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Logan23 last won the day on November 26 2023

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About Logan23

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  1. No, its just flying to the space station, just to give the scene some life. My animation skills are limited so yeah it looks like its crashing into it. Could have the ship fly to the planet instead which would remove that confusion.
  2. Hi everyone I'm posting this update in part to show you guys some images and the Intro Movie/ crawler mockup. I'm posting the mockup video in hopes to find someone who can do the real intro movie for the mod. The mockup is done in Blender. The person could take this file and make it look better. At the end of the video you see part of the space station break off,. There would be an explosion there. If anyone is interested in doing the actual intro video, please contact me by DS message. Link to video: RoR intro movie mockup
  3. Hi everyone, Here is a quick pic of a new Corellian beast, which will be found in the jungles on Corellia. Image is attached All thanks to Redrob41 art skills. With the topic of Upscaling textures, ...I know Redrob41 has been doing some and some of the new characters which might be upscaled vs the vanilla. I will need to touch base with him on the topic of how much will be upscaled. If we do Upscale all textures for RoR there will be a discussion on wither it will be part of the initial final game/mod or as a separate optional texture mod. I don't want to show you to much so we can surprise you all. We are plugging away at the mod with updates to the build every week. Logan23
  4. Hi everyone, I want to squash this all with saying the mod is alive and doing well. The mod is drinking some corellian ale on the beaches of Telos 😀 I will be updating this post later with an update. I'm at work so don't have access to show any pics 😀 Logan23
  5. I totally understand what your saying. I have been dealing with some real life stuff the past few months which has slowed the production to a crawl. Things are getting better and we have decided to make some changes to help with the workflow of the project. We were originally looking to release two planets which led to jumping back and forth from one planet content to another. We are now looking to just release planet by planet which will help keep our self focus. Both planets are in testing and adding some missing content. I cant say when the first planet will drop. This new change as well as others should help get planets to release and allow you guys to play it. The project isn't dead but it has its challenges and bumps in the road. Thanks for your support 😃 Logan23
  6. Hi everyone, Sith Holocron is correct. Due to some real life stuff,.. modding for RoR has slowed but I hope to change that soon. I hope everyone had a great holiday season !!
  7. Thats right,... that would be a very fast romance ... especially since you need time to get to know each other.
  8. Epsiode 1 contains two planets, Corellia and Nar shaddaa. The biggest changes would be changing the pacing of the main quest a few times which can be time consuming. Romance is planned to be in the mod but dont expect to romance like in mass effect games.
  9. Just to let everyone know we are still at work on RoR 😃
  10. Its still being worked on. A little slow right now but it should pick up more in the spring. 😃
  11. Hi everyone! Update: We are getting closer to an internal Beta of RoR Episode 1 . Here are some images for you... MORE TO COME...
  12. Wow , didn't know about this... hope there is a fix
  13. There will be no Voice for the PC.
  14. Hi everyone, We are well into Episode 1's production and everything is going well. Wanted to post some images this time. We started to add in the RoR's Load screens You might see some new buildings in this module. Thanks to seedhartha We will be having locations on the map where you can interact with Holonet News to discover what's going on in the galaxy. Started to do some first drafts with the re skinning of the CEC facility. Thanks to the KLE (Kotor Level editor), I was able to use placeables to create a wall which cut the room in half and help make it feel different. Vogga the Hutt's room A small Cantina on Nar Shaddaa MORE TO COME, Loagn23