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One new request has been put up in the Patches & Submods section (JC's Czerka: Business Attire & Dark Hope's HD Ithorians). EDIT: Fulfilled by SH & integrated (easy to do without waiting for a revision, since it's a single texture).
It's also possible an older Windows version compat mode would work for you, there have been cases where different compat modes were needed for different users.
If you're using 4x world textures, it's possible that the textures are large enough that they're causing spot save corruption in the module. That's really uncommon, I should stress that, but it's not impossible--there's a reason the builds refrain from using any of the very large texture sizes, because the engine can't really profitably render them in the first place due to most models' poly counts, but you also run the very serious risk of your game just breaking as a result of trying. With that said, however, I sort of suspect that isn't the actual problem here. Swoop races in particular are very buggy on modern game versions as compared to older hardware setups. Can you see if the issue still persists with the game's executable set to compatibility for XP SP 3?
Not at all. I am still not super fond of the idea of a lockout in general, but this would at least solve most of the problems with it. Because I don't personally want to restrict access to Visas as part of the means of dealing with this issue, though, I would likely not consider any implementation of this kind for build inclusion. I am extremely leery of preventing the player having access to a companion, even when many of the surface problems related to that are solved as you've handled them here. At base, you're still locking the player out of having access to a party member which they're meant to have at the time, and that's a big deviation from vanilla progression. Eventually in the far future I do intend to make another set of builds which don't have the same current commitment to maintaining the vanilla progression (as would be needed for some of the big mods I've requested here, for instance, like reworking Malachor). But at present that list doesn't exist, and so the builds still try to stick as close as possible to vanilla where they're able. Since there are definitely more vanilla-friendly ways to handle this than a temporary companion lockout, I can't say I'd use the former latter unless it proved absolutely impossible to do a reasonable implementation of the former. Sure. I don't mind how it's done on the backend, as long as the cat is skinned from the perspective of what the player sees.
You are, however I don't personally like the idea for several reasons. First, many players won't actually get Visas until they're level 15 already, which will generally prevent the problem being solved or even mitigated at all. Second (and feeding into the first issue), Visas is trivially easy to get influence with, so easy that it would be incredibly simple even at level 15 and two sparring sessions to get more influence with Visas than the Handmaiden--this also assumes that new players will actually go back and spar with the Handmaiden right at level 15, which is not super likely. And third and most importantly, I think locking the player out of access to Visas for a (to the player) arbitrary amount of time would seem extremely confusing and unfun; at best they might just be confused and annoyed that they have a new companion but can't use them, where at worst they may think they need to do something to resuscitate her and run around wasting a large amount of time trying to resolve her being unconscious. I am definitely open to alternate suggestions to resolve the underlying problem of the lockout, but I think this suggestion would create more confusion as well as not actually resolving the problem reliably.
I have added a new request (Handmaiden/Visas Lockout Warning) which I forgot to add after completing the last test. This is actually very high-priority for me since I see this as a significant blind spot in the basegame and users (especially new players) frequently run afoul of this, so I am hoping that someone will take a stab at this one in time for the next revision.
It would likely be faster for you to get support on the Discord, but I can try to help you here. The behavior with the door being locked implies that Trask isn't present, which is very very old behavior--Trask Without Tutorials, the new KOTOR tutorial mod I use, keeps Trask in the party and uses him for the door unlock, matching vanilla behavior. If you don't have him or he can't open the door, something is already quite wrong. Is he present for you? Regarding crashing on save/load, you may simply need to use the 4GB patch. Patching widescreen in and using it for stability might be totally unavoidable for your setup.
Sure, although @Kexikus perhaps this is something you could address directly in an update? Sorry to keep piling all these bug reports on you. Auto-regen only applies to organic companions, doesn't it? Either way the mod builds as of next Revision are going to be using @offthegridmorty's regen .2da to basically remove regen from the game without standalone feats/items, which should mean this hypothetical mod would be fine for mod build use even if it wouldn't function ideally for default installs. Yes, that would be viable. I like the idea of visually differentiating the base areas more to be honest, to provide the sensation that the Exile is hallucinating throughout the entire tomb and not merely being transported to a sort of 'extreme' hallucination whenever she's reliving the events of the encounters, but I would also not be opposed to this method. Well, good to know it's not mod build related at least. I am, but I'm not on the Aspyr patch and have manually patched in widescreen, which desyncs the executable from Steam and the Steam overlay. I have to take screenshots the old-fashioned way, printscreen. In addition to? Absolutely. In fact I'd love that, there should definitely be more of an emotional weight placed on your old weapon being returned to you at the end, if you didn't get it at the beginning. But definitely not as substitution; for this request I really, really want that option to get it back early, to sort of re-bond with the weapon over the course of the entire game.
Well, having two checks would work fine for my purposes, though if that's the route that's being gone I would want it to be either level 12 + strong alignment OR level 20. You can go in early if you're strongly aligned, and if you don't get strong alignment at any point you can go in later in the game, after you've completed about 2-3 planets.
Well you've described the point--players can take an alignment long enough to get their chosen prestige class then revert to neutral, but still maintain access to the tomb. I would be alright with gating it by level, but prestige class feels better to me personally, and nudges players playing neutral alignments to push themselves far enough LS/DS at least enough to get a prestige class before returning to their preferred neutral alignment. Removing alignment on the prestige classes isn't something I'd be interested in personally, although creating neutral-alignment prestige classes would be. I'm not sure if that's really feasible, though.
Ideally there would be no aliens sitting next to one another who looked completely identical at all, and that's part of what I hoped would be fixed with eventual NPC Diversity. The Quarren issue was a separate standout because of the model problem, which is why I requested it separately. Just putting a different alien there would resolve it just as well though, yes. I'll admit I had forgotten about that mod, but in my experience my companions only aggro on that mercenary some of the time. More often than not, they seem to aggro directly to the turrets. That's part of why I wanted this request to move the mercs by the speeders further away as well (probably in conjunction with moving the merc in @Thor110's mod back further also) so there's less chance of the party aggroing onto the turrets too, since those can't really be repositioned. Sure, though just as an aside at some point before the next build revision we will need to coordinate on that mod and a build version will need to be produced, because there are parts of it I'm fairly sure will conflict with build content, and there are some parts I have questions on as well and might want reverted to vanilla behavior for the purposes of use in the builds. I don't think it would help to go over those specifics now because I imagine the mod will receive more updates before it comes time for the next mod build revision, but this just to alert you that I expect that it'll need two install options, one for the full package and one build-specific install. As long as you're good with that I'd say it's fine to put it in there, otherwise if you'd rather keep the collection purely your vision having this hypothetical mod as a standalone so the builds can use it would probably be best. Sure, that works. That's a good point, and I'd accept that as a valid fix for the underlying problem, though you raise a good point with the Duros assassin and now he's a problem. He's easier to fix though: just need to have the TSF take shots at him if he's in their line of sight, it's less of a pain since he just attacks you no matter what. I honestly don't think the default take is salvageable, so an AI recreation is viable. However where possible I would like to avoid using AI for brand-new voices or re-voicing extremely minor parts and instead get genuine human-acted lines. I imagine there might be some folks in the Discord who would be willing to do this just in exchange for being in the game, and I'd prefer at least exploring that route first. Her lips do indeed move, at least for some of the lines (for some the camera angle is far enough out that it's hard to tell). But the very first line is a closeup on her and she's speaking, which makes the whole "in your head" thing even more immediately weird for the player, because from the start she's shown to be speaking aloud. Yep, that's what I was thinking. The only potential hiccup is that the terminal is modified by one other mod in the mod builds (downloadable Ebon Hawk map), so any mod that tackles this by using that terminal would need to be compatible with that mod. Ah! Good idea, and that works perfectly fine. As you say, it would just need to be properly conveyed in dialogue that the bar started with much less deadly gas and that the cyanogen had been pumped in later. However you two would like to handle it is fine by me. I will say though, @Thor110, at some point I will probably want a compilation of your small standalone mods that are being included in the mod builds, just to reduce the overall amount of downloads & installs on endusers. That's not a pressing concern at this point though and would likely not be something to even need to consider until next Revision. Ooh, good idea. It didn't occur to me to use a splice there, but you're right that that's much better, both in terms of preserving vanilla content and the general flow of his dialogue. Good call! I'd appreciate that quite a lot, thanks. Are all the things that you've restored fully-voiced? And would there be any compatibility issues you could foresee with Kex's Visually Repair HK? I meant 1 health in the OP and just wrote 0 on autopilot, so that's my bad. Aside from that though you raise good points, none of which I thought of. The droid warehouse is particularly damning as you're absolutely right, it requires the use of T3 no matter what. That makes the best way to do this by just making him damaged and letting the player restore him to full HP via dialogue, but you're also right that most people will have given him his unique equipment and it would simply regenerate him to full. Is it possible to forcibly unequip all items from T3 during that sequence, so he won't have his implant equipped and thus if he's set to 1HP he will remain at minimum health until the player intervenes to heal him (preferably via a dialogue option as discussed in the request)? I think the stunt module way of handling it is better--it's not the end of the world to have a load and party banter at the end of the encounter, and I think it would be much less immersion-breaking than the people you just entered the ship with already being knocked out. @JCarter426 do you have any additional insight? Though even asking that I am not wedded to what was originally intended, since it was cut along with so much other content on Nar Shaddaa. Unless there's enough leftover dialogue and the like to actually make a restoration here reasonable and fit into Nar Shaddaa's progression well, it would probably just be better to return to the suggestion that Tienn offers a discount if he meets Bao-Dur, and Bao-Dur tries to protect Tienn if you attempt to screw him over. Once again a good call, I think that's a better option. Swap the lines and then remove the dialogue once the question has been asked once. "Fall!" would definitely make much more sense in context. Either way it just needs to be traded out--even if you can't add more, the existing ones can be edited, right? As it is now, the line is just way too short and too nonsensical. I'm not sure how it would sound if it was cut to just be "Fall!", but otherwise some other word or phrase Kreia says just needs to be nabbed and tossed in in the place of Fallen. It's been a hot minute since I used BOSSR so I don't remember the sequence you're speaking of, but I'm not entirely opposed to jumping to stunt modules if that'd be an easier way to execute the mod. I just checked to see if I had any saves nearby and unfortunately I don't, hopefully someone else can grab a shot. Anything involving them being on the floor is a no-go for me--it's a small shuttle, after all, doing an atmospheric entry and landing. Even without the A-D towers it's not very reasonable to just be sitting on the ground for that, and I also get the impression that Kreia, who is mistrustful of machines to begin with, would not trust enough in a shuttle to just passively sit on the floor of one, entirely unsecured. The Ebon Hawk is large enough for that to feel reasonable, but not a tiny shuttle. I think seat placeables or cut it, personally. Alright, #3 can be dropped then. As for #4, I think @Leilukin's icons are great and that would work fine for me, if she's amenable. This one I thankfully did keep a save right next to, here's a screenshot of the issue and where on the map it is: I do have a save near this one but unfortunately I wasn't able to get a screenshot--screenshots are tough for me to grab, I have to tab out, tab back in, take the screenshot and then tab back out again for it to grab the screen. That means I can only do it for stationary objects, I can't really grab something that happens as quickly as a blink. Hopefully others have the same issue I do and can get a shot. I am aware yes, but my frustration is contained to not being able to get it early. By the time you get it at endgame you don't even care anymore, you have your custom sabers that you've built over the course of the game and there's no special attachment you would have to your old saber any longer. Which is its own sort of statement, I suppose, but that's why I want to have this option included: to let players get attached to their old lightsaber by making it the first one they receive back, if they do indeed choose to go that route. Regarding her attacking you immediately, I don't see how that would even kind of work. Do you have any specific ideas related to that?
Oh good, that's very helpful. Just let me know when it reaches rough content-completion as we've talked about previously, since there would be difficulties integrating such a large mod with regular content updates. In the meantime I will put down that the NPC Diversity Pack fulfills the request but is untested with the builds as yet.
This adds different textures for the Quarren which differentiates them? Because while the request might sound like it's just fixing the Quarren being the low-poly model, the issue is differentiation in this case--in conversations with @JCarter426 he thought that the low-poly model was used there specifically because it looked different to the other Quarren also sitting at the table, to avoid the impression of multiple identical Quarren being next to one another. I tend to think he's right in this case, which was why I was aiming for texture variation in addition to the model improvement.
I've just approved it, thanks Thor! I've also marked that request as fulfilled in the OP.
Yes, testing is completed for the current build so mods completed as part of these requests won't be tested for implementation until the next build iteration, which will probably begin testing work sometime around November of this year. So 10 months roughly before I am going to be pulling new testing material.
Sure, all that sounds good to me. I look forward to playing the mod!
As shocking as it is for me to believe this myself, I just put up by my count north of 115 mod requests. Blame Obsidian for making a flawed masterpiece--emphasis on the flawed.
Interesting--I don't have anything against this, except it seems like something that Janice Nall wouldn't do if she knew what was going on. Getting on the whole Republic's bad side seems like a bit too much for a cautious shopkeeper, after all. If her dialogue were edited to indicate that she received the memory core from Davik's people and didn't know where it was from but the rest of the droid was built custom by her, I think that would work fine. I'd also want the player to not be able to discover that there was a partition until after they arrive on Dantooine (and there should probably be some event or interjection made by T3 that causes players who are used to him being useless realize that something new is happening with him and they should speak to him). Finally, it would need to be compatible with Recruit T3-M4 Early. Aside from that I don't have any specific things that I would be on the lookout for, aside from the general: well-written dialogue that has reasonably good player choice in terms of how they react to the revelations, and T3's changing personality.
Hmm, good to know. I think I would still prefer to have a reversion, though, and leave it up to the players as to whether or not they want to risk experiencing the bug based upon their preferences. It seems uncommon enough--whereas the Star Map sequences themselves are grandiose enough--that I think many players would be willing to take the risk of a buggy sequence to be able to have full freedom of movement during it. I will list any such mod as Optional, however, and make it clear that it is technically reverting a bugfix.
What exactly was causing that, and how did it manifest? I don't recall ever seeing anything, but perhaps I just got lucky, or perhaps the bug is rare.
wip 4x Upscale+ Character Textures & Model Fixes for KotOR & TSL
Snigaroo replied to redrob41's topic in Work In Progress
I am incredibly enthusiastic about this project--it's something I know I have been hoping for for quite some time, as others have said, and I'm thrilled that you're personally looking over every output for quality checking. It's more than I'd ever hoped to see, and I'm eagerly awaiting it. With that said, however, I do want to sound a potential word of caution since this is intended to be a 4x package. I have a great deal of experience troubleshooting setups with an overabundance of texture data, whether that be from upscale mods or just a ton of handmade textures, and I can say definitively that the larger the file load, the quicker both games' native memory leaks are exacerbated, leading to save corruption if the game isn't restarted frequently. Indeed, for some of the existing 4x textures on the Nexus, the problem is so bad that they can cause save corruption just by a user trying to save the game in a particularly heavily-affected module, even if the game was only just restarted. In the worst-case, modules with too much texture data can be impossible to load in; I'm not sure of the precise reason behind this, but I suspect there's some sort of backend texture throughput budget which, if breached, causes the save load to fail. Now, most of the problems that lead to these behaviors are rooted in using only .tga textures, and lighter-weight .tpc textures can greatly reduce the strain--but still, there are limits to how much reduction can be expected, and any amount of texture load per-module which is in excess of 50mb, I would say, is likely to at least slightly reduce the amount of time it takes to begin experiencing memory overflow. With that in mind, it might not be a bad idea to make different texture sizes, if at all feasible: 4x for users who are willing to restart their game a little more frequently or who have access to large address aware packages that can allow the executable to use more RAM (and thus ameliorate the memory overflow), and a 2x package for other users (such as those who have the game on Steam, where the encrypted executable leads 4GB patches to fail on the original game's .exe). I think having options for both would be very helpful, as long as it wouldn't require you to redo every texture from scratch. -
I have edited the OP for a bit of extra clarity, adding mod request categories rather than just ordering the whole list by presumed difficulty. I've also added six new requests: Being Revan is Kinda a Big Deal under Companions; Mod Build-Aligned Comprehensive AI Upscale & Dynamic Player Head Use under Models, Textures & Visuals; K1CP: Star Maps under Patches & Submods; Sneak Into the Sith Base under Quests & New Zones; and More Skill Checks under Scripting & Features.
View File Thematic Jedi Masters Thematic Jedi Masters Premise A little while after I released Thematic Sith Lords, this mod’s companion, I was approached by the user Starwarsnerd with a request for the same treatment for the Jedi Masters. I told him I would consider it but I believed the Masters were well-balanced and, at the time, didn’t think it necessary. When I started working on the 2.0 release of Thematic Sith Lords I decided to check on the Masters just to confirm everything was well, and I was instead floored by what I saw. All the Masters were the same class; their attributes were wildly out of proportion to their natures; their feats and powers seemed ill-thought-out—hell, in Zez-Kai Ell’s fight he doesn’t even have Force points at all! I expected a garden and found a desert, and so here we are. Just like its elder sibling Thematic Sith Lords, Thematic Jedi Masters is not a conventional difficulty mod. The objective isn’t to make each fight difficult, but unique; to, as best as I’m able, reflect each Master’s personality, philosophy and capability in the stats they’re given. Because of this, unlike Thematic Sith Lords this mod does not have any elements of a “rock-paper-scissors” fight design; unlike the Sith, none of the Jedi Masters are so abhorrently one-dimensional that they could be only capable of one thing and vulnerable to all others, such as Sion is. Rather, this mod takes the approach that each Master’s obvious specialty should be highlighted, and their other abilities treated as realistically as possible given their age, temperament, class and so on. This is where Thematic Jedi Masters focuses: differentiation. Unlike the basegame fights against the Sith Lords, which can at least be said to have enemies designed around certain archetypes, all the Jedi Masters (except Atris) are set up as Guardians with very little differentiation. Thematic Jedi Masters starts by making Zez-Kai Ell a Sentinel and Vrook a Consular—both, I think, with justification—to ensure the Masters themselves represent the Jedi well. From there their stats are designed both around these new classes and their behaviors as Jedi: whether they take risks like Kavar or are furtive like Zez-Kai Ell. In the end, what results are Masters that all feel very different, and much more true to who they are as people. For those who’d like to see exactly what was done and an explanation of the rationale for why, a full list of changes made is available in the download. Why Use Thematic Jedi Masters? As noted, Thematic Jedi Masters isn’t a difficulty mod, as most mods that touch on the Masters would be. The goal is to make each Master a realistic reflection of their natures; to make them fight how they would actually fight. If you want pure difficulty, other mods might be for you. If you want to experience differentiated fights that are harder on average than what TSLRCM has to offer, however, Thematic Jedi Masters is likely for you. Thematic Jedi Masters also has several features which other difficulty mods often lack: it consistently adjusts both the Master’s first encounter on their planet of choice (including Vrook’s initial fight in the Dantooine crystal cave) and their appearance in the Restored Enclave; it includes changes to Atris; and it uses the TSLPatcher to inject .utc edit data directly into module files for maximum compatibility. Difficulty, Balance & Testing Methodology Users who have tried other mods which make serious alterations to boss enemies may justifiably be concerned about difficulty and balance. I’d like to disclose how these fights were tested to hopefully put some of those concerns to rest. This mod was tested with two DS characters, one Sentinel/Marauder and one Sentinel/Lord (although only DS characters were used in the test, none of the fights were won with unique powers or abilities which would make them viable on DS but not on LS builds). Both test characters were built well but not min-maxed, and for each battle the use of items (consumables or shield charges) was forbidden: I had to be able to beat each opponent with only melee and Force abilities. Some of the fights were still very difficult, but each could be won without needing to resort to cheesy tactics. For any player with an average or above grasp of D20 mechanics, I believe you can use this mod without concern. Beginners to d20 systems may need to turn the difficulty down for these encounters in some cases, but should still be able to beat them even with sub-par builds with a bit of clever positioning and pre-buffing. Compatibility This mod should be compatible with anything and everything else that doesn’t edit the Masters’ .utc files. Even mods that do so shouldn’t break this, they might just edit some of the same data. The only exception is if another mod drops a relevant .utc file directly to the override, which will fully overwrite Thematic Jedi Masters’s module-based edits. Installation 1. Download the file and unzip it to any folder of your choice (except for the game directory) using a program like 7zip or Winrar. 2. Run the TSLPatcher.exe, click “install mod” and, when prompted, choose your install folder and confirm. Done! Permissions & Thanks As with any mod I have made or will make in the future, this mod has completely open permissions: modify it, redistribute it, reupload it, do whatever. So long as you give myself credit for the idea and the balance settings (if you choose to retain most of these edits) & JCarter426 credit for the mod’s development, go for it. You don’t even need to ask me. Premier thanks goes as usual to @JCarter426, who built this entire mod at my request, and tirelessly put up with literally dozens of revisions of the mod as we fine-tuned the balancing. This mod is much more his than my own and I am tremendously grateful for his help. Thanks also to @doctoramanda from the KOTOR Discord for her help making the "preview" image. Submitter Snigaroo Submitted 01/03/2025 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes
Version 1.0.0
Thematic Jedi Masters Premise A little while after I released Thematic Sith Lords, this mod’s companion, I was approached by the user Starwarsnerd with a request for the same treatment for the Jedi Masters. I told him I would consider it but I believed the Masters were well-balanced and, at the time, didn’t think it necessary. When I started working on the 2.0 release of Thematic Sith Lords I decided to check on the Masters just to confirm everything was well, and I was instead floored by what I saw. All the Masters were the same class; their attributes were wildly out of proportion to their natures; their feats and powers seemed ill-thought-out—hell, in Zez-Kai Ell’s fight he doesn’t even have Force points at all! I expected a garden and found a desert, and so here we are. Just like its elder sibling Thematic Sith Lords, Thematic Jedi Masters is not a conventional difficulty mod. The objective isn’t to make each fight difficult, but unique; to, as best as I’m able, reflect each Master’s personality, philosophy and capability in the stats they’re given. Because of this, unlike Thematic Sith Lords this mod does not have any elements of a “rock-paper-scissors” fight design; unlike the Sith, none of the Jedi Masters are so abhorrently one-dimensional that they could be only capable of one thing and vulnerable to all others, such as Sion is. Rather, this mod takes the approach that each Master’s obvious specialty should be highlighted, and their other abilities treated as realistically as possible given their age, temperament, class and so on. This is where Thematic Jedi Masters focuses: differentiation. Unlike the basegame fights against the Sith Lords, which can at least be said to have enemies designed around certain archetypes, all the Jedi Masters (except Atris) are set up as Guardians with very little differentiation. Thematic Jedi Masters starts by making Zez-Kai Ell a Sentinel and Vrook a Consular—both, I think, with justification—to ensure the Masters themselves represent the Jedi well. From there their stats are designed both around these new classes and their behaviors as Jedi: whether they take risks like Kavar or are furtive like Zez-Kai Ell. In the end, what results are Masters that all feel very different, and much more true to who they are as people. For those who’d like to see exactly what was done and an explanation of the rationale for why, a full list of changes made is available in the download. Why Use Thematic Jedi Masters? As noted, Thematic Jedi Masters isn’t a difficulty mod, as most mods that touch on the Masters would be. The goal is to make each Master a realistic reflection of their natures; to make them fight how they would actually fight. If you want pure difficulty, other mods might be for you. If you want to experience differentiated fights that are harder on average than what TSLRCM has to offer, however, Thematic Jedi Masters is likely for you. Thematic Jedi Masters also has several features which other difficulty mods often lack: it consistently adjusts both the Master’s first encounter on their planet of choice (including Vrook’s initial fight in the Dantooine crystal cave) and their appearance in the Restored Enclave; it includes changes to Atris; and it uses the TSLPatcher to inject .utc edit data directly into module files for maximum compatibility. Difficulty, Balance & Testing Methodology Users who have tried other mods which make serious alterations to boss enemies may justifiably be concerned about difficulty and balance. I’d like to disclose how these fights were tested to hopefully put some of those concerns to rest. This mod was tested with two DS characters, one Sentinel/Marauder and one Sentinel/Lord (although only DS characters were used in the test, none of the fights were won with unique powers or abilities which would make them viable on DS but not on LS builds). Both test characters were built well but not min-maxed, and for each battle the use of items (consumables or shield charges) was forbidden: I had to be able to beat each opponent with only melee and Force abilities. Some of the fights were still very difficult, but each could be won without needing to resort to cheesy tactics. For any player with an average or above grasp of D20 mechanics, I believe you can use this mod without concern. Beginners to d20 systems may need to turn the difficulty down for these encounters in some cases, but should still be able to beat them even with sub-par builds with a bit of clever positioning and pre-buffing. Compatibility This mod should be compatible with anything and everything else that doesn’t edit the Masters’ .utc files. Even mods that do so shouldn’t break this, they might just edit some of the same data. The only exception is if another mod drops a relevant .utc file directly to the override, which will fully overwrite Thematic Jedi Masters’s module-based edits. Installation 1. Download the file and unzip it to any folder of your choice (except for the game directory) using a program like 7zip or Winrar. 2. Run the TSLPatcher.exe, click “install mod” and, when prompted, choose your install folder and confirm. Done! Permissions & Thanks As with any mod I have made or will make in the future, this mod has completely open permissions: modify it, redistribute it, reupload it, do whatever. So long as you give myself credit for the idea and the balance settings (if you choose to retain most of these edits) & JCarter426 credit for the mod’s development, go for it. You don’t even need to ask me. Premier thanks goes as usual to @JCarter426, who built this entire mod at my request, and tirelessly put up with literally dozens of revisions of the mod as we fine-tuned the balancing. This mod is much more his than my own and I am tremendously grateful for his help. Thanks also to @doctoramanda from the KOTOR Discord for her help making the "preview" image.