been compromised from the very start of the Jedi Civil War and did exactly nothing about it, and the Sith did only show up because the Jedi--knowingly--remained. One could argue that even a single Jedi convert to the Sith could've given up the location of any new hidden Academy the Jedi tried to found, and that's true enough, but it doesn't change human nature; it's more-or-less entirely reasonable, from a human perspective, for the settlers to blame the Jedi about what happened, even if the Jedi struggled to help in the aftermath. Indeed, I could even see a scene about that being included as part of the mod, with the player ungratefully chased off the planet by a mob of angry citizens even after doing all they could to help them. Now, there should definitely be options for the player to return to Dantooine in a self-serving way, to try to loot as much as possible and take advantage of the chaos for their own benefit. But I think railroading even an LS player into entirely ignoring the suffering of civilians and focusing only on the Jedi is incongruous. While doing everything you can to help and still being reviled for it isn't exactly fitting with KOTOR's tone, I don't think it's actually incompatible with it either, at least at the point of the game that this would be coming. The destruction of Dantooine, the death of so many Jedi and the capture of Bastila is the game's thematic low point, its most despondent time. I think having a rather bleak look at Dantooine and a bitter conclusion to your best efforts to help would tie into that productively. Very much the latter, yes. I think him being a Sith collaborator would be an excellent way to tie in why he was there on Dantooine, and what he was using his money (and ostensible influence over the local economy) for. I wouldn't be inherently opposed to any of this except for altering the music track--I might situationally be okay with using K2 tracks in K1, but even that is a definitive "maybe" from me. Everything else, if it can be added and function seamlessly, I would be fine with seeing how it turns out ingame. I agree that the level can never be truly scary, but making it clear that the Selkath are actually dangerous is the main goal. I wasn't aware there was a cut Shadowlands module, though I'm not terribly surprised to hear it. What was its original purpose, do we know? And what state is it in--how much work would it take to put together in a functional capacity? I do think Kashyyyk is quite short and another module would be helpful, especially if it could be used in conjunction with the lower shadowlands module, but what would be put there is another question. The stealthed Mandalorians from the lower Shadowlands could be moved there, maybe, but there would likely need to be something else. As to the error message, yes I think that would work fine, as long as it was practicable to implement and looked decently okay ingame, including how it appears when the player is "traversing" the map on the minimap at the top-left. I would still want turrets and minefields at a minimum, but I'm not necessarily opposed to a new marine class, though in my opinion it would only make sense for them to occupy the barracks and not to be on the bridge. They would be shock troops, if we're using semi-modern marine cognates, not area defense. I tested that mod at release so you'll have to forgive a slightly spotty memory, but I recall that I definitely felt that the text description of the hood Bastila used wasn't well-written and seamless, and that its implementation was not necessarily instantly clear to the player. I would want something that would be sufficiently clear to any player, new and old: that means something that's totally seamless and easily-understood even if this is someone's first time playing the game. I recall thinking at the time that describing Bastila's need to hide herself in a descriptive text popup (like the ones KOTOR 2 uses, with explanations of mechanics put [in bracketing like this]) might be for the best. I also don't remember what actually happens if you removed her hood (or if you even could), but I recall thinking that the hood should either be impossible to remove on Taris, or if you did remove it prior to Davik's estate and in view of any NPC it should be an instant game-over. I know that's probably hard as hell to implement in that manner, but something to that effect; it shouldn't just make visible Sith hostile to you. The moment they see her at all and radio it in, it's over. Finally, I think I was also not crazy about the appearance of the hood and how it fit her body model necessarily, though again it's been some time. Oh that would be good I think: two small turrets (the thin variety you see in the Sith Military Base on Taris, guarding the armory) next to Karath; guard droids outside the door; and a ramp leading down to the work stations of the officers, with the officers joining in the fight against you. Indeed, however I think it actually suffers from too much of a 1:1. I think the colors used are jarring when in higher resolution, and that's why I say I think it's probably for the best not to use upscales or to try to borrow from the base textures precisely, because some of them are truly nonsense when you see them at higher resolution. Similar in concept yes, though for that particular mod the clothing is much too strong (and @Leilukin even agrees with me, based on the mod description). She's made it clear it's not designed with balance in mind, and I didn't want to impose by requesting she retool it to fit my balance demands, since that's not the objective of the mod. Well, that's annoying. If it can't be done it can't be done, but I'll leave it up in case someone thinks of a way. Yeah, that would be perfect.
  24. View File Thematic The One Thematic The One Premise The One: warlord; conqueror; latent Force-Sensitive. A charismatic leader of the Rakata and a near-supernatural anomaly among their people. As an added bonus, he also dies in about two combat rounds! In fairness, with a good character build there’s very little that doesn’t go down in two rounds or less in the lategame. But The One in particular irks me—he’s presented as special, a natural leader in Revan’s own mold, a warrior-prince leading both armies and the political structure of his people. Yet despite having all the resources of the hundreds of islands he has conquered and dozens of crashed vessels he has looted, indeed despite having a Sith Tremor Sword in a bin literally RIGHT BEHIND HIM, he uses two regular vibroblades; despite being so charismatic he convinced his own former chieftain to willingly sacrifice himself and allow his tribe to cannibalize him while being so brick-headed he’s sat on a single island for half a decade, his WIS is 18 while his CHA is only 12; and despite being latently Force-Sensitive, his Will saves are abysmal. This was a ripe field for a Thematic project. Like my similar mod for KOTOR 2, Thematic The One’s goal is not to make the fight against The One actually challenging—this is not a difficulty mod. The fight will be slightly harder than in vanilla, yes, but for some builds this change will not even be noticeable; indeed, I took him out in two combat rounds just like normal. Instead, the goal is to present The One as the game insists he is: a charismatic warrior with vast resources and the—albeit unconscious—power of the Force behind him. Changes The One’s WIS and CHA stats have been nearly inverted, from 18/12 to 14/18; he has been given a Sith Tremor Sword in his main hand and an Echani Vibroblade in his off-hand (neither droppable); his Will saves have been bumped up to 15, to make him about as difficult as an average Dark Jedi to land Force abilities against; his alignment has been moved from Neutral to moderately DS, so that the Solari crystal will work against him; and, most significantly, he has been scripted to use Force Valor at the start of the fight with him. I felt this was important to represent exactly how close The One is to true Force Sensitivity, and how it’s clear that the Force has been supporting his meteoric rise from the start. Compatibility As is the objective with all Thematic-series mods, this mod should be compatible with every other mod out there. Even mods that edit The One should be compatible, as long as they edit his data in the module rather than with a direct .utc file drop to the override; at worst, such a mod would only replace some of my changes with its own. Permissions & Thanks As with any mod “I” have made or will make in the future, this mod has completely open permissions: modify it, redistribute it, reupload it, do whatever. So long as you give me credit for the idea and for the balance settings if you choose to retain most of mine, go for it. You don’t even need to ask me. Particular thanks to JCarter426, who made this entire mod at my request but then told me it would be funnier if I uploaded it like it was my own. Ok. Submitter Snigaroo Submitted 05/21/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  25. Snigaroo

    Thematic The One

    Version 1.0.2


    Thematic The One Premise The One: warlord; conqueror; latent Force-Sensitive. A charismatic leader of the Rakata and a near-supernatural anomaly among their people. As an added bonus, he also dies in about two combat rounds! In fairness, with a good character build there’s very little that doesn’t go down in two rounds or less in the lategame. But The One in particular irks me—he’s presented as special, a natural leader in Revan’s own mold, a warrior-prince leading both armies and the political structure of his people. Yet despite having all the resources of the hundreds of islands he has conquered and dozens of crashed vessels he has looted, indeed despite having a Sith Tremor Sword in a bin literally RIGHT BEHIND HIM, he uses two regular vibroblades; despite being so charismatic he convinced his own former chieftain to willingly sacrifice himself and allow his tribe to cannibalize him while being so brick-headed he’s sat on a single island for half a decade, his WIS is 18 while his CHA is only 12; and despite being latently Force-Sensitive, his Will saves are abysmal. This was a ripe field for a Thematic project. Like my similar mod for KOTOR 2, Thematic The One’s goal is not to make the fight against The One actually challenging—this is not a difficulty mod. The fight will be slightly harder than in vanilla, yes, but for some builds this change will not even be noticeable; indeed, I took him out in two combat rounds just like normal. Instead, the goal is to present The One as the game insists he is: a charismatic warrior with vast resources and the—albeit unconscious—power of the Force behind him. Changes The One’s WIS and CHA stats have been nearly inverted, from 18/12 to 14/18; he has been given a Sith Tremor Sword in his main hand and an Echani Vibroblade in his off-hand (neither droppable); his Will saves have been bumped up to 15, to make him about as difficult as an average Dark Jedi to land Force abilities against; his alignment has been moved from Neutral to moderately DS, so that the Solari crystal will work against him; and, most significantly, he has been scripted to use Force Valor at the start of the fight with him. I felt this was important to represent exactly how close The One is to true Force Sensitivity, and how it’s clear that the Force has been supporting his meteoric rise from the start. Compatibility As is the objective with all Thematic-series mods, this mod should be compatible with every other mod out there. Even mods that edit The One should be compatible, as long as they edit his data in the module rather than with a direct .utc file drop to the override; at worst, such a mod would only replace some of my changes with its own. Permissions & Thanks As with any mod “I” have made or will make in the future, this mod has completely open permissions: modify it, redistribute it, reupload it, do whatever. So long as you give me credit for the idea and for the balance settings if you choose to retain most of mine, go for it. You don’t even need to ask me. Particular thanks to JCarter426, who made this entire mod at my request but then told me it would be funnier if I uploaded it like it was my own. Ok.